Use of an ecohydrological model to predict the impact on the Serengeti ecosystem of deforestation, irrigation and the proposed Amala weir water diversion project in Kenya.
Gereta, E. and Wolanski, E and Borner, M and Serneels,S
- Publisher: Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
- Edition: vol. 2 (1-4), 127-134
- Our classification: Conservation
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E. Gereta, E. Wolanski, M. Borner and S. Serneels (2002). Use of an ecohydrological model to predict the impact on the Serengeti ecosystem of deforestation, irrigation and the proposed Amala weir water diversion project in Kenya. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, vol. 2 (1-4), 127-134.
Dr.Eric Wolanski, FTSE
Leading Scientist
Australian Institute of Marine Science
PMB No. 3, Townsville MC
Queensland 4810
Book ID 666