Name ID 1641
See also
Ulyate Family Personal Communications
Extract Author: Bob Walker
Page Number: 504e
Ray's eldest son my late Uncle Jack was initially to help in the running of the New Arusha Hotel. He also started and managed a Bus Service between Arusha and Nairobi, A horrendous trek in those days.
He was to meet his wife The Lady Hilda Borrick during that period. They married and moved to a ranch (CEP Enemy Property farm) at Sanya Juu. Because of her pregnancy and malaria attacks affecting my Aunt Hilda they were forced to leave Sanya Juu for Nykuru in Kenya. I distinctly remember this period of my life .Probably my earliest recollection which must have been in 1939- 1940.
The farm was located in thick bush. The house was typically German colonial style built out of local rock. It was some where below John Goodman's farm and Sanya Juu. Possibly "Bob the Poles" ranch before nationalization took place in 1973.
I never returned to that particular farm since childhood
See also
Ulyate Family Personal Communications
Extract Author: Bob Walker
Page Number: 504i
Extract Date: 1947
Oswald, Thora Barratt and family moved to Gararagwa Estate Sanya Juu in 1947 having purchased the property from a Mrs. Tobler. . (The old lady had a house right next door to the Lion Cub Hotel.) The Barratt family lived on the farm until Nationalization in 1973)
Oswald was to pass away in the late sixties. Most of the children immigrated to Australia or UK. Oswald's son and family moved to South Africa. . Peter was murder in East London RSA in the 1980,s
See also
nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Christa von Mutius
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1950's
Sanya Juu
My mother and step-father (Bill and Nana Seitz) farmed not far from the Ulyate family and my two brothers (Bertie von Mutius and Barry von Mutius - both now deceased) and I went to school at Kongwa (I think) with some of them. Certainly I was friendly with Valerie Ulyate.
Our farm was called Molomo. Before his death Bertie ran a safari business from Momella, a beautiful lodge not far from Usa River and with wonderful views of both Meru and Kilimanjaro. I also attended Arusha school and knew the New Arusha Hotel very well.
Great to read about those wonderful places! What a privilege it was to have grown up there!
Christa Bond (nee von Mutius)
nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2005 05 08
My parents Major Richard and Lallie Didham had a farm in Sanya Juu from 1951 until 1961. We were neighbors to Bill and Nana Seitz, The Barratts and The Goodmans, I remember the children well. We used to get together on special occasions like birthdays and have huge parties. One time at our house a match found its way into the box of fireworks, what followed was like W.W. 3 for about thirty seconds!
I also went to Arusha School from 1958 until 1960. Interestingly enough I went back there in January this year to show my wife and children where I was raised. It was a very nostalgic trip. I met David Read for lunch one day and we reminisced about the old days but also were enthusiastic about the future. I would like to reestablish contact with anyone who in interested.
Charles Didham
Sadleir, Randal Tanzania, Journey to Republic
Page Number: 200
Extract Date: 1957
To these ethnic curiosities were added a colourful collection of European settlers attracted by the excellent climate, fertile soil and beautiful scenery. Many of these settlers grew coffee in Arusha and to a lesser extent Moshi, while others grew the best wheat in the country at 0l Molog in West Kilimanjaro. A handful of white farmers also grew wheat at Oldeani in the north of Mbulu district. They were a microcosm of the Europeans in the White Highlands of Kenya, though with nothing like their political influence. A handful of South African farmers eked out a precarious existence growing wheat and maize at Sanya Juu behind Mount Meru.
nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Gurrjeet Mangat
Page Number: 2007 03 20
Extract Date: 1960's
hi, I came across your correspondence regarding the ulyates on the net and it brought back fond memories of my times in Sanya Juu/Moshi/Arusha, well basically East Africa.
My father apperantely used to run the bus co. from Moshi to Olmolog via Sanya Juu and Ngare Nairobi (his name was Mewa Singh Mangat but was widely known as MANGATY) and was well acquainted with all the farmers of the area right up to Loitokitok on the Kenya border.
I still remember as a child we were fans of Robin Ulayte and Dr.Micheal Woods (the flying doctor) who used to partake in the E.A. Safari Rally and we used to go and watch them at Dutch Corner.
I was wondering out of curiosity of your correspondence with the Ulaytes if you would know if any of the Ulyates or Dr.Wood are still farming in Sanya Juu.
The focal point of the farmers life was the Farm and Duka post office run by an Englishman called Mr.Brown at Ngare Nairobi and we had a contract to deliver and collect mail for the Browns.
P.S I hope I sincereley havent inconvininced yourself by getting in touch with yourself.
Thanking you and regards.
gs Mangat.
See also
Ulyate Family Personal Communications
Extract Author: Bob Walker
Page Number: 504l1
Ray's third son the late Malham Ulyate left Arusha for the UK in 1939. During the war he worked for De Havilland on the Mosquito bomber. While there he married an English girl Hazel. He returned to Tanganyika in 1946 working as a mechanic on the agricultural machines at Ngare Nairobi. He worked on Sunray, Kindi and then moved to Sikarri Estate at Sanya Juu. Malham stayed at Sanya Juu until the mid sixties when he immigrated with his family to the Western Cape RSA.
See also
nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Elizabeth Van Staden (Ulyate) Lolly
Page Number: 2007 03 22
Extract Date: 1963-1968
I would like to be named as another Ulyate who attended Arusha School 1963 - 1968. It was great finding more details of my family especially photos of my grandparents.
The last I heard, Rosemary Goodman (now Peacock) was living in Zimbabwe but with recent problems I don't know if they stayed but I'm sure my sister Valerie Wallace would know.
And, for Shaun Conner:
I see you lived on Waru Waru" my family lived there till they moved to other parts of the world.
My father Malham Ulyate moved to Sanya Juu .the farm was called Sikarari. I also attend Arusha School '63 - '68. Richard Hatter was my 'first' boyfriend , can still remember sitting up in the big avo tree over looking the sports field. Mr Rushbrooke was headmaster the year I left. I cannot remember you but would love to hear from you.
April 24th
Hi David
Many thanks for replying to my email & apologise for not answering sooner but the last month has been very hectic for me.Thank you also for sending on the one to Shaun Conner who was in touch the very same day !! Should any other ex Arusha remember me you may pass on my email address.
It was a surprise to find the "Ulyate family" site & see pictures of my grandfather that I have never seen before. Will send you any update if I can but I might open a can of worms'so to speak. The movie "White Mischief" has nothing to compare with the Ulyates & maybe one day I�ll write a book.
One interesting thing that does stand out is Princess Margarets visit to Arusha School�my sister Valerie (now Wallace) was presented with the Rusha Rusha shield by her Royal Highness.
Have enjoyed seeing what Arusha school looks like even in todays world , something to show my children.
Will keep in touch & once again many thanks for the website.
As a matter of interest I am known to all as Lolly.
Ulyate Family Personal Communications
Extract Author: Marion Langham
Page Number: 200
Extract Date: 22 June 2003
I was delighted to find this site as Ray Ulyate was my Grandfather. My mother bought the New Arusha Hotel from my Grandfather and we lived there until 1947 when my parents sold the hotel and moved to a farm called Gararagua at Sanya Juu.
One of Ray's sons is still alive he lives in South Africa.
Kind regards
Lady Langham
nee Barratt
Dear Marion
Thank you so much for your comments about the web site. I hope you will continue to find things there that interest you, just as they do me.
I've just returned from a trip to Arusha, notable for several things.
One was a visit to the rebuilt New Arusha Hotel. Sadly now it looks much like any other hotel in the world, with it's open polished lobby, and function rooms. The outside, especially away from the street, is more interesting, and the gardens still have some charm. Do you remember it all?
I met a South African Lady who is a manager from the hotel chain which now own/run it, and she had little interest in it's history, although there were two small framed pictures in the lobby (both of which are on my web site).
But I did meet others who were interested in the history of the New Arusha Hotel, and we had fun trying to work out when it may have been built - and by whom. Just about everything I know is on the web site, so I wont repeat it.
Also in Arusha I stayed with someone whose father is at Kifafu Farm, also in Sanya Juu. I don't know how long he's been there, but have emailed to find out more.
I wonder if you have more information about the origins of the Hotel, and how and when your grandfather came to run it.
I'd be grateful for any information you are able to find for me. Obviously I'd like to put as much as possible on the web, but if there is anything you would prefer was not published, do let me know and I'll respect the request.
One of our mysteries is to understand more about a man called Kenyon Painter. One source implies that he "built" the hotel - he certainly invested a lot in the area. On this trip I discovered a stained glass window to his memory in the Anglican Church. Does the name mean anything to you?
And lastly, a few days before your email I heard from a Marjorie Borissow (now in Australia) who was at Arusha School from 1959 - 1965. She says that "My grandparents and family used to own the New Arusha Hotel, and the Lion Cub Hotel in Moshi." Are you all part of the same large family?
Thanks again for your feedback, and I look forward to any more information that you can offer.
With best wishes
David Marsh for information about Northern Tanzania
Harwell, England
See also
Ulyate Family Personal Communications
Extract Author: Dave Ulyate
Page Number: 300
Extract Date: 28/06/2003
Received an email from Marjorie Borrisow (my cousin) about your web site.
The site is very interesting, I had actually seen extracts before somewhere along the line. The information on my Grandfather Ray Ulyate is of great interest seeing that he passed away when I was approx. 2 yrs old & so never knew him, but as a child I had the privilege of seeing many of the movies that he shot in the Serengeti etc & some of the comments brought back good memories.
The articles on the New Arusha Hotel are of great interest also, as like Marj. I also went to school at Arusha, and then worked there for 2 years after leaving school. During this time I had the great privilege of working in the Serengeti for 2 months.
In my collection of photo's I came across this old - very old one and think you may be interested in using it. It is of the New Arusha Hotel & judging by the billboard the date in the right hand top corner is May 3. The year must be 1935 as that was the year of King George V's Silver Jubilee. My brother Bryan worked as assistant manager in the 60's at the Hotel & was probably the last Ulyate to do so, as shortly thereafter my Aunt - Thora Barrat (Marion Langham's mother) sold the Hotel.
One of my fondest memories of the old hotel was an enormous painting on one wall in the main dining room. It was of Africa from Arusha to the Cape. There were others of animals these were all done by an artist who paid his board by doing so. I left Tanzania in 1967 & have not returned since.
My parents farmed at Sanya Juu not to far from where "Hatari" was filmed.
Enough said at the moment as time is of essence.
Dave Ulyate.