Lise Larsen

Name ID 2128

See also

Arusha School Magazine
Page Number: 14-15
Extract Date: 1955

Christmas Story ~ Galloping Horses

Extract ID: 5666

See also

Arusha School Magazine
Page Number: 22-23
Extract Date: 1955

The Haunted Wood ~ A Trip by Rocket Plane

Extract ID: 5670

See also

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Lise Kullander, now Madden
Page Number: 2008 08 04
Extract Date: 1955 - 61

Lise Kullander, now Madden ~ Arusha school from 1955 till 1961

I went to Arusha school from 1955 till 1961. I have been looking at the site with great interest as there were so many names I recognised. I remember the tortoise which we used to sit on, and I remember the headmaster Mr Hamshire and June Ulyate, Susan Russell, Yvonne Karafiat.

Melody Purchase who used to live in Oldeani also the van Rooyen family and Beaumont family who lived in Karatu. I wonder where everyone is now.I was born in Oldeani and we lived on several Farrab farms where my father was a manager, oh and the Larsen family,Inge and Lise.

I hope this is the right site for the Arusha school alumni as I have been searching for it for ages.

Hope someone remembers me

Extract ID: 5835

See also

Arusha School Magazine
Page Number: 06-07
Extract Date: 1956

St Mary's Square ~ Guides ~ Scouts and Cubs ~ Swimming

St. Mary's Square

Amid the beauties of Venice, with its quaint old houses and picturesque gondolas, that travel under bridges and through narrow alleys, lies St. Mark's Square. Pigeons flutter round the domes and steeples of the peaceful churches and mix with the gathering crowds of sightseers. Dark Italians with their children, chattering away to their friends, are a common sight. The' Doge's Palace can be seen in the distance with its green, domed roof. St. Mark's is near the statibn, but on the Grand Canal and to get there one goes by water-bus or by gondola. On either side lie shops.

Looking at the exterior of the church for the first time gives one a great thrill, for it is very old and beautiful. The massive wooden doors, with the people thronging in and out, are the very safeguard of the church.

Inside, the roof is decorated with wonderful paintings, stretching far and wide. The wooden seats are deep and strong upon the cold stone floor. One part of the church is undergoing repair. The altar is of pure gold, a nd is embedded in a glass case at the far end of the church. On the left side is another altar, lighted dimly with candles. Everything inside is dim and slightly musty. Out through the exit and into the brilliant sunshine, one emerges, feeling a little dazed, but pleased.

Christine Clogger Aged 12 years


The 1st Arusha Company has been in existence for many years. Miss Lovell is now our Captain but our former Captain was Mrs. Jenkinson.

We have had great excitement this year. At the beginning the guides went on a picnic with our Captain along the river. We made fires and generally had good fun.

In the second term of this year we marched in the parade on Queen's Day and also on the Remembrance of the Battle of Britain Sunday.

We have a guide house and each patrol has its own corner which we find very useful.

We are going on another picnic with our Captain and we know it will be a success like the last one.

We wish Miss Lovell, our Captain, great luck in her guiding.

Helen Landcastle

Scouts and Cubs

There have been some eighteen scouts in the troop this year. Of last year's scouts only five were left, so most of the first term was taken up with Tenderfoot Tests. Each week the scout hour has begun with the Flag Break and most weeks a scout has been invested. Usually a short time has been spent in instruction in some kind of scout-craft before either doing some practical scout work or playing a" wide" game. Twice a rope bridge has been built across the swimming pool. On the second occasion a guide who happened to be passing, volunteered to cross and to the great enjoyment of the troop fell in. Still, it was her turn to laugh when the bridge broke and in fell a scout.

A weekend camp was held in the third term at Mr. Hinds's farm at Ngongongare. Practically the whole troop attended, enjoyed the camp and came home tired and sunburnt. The bathing was great fun and the efforts to dam a small stream were strenuous if somewhat futile.

Each Wednesday the Cubs' yell has continued to be heard coming from the old tennis court. Much better progress has been made this year in the passing of tests. By the end of the year nearly all the cubs will have got" one eye open." Cock fighting still is the favourite team game, and it is always" Let's have Mau Mau and Police" when it is time for wide games.

W. E. Morgan

Swimming Sports

The School House Swimming Sports were held in the first term of 1955. There were all the usual races and diving and also a bedtime race in which the competitors had to swim with a lighted candle. Another amusing race was the obstacle race, and diving for stones always causes great excitement.

Outstanding swimmers in both Houses were : Gilda Troup, David Phibbs and Jean More in North House, and Lise Larsen, Michael Aylward and Stephan Wechsler in South House, all of whom have won their swimming colours.

The Swimming Shield was won by South House, who beat North by only a few points. At the end of the sports Mr. Hamshere and Mr. Johnston appeared at the edge of the pool dressed as two old ladies in peculiar hats and frilly dresses. They both stood shivering at the end of the pool, but finally they jumped in, losing their hats as they swam around.

The sports were very enjoyable and we all hope next year's Swimming Sports will prove as interesting as these.

Lise Larsen Aged 12 years

Extract ID: 5676

See also

Arusha School Magazine
Page Number: 14-15
Extract Date: 1956

Westminster Abbey ~ Netball ~ The Sea at Night ~ The Vulture

Extract ID: 5682

See also

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Lise Larsen
Page Number: 2007 03 01
Extract Date: 1956

Lise Larsen - Arusha School- 1948 - 1956

My sisters and I (Ane, Lise and Inge) Larsen were all born in Arusha and all went to school at the Arusha School under the headmastership of Cyril Hamshere.

One of my best friends was Antonia Hamshere now a doctor in S.Africa and I got to know the family fairly well.

Cyril was actually born,in what was then Bristish Guiana, and not in East Africa as I read on this site. He was a wonderful headmaster for us kids with paper chases, 'rambling' climbing Mt Meru, trips to Ngorongoro and so forth. No doubt he ran a tight ship but I don't think any of us suffered through that. I have always thought his teaching of local history was marvellous. At the Kenya High we were only fed European History. Very few of us there had ever been to Europe !!

Just to let you know that I have very fond memories of my days at Arusha School, though those that remember the 'seven crossings' in the advocado trees would agree that 'Work Place Health and Safety' would no doubt be horrified !!

Thanks for the feedback. Can you confirm the dates when you were at Arusha School?

I know it must include 1956 because I see from the School Magazine of Feb 1956 that you were 12 then and you won:

A Standard Form (SF) II Prize (I received a SF IV prize at the same time)

A Music Prize (with Caroline Pearson)

Plus the Anne Revington Cup and the Selian Cup.

Can you remember these, and what the Cups were for?

You were also in the Chorus of Soldiers in a production of "The Charcoal Burner's Son"

And you wrote a piece about the School House Swimming Sports, and the Netball Team.

There's also a piece by Tonia Hamshere about the Sports Day, in fact an Inter Schools Sports day, in which you broke the high jump record (4ft 3 3/4 inches).

Hi David, I certainly can't remember much of all that !! But you inspired me to look for a Magazine and there was V0l 1 N0. 1 1955.

I did leave in '56 and as far as I can remember started in '48 or '49, the kindergarten was in the main building as the Junior section was not built. I recollect making massive "pompoms" in those early days.

What those Cups were for I've no idea - I was the sporty type not much for the study stuff so must be for sport or something.

I have Tonia's email address and her sister Diana lives in South Ascot. Cyril was very good to me in that he got me my first job after high school as assistant matron at Arusha and then some teaching * yr olds before I went teacher training in England.

He wasn't over impressed with my first English posting to a secondary modern school in Walsall so suggested I applied for a P.E. position at St Mary's Convent in South Ascot where he had been giving some talks etc. I spent 4 very happy years there before moving to Australia.

I have a spare copy of the 1955 magazine if you would like it I can mail it to you. The prizes we apparently got !! What were they for ??

Thanks for your reply have a happy summer.

Cheers Lise

Extract ID: 5227

See also

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Elizabeth Russell nee Palfrey
Page Number: 2007 08 15

about: Lise Larsen and Ane.

I was thrilled to read the pieces from Lise Larsen.

Her sister Ane was a very dear friend of mine and Ane and her husband were at my wedding in Nairobi in March 1960. I would really love to make contact with Ane again and catch up on 47 years!

I have been all over the world since then and currently live in Sugar Land, Texas.

My parents were farmers at Olmolog, West Kilimanjaro. Dad (Arthur Palfrey)was killed in a plane crash in 1970 in the Monduli mountains.

My mother (Gladys Amelia Palfrey) went to South Africa with my brother and sisters where they still reside.

Reading all the news from old friends and school chums is fascinating. Keep it up!

Extract ID: 5446