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2001 Feedback

Started by nTZ, 29 June, 2009, 11:40

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See also

    * Richard Meinertzhagen

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Ed Valfierno
Extract Date: 20 May 2001
Kenya Diary

Your advert for the book "KENYA DIARY" by Richard Meinertzhagen lists it as having been published in 1910. No. It was first published in 1957 (and written not long before that), and was reprinted by Eland in 1983; Eland soon withdrew the book from sale because the publisher decided the book was a pack of lies. (It is.)
Extract ID: 4103

See also

    * George Rushby
    * R.R. (Ray) Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Mike Paterson
Extract Date: 29 June 2001
Mike Paterson - remember many of the people on your site

Brilliant site which I constantly refer to.

I was brought up in Tanganyika and remember many of the people on your site not to mention the places.

I collect books about Tanganyika and thanks to digitalsafaris i now have John Millard's book and John Cooke's.

One book which might interest you is called 'The hunter is death' by TV Bulpin which is about George Rushby, hunter,goldminer,and deputy game warden of Tanganyika. He mentions staying at Ray Ulyate's hotel in Arusha.

In follow up I found this page cached in Google

(www.gametrail.co.za/basecamp/OUT%20OF%20AFRICA/ MAN-EATERS.HTM)

The most astonishing and audacious activity of man-eating lions, and the mysterious black magic of lycanthropy, took place in Tanzania in the years during, and just after, the Second World War. Lions and lion men (watuSimba) were inextricably mixed.

Over one thousand five hundred human beings were killed and eaten in the Njombe and Singida districts and a witchdoctor named Matamula Mangera was reputed to be the lord of the lions, controlling their ferocity and directing attacks against people and areas of his choice. The deputy-game warden of what was then Tanganyika, the famous George Rushby, was sent to the area to deal with the lions after the war.

His adventures in a setting of witchcraft, terror and the twenty-two most evil lions ever known to man combined to provide a hunting experience without parallel in history.

His book, The Hunter is Death, records the details of a weird sequence of quite unexplainable events.
Extract ID: 4104

See also

    * Naomi Kipury

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Elizabeth Fletcher Glenn
Extract Date: 4 July 2001
Oral Literature of the Maasai

A young Maasai in Masai Mara (who had had eight years of school) said that he had learned a great deal by Naomi Kipury's 1983 book (Oral Literature of the Maasai, published by Heinemann Educational Books in Nairobi). He gently asked if I might be able to obtain a new copy as the copy available to him had been passed around so much it was almost worn out. I've been very creative today in trying to locate the book. Telephoned W.H.Smith here in England. Telephoned Barnes & Noble in US......to no avail. Would you please help me find a copy of the book? It will subsequently go to Kenya straight-away! In advance, thank you.

Sincerely, Elizabeth
Extract ID: 4105

external link

See also

    * Matengo Folktales

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Joseph L. Mbele
Extract Date: 9 July 2001
Joseph L. Mbele - Matengo Folktales

I just visited your website. Good work. I am a Tanzanian, currently teaching in the English Department at St. Olaf College, Minnesota, USA. If you have a minute, you can take a look at my website. You might be interested in my work in Tanzanian folklore, including _Matengo Folktales_.

Sincerely Joseph l. Mbele

web: http://www.stolaf.edu/people/mbele
Extract ID: 4106

See also

    * Hatari
    * Mbeya School
    * Robert Paterson
    * Tukuyu

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Mike Paterson
Extract Date: 20 July 2001
Mike Paterson

Thanks for replying and the info. There is also quite a good bookshop called Kenya books in brighton just tap that in and you should get them they have a lot of TZ stuff.

I was born in Kampala 1948 and lived and went to school in Tanganyika (Mbeya 1955-58 and St Michael's & St George's Iringa 1959-1962 afterwards in UK.

My father Robert was in the administration as a DO and DC (d1995) and we moved about a lot mainly Lake Province (Shinyanga Biharamulo Bukoba and Ukerewe Island,Southern Highlands(Tukuyu) also Dar and Kisarawe.

I never lived in the Arusha area but stayed at the New Arusha Hotel on our trips to Nairobi and also with the Powells (DC Arusha c1961)

I passed through Arusha in 1992 on safari. An interesting contrast from what it was in the 50's (probably the nicest little town in EA) I seem to remember that the were filming Hatari when we were there early 60's. What struck me most was the lack of water in the river which I remember being quite swift flowing. If you remember any folks who went to school out there you could see familiar names at iringa.ourfamily.com or fungasafari.com for the Kenya schools.

Your site is brilliant and it has been great to see familiar names close family friends like Hans Cory,John Moffat, Hugh Elliot and parents of guys I was at School with (George Dove,Van Rooyen, Von Mutius etc also David Western.)

Keep up the good work

Best Wishes

Mike Paterson
Extract ID: 4107

See also

    * Francis Arundell

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Martin Arundell
Extract Date: 10 Dec 2001
Francis Arundell

Are there any books about my grandfather 'Francis Arundell' known as 'Dusty' who was a gamekeeper of the serengeti sanctuary. He was also a friend of Ionides, known as the 'snakeman'.
Extract ID: 4108