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Previous Feedback about Arusha School

Started by nTZ, 29 June, 2009, 11:49

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29 June, 2009, 11:49 Last Edit: 29 June, 2009, 18:08 by nTZ
Arusha School Alumni

Roughly in order of attending the School, oldest first

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Majorie Borissow
    * Malham Ulyate
    * Ted Ulyate
    * Bob Walker

Ulyate Family Personal Communications
Extract Author: Bob Walker
Page Number: 504n
Extract Date: 1930-1950's
Ulyate family members that attended Arusha School

Malham Ulyate, Early 1930.s 1935 Awarded "Victor Ladorum" for sporting achievements, Name still on the sports plaque in the dinning hall

Edward Ulyate,(Ted) Early 1930,s 1935 Awarded "Victor Ladorum" for sporting achievements. Name still on the sports plaque in the dinning hall.

Robert Walker (Christopher) 1944-49.

Nigel Borissow 1950,s

Jocelyn Borissow 1950,s

Marjorie Borissow 1950,s

Michael Borissow 1950,s

Donald Ulyate 1950,s

June Ulyate 1950,s

Brenda Ulyate 1950,s

Mrs. Kay Ulyate (Matron) 1950,s

Robin Ulyate 1950,s

Phyllis Ulyate 1950,s

Sally Ulyate 1950,s

Valarie Ulyate 1950,s

Brian Ulyate 1950,s

David Ulyate 1950,s

(Not a complete list)

Elizabeth Van Staden (Ulyate) Lolly wrote saying "I would like to be named as another ULYATE who attended Arusha School 1963 - 1968."
Extract ID: 4755

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Gertrude Goode
    * Alan McFarland

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Alan McFarland
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1935 - 1943
Alan McFarland - Arusha School 1935 - 43

I went to Arusha from 1935 to 1943. Mrs Goode was the Matron and I remember her very well. I was only 5 years old. I can still taste the tablespoon of liquid quinine received from her every night - and feel the red hairbrush that delivered some well deserved whacks! We loved her dearly.

I have a few photographs of pupils from that era. I would like to see the photographs that Helen Goode has of her maternal grandmother.

Alan McFarland.
Extract ID: 4987

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Jeff Hollyer
    * David How-Brown
    * David Read

Read, David Beating about the Bush
Page Number: 011
Extract Date: 1937
David Read - Arusha School - 1937 -

The sudden intrusion of life at boarding school proved to be a far more unkind world than I had anticipated. I was far behind in the work, at a far lower standard of ability and could barely Read or write.

When I arrived I was initially put in a class suitable for my age but could not cope with the demands being made on my untrained mind and was sent down to a level more in fitting with my qualifications. That was shaming enough, but I was also bullied and called "white nigger" by many of my peers because of my less than cosmopolitan bush childhood, which made life even harder to bear. Most of the children, and especially the girls, could not be bothered with me believing my lack of knowledge to be a mark of stupidity rather than a result of an incomplete education. The majority of them had been reared in Africa but none had lived a life as isolated from European influence as I, which led to their notions that I was some sort of tribal freak. As the days passed and time softened the harsher opinions of my first arrival, some of the others began to realise that I was not quite as uncivilised as I might have first seemed and two boys of my own age took me under their wing. Jeff Hollyer and David How-Brown were to remain friends for the rest of my life, and Fate would conspire to knit together our paths frequently over the coming years. The characteristics that were to define them as adults, were already branded upon their personalities with Jeff to remain the ginger, short and stocky one with David also of the same colouring, blessed with an open outgoing character that was simultaneously honest and truthful.
Extract ID: 4176

external link

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mark Evdemon

Evdemon, Mark Personal communication
Extract Author: Mark Evdemon
Extract Date: 11 July 2003
Mark Evdemon - Arusha School 1945-1949

Very interesting site, specially as I attended the School for about 4 years (1945-1949); about the Meru mountain climbers...my name was up on a board in the dining area at the time. Do you perhaps have a photo of that board?

Amazing to read about the Giant tortoise. I remember it well.


Thanks for your feedback and comments.

I don't think I have a photo of "your board", but as you will see from http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00688.html#04062 there are lots of boards still hanging. The one board I took a picture of related to the time I was there (1953-57).

I was back in Arusha last month and visited the school again - and yes the boards are still there, as is the tortoise. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me, but next time I will try to make sure that I do, and maybe to capture all the boards. I did make a note of all the headmaster names (N.E Langford-Smith 1945-46, C.E.Hamshere 1946-63), and met the current head, and was shown round by one of the teachers. The same buildings as existed in our time, now house 1300 pupils. They still use the same crest/badge, and the motto "Seeking the Highest" has been added. (I'm not sure when, maybe it's always been the school motto). One teacher was very keen to emphasise that they try to teach and live by that motto. And literally - they still have the annual Meru climb.

Good to hear from you. May I have your permission to add your name and comments to the web site. I don't publish email addresses on the web, but happily put people in touch if so requested. If you have any interesting memories, photos or cuttings from your time in Arusha I'm sure there are many who would be interested in sharing them.

Hello David...thanks for your informative e-mail and the interesting Tanzania site that you made. I will be surfing through it again as I am not done checking it all yet. Sure, you can use my name, etc. as you see fit. I am sending you the below address of a site that I made last year so that when I am gone, my children will have a short "history" of my life.

Extract ID: 4324

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * O.T. Cordell
    * Oliver J Cordell
    * Hatari

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Oliver J Cordell
Page Number: 2004 08 02
Oliver J Cordell - Arusha School 1947-1950

what a great website . Just discovered it and am exhausted from extended read , so shall keep short my connexion . My father was rector at the church for the above period and built the hall / extension himself , even to the point of making the concrete blocks himself by hand .

He had first come to tanganyika as a missionary in '27/ '28 and spent most of his time in dodoma . Arusha was a stint / perk to give missionaries a bit of a break from the grind of life in the 'interior '

life was great then , and the site brings back countless memories

I came back to arusha in '60 for a swahili course at tengeru prior to posting to shinyanga as a district officer (cadet) .remember I had to talk my way out of a fight with john wayne's standin after having cast a lewd look at elsa martinelli during a party at the new arusha hotel ! ! ! .

Climbed meru to the top w/o a guide , relying on memory of my first school ascent in '49 (?) when I all but reached the top . Was pretty pleased with myself .

Last visit to arusha was '66 . Wd love to get back again and often wonder about the old families who lived in the area , figenschous , eckhardts , michaeledes , horns and so on ! !

After two yrs in shya joined the australian foreign service till '93. now live in sweden with second wife and new family ! !

Am sending this web address to karin blowers /neé drews who lives in qld australia and is interested in catching up with old students from our time .

Grettings to all ex arusha hands . Oliver J cordell


I'm trying to catch up with nTZ web site things, and find that I neglected to reply to your email. Please forgive me that so much time has elapsed.

In fact, your email has reminded me of so many things which I'd love to dig out to show you and put on the web site. But I've been very busy, and am now trying to prepare for a trip to Arusha next week to help develop a web site.

I'll try to write again soon, and send you a plan of the rectory - hand drawn by my father (rector 1953-57), plus photos of the boards in the church recording the rectors, including your fathers name.

Presume you've found the DVD of Hatari. The New Safari Hotel has been completely rebuilt, and is owned by the Lutheran Church, and the bar is dry! More memorabilia of the film is found in the, also rebuilt, New Arusha Hotel. I recently met an old Safari Guide from Nairobi who had America clients with him in Arusha when the filming was taking place. They were in the Safari Bar when John Wayne came in, and all the women were awe struck. The guide persuaded John Wayne to go over and say hello to his clients. And that was the highlight of their African Safari - they talked about nothing else for the next 10 days, with little interest in the animals!

I know only two people in the Area who have been there since the fifties. They may remember some of the names you mentions, but I suspect that most people have moved on.

I'll be in touch again, as soon as I can.

Extract ID: 4852

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Jim Pirie

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jim Pirie
Page Number: 2004 12 17
Extract Date: 1947-1952
Jim Pirie - Arusha School 1947-1952

My name is Jim Pirie, and I was at Arusha School from 1947-1952, before going to Kongwa.

I remember you from Olmalog, My Dad who worked at Riddoch Motors in Arusha, was a friend

of both David Read and Piet Hugo.

I have been trying to contact as many old school friends as I can. . .
Extract ID: 4965

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2008 02 24
Stuart Webb - Arusha School 1948 - 1953

Our son, Stuart, went to Arusha school. He recently returned there with his son in January of this year, finding the school in good shape. He also was pleased to find our house on Ol Molog still in good condition.
Extract ID: 5596

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Stuart Webb
Page Number: 2008 02 04
Extract Date: 1948-63
Stuart Webb - Arusha School - 1948 - 53

I was back in Arusha in January 2008 with my son, a botanist with Harvard University working in Borneo, and dropped in to see Arusha School. I was there from about 1948 to 1953 before heading off to Michaelhouse in Natal, SA. We were on a walking safari with Paul Oliver who recommended looking up your site when I returned to the UK.

We managed to get out to our old farm at Ol Molog, went through our old house and wandered about the farm which has changed little in the intervening years. We were kindly invited to dinner at Simba Estate by the current owner (Sjouke Bruinsma) of our farm and that of De Beer and spent a pleasant evening discussing times past. Little has changed in the farming world at Ol Molog since the days of my father (Cam Webb) - still talking about rainfall and bags per acre.

We left Tanganyika in 1960 to return to the UK. I went on to read Agricultural Economics at Cornell University, then obtained an MBA and ended up on Wall Street. Later, I returned to London, worked as a merchant banker before retiring to a farm in West Sussex.
Extract ID: 5557

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Susan Wynn Jones

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Susan Bailey, nee Wynn Jones
Page Number: 2007 03 26
Extract Date: 1950
Susan Bailey, nee Wynn Jones - Arusha School, 1949-50

I was sent your e-mail address re life at Arusha School.

After 56 years my siblings and I went back to Tanzania,the first place to visit was the school. Our father - William Wynn Jones was the first Headmaster, we all lived upstairs,having been born at Arusha.

We were thrilled to see the school,meet staff,see the tortoise-all had a ride! And found many memories.Sad to see the avenue of trees gone,but the school is doing so well.

We travelled down memory lane to Moshi, Merangue, Dodoma and Mvumi were we went after Dad's time at Arusha School, so we were able to visit the districts, meeting people who remembered us. Our visit was like a homecoming,which we all enjoyed.

Having read David Reed's book, I realise why my name did not appear on the Mt.Meru board of 1950 - I reached the top. But not to the place where the book was to signed!!

Cheers-Susan Bailey,nee Wynn Jones.
Extract ID: 5355

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Royce Buckle
    * David Dare
    * John Dare
    * Ted David
    * Michael Finnegan
    * Pat Finnegan
    * Suzanne Franzel
    * Diana Milner
    * Elizabeth Palfrey
    * Susan Wynn Jones
    * Michael Zibarras

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Edward G. David - ['Ted']
Page Number: 2008 09 17
Extract Date: 1949-51
Edward David - 1949-1951 - travelled to [Arusha] school from Kigoma and later from Dar-es-Salaam

Oliver Cordell recently 'enlightened' me regarding the Arusha School website..... Very interesting - but regretably very few alumni reporting !!!

The website instructions are not very clear - maybe I am missing something - so please confirm that this is the way to send you my school 'information' for the website??

I attended Arusha School from 1949 to 1951 - and have very happy memories. Then I attended Prince of Wales and subsequently went to London to complete my studies.

Previously, my brother Werner and sister Annalise also attended the school.

I recall that beautiful Suzanne Franzel joined the train from Kigoma at Uvinza on our way to Dodoma - and the long, arduous and dusty 275 mile trip by Tanganyika Railways bus that climbed the very steep and dangerous escarpment at around Kondoa Irangi [memory!!!] en route to Arusha.....!!!!

I vividly recall the following names:

- The Ibsens from Tabora - one son is now a Bishop in Denmark

- John and David Dare - parents with the Salvation Army in Tabora,

- Royce Buckle

- Susan Wynn-Jones - now in Canberra, Australia. Susan & I won the 'Rasha-Rasha shield' in 1951.

- Diana Milner

- Michael & Pat Finnegan - Morogoro

- Michael Zibarras & his sister

- Johannes Pretorious

- Albert _______

- Elizabeth & Anne Palfrey

WOW! Now over 55 years ago - where did time fly??? Thank God every day for continuing good health!!

Would love to hear from OLDE rafikis - please contact me as noted below.

Regards - Mungu Utabariki!!

Ted David

45 Sutton Place South

New York, NY 10022

Tel: (646) 734-5780
Extract ID: 5817

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Christ Church
    * Arusha: Clock Tower
    * Gertrude Cloudsdale
    * Bob Goode
    * Gertrude Goode
    * Moshi: Coffee Tree Inn
    * Moshi: Ridgeway Hotel

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Helen Grazier (nee Goode)
Page Number: 2004 06 11
Extract Date: 1950's
Helen Goode - Arusha School - 1950's

I've just come across your site with so much interesting information on Arusha School. I was a former pupil there in the mid 1950's, but my paternal Grandmother Gertrude Goode was matron at the school for 8 years in the 1930/40's. I have a few photos of that era if you are interested.

My Grandfather Robert (Bob) Goode was an architect/builder who is responsible for a number of churches & buildings including the Arusha clock tower.

Congratulations on producing such a wonderful site which holds so many memories for so many people.


Helen Grazier (nee Goode)


Forgive me, I failed to reply to your email when it arrived - I was in fact away, visiting Arusha - and I must have missed it completely. Now I'm trying to catch up on my nTZ web site stuff, before another trip back to Arusha.

I'm most interested in your information about your Grandfather who designed the Clock Tower. I've been trying for ages to find out when it was built, and why, and who paid for it, and, of course who designed it.

SO far I gather it was just after WW2, and donated by a "Greek".

Do you have any more information you could share with me, and the web site about the Clock Tower specifically, but also would be fascinated to hear more about other buildings your Grandfather designed.

What were your parents doing, that you were at Arusha School in the 50's - and where are you now?

I also was at the school at the same time 53-57 (my father was rector at Christ Church), but I'm sorry that I don't remember your name - I'm not sure that I could remember many names.

I have two Arusha School Magazines Feb 56, and March 57, and I see no mention of any Goodes - the names listed are either magazine contributors or prize winners of various types. I did see an poem in memory of "Cloudy" - Sister Gertrude Cloudsdale, Senior Matron 1945-49. Maybe all matrons were called Gertrude!

Thanks for your email, and again forgive me for taking too long to reply

It was a pleasant surprise to hear from you, as I must admit I thought maybe my email had gone into a "black hole". Unfortunately, I haven't too many details about my Grandfather and there's no-one alive for me to call on for help. What I do have are a magazine article in 1960 written about my grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary, and the script of a speech my grandmother gave in 1969.

In the magazine (Looking Glass) it describes their life when they moved to Moshi in 1929 from Eldoret & prior to 1923 they were in India. Gertrude Goode became the town baker in Moshi, and

"in these pre-war years Mr Goode, as architect or builder and contractor was responsible for such well-known buildings as the Dodoma Cathedral, the Arusha Church and the old Coffee Tree Inn (which became the New Ridgeway Hotel)."

"When the Arusha School first opened in 1937, Mrs Goode was asked to give a hand for two or three days. Those few days lasted 8 years, where as matron of the school she was responsible for the well-being of the children."

The photos I have are of the staff, dining room and pupils and are dated 1939.

In my grandmother's speech she says:

"My husband, a military Engineer was filling in a great want, designing, building etc. The Australian Church Missionary Society had their headquarters in Dodoma about 2 days by train away. The Bishop asked my husband to design a cathedral in 6 days! To cut a long story short, he did it, staying up late at night. I washed the blue prints in the bathroom outside and finished the morning the train was leaving, and helped to carry the copy out full to dry! Dodoma cathedral is beautiful, a smaller copy was built in Arusha."

"My husband built the first Church of Scotland Church in Moshi, which was part of the Minister's house, as Moshi was so poor that the Minister had to give up his dining and drawing room to serve as a church. The furniture was made by young Africans taught by my husband. A new church and vicarage was built some 11 or more years later, and the first one now serves as a hall for visiting missionaries."

It seems that my grandfather did most of his work during the 1930's (he was born in 1881), so I think it would have been around the same time that he did the Arusha Clock Tower. I know he also designed and built the Chapel of St John the Divine in Moshi as my parents were married there in 1945.

My father David Goode was 18 yrs old when the family moved from India. He had a variety of jobs including a Beacon Inspector in the Lupa Goldfields, but after WW2 he joined the Agricultural Department where he remained until we left for England in 1960 (my mother came from UK). Both my brother Michael and I were born in Bukoba, but the family moved every 3 years or so due to my father's job. Michael and I went to Mbeya, Arusha and St Michael's & St George's in Iringa.

I emigrated to Perth, Western Australia in 1970 and my parents (who have both since died) followed me in 1983. My brother remains in UK.

My memory for names is atrocious, and trying to remember those from so many years ago is almost impossible for me. The only claim to fame I have from Arusha is that I won a scholarship to attend Iringa and I was considered a promising violinist!!

I'm sorry I can't be more specific about the Clock Tower. I visited Arusha while on a camping holiday in 1989 and was thrilled to see that it still holds pride of place in the town.


Extract ID: 4831

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Hatari
    * Roy Holmes
    * Piet Hugo
    * Ol Molog
    * Arthur Palfrey
    * Elizabeth Palfrey

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Elizabeth Palfrey
Page Number: 2004 06 21
Extract Date: 1950's
Elizabeth Palfrey - Arusha School 1950's?

I'm so excited!

I was doing some research on Arusha because I went to school there and lived at Olmolog when I came across your sight. Time was suddenly peeled away and the memories flooded back.

My father, Arthur Palfrey, farmed at Olmolog and Piet Hugo was our next door neighbour. He is buried in the Christian cemetery in Arusha. I left East Africa in 1960 to emigrate to the U.S.

My brother in law was Roy Holmes who married my sister, Anne Palfrey. Roy Holmes passed away in Newcastle, Kwa-Zulu-Natal in January 2003. He worked in Arusha on the film 'Hatari'.

Currently, I live in Texas but my family all live in South Africa. My maiden name was Elizabeth Palfrey.
Extract ID: 4849

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Molomo
    * Momella Lodge
    * Sanya Juu
    * Ulyate
    * Bert von Mutius
    * Christa von Mutius

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Christa von Mutius
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1950's
Christa von Mutius - Arusha School - 1950's

Sanya Juu

My mother and step-father (Bill and Nana Seitz) farmed not far from the Ulyate family and my two brothers (Bertie von Mutius and Barry von Mutius - both now deceased) and I went to school at Kongwa (I think) with some of them. Certainly I was friendly with Valerie Ulyate.

Our farm was called Molomo. Before his death Bertie ran a safari business from Momella, a beautiful lodge not far from Usa River and with wonderful views of both Meru and Kilimanjaro. I also attended Arusha school and knew the New Arusha Hotel very well.

Great to read about those wonderful places! What a privilege it was to have grown up there!

Christa Bond (nee von Mutius)
Extract ID: 4988

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Basil George Davis

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Martin Davis
Page Number: 2003 03 02
Extract Date: 1951-1960
Davis Family - Arusha School 1951 - 1960

We are the Davis Family, our father was Senior Superintendent Basil George Davis of Karanga Prisons, Moshi.

The Davis Children Joan, Joyce, Mary, Martin and Peter went to Arusha Boarding School - between 1951-1960.

On our family reunion to Tanzania in 2000 we visited Arusha Boarding School and we are happy to report that the Tortoise was an elderly gent but still going strong!! and still loved by all the children.

I remember most of my time at Arusha I spent outside Mr Hampshire's Office or visiting the matron M's Debeer!! For getting caught off my bed during siesta time!!

Still very happy days!!

We spent 13 wonderful years in Tanganyika and left when independence came about in 1961.

Joan still speaks swahilli like a native and was well at home on our reunion, the rest of us struggled a bit with the language!!

We plan another visit in Feb 2005!! Do you still live near Moshi?

Extract ID: 4123

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Rodney Holland
    * Kongwa School
    * Oldeani School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Rodney Holland
Page Number: 2005 01 06
Extract Date: 1952-1955
Rodney Holland - Arusha School - 1952-1955

Hi there. I have just spent sometime browsing through the Arusha School site and found a lot of interesting information and it has brought back a lot of memories of the time I was at Arusha between 1952 and 1955.

Prior to Arusha I had been to Lushoto School and after Arusha I went to Kongwa .

I remember being sent to Oldeani during my first year as Arusha was full. I was not too happy about that.I was very fortunate in having the chance to climb Mt. Meru twice and I still have vivid memories of those experiences.We lived in Tanga where my father was employed by TANESCO.

I intend to visit Arusha and Tanga this year (2005) and would like some advice on how to get to Tanga my plan is to try to hire a vehicle with a reliable driver in Arusha to take us to Tanga for a couple of days and then return to Arusha would you or anyone else know if this would be be possible if so any contacts in Arusha .I have not been back to Tanga since 1961 .

It's a great site thankyou for it .



Thanks for your email, and kind comments about the site.

We must have overlapped at Arusha school - I was there from 1953-57.

Looking at the school magazine from Feb 56, I see that you were one of the Chorus of Soldiers in the performance of the Charcoal Burner's Son on 1st April 1955!

And you may have seen your name on the board - still hanging in the school


I've recently been given a copy of a history of Arusha School, written in 1974. I should have full extracts from it available in a few days - or whenever I can find the time to do an update of the site. Meanwhile you can access a full pdf version here

http://www.ntz.info/docs/history_of_arusha_school.pdf (360KB)

You will find in it mention of the ill fated attempt to run a branch of the school at Oldeani. (p33)

"An interesting slant on the personality of Hamshere and the difficulties of adequately providing for the growing enrolments comes from the opening of a branch school 100 miles away at Oldeani in 1950. A teacher, Ryan, and his wife offered to run it because they found the prospect of having responsibility and being 100 miles remote from supervision attractive. When the Ryans were due to go on leave in 1952, a new master, Edmonson, and his wife arrived to relieve them. However Ryan considered them unsuitable to take over the "personal empire" he had built up, so he refused to hand over, locked the buildings and left for Arusha. Hamshere was not able to resolve the crisis: the Ryans went on leave, the Edmonsons resigned, and the branch school never reopened."

Now, Tanga.

I spent a few weeks there in 1957 waiting for the boat to take us home to England, and, like you, have not been back since. If you are inclined to beaches, consider a few days down the coast at Pangani. I know the people who run http://www.emayanilodge.com/ . Depending on hotels in Tanga, it may be worth basing yourself here, and taking a day trip to Tanga. Are you interested in WWI, and the battle of Tanga etc. If so, it would be worth trying to find a guide who knows a bit about it and can help you find things. I'd need to ask about to track one down.

There is certainly one Tanzanian guide/driver based in Moshi, with car, who I can totally recommend - but I need to find his contact details. So let me know when are you planning to visit, and what else you have planned for Arusha or beyond. Ie do you just need a driver for a Tanga extension, or for a longer safari? Depending on the answers, I can then put you in touch with some people.

Note that I'm not a travel agent! Apart from looking after ntz.info, I maintain several websites for African Safari companies, many in Tanzania, and use that as an excuse to visit whenever possible.

Thankyou for your quick reply to my email.I remember being in the choir at school and enjoying it infact at one time I had dreams of grandeur of being a pop star but never made it.

Now our proposed visit to Tanzania there will be 4 of us going and we are proposing to go in August at this stage we havent made a definite plan as we are gathering info.However a proposal is that we would need a vehicle and driver to take us from Arusha to Tanga which I assume would take a day then we would stay in either Tanga or Pangani for 5 days then return to Arusha.We would like to have the vehicle and driver available for this period of 7 days but it would depend on costs.Your idea of visiting Pangani sounds good.After the first week we are considering visiting the game reserves around Arusha.Sorry I cant be more detailed at this stage but I really need to find out if the above is practical and within our budget. Looking forward to hearing from and thanks for your help.
Extract ID: 4977

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * J. van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: John van Rooyen
Page Number: 2008 05 14
Extract Date: 1952-1956
John van Rooyen ~ Arusha School 1952 to 1956

Jambo to all rafikis of the van Rooyen family of Tanganyika Packers (Van and Anna)
Extract ID: 5657

See also

    * Jill Appleby
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Amekas Spaghetti Factory
    * Stelio Stylianou

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jill Appleby
Page Number: 2007 02 11
Extract Date: 1952-56
Jill Appleby: Arusha School 1952-56

I have just discovered your site - it is great to read up on so much.

I was at Arusha from 52-56 and was so disappointed when parents moved me to a UK convent at 11 although I finally managed to get to Iringa (St Michael's & St George's).

Memories are limited although I remember Mrs Hampshere teaching me to plait hair in the Brownies, the visit by Princess Margaret and how the tiny (even then) princess walked the whole of the length of the hall to the stage, then later going with the whole school to the parade somewhere in Arusha to see her again.

Also remember receiving the tackie, of course the tortoise, climbing the trees and many days spent in the san with tonsillitus.

Happy days! I remember going around a spagetti factory with a friend whose dad owned it. Not sure now of the name, but would love to make contact.

We revisited Arusha (2004) and stayed at the modernised New Arusha, visited the school (and saw the tortoise), met the Head and a few children. Hope to go back again sometime. Also went to the Anglican church on the Sunday, remember the times we walked there in crocodile fashion?

I have a load of lovely photos of the school, but am not sure if you have a website I could put them on. Would also love to see some of the others that folks have.

All the best Petra (was known as Jill Appleby in those days - Dad was in PWD)


We must have overlapped, in that I was at Arusha school from 1953-57.

I was a day boy, and so never did the crocodile to the church. But no need because my father was the rector, and so I like next door to the church. But I did hold open the hall door to let the Princess in!!

The spagetti factory must have been Amekas Macaroni Industry, owned by Mr. Stylianou (see http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00681.html). There appears to have been a Stelio Stylianou in the Kindergarten in 1956 (he won an art prize).

I want to update the web site to make it easier to add photos, meanwhile the best way is to ask you to send them to me. I'd add them as an album in your name, with cross links to wherever is appropriate, depending on how much you tell me about each photo.

Thanks for the recollections

Extract ID: 5177

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mrs Fischer
    * Torsten Möller
    * Peter Woodrow

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Peter Woodrow
Page Number: 2005 04 03
Extract Date: 1952-4
Peter Woodrow - Arusha School 1952-4

Just discovered this site by chance!

I was at Arusha 1952-4 after a spell at the Junior European School in Burton St, Dar. We arrived in Dar late 1949/ early 1950 from Nigeria and Cameroon and my father was Director of the PWD until early 1963.

My most recent visit to the school, and to the fascinating son of Mrs Fischer, David Read was in 2002 . As others have recorded, both the old " Conquered Meru" boards and the long suffering tortoise are still there, as is that large picture of the Rift Valley mountains which presided over the smell of boiled vegetables and old soup in the dining hall.

The piano, around such unlikely songs as " A north country maid" from northern England were dinned ( the right word I think) into the young East Africans, also survives ,but is mechanically imperfect/wrecked. The school could do with the attention of a band of painters and carpenters to restore it to its former state, but the inmates , in their bottle green kit, look much as we did.

Memories of the place, the " safaris" to and from it, ( remember one of the Stewart girls falling out of the train and being lost for a day or two circa 1957?) and the teachers are still very vivid, as is the love of that de Beer lady, (matron in the Junior Block) for wielding the the taki. The staff were certainly mixed,- some very kind, and others, well, less so. Mrs Fischer had, beneath that very dominant exterior, a heart of gold.

Interesting to see Torsten Mollers contribution, - I knew his sister Nina and brother Mike well and we just happened to meet getting off a plane in Copenhagen around 1982.

An idea might be to compile a chronological list of alumni from all the correspendents memories with their dates and last known sightings so that we could try to track down a few more of them?
Extract ID: 5039

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Little Theatre
    * Dr. Carloni
    * Margaret Crow
    * V Gormley
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Hatari
    * Bryn Jones
    * Dr. Hugh Lamprey
    * North-Lewis
    * Frank Pope
    * Jean Pope
    * Miriam Pope
    * Paddy Purchase
    * Joy Thomson
    * H Tofte

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Miriam Watters (Pope)
Page Number: 2004 05 29
Extract Date: 1953-61
Miriam Pope - Arusha School 1959-1961

G'day David!

Congratulations on your website - it is a fascinating and a great browse!

My names is Miriam Watters nee Pope. I now live in Brisbane, Australia but I lived East Africa from 1953 until 1961. - spending 3 years in Arusha from 1959 to 1961 (aged 8 to 11). Your website was a trip down memory lane especially with the photo of staff and students in front of Arusha School. I wonder if my face is amongst the students - I was there about the time it was taken!

Mr. Hamshere was a wonderful headmaster and I remember my favourite teacher was Janet Jewell and of course who could forget "BL Jones!

In my autograph book I also have the names of other teachers - H. Tofte, Margaret Crow and V. Gormley. Rev. Bryn Jones was a good friend to my parents Jean and Frank Pope.

Dad was Mechanical Supervisor for PWD. We have happy memories of "Hatari" being made and the excitement of John Wayne and his fellow stars coming to town. I actually met John Wayne, Valentine DeVargis, Red Buttons and Howard Hawks in the Safari Hotel where they were enjoying a beer!

Dad went on safari with our neighbour Hugh Lamprey to catch the rhino for the film and Mum was an extra, chosen through her involvement with the Little Theatre. She acted in many fine plays along with Paddy Purchase .

I read with interest, Michele Calorio's letter on your website. I would love to contact her as I have a photo taken at a children's birthday party held by Mrs Calorio and from memory it was for her daughter Luisa Calorio.

I would be happy for you to include my name on your website and pass my email on to Michele.

Our neighbours in Springvale Road were Dr. and Mrs Carloni and children Nicoletta and Roger. I keep in contact with David "Titch" North-Lewis (now in UK), Melody, Rosemary (both UK) and Nigel Purchase (Kenya) and Joy Thomson (New Zealand).

Joy's father was Rev. Thomson from the Anglican Church. Other names I remember from my class are: Susan Totman, Yvonne Zikarkis, Jane Atlee, Peter Owen-Pawson and Peter French. My younger sister Vanessa was best friends with Elizabeth Cashin. My brother Alan was in the junior school. I also went to Sunday school at the Anglican Church - which has been beautifully kept and looks as good as when we attended church there.

I returned to Arusha in 2002 with my special friend Janet McGavin (who now lives in the UK) who also attended Arusha School. We first met as toddlers in Tabora and we have been close friends since then. One of the current teachers at Arusha School, Shaibu Pelle, showed us around the school. It was a very emotional visit - especially seeing the old tortoise again!

Before moving to Arusha my family lived in Dar-es-salaam where I went to St. Joseph's School for 6 months (in 1956) then we moved to Lindi until 1958. We left Tanzania just after Uhuru, in November 1961, and migrated to Australia in 1962.

By sheer chance I met Colin Swynnerton here in Brisbane - we realised we must have been in the same class as he was also a student at Arusha School and remembered the same class mates names.

I'll get in touch again if my memory comes up with any other names!

Kind regards,

Miriam Watters (Pope)
Extract ID: 4854

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Ian Fosbrooke
    * Kirilo Japhet
    * Bill Morgan
    * Anton Nelson
    * Christopher Nelson
    * Carolyn Pearson
    * Mrs. Gladys Rydon

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Christopher Nelson
Page Number: 2008 07 22
Extract Date: 1955
Christopher Nelson ~ Arusha School 1955

Thank you for organizing this site.

I was a student at Arusha School in l955 for the January term. Being the only American at the time, I was called Hank.

My family lived only 12 miles east of Arusha in the heart of Meru country on the old German Lutheran mission estate at Makumira, so I was a day student, often riding my bike home on the tarmac after hockey practise.

My father, Anton Nelson, a Californian, was hired by Meru Cooperative Union, a group of some 4000 African coffee growers. This unusual arrangement came about at the instigation of Kirilo Japhet, one of these Meru farmers. He is mentioned elsewhere on the site in connection with the Meru Lands Case. My father had met Kirilo and his lawyer Earle Seaton at the United Nations in New York City.

Our European neighbors were the two with homes on the rim of Lake Duluti crater, the Fosbrookes and Gladys Rydon, both mentioned elsewhere on this site. Gladys was an Australian coffee estate owner and her home in view of Mt. Meru was ringed with a most beautiful flower garden. I have a photo her pouring tea on the veranda. I remember one tea in which Kirilo was in attendance. Kirilo by that time had become a rising star on the political firmament in Tanganyika. Both these strong personalities were the epitome of gracious interaction.

At Arusha School I remember fellow students Ian Fosbrooke, John Coutividis, Mary Wechsler and her brother Stephan, all mentioned in the l955 school magazine lists.

It would be fun to see a list of teachers, some of whom I've forgotten names. There was 'Lanky' Johnson, Nature Study, Mr. Morgan, algebra, Mr. Jones, French (taught this American to say 'Yes, sir'), a lovely young lady in music class who taught us to sing 'The British Grenadiers'.

I took piano lessons from Mrs. Brewster and played in the end of term recital with Carolyn Pearson.

I was on top of Mt. Meru with Mr. Morgan and the other Arusha School children.

I was in Tanganyika for 7 years, before independence.

After Arusha School I was at American schools for missionary children.
Extract ID: 5805

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Amekas Spaghetti Factory
    * Stelio Stylianou

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Stelio Stylianou
Page Number: 2007 03 18
Extract Date: 1955-1961
Stelio Stylianou - Arusha School 1955-1961

I've just discovered this site. And it's a delight. I was at Arusha School from 1955 to 1961 before going on to St Michaels and St Georges in Iringa. And - as Petra mentioned in one of the messages posted some time ago - my father owned Amekas Spaghetti factory.

I've been living in London for the past 25 years and have been back to Arusha twice since being here; the last time for my 50th birthday in 2000. It's extraordinary how -despite the town growing so massively - the landmarks I knew have changed so little.
Extract ID: 5332

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Piet Hugo
    * Geoff Jones
    * Kiru Valley
    * Lobo
    * Manyara Hotel
    * Bill 'Corky' Morgan
    * Ngorongoro: Lodges
    * North-Lewis
    * Arthur Palfrey
    * Eric Six
    * George Six
    * St Michael's and St George
    * Dave Ulyate

nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2004 12 30
Extract Date: 1955-58
Eric Six - Arusha School 1955 - 1958

My name is Eric Six, Geoff Jones gave me your website, and it was fascinating to read about folks about whom I had not thought in years, surprisingly I was more familiar with the adult names than fellow students. I attended Arusha 1955 to 1958, then went on to Iringa, where I stayed till it closed in1963. There were only a handful that saw the entire life of StM & StG. I completed High School at Prince of Wales in Nairobi.

For those that knew me in school it comes as a surprise that I eventually became a Neurosurgeon, as I have to confess being a fairly lousy student, being more familiar with the tacky, and cane or cricket bat (if you crossed HA Jones); than with prizes in the school magazine. I too was brought up in the bush, in Kiru Valley about 100 miles from Arusha on the way to Babati.( David you were familiar with North Lewis, they lived about 25 miles from us off the Singida road.) Hunting was a way of life on the farm, but after doing that much hunting as a youth, I shoot only with a camera now.

David, I noticed that Elizabeth Palfry also lives in Texas---- I would appreciate you giving her my web address if she would like to write. I am familiar with her Dad, through my parents of course. Funnily enough I also knew Pete Hugo, and a number of the farmers from the Olmolog area.

I was sitting here trying to recall the names of classmates from 50 years ago with little success.

Geoff Jones (BLs son),

Corky Morgan {Father's namesake the old man liked to pull on your ears.},

Gerald Hunwick, {TFA}

John Cashin {PWD},

Clara De Liva,

Paul Marsh,

David Ulyate {farm},

Leslie Hague {The Beehive Restaurant}

Bizarrely I cannot recall but the one girl!

(Fritz Jacobs, Erik Larsen.Klaus Gaitja, Alex Zikakis, Hannes Matasen, Ivo Santi Barry Jones Louis van Royen Kevin Legrange were on either side of us) I am told that George Angelides still lives in Arusha and has a great reputation as a hunter guide.

Do you remember that little dog of Hamshire's, the miserable devil loved to chase us, I happened to be amongst those she caught and got bitten by, I still have the scar..

Sorry about all the parentheses but saves a whole lot of explaining.

After independence my Dad built a number of hotels in Tanzania ,amongst them Lobo lodge, Ngorongoro crater lodge ( the hotel on the rim just before getting to the original rondavels) and rebuilt the hotel on manyara escarpment, those all happened in the late 60's. They also managed Hotels in Zanzibar, and Dar-- the New Africa and Kilimanjaro being better known.

Enough from me. Please remember to pass my address to Elizabeth.

Dear Eric,

I am just catching up with things after Christmas, and realise that I didn't reply to your email from 30 November. However, I was away in Zambia for most of the month of December.

By bcc I am copying Elizabeth Palfry with your email, and shall leave it to her to get in touch with you.

Thanks for all your memories of Arusha and Tanzania. If you ever have time to write more, do please keep in touch. I hope to have your email up on the web site in the next few days. You will also be interested in a History of Arusha School (up to 1971) which will be available in full. I found it a fascinating read, and help me to understand some of the things that happened at the school, which made no sense to me back in 1953-57.

You mention the North-Lewis's. I think that when we left Arusha in 1957 we gave them one of our dogs, which within a few weeks was eaten by a leopard!

Did you find the photo, probably of their home, at http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00452.html#04078. I seem to remember on that trip that a snake was found under our car, and it had to be shot before we could leave!

You mention Paul Marsh - my brother!

Thanks again for you memories - keep them coming
Extract ID: 4962

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Antonia Hamshere
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Lise Larsen

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Lise Larsen
Page Number: 2007 03 01
Extract Date: 1956
Lise Larsen - Arusha School- 1948 - 1956

My sisters and I (Ane, Lise and Inge) Larsen were all born in Arusha and all went to school at the Arusha School under the headmastership of Cyril Hamshere.

One of my best friends was Antonia Hamshere now a doctor in S.Africa and I got to know the family fairly well.

Cyril was actually born,in what was then Bristish Guiana, and not in East Africa as I read on this site. He was a wonderful headmaster for us kids with paper chases, 'rambling' climbing Mt Meru, trips to Ngorongoro and so forth. No doubt he ran a tight ship but I don't think any of us suffered through that. I have always thought his teaching of local history was marvellous. At the Kenya High we were only fed European History. Very few of us there had ever been to Europe !!

Just to let you know that I have very fond memories of my days at Arusha School, though those that remember the 'seven crossings' in the advocado trees would agree that 'Work Place Health and Safety' would no doubt be horrified !!

Thanks for the feedback. Can you confirm the dates when you were at Arusha School?

I know it must include 1956 because I see from the School Magazine of Feb 1956 that you were 12 then and you won:

A Standard Form (SF) II Prize (I received a SF IV prize at the same time)

A Music Prize (with Caroline Pearson)

Plus the Anne Revington Cup and the Selian Cup.

Can you remember these, and what the Cups were for?

You were also in the Chorus of Soldiers in a production of "The Charcoal Burner's Son"

And you wrote a piece about the School House Swimming Sports, and the Netball Team.

There's also a piece by Tonia Hamshere about the Sports Day, in fact an Inter Schools Sports day, in which you broke the high jump record (4ft 3 3/4 inches).

Hi David, I certainly can't remember much of all that !! But you inspired me to look for a Magazine and there was V0l 1 N0. 1 1955.

I did leave in '56 and as far as I can remember started in '48 or '49, the kindergarten was in the main building as the Junior section was not built. I recollect making massive "pompoms" in those early days.

What those Cups were for I've no idea - I was the sporty type not much for the study stuff so must be for sport or something.

I have Tonia's email address and her sister Diana lives in South Ascot. Cyril was very good to me in that he got me my first job after high school as assistant matron at Arusha and then some teaching * yr olds before I went teacher training in England.

He wasn't over impressed with my first English posting to a secondary modern school in Walsall so suggested I applied for a P.E. position at St Mary's Convent in South Ascot where he had been giving some talks etc. I spent 4 very happy years there before moving to Australia.

I have a spare copy of the 1955 magazine if you would like it I can mail it to you. The prizes we apparently got !! What were they for ??

Thanks for your reply have a happy summer.

Cheers Lise
Extract ID: 5227

external link

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Chris Austin
    * Bryn Jones
    * H.A. Jones

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Chris Austin
Page Number: 2009 03 19
Extract Date: 1956 to 1958
Chris Austin ~ Arusha School ~ 1956 to 1958

I went to Arusha (North House) from 1956 to 1958 and after that I went to St Michaels and St Georges in Iringa (Junior then Oram Houses) for the full length of the school's existence (Jan 59 to Dec 63), just like Eric Six whom I remember well.

I loved Arusha and hated Iringa. Arusha let us run wild, ride horses and, despite all the reviews, gave me a good primary education.

The horse riding was spectacular. There were a number of horses, one was a palomino carthorse who was incredibly uncomfortable to trot, but when she got into a gallop was just too beautiful, silky smooth and so powerful. Another was an ex race horse who went like the wind but was a bit flighty. And so much raw wild African bush to go haring about in! Who knows what today's health-and-safety culture would have made of it, but we made fun.

Down by the river was the training ring, but more importantly were loads of exotic fruit trees that were so strange to this little English boy, such as guavas and custard apples. And, of course, the huge avocados up by the playing fields.

My goodness, is that tortoise STILL there? We used to make it move by rubbing the back of its shell, and it had a big shiny patch then, and I always expected that it would wear through.

I remember two things vividly. One was a very small boy who couldn't have been much more that six who was completely unable to speak English, having been raised by his ayah to speak Swahili. The other was standing near the covered pathway that runs from the main building to the new girls dormitory ('thank you', Google Earth), promising myself that I would never speak the filthy language that the other boys spoke. It didn't last long, and soon I was master of two versions of the English language, one for school and the other for home!

I don't recall getting the tackie, but I was no angel, so probably was on the receiving end several times. Perhaps it paled into insignificance compared to Iringa where six cuts with the cane was literally that, on a bare bottom!

Nobody has yet mentioned BL's daughter Lynn, who was the prettiest girl I had ever seen (aged 10 at the time). I remember one boy (name remembered well) punching her on the nose and making it bleed!

BL was a great guy. I guess he has probably passed on, because I remember him telling us in one RI lesson that his ambition was to live to see the 2000th anniversary of Jesus' birth. I hope he made it. Anyone remember the History teachers name (it might even have been HA)? Taught us all about East African history, and that has been far more useful than all that stuff about the Stuarts and the Tudors!

If anyone wants to contact me they can do it via the link ... alternatively, David Marsh has my permission to pass on my true email to anyone who requests it. It would be great to hear from anyone of the period.
Extract ID: 5983

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Torsten Möller
    * Richard Sloan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Torsten Möller
Page Number: 2004 09 26a
Extract Date: 1956-1958
Torsten Möller - Arusha School 1956-1958

I was at Arusha School from May 1956 to December 1958 and in the 46 years since leaving I have not had any news. To then come across your site and explore its contents has been just marvellous. The photograph of the dining room, redolent of tough liver and 'frog spawn fruit', was for me the most poignant, with the very same benches and Mt. Meru ascension boards still in place. That says a lot about the values and traditions handed down over, literally, generations. The living embodiment of this constancy is of course the tortoise - may it outlive us all!

I was born on 5th May 1949 of Swedish parents at the hospital in Arusha, which also features in one of your photographs. My father was District Medical Officer, with postings in Monduli, Mwanza, Bukoba, and Moshi, and then ran the Health Education unit and the University Dispensary in Dar es Salaam until 1967. Dar is in fact the beginning of my most vivid memory of life at Arusha School.

It was the end of the Easter holidays in 1958 when I contracted mumps and missed the first days of term as a result. My best friend, Richard Sloan did well out of this because despite not falling ill, he was told to stay away from school as well, as a precaution. Richard and I then made that interminable journey by train from Dar to Dodoma at what seemed like walking pace. I particularly remember a vile, unsweetened jelly dessert served on that train, made from the equally vile Dodoma water. Onwards the next day by bus, arriving in Arusha after dark. This was my first term after graduating from Junior School Block to a dormitory on one of the 'quads'. The first delight that night was getting into what was an 'apple pie' bed and re-making it to sniggers in the dark from my, as yet unseen, fellow inmates.

The next day we were, as usual, required to lie on our beds for an hour at noon to read and rest, no doubt to give the masters some respite during the hottest part of the day. A sharp look-out was kept for 'Lanky', a master held in particular fear on account of the fact that 'six of the best' from his Size 12 tackie were particularly painful. As soon as the coast was clear, the prefect leapt off his bed and made for mine. All the other 11 members of the dormitory also gathered round, grinning in anticipation of the fun about to begin. The prefect produced a loaded gun, pointed it at me and pulled the trigger, but with no more serious consequences than the laughter at another entertaining initiation.

Other than this hair-raising experience, I have retained little of note; I remember the swimming galas when the 'floating competition' was invariable won by the headmaster, Cyril Hamshere who was well endowed with natural buoyancy. Then there was the occasion when a purchase of ground nuts in a twist of newspaper for 5 cents laid me out for a week and left me with a life-long aversion for peanuts. I also remember the fabulous chameleons we used to befriend with offerings of dead flies and then keep on our shoulders as we hunted insects for our charges with strips of rubber as our weapon. To this day I am deadly accurate with a rubber band thanks to early training at Arusha School, Box 42, Arusha, Tanganyika Territory, British East Africa, Africa, Earth, The Solar System, Space...

Thanks for your email full of wonderful memories. I'm sorry it's taken me a little while to reply. I also received, and took full note of your request not to place it on the web site.

We must have overlapped by a few months. I left, aged 11, in April 1957. My brother was born in Arusha Hospital in 1954, and we took the photo of the hospital when we went back 10 years ago. Since then I have been lucky enough to make a few visits (another one next week!), and slowly develop the web site. I was thrilled to find the tortoise - my children thought I was joking when I told them about it, and were amazed when we turned a corner to find it still there. Still there also in April this year, as my last check.

I was also very surprised to see the dining hall looking exactly the same with all the old furniture, and the achievement boards still in place. For me the hated memory was the smell of burnt onions.

My father was the rector of Christ Church, just across the river, so I never had to suffer the privations of boarding. But I do remember being beaten on the palm of my hand by the master in the carpentry class. When I visited last year, there were about 1200 pupils, but using the same buildings erected perhaps for 300. They were all taking exams, with their desks spilling out onto the grounds around the classrooms.

I too suffered from mumps, but from exclusion from school, rather than the illness itself. My mother had mumps while breastfeeding me, so I must had acquired some immunity, and had to spend 56 days in quarantine (working at home, as we would call it now) as each of my brothers went down with it.

The swimming pool is also still there - but now a dry hole in the ground. It seems so small, and hard to realise the feeling of terror it invoked in one to whom swimming did not come easily. Somewhere I had a snap of the swimming gala, which I must put on the web site when I get a chance.
Extract ID: 4830

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mark Morgan
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2006 07 30
Extract Date: 1956-57
Gaynor Watkins, Arusha School, 1956-57

Not sure if this is the right email address but will give it a try. I went to Arusha School from 1956 - 57 and am about go back to Arusha for the first in nearly 50 years in four weeks time I saw one of the emails was from Mark Morgan who I knew well. Any chance of exchanging email addresses. My name then was Gaynor Watkins

Many thanks

Gaynor (Watkins) Hicks


I'm copying Mark with this email, and hope you can then make contact.

Enjoy your trip - you will find big changes in Arusha, but suprisingly most of the layout and the main buildings around the clock tower remain the same (except for the New Arusha Hotel which has been rebuilt). There's been a lot of clean-up also over the last few years, but the population has grown enormously, and behind the main roads there are extensive shanty towns. School is still there, with about 1200 pupils in buildings which housed 300 50 years ago. I heard recently that some of the eucalytus trees had fallen on the headmaster's house. Not sure if the school will be open in August/September. And of course the tortoise is still there.

We must have overlapped - I was there 1953 - April 1957.

Will be interested in any feedback after your visit.

Thanks so much for getting back to me David. Our paths must have crossed!

My brother Keith Watkins was 4 years older than me so was there longer. I was only 5 and think was only there 18 months before we left Arusha to go and live in Fiji. We used to live at Olmitonyi - my father was with the forestry department and buil a school out there 50 years ago It was a long way out of town and we lived across the road from a masai village.

I am going back to there to help be part of a team of volunteers with Rotary who are going to help with the building some more classrooms for St Judes School - a school built for children from extremely poor backgrounds. Expect it will be quite emotional. I started looking at the website so I could pych myself up to see the changes. I was born in Arusha Hospital in 1952 so hope there is something l left of that.

I remember the tortoise and


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