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Link to Mbeya photos with names of students

Started by alec wight, 16 January, 2011, 12:15

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alec wight

Hopefully this link will work for those interested - a few names missing - glad to have these added.

David Dye

bottom row second from left is Barry Nicholls I reckon. I have told him of this link so he may verify


I was at school with Alec, the picture of the 1st hockey team I have lost, but it will turn up, in it I remember, self, Alec Wight, John Warwick, Paul Kuesterman, Barry Nicholls, Andrew Sowerby, Tony Duthie, Rudolf Mier, Tony Baker, Greenfield was there and Wallington too have just seen the pic which I have found, that is the complete list with the 2 masters

Andrew S

I'm Andrew Sowerby and was at Mbeya 1953 - 1956. I remember nearly all the names in the hockey 1st team pic (and in Rosemarie Anders list above). Especially Vasos Poupolos (?) (top right) who was a good friend. I also see: Barry Nicholls, Willi Meir, Paul Kesterman, Alec Wight, John Warwick, Anna Body. I see Barry Nicholls regularly (and, occasionally, Denton Webster) in Noosa, Australia where he and Irene live. I also met David Dye at his folks' place on the Sunshine Coast many years ago. I live in the UK but visit Australia and S Africa regularly - where most of my family now live. Amazing what one can remember after 50 years or so!

Andrew S

Ref the hockey team pic: the girl in the pic is Jane Kingdom - not Anna Boddy - and I think the LH bottom fellow is Angelos Michaelides.

Valerie Dobson

Hi Andrew,
Valereie Dobson. I was at Mbeya the same years that you were and have contacted many people through this sight,  including Alec Wight, Rosemary Anders, Rodney Clarke, plus many other friends from Kenya & Tanganyika. Alec has been great posting all those photos & I really enjoy looking at them.
I now live in Melbourne Australia and have been here since 1965. We went over to visit Kenya and Tanzania in 2010. Much changed it is, but it was a very spiritual journey for me.
  Love to hear from you sometime.
Happy Christmas

Andrew S

Hi Valerie,
Your name rings a bell, but I can't remember your face I'm afraid. My mother - recently deceased - lived in N Tamborine Qld for many years and my brother Paul lives close by. My other brother Nick lives in Newcastle. Hence, we have a close association with Australia, although living near Bedford UK at the moment. My wife and I generally only visit Qld and NSW, but if we go to Melbourne we'll be sure to look you up. Barry, Denton and I often reminisce about Mbeya and our lives in Tanzania when we meet in Noosa.
Have a good 2013...Andrew