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Mbeya memories

Started by Sharon, 29 March, 2011, 09:53

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29 March, 2011, 09:53 Last Edit: 29 March, 2011, 09:58 by Sharon
I have only just discovered this wonderful site and would like to add my memories.

I used to be SHARON STARTUP... now Bernhardt living in Cape Town.

Definitely BIG UGGY - I used to spend hours up that tree just sitting and staring.  I was in Livingstone House - the Yellow one - I remember a surly matron that seemed to believed that constipation would kill me and she used to make me sit on the loo for hours - until I eventually lied and told her that I had 'been'.  I remember an annual outing to the top of the hill to have a picnic.  The roller skating on the pathways through the firs, there was also a cemented area for us to use - I was a whizz and, of course, the hula-hooping!  The local village kids used to bring chameleons and swap them for our weekly tuck... I remember peanut brittle bars from the tuck shop... if I hadn't swapped it for a chameleon.  My best friend was Carol Jackson... I also remember Stewart Reynolds and Gordon Kent, who I thought were quite cool.  I was kicked out of the Brownes because I always arrived late.  I also remember the journeys in a rickety old bus from Dar es Salaam via Dodoma and Iringa.  I remember Open Day when our parents would come to visit... I was also at Oyster Bay School and St Joseph's in Dar.  My parents later moved to Kenya where I went to Loreto Convent, Valley Road... thereafter Uganda when I went to finish my schooling at a girl's boarding school in Bristol.


Do you remember the plethora of chameleons? actually featured on the school badge....don't think the girls would have paraded around  like the boys with a pet chameleon ....always one on my shoulder...Msasani,Wow! my two brothers and I used to walk around the market there,remember piles of little dry fish on sale....suppose  you remember the vast  empty white beach.....


Have just come across this site - lovely to hear all your news and confirms some of my memories.
I was in Miss Drew's dorm - I too remember the tacky and the naked line up to share a bath and washing hair with soap (no shampoo).
Also remember the river walks, eating flowers! 
Smack baby's bottom (pink blancmange)  - not been able to eat it since, the banana fluff too.  Being made to eat everything by the seniors on the table.  Made to drink milk at break and I don't like milk!
Was in Miss Steer's class.  In the Brownies, I think I was a Gnome and Miss Drew was Brown Owl.
We lived in Lindi and we flew to Mbeya.  Had to take a packed lunch and remember dropping my sandwiches on the tarmac just before boarding the plane.
uniform as I remember was grey blazer, hat and khaki (am I right there?).
Wasn't the favourite school  psalm - I will lift up mine eyes to the hills ......
Getting letters from home was exciting but a tearful experience the first couple of times.
I too remember the German nurse and the gentian violet if you had a scratch.  Had to spend a few days in sick bay there too, cannot remember why, probably sore throat.
I remember Heather Hetherington.   I love the letter that someone has copied to the site - I too have some of my old letters and they are much the same.  We had our letters checked and corrected though.
Remember skipping at playtimes.  Also playing in the fir trees until we were stopped from playing in them, I guess because there were problems around the area.


25 October, 2012, 15:38 #3 Last Edit: 25 October, 2012, 16:42 by Hilly
I 'married' a Livingstone girl with a curtain ring taken from the stage curtains ! She had a long pony tail and was bigger than me !

Hilly (Stanley 59-63)