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Previous Feedback about Kongwa School

Started by nTZ, 29 June, 2009, 11:53

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Kongwa School

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Mau Mau

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Hazel Redgrave (nee Miller)
Page Number: 2007 10 08
Mau Mau

Jambo - have just discovered your ntz pages and have spent hours happily reading. I was a Kongwa School girl in 1949 as a day scholar, then 1952-4 as a boarder, but recognise some names.

However, the book that Tim McCarty is looking for about the Mau Mau is: 'Something of Value' by Robert Ruark.

It came out in 1955 (publisher: Hamish Hamilton). I agree, it's a superb book, so is 'Uhuru' by the same author. Both of these books can usually be found on eBay - I got a smashing hardback of each book there for pesa kidogo sana.
Extract ID: 5481

See also

    * Nigel Borrissow
    * Russell Bowker-Douglas
    * Russ Bowker-Douglass
    * Kongwa School
    * Manyara Hotel
    * Tanganyika Tours and Safaris Company
    * Peter Taverner
    * Peggy Tisdall
    * Denton Webster

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Russ Bowker-Douglass
Page Number: 2005 01 28
Extract Date: 1949-1954
Russ Bowker-Douglass - Arusha School 1949-54

Great news being told of your web site. I was at Arusha school from 1949-1954 when I was enrolled at Kongwa until I left school in 1957.

My father, Russell Bowker-Douglass started Tanganyika Tours & Safaris from Arusha and went on to build and own Lake Manyara Hotel until he was nationalized like every one else by the Nyerere government.

I went on to be involved in aviation until I retired at the end of 1999 when I was a "Jumbo" captain and instructor pilot for a major airline and 25,000hrs flying experience!

As you can see from my address, I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Its where the expression, "Godzone" came into being!! I have the good fortune to be surrounded by not only ex-Arusha School but ex-Kongwa-ites too. To name but a few, Peter Taverner, Denton Webster and Nigel Borrissow.

Numerous ex-Kenyans live near me too, Thadie and Lavinia(nee Allan) Ryan, Dave Power, Peggy Tisdall, John & Robin Channer and Dennis & Anne Bower to name but few. The local Ex Kenya Regiments meetings from this area often fronts up over 100 at curry do's.

I would like you to publish what you can of this letter in the hope I may get in touch with friends from long ago.

Best regards, Rusty

Russ Bowker-Douglass

Great to hear from you. I'll put your email on the web site and we'll see who pops up to get in touch.

Do please write with more memories (and maybe you can dig out some pictures), they are always welcome for the web site.

Did you see the "history of Arusha School"
Extract ID: 4974

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Molomo
    * Momella Lodge
    * Sanya Juu
    * Ulyate
    * Bert von Mutius
    * Christa von Mutius

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Christa von Mutius
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1950's
Christa von Mutius - Arusha School - 1950's

Sanya Juu

My mother and step-father (Bill and Nana Seitz) farmed not far from the Ulyate family and my two brothers (Bertie von Mutius and Barry von Mutius - both now deceased) and I went to school at Kongwa (I think) with some of them. Certainly I was friendly with Valerie Ulyate.

Our farm was called Molomo. Before his death Bertie ran a safari business from Momella, a beautiful lodge not far from Usa River and with wonderful views of both Meru and Kilimanjaro. I also attended Arusha school and knew the New Arusha Hotel very well.

Great to read about those wonderful places! What a privilege it was to have grown up there!

Christa Bond (nee von Mutius)
Extract ID: 4988

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Clary Palmer-Wilson
    * Donald Palmer-Wilson
    * Michael Palmer-Wilson
    * St Michael's and St George

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Michael W. Branham (Palmer-Wilson)
Page Number: 2008 04 28
Extract Date: 1950's
Clary and Donald Palmer-Wilson

I saw this fantastic website and all the communications between former schoolmates and families/friends looking for each other. I would like to get in touch with Robert Palmer-Wilson, one of my half-brothers. That way I can update him on some things. In case other friends are open to getting in touch, a little background on the Palmer-Wilson clan! I went to school in both Kongwa School and St. Michaels & St. Georges in Iringa.Would like very much to get in touch with old mates! I moved to Alaska in 1964 - worked in Africa part of each year since then.

For Robert Palmer-Wilson - last time I visited with you was in London about 1966. Our father, Clary Palmer-Wilson moved to the USA in 1985. He passed away living with me in 1996. Donald Palmer-Wilson, too moved to the USA and he passed away about 12 yrs. Ago. If you want to email me, we can be in touch again and I can fill you in on the rest of the clan. I am in London several times a year for Board meetings and in East Africa once or twice a year for activities - so we can meet easily.

Cheers! Mike
Extract ID: 5632

See also

    * George Brzostoski
    * Jacaranda
    * Kongwa School
    * Momella
    * Margarethe Trappe
    * Rolf Trappe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: George Brzostowski
Page Number: 2009 03 21
Extract Date: 1950's

I loved coming across this web site. My parents, Helena and Henry, were close to Mrs Margarete Trappe.

We shared a 3-room building on Momella with her son Rolf and daughter-in-law, Linka (who was also Polish and whose full name was 'Halina'). We were in the Southern end and they were in the Northern room.

We had a lounge room in the middle of the building, and I still remember the lion skin on the floor.

I remember also there was a vegetable garden on the floor of the valley to the South, and among that garden, there was a circular swimming pool.

My father share farmed on Momella before eventually going to head up a pasture research station in Kongwa. He had 2 tours of duty in Kongwa (the first with the OFC and the second with the TAC), with one tour of duty at Urambo, where he established for the OFC the 'Jacaranda Farm' station.

I went to Kongwa School from about 1952 to 1958 with one year in London.

Mrs Trappe's daughter, Ursula, and her husband Ulrich, lived in a a nearby building. It was on the South side of a road that ran East-West, and which was also the access road to Arusha. To the West of it there was what we called 'elephant rock'. This was from where each afternoon one could watch firstly shrieking and playful Colobus monkeys emerge from the forest on the other side of the valley which was on the south side of that road, followed by many elephants coming out to feast on the vegetation in the valley floor.

Mrs Trappe lived in a lovely stone building up on the hill, facing the East (and Kilimanjaro). Nearby there was a growth of pine trees, and the source of a stram of cool clean water. It was used to power a maize grinder and other machinery in the workshop building down the hill.

I have been trying to find any information about the actual location of the original farm, and any remaining buildings. I have some photos similar to the ones in the books 'Am Fuse des Meru', and in the English language, 'Momella'.

Being in Australia now, and getting on in years, I am limited to Google Earth, and the part which may be relevant is not shown in fine resolution compared to what one can see from where the Momella Wildlife Lodge is shown.

I would be grateful for any references that might be of help.

I would like to make contact with anyone who knew people in Kongwa, Momella, Arusha or Tengeru where I was born.


George Brzostowski SC

Canberra Australia
Extract ID: 5986

See also

    * A.T. Bewes
    * Casson
    * Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School
    * Bishop Stanway

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 31b

The church management of a Government school in 1934 was unusual, but understandable in the light of the depression economy and the existing policy with regard to voluntary agencies. It is less easy to understand the continuing influence of the church in the Arusha School management after 1946.

Arusha School was owned, financed and administered in exactly the same way as the Junior European School, Dar es Salaam, Mbeya School, opened in 1942, and Kongwa School, opened in 1951. The teaching staff were, in all four schools, Government Officers recruited through the Crown Agents in London; final responsibility rested with the Department of Education and, after 1949, the European Education Authority. The establishment of an Arusha School Council in 1946 may be seen as a forerunner of the Government's policy in the late 1950s to have local Boards of Governors for all Government schools so that the schools could more effectively relate to their community.

Be that as it may, it does not explain the appointment of the Bishop as Warden of the school and Chairman of the Board, the virtual right of the Bishop to veto the appointment of staff, the appointment of a Chaplain/Master at the Government's expense, and the Council itself which was theoretically appointed by the Director of Education, but in fact was made up predominantly of the Bishop's nominees. Even in 1970, more than half the Board of Governors were regularly worshipping local Anglicans. Bishop Stanway, Chairman of the Council and later of the Board of Governors from 1951 to 1971 claims that the rights of the church were exercised with great discretion; the fact remains that the rights did exist.

The first Government appointee as Headmaster was Cyril Hamshere (M.A. Cantab) who was born in East Africa and whose father Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere had been Principal of the Diocesan Training College for pastors and teachers up to his retirement in 1928, when Wynn Jones took over from him. The missionaries who withdrew in 1946 from the staff hoped that through Hamshere, a personal if no longer official link between the Diocese and Government would be retained.

The Headmaster was answerable to the Department of Education, and the School Council had no official role or direct authority. Their main function seems to have been to care for property, recommend maintenance, and extensions or addition, ensure that there was sufficient staff appointed and so on. With Dar es, Salaam 500 miles away and communications difficult, it is not unreasonable to expect that officials would be guided by a responsible local body and would take more notice of such a group than of direct representations from parents or requests from the Headmaster.

In 1952, when the Chaplain Casson resigned, the Council recorded its profound conviction that the appointment of a suitable chaplain-master to the staff of Arusha school "is of paramount importance in these difficult days in East Africa. In view of the importance of the post, no appointment should be made without consultation with the Warden of the School and the Director of Education".

In 1956, the Headmaster sought advice on the enrolment of a part Arab, part European boy and the Director of Education replied that "it would be inappropriate for him to be admitted. to an essentially Christian school". On the speech day in 1955, the Vice Chairman of the Council, A.T. Bewes, reminded the children of the well-founded Christian traditions of the school, which he hoped they would observe throughout their lives".

In assessing this unusual church/state relationship, we must recognise that even the total effort in European education was still a very minor part of the Department of Education's responsibility, that neither the Government nor the parents objected to the relationship continuing, that the power of veto over the appointment of staff was never actually used, and that the "religious life" of the school was not unlike that in a State school in Britain. It would appear also that the very presence of a School Council, a visible and tangible body, gave the school a stability and sense of continuity which was apparently lacking at Mbeya and Kongwa.

I would like to point out that the opening date for Kongwa School in this article is incorrect, the correct date is 4th October 1948

Glynn Ford

27 Jan 2005
Extract ID: 4936

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: B Sinfield
Page Number: 2008 10 02
Extract Date: 1951-1954
Kongwa School 1951-1954

A friend of mine, Richard Bergner and his sister June attended Kongwa School from about 1951 - 1954 and would like their names added to the list of ex pupils.
Extract ID: 5808

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mary Hanrahan nee Connell
Page Number: 2008 07 19
Kongwa & Mbeya Schools

It has obviously been many years since I have visited the past. Not long ago I contacted Glyn Ford who put up the site on Kongwa School.

It is only now that I want to explain some of my childhood background to my children and grandchildren and find that a significant portion of that life for me and my brother and sister is missing.

I remember in my first year at Kongwa going into the Nissan Hut that was the dining room. I had a very broad Glasgow accent - told to eat porridge that a senior put sugar on - refused - told to eat - and was promptly sick - I only ate porridge with salt!! I also remember the polio scare when we were all confined and not supposed to play active games.

I remember playing building the stones - flatter the better - and knocking them over. Gee I'm getting old!!!

Some happy memory's. Wearing my nightgown to the school dance - it was made of yellow cotton with green trim in the princess style - what the fundis could make in Tabora. Mr Shuttleworth's explanations in latin and history - he tried to make it fun.

When I was older I swam in the school team and won a medal for diving - I played hockey (aggressively - I was short - still am, but have now hopefuly got over the 'short persons disease') Rembember the communal bathtubs (voluntary - somewhat - in later years fun pouring soapy water on concrete floors and sliding on it.

Please reply - I've had no response from my efforts to contact Kongwa ex pupils.

I don't know my brother and sister's experiences - we never seemed to have a chance or inclination to talk about them.

[My brother and sister attended Mbeya School on and off between 1952 and 1956. I attendede Kongwa between 1951 and 1956. Looking at both websites that I have found none of our names are mentioned. Can you tell me why?

Mbeya - Catherine Connell and William Connell Kongwa - Mary Connel]
Extract ID: 5803

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Jim Pirie

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jim Pirie
Page Number: 2004 12 17
Extract Date: 1947-1952
Jim Pirie - Arusha School 1947-1952

My name is Jim Pirie, and I was at Arusha School from 1947-1952, before going to Kongwa.

I remember you from Olmalog, My Dad who worked at Riddoch Motors in Arusha, was a friend

of both David Read and Piet Hugo.

I have been trying to contact as many old school friends as I can. . .
Extract ID: 4965

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Tricia Lane
    * Oldeani

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: PaTricia Lane Barton
Page Number: 2009 01 25
Extract Date: 1950-52
Kongwa School

I see in your web site an entry from Marie-Louise Sandberg (Nillson). How can I contact her? Could you send her my email address and ask her to contct me.

I had told you earlier that I WENT TO Oldeani and didn't mention that I then went to Kongwa. I love to see what many Kongwaites are up to these days.
Extract ID: 5951

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Valerie Hext
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1954 - 1959
Marie Louise Silsing (Sandburg) Ex Kongwa School Pupil 1954 - 1959

Have just found a dear friend (Marie Louise Sandburg ) on your site trying to contact friends from this time.

Can you please pass my details on to her.

Thank you

ex pupils from Kongwa School
Extract ID: 5960

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Rodney Holland
    * Kongwa School
    * Oldeani School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Rodney Holland
Page Number: 2005 01 06
Extract Date: 1952-1955
Rodney Holland - Arusha School - 1952-1955

Hi there. I have just spent sometime browsing through the Arusha School site and found a lot of interesting information and it has brought back a lot of memories of the time I was at Arusha between 1952 and 1955.

Prior to Arusha I had been to Lushoto School and after Arusha I went to Kongwa .

I remember being sent to Oldeani during my first year as Arusha was full. I was not too happy about that.I was very fortunate in having the chance to climb Mt. Meru twice and I still have vivid memories of those experiences.We lived in Tanga where my father was employed by TANESCO.

I intend to visit Arusha and Tanga this year (2005) and would like some advice on how to get to Tanga my plan is to try to hire a vehicle with a reliable driver in Arusha to take us to Tanga for a couple of days and then return to Arusha would you or anyone else know if this would be be possible if so any contacts in Arusha .I have not been back to Tanga since 1961 .

It's a great site thankyou for it .



Thanks for your email, and kind comments about the site.

We must have overlapped at Arusha school - I was there from 1953-57.

Looking at the school magazine from Feb 56, I see that you were one of the Chorus of Soldiers in the performance of the Charcoal Burner's Son on 1st April 1955!

And you may have seen your name on the board - still hanging in the school


I've recently been given a copy of a history of Arusha School, written in 1974. I should have full extracts from it available in a few days - or whenever I can find the time to do an update of the site. Meanwhile you can access a full pdf version here

http://www.ntz.info/docs/history_of_arusha_school.pdf (360KB)

You will find in it mention of the ill fated attempt to run a branch of the school at Oldeani. (p33)

"An interesting slant on the personality of Hamshere and the difficulties of adequately providing for the growing enrolments comes from the opening of a branch school 100 miles away at Oldeani in 1950. A teacher, Ryan, and his wife offered to run it because they found the prospect of having responsibility and being 100 miles remote from supervision attractive. When the Ryans were due to go on leave in 1952, a new master, Edmonson, and his wife arrived to relieve them. However Ryan considered them unsuitable to take over the "personal empire" he had built up, so he refused to hand over, locked the buildings and left for Arusha. Hamshere was not able to resolve the crisis: the Ryans went on leave, the Edmonsons resigned, and the branch school never reopened."

Now, Tanga.

I spent a few weeks there in 1957 waiting for the boat to take us home to England, and, like you, have not been back since. If you are inclined to beaches, consider a few days down the coast at Pangani. I know the people who run http://www.emayanilodge.com/ . Depending on hotels in Tanga, it may be worth basing yourself here, and taking a day trip to Tanga. Are you interested in WWI, and the battle of Tanga etc. If so, it would be worth trying to find a guide who knows a bit about it and can help you find things. I'd need to ask about to track one down.

There is certainly one Tanzanian guide/driver based in Moshi, with car, who I can totally recommend - but I need to find his contact details. So let me know when are you planning to visit, and what else you have planned for Arusha or beyond. Ie do you just need a driver for a Tanga extension, or for a longer safari? Depending on the answers, I can then put you in touch with some people.

Note that I'm not a travel agent! Apart from looking after ntz.info, I maintain several websites for African Safari companies, many in Tanzania, and use that as an excuse to visit whenever possible.

Thankyou for your quick reply to my email.I remember being in the choir at school and enjoying it infact at one time I had dreams of grandeur of being a pop star but never made it.

Now our proposed visit to Tanzania there will be 4 of us going and we are proposing to go in August at this stage we havent made a definite plan as we are gathering info.However a proposal is that we would need a vehicle and driver to take us from Arusha to Tanga which I assume would take a day then we would stay in either Tanga or Pangani for 5 days then return to Arusha.We would like to have the vehicle and driver available for this period of 7 days but it would depend on costs.Your idea of visiting Pangani sounds good.After the first week we are considering visiting the game reserves around Arusha.Sorry I cant be more detailed at this stage but I really need to find out if the above is practical and within our budget. Looking forward to hearing from and thanks for your help.
Extract ID: 4977

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Marie-Louise Nilsing (born Sandberg)
Page Number: 2008 10 20
Extract Date: 1955-1958
Kongwa European school from 1955-1958

I would like to come in contact with schoolmates from Kongwa European school during the period 1955-1958.

My sister Eva (*1946) and myself, Marie-Louise Sandberg (*1944) were the only pupils from Sweden.

Kongwa European School with 400 pupils,ages between 7 and 19 was represented from at least 26 different nationalities. I remember the names of the sibblings, Geraldine, Peter and Richard Hobbs, they moved to GB together with their parents,John (teacher at Kongwa)and Mary Hobbs.

Patricia Lane was the prefect of my boarding house, Livingstone. She left for USA. Hazel Beaumont shared the same house as me. Hazel left for New Zeeland.

It would be wonderful to share some memories together with schoolmates from this time.
Extract ID: 5852

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Nina Möller

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Torsten Möller
Page Number: 2004 09 26b
Extract Date: 1956-1958
Nina Möller - Arusha School 1950-1955

A few extra pieces of information: My sister, Nina, born 16 August 1942, also went to Arusha School, from 1950 to 55, whereas my brother, Michael, went to Kongwa. I've lived in the UK for the last 32 years.
Extract ID: 4886

See also

    * Roger Hubbert
    * Kongwa School
    * Geoff Lawrence-Brown
    * Mbeya School
    * Max Morgan Davis
    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Roger Hubbert
Page Number: 2004 10 30
Extract Date: 1960's
Do you have any leads?

David, when were you in Arusha?

I grew up in Tanganyike and used to live there. I went to school in Mbeya and Kongwa.

I worked for Geoff Lawrence-Brown, hunting and photo safaris and on the Hatari film. Even played polka with the duke! Was good friends with the Trappe famile and Max Morgan-Davies with whom I have lost contact.

Do you have any leads? Salaams!
Extract ID: 4893

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Les Brownlow
    * Kongwa School
    * Moshi: Trade School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Les Brownlow
Page Number: 2007 10 05
Extract Date: 1961-63
Les Brownlow Arusha School 1961-63

Great web site, we are fortunate to have you keeping it up to date. Good work.

My family lived in Tanganyika > Tanzania from 1954 to 1968. We were first stationed in Kongwa where my father, Les Brownlow Sr. was a teacher and House Master at Kongwa School. My mother, Vera Brownlow was matron. We left Kongwa when the school closed in 1959 and moved to Moshi where my father took up a post at the Moshi Trade School.

I went to Arusha School between 1961 and 1963 after which I was sent to St Mary's School Nairobi to contunue my eduaction.

I have fond menories of Kongwa, Moshi and Arusha. The postings from the Arusha School Alumni are particularly poignant.

One thing might be of general interest, we have cine film records (now on video) starting in Kongwa about 1955 and going through to 1968 and beyond. I find it fascinating to see this early film covering all aspects of life in Tanganyika. It occurs to me that we probably have film of family members of the Arusha School Alumni from those times. We certainly have a lot of coverage of our time at Kongwa and Moshi/Arusha. I know home movies are generally very passe but if anyone is interested it might be possible to compile a few clips for distribution digitally.

Maybe you could post this to the Arusha School Alumni.
Extract ID: 5480

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Massowia Von Prince
    * Tom von Prince

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Glynn Ford
Page Number: 2009 03 08
Extract Date: 08-Mar-2009
Tom Von Prince

There is a message from Kilulu Von Prince, ref Page 2004 09 25 Extract ID 4869. Is it possible to either obtain her email address or get a message to her, it is in relation to a Massowia Von Prince who is also a descendant of Tom Von Prince, Massowia was a student at Kongwa School at the same time as I was.

Glynn Ford
Extract ID: 5978


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