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Previous Feedback about Sao Hill School

Started by nTZ, 29 June, 2009, 11:58

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29 June, 2009, 11:58 Last Edit: 29 June, 2009, 12:00 by nTZ
Sao Hill School

See also

    * 'Ben' Benbow
    * (Major) John Jolly
    * Nick Jolly
    * Lake Rukwa
    * Col. Middleton
    * Sao Hill School
    * Tanganyika Roadways
    * Bert Western

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Nick Jolly
Page Number: 2005 04 04
Extract Date: 1947-1951
Sao Hill School

Very Interested to find your site whilst trying to locate information on the School I attended in the Southern Highlands near Iringa from 1947-1951. My father (Major) John Jolly had left the army after the war and obtained a job with the Government sponsored Ground nut scheme. We were first based at Mohambiqua (? Spelling) then Chunya , Arusha (living in the Arusha Hotel which was run by the Benbow family who later moved to run a Hotel on Zanzibar and finally in Tanga. When the ground nuts failed to grow quite as was expected of them, my father ,an engineer transferred to a new haulage company called Tanganyika Roadways.

I have many happy memories of this period of my life (jiggers and all!) and particularly remember, whilst living in the old goldmining town of Chunya ,going to a crocodile farm run by a Frenchman on Lake Rukwa which is mentioned on your site. In the dry season the tributaries dried up leaving pools in which the crocs. Gathered. These were located by Africans in dugouts using spears with string and cork float attached. When a croc came near to the bank a group of extremely brave Africans (as I saw it aged 8 ) entered the water and, having located the blunt end of the creature (the tail) under water dragged it out by its tail and dispatched it with shortened pickaxes. As I remember this gruesome carnage was accompanied by much singing and merriment. The banks were littered with crocodile skeletons picked clean by the ever present vultures.

I have always felt that I was incredibly fortunate to live as a child in Africa and would welcome any advice on locating information/contact with others who attended Sao Hill School

You mention your father joined Tanganyika Roadways. Do you have any more information about the company. There is a road in Arusha called Col. Middleton road, and someone suggested that he was associated with/in charge of a company called something like Tanganyika Roadways - set up to provide transport to farmers to get their crops to the railways for export etc.

I'm off to Tanzania at the weekend - I'll try to do a site update before I go, but if not it will be the end of the month before I can do it.

From memory my school was called the Southern Highlands School, Sao Hill near Iringa. The headmaster was Geoffrey Holland and Deputy was Lycett who had played cricket pre war for England. I recall with some pride that my record was seven beatings in one term.

My father worked with a Bert Western though I will check his address book to be sure. From my memory he was the senior but whether he was the MD or owner I am not sure. When my father died in 1990 I found Bert's telephone number and rang him, he was living I believe in Surrey but doubtful he will still be alive, but I believe he had children.

Tanganyika Roadways, with vehicles painted deep blue with yellow lettering ranged from Matadors with circular gun apperture in the cab roof to the mighty Diamond Tee Clippers that had been used to carry Tanks. All were ex-WD and were brought in from landing craft near Lindi beach for the Ground Nut Scheme.

When that folded Tanganyika Roadways bought the plant to set up business. My father was in charge of the jungle clearing plant and had hair raising tales of what went on. Health and Safety was in it's infancy.

Have a good trip, I am envious. I joined the Merchant Navy to try to get back! I still remember the aromas when, in the rainy season (it rained at night in my memory!) I woke up with the hot sun beginning to dry the vegetation.
Extract ID: 5038

external link

See also

    * David Allen
    * Jack and Marjorie Allen
    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Dave Allen
Page Number: 2007 05 19

Just read David Read's 'Beating About the Bush' which indicates he was in Dodoma at the same time as my parents (Jack and Marjorie Allen) lived in Kondoa Irangi and Babati.

They were in Kondoa for 6 years('47 -'53)and a further 3('54 - '57) in Babati. They married in 1947 in Dodoma.

I (David) was born in '48 and my two brothers (Richard and Robert) followed in '50 and '51.

Our family owned the Highland Hotel in Sao Hill which was lost to the Government in the early 60's.

For anyone interested in a number of photo's of that time, my brother has put them on the web (see the link)

I would welcome contact from anyone who knew my parents and would be very interested in whether David Read met them.
Extract ID: 5377

See also

    * Tim Clegg
    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Clegg
Page Number: 2007 05 25
Extract Date: 1955-60
Sao Hill School

It is fascinating to be reminded of even earlier school years than mine at Sao Hill School. My brother and I were there from around 1955 - 1960. The first matron (I forget her name was not there on my 2nd term as she had been taken back to England for fraud or embezzlement or similar!!!!

I also recall that nuns at times came to do inoculations and after making the sign of the cross on the buttock then hit dead centre! I now know that this was not a holy action, but the disection of the buttock which resulted in the correct place to give the injection!

Canings were in great supply for rebels such as myself, and I cannot remember how many 6 of the bests I encountered.

I have not seen any other references to Sao Hill School or heard from any other former 'inmates'!!!!

I now have a legal services company in Devon UK and my brother lives in Cheshire selling industrial plant.
Extract ID: 5379

See also

    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Hood
Page Number: 2007 09 27
Extract Date: 1959
Bart, Sao Hill School 1960-61


I remember you as a blonde, energetic boy with an older brother. You might remember me as a kid with glasses who hated being called ¨Goggles¨. I went to school in Somerset where, in about 1963 bumped into the headmaster Mr. Holland at a cricket match....he was a teacher at the opposing school.. In 1968 I and my family moved to Perth, Western Australia.
Extract ID: 5478

See also

    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Hood
Page Number: 2007 09 27
Extract Date: 1960-61
Sao Hill School 1960-61

I was an inmate at Sao Hill about 1960-61 for a year or so. Names that spring to mind are Mr. Holland, the headmaster who moved to the south west of England in the early 60´s, the Moore-Gilbert brothers, Barry Sandilands and a boy called Guest who shared a birthday with me. Unfortunately he got to raise the flag on our birthday....and I didn´t because two was a crowd. I remember frequent canings.....sometimes in my pygamas which was particularly painful. In 1961 I went to school in Somerset and then at 16 we as a family moved to Perth, Western Australia. Any connections?
Extract ID: 5476

See also

    * Emil Karafiat
    * Bill Moore-Gilbert
    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Bart Moore-Gilbert
Page Number: 2007 07 10
Extract Date: 1960's

I was at Sao Hill (Southern Highlands) School 1960-2, then Soni (St Michael's) 1962-4. Keen to contact any contemporaries, of whom I am sure Emil Karafiat was one.

My father was also in the Game Department until 1965. Really enjoyed the message-board which triggered lots of memories.

Best wishes, Bart Moore-Gilbert
Extract ID: 5424


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