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Retzlaff Family - Usa River

Started by Pat Retzlaff, 12 October, 2012, 07:02

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Pat Retzlaff

Hi everyone,

I am looking for any pictures, information or memories about the Retzlaff family from Arusha. My grand father Paul Retzlaff moved to Arusha in 1933 from Germany with his wife Hildegard onto a farm called Sauti Ya Simba in Usa River. My brothers (Paul & Rob) and I were born in Arusha and our parents (Godfrey & Vera) left in about 1961 to Rhodesia.

My grandfather Paul had three children, Horst (married to Carin from Sweden)who farmed on Sauti Ya Simba, Sigi (married Karl Pollman) and my father Godfrey. In 1939 my grandfather married Martha Vance - who was the matron at the Arusha European School

Any help greatly appreciated

Pat Retzlaff

Naomi Wilson

I have just read your posting and was so interested.
We knew your grandfather who eventually moved to Dodoma where we lived.
My parents Bishop Bill Wynn Jones and His wife Ruth were great friend of the Retzlaff family and knew Marethe of course very well as my dad was the first Headmaster of the Arusha School (and we have photos of Martha) where we four children were born.
When we moved to Dodoma, my siblings were all at boarding schook, and I trvelled with my parents to Arusha when dad had to atend Board meetins etc.
We always stopped en route for "time out" with Horst and Carin and we knew Sigi and also?Tumpi. We knew Godfrey and Vera (and probably you - I was the youngest of us 4 Wynn Jones kids - born in 1940 just after your grandfather married Martha Vance. We used to call your grandfather "Daddy Retzlaff" and he loved that. My mother (oftern accompanied by me as the lone child at home) visited Daddy Retzlaff many times in Dodoma wof a coffee (he loved his coffee). He had a house boy called Guston, who tended him so very well. Keep in tough - My email is naykw.wilson@gmail.com
Naomi Wilson (Nee Wynn Jones)

VALE the tortoise at the school - have just been informed that it died recently - that is the end of a chapter.

Simon Watson

Hi Naomi, I hope you don't mind me asking you, or possibly Pat, whether either of you could tell me whether Paul Retzlaff Junior attended the Southern Highlands School?(Sao-Hill) The name is "ringing bells" that all! It would seem very unlikely, as Arusha School would I quess be the obvious choice, unless he played Cricket for Arusha and hence I have remembered his name. Thanks...Simon Watson.

Naomi Wilson

Hi Simon,
I am not sure but Paul might know