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Anyone knowing Norman Alfred Livingstone-Stilling

Started by Annie London, 13 May, 2013, 02:34

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Annie London

13 May, 2013, 02:34 Last Edit: 15 May, 2013, 03:00 by Annie London
  I, Anne Stilling, was born Iringa hospital 1944.  Went to Sao Hill and Mbeya School.  My Father and Mother help run the Tengeru Polish camp 1942.  Have photos.   Lived at Lupembe.  Looking for anyone who knew my parents. Father died 1951 and I went to England with my Mother soon after.

Simon Watson

Hi Annie, Welcolm to "nTZ". How are you? My name is Simon.I don't know the Gentleman that you are seeking,but I knew and liked Iringa and Mbeya well. I too went to Sao-Hill, but in 1957-1961. I hope you receive an answer from an nTZ Member as regards your post. Best regards...Simon.