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Mbeya Memories 1959 - 1961

Started by Richard Allen, 06 July, 2009, 22:50

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john hubbard

Have sent you message by email but don't think that works if you don't logon

Richard Allen

Hi John

Not sure who you are trying to contact but I've had nothing through.

Chuck Thompson

Hi John,
I got a note that you were trying to contact me, Chuck Thompson...try my email directly...www.chuck.thompson@shaw.ca



Quote from: Richard Allen on 04 October, 2010, 17:27
Hi John

Not sure who you are trying to contact but I've had nothing through.
Quote from: morris on 27 September, 2009, 06:04
Wow what a flood of memories. Our dates at Mbeya are much the same. Wallington, Miss Frost ( stand in the corner with hands on head ), David Sargent ( stayed with him the weekend before my 11+ ), Toynes David and Alan if memory right, Cubs, Scouts, Miss Harding so brave when we had a bus accident on the way to school.

I think I am going to have to write a memory brain dump of both Mbeya and St Micheal's and St George's Iringa.

Not far from each other as in Bakewell.

Paul Morris
[/quoteHi Paul did you live in Morogoro and have a brother Philip? Regards Drek Bell


Quote from: Richard Allen on 07 July, 2009, 12:59
Mbeya School Uniform
Hi Richard, I was in he same house as you and I remember Colin Parkes (Pooky?) who was the fastest runner in our age group. We lived in Morogoro between 1959 and 1961 and went by bus with an overnight stop at The White Horse Hotel at Iringa (we alled it the Black Donkey Out) Great memories Regards Derek Bell


I was born in Denmark in 1971 and grew up in Tanga. I went to boarding school in Arush - called St Constantine's - where we had loads of kids (mostly Greek) from Iringa and Mbeya. My brother went to St Michael's school in Soni.
We left Tanzania around 1978-1979 and moved to Australia. Although this is a great place to be...I still call Tanzania home and still miss it.


10 September, 2012, 01:52 #21 Last Edit: 10 September, 2012, 01:54 by Froggy
Quote from: JudithA on 12 July, 2009, 18:49< big snip>
If you download Google Earth, and plug in the coordinates: Lat: 8degrees55'28.66'S Long: 33degrees24'44.38'E, you'll be able to see what it looks like now (June 2004).

What a comprehensive post.  I must come back to this as it has brought back so many memories.

Thank you Judith for the co-ordinates.  I've just been struggling to find Mbeya School on Google Earth, and failed.  Then I remembered a post in this forum.  Modifying your co-ordinates slightly, I've found what I wanted to view.  Thank you again.

The modified co-ordinates are: 8 55' 28.66"S, 33 24' 44.38"E which should be placed in the Google Earth Search box.


Does anyone know the history or have a picture of the Lancaster bomber model that used to hang in the building opposite the main assembly hall?