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Legendary Arusha School marks 75th birthday

Started by nTZ, 07 July, 2009, 12:45

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Please see the report in the Arusha Times, Issue 00563, April 18 - 24, 2009

The report ends "We are yet to know what project the school plans in this 75th milestone."

Please reply with any information you may have.


I have mailed you on the History of Arusha School - so won't repeat in case it is still in the pipeline - but as I have not seen the mail come up thought I would drop you a line on the 75th birthday issue.

My Dad (WG Ray Ulyate) was one of the 18 which started Arusha School - I was quizzing him over his 92nd birthday lunch today - and besides his brothers and sisters (who, incidently, went to the Ngare Nairobi school mentioned in the hisory document) he mentioned a Margaret Thomson who was later captured by the Japs ... she had a brother .....?   I am trying to get another names from him.

Also my mother, Kay Ulyate, was the sister in the San at Arusha School in 1956 - then later for 2 years in the 60's - was showing her her name on the appendum at the back of this history document - what excitment!   Would love to know if there is anyone out there that remembers her?

Is there anything we can help you with regarding the 75th birthday celebrations?   Know Dad and Mum would love to contribure .... the pioneering spirit never dies ..... both went over to South Africa from the UK earlier this year to visit family.

Many thanks for this super forum, and let us know if we can contribute

June (nee Ulyate)


More from the Arusha Times
[link is to current edition - after this look in the archives for Issue 00576 July 18 - 24, 2009]

"The Arusha School kicked off its 75th anniversary series of feats last weekend with special curtain-raising sporting events.

The whole day sporting activities involving current and former pupils took place at the school grounds, signaling three months of such activities to mark the legendary institution's long existence in providing quality education while at the same time bringing together students of different cultures, language  and background.

The climax of these anniversary celebration fetes has however been slated for yet another Saturday of October 24 this year, three months from now but essentially five months from the original Arusha School's real 75th birthday, which was reached on May 25. "

Also news of the death of the former Headmaster of Arusha School Mr. Martin A. Mkombo


Would love to go, but can't. Is there going be any further info? like pictures ect?
Mike Brown.


Hi, I see there are a lot of people registering on this site, some from Arusha school, some from other schools. I think your school days a precious to you, doesn't matter where you loved or hated school. With the 75th birthday coming up, I challenge all of you who went to this school, Write about your time there, perhaps someone who goes to the celebrations could present them to the school. Perhaps we could send a plaque? send a small gift, all make a small donation, hey any idears?
Mike Brown.


Just received this email from Arusha School

The date for the Anniversary is on 24th October 2009.

The School committee will sit next week to finalize the arrangement of all events which will take place on the same day.

Once they finish I will send them to you soon.

David Marsh

Further email from Arusha School (28 September)

Dear Friend of Arusha School ,

I hope every one there is fine.

I would like to request you to provide me with your names so that we can give you certificate of appreciation as one of our donors.

The School is marking 75th years of existence on 24th October, 2009 and we are providing certificates for all who have assisted our school. And you are one of them. More details on the day [Anniversary] will be sent to you before 5th October so that you can know what will take place. We are finalizing the schedule for that day soon.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.
David Marsh - I use this account for personal postings.  Otherwise I use ntz for administration.

David Marsh

More from the Arusha Times Issue 00590 October 24 - 30, 2009

Arusha School to celebrate 75th  anniversary  next year

By Staff Reporter

The latest postponement now sees Arusha School by-passing its 75th anniversary celebration targeting to observe the event next year when it will be 76 years old.

The management has said the shelving of the event is due to a number of reasons.

Arusha School, which is Tanzania's oldest English Medium institution, was supposed to mark the milestone this Saturday, October 24 but for some reason the event has been postponed to May 2010.

It will still be regarded as 75th anniversary despite taking place in May next year.

"There are various reasons why the celebrations will no longer take place this October as previously announced and one is that, Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda who was to be guest of honor has his timetable booked for the whole of this year," Mr Khamis Rajab Kaniki Arusha School headmaster explained.

According to Mr Kaniki, the school management is also undertaking a major project of putting fresh layers of tarmac on the badly worn school roads network something which now prevents vehicles from entering the premises.

The Danish International Development Agency which has been funding the renovation of Arusha School buildings is also footing the bill for the re-construction of its in-campus roads.

Founded in May 1932 Arusha School, located along Fire road in Arusha Municipality is the country's first ever English Medium Primary School spawning an alumni base of close to 20000 former students, teachers and subordinate staff.

These are spread all-over the globe, another reason for the event's postponement.

"Many former students, parents and workers have requested that we should celebrate the anniversary in May 2010 because that is usually the holiday season in Europe where most of the alumni currently live," the headmaster maintained.

This is the second time that Arusha School postpones its 75th anniversary celebrations.

Previously the event was to be observed on the 25th of May, 2009. This is the exact date of the school's seven-and-a-half decade milestone. However directives from the Ministry of Education advised the date to be pushed forward to October 24 to allow the institution complete all exam arrangements.
David Marsh - I use this account for personal postings.  Otherwise I use ntz for administration.

Shellina Damji (Habib)

I have just found your site and am very excited to connect with the alumni and past friends of Arusha School. I read about the 75th anniversary celebrations and would like to be kept updated once the dates are confirmed. I would like to plan a visit to Arusha School and participate in these celebrations, if possible. I would like to connect with the alumni from Arusha School to share the experiences and stories that are one of the happiest in my memories from my childhood. I visited the school in 2005, 33 years after I left and was saddened by the neglect in some parts of the school, such as the riding stables and swimming pool area, two of my most favourite activities at the school.


I received this email this morning:

Dear Friends of Arusha School,

We are glad to inform you that the Arusha School 75th Anniversary which was postponed last year, will take place in this year on the 22nd May, 2011.

The process is going on well and there will be many events a week before the climax.
We shall update you on every step from now onward.

I wish you all the best.
You are all welcome.

A. B. Kitigwa, [Mob: +255 715 833034]



Just wish i could be there for the celebrations. My father Malham Ulyate & my Uncle  Ted were among the first students .
I wish the school the very best for the big event & i will one day come to visit.


20 May - just received the timetable.  The attached file will show it in a table format


Arrival of Invited Guests
08.30 - 10.00 am
Communication & PR Committee
Arrival of Guest of Honour
10.00 - 10.20 am
Steering Committee
Procession Arrival
10.20 - 10.50 am
Sports Entertainment [STD VII Choir & Nyakyusa Ngoma] 10.50 - 11.10 am Pupils
Laying down the foundation stone for the Nursery School Bldg 11.10 - 11.40 am Guest of Honour
Sports Entertainment [Gymnastic, Commedy & Dance 11.40 - 11.50 am Pupils
Visitng Academic Exhibitions  & Launching School website 11.50 - 12.50 pm Guest of Honour
Sports Entertainment [Gymnastic & Halaiki] 12.50 - 13.20 pm Pupils
13.20 - 13.25 pm
R.E.O - Reginal Education Officer
From Former Pupils
From School Management
13.25 - 13.45 pm
Former Pupils & School Management
Sports Entertainment [Comedy]
13.45 - 13.50 pm
13.50 - 14.00 pm
Guest of Honour
Prize Giving
14.00 - 14.10 pm
Guest of Honour
Vote of Thanks
14.10 - 14.15 pm
School's Committee Chairperson
14.15 - 14.25 pm
Guest of Honour
Cock-Tail Party
14.25 - 15.00 pm