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2009 Feedback

Started by nTZ, 29 June, 2009, 11:18

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See also

    * Kidugala

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Clara Mackow
Page Number: 2009 01 06
Extract Date: 16-Jan-2009
where is kidugala?

Hi my father is polish and born in Kidugala, im trying to get a new birth certificate but the need to know were Kidugala is in Tanzania, can you help.
Extract ID: 5937

See also

    * Peter Middleton
    * Dr. Sanasada

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Pietro Fardella
Page Number: 2009 01 18
Extract Date: 18-Jan-2009
Dr Sannasardo

I was a fiend of Dr Sannasardo and Peter Middleton. Doctor died ten years ago. Peter is living in U.K.
Extract ID: 5938

See also

    * Renato Bottani
    * Geita Mines
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Renato Bottani
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 1955 to 1962
Mbeya & Iringa Schools

Lived in Geita from 1955 to 1962, attended Mbeya in Wallington House, then Iringa St Michael's & St George's.in Hodgson House. Great memories, but unfortunately, time is clearing the mind although some key names, Lucie Grandcourt, Ana Klimaky, Caroline Daughtry...will never fade.

I remember the fantastic train and bus rides from Mwanza to Itigi and then through the bush to Mbeya. It would just be wonderful to make contact with someone again!
Extract ID: 5942

See also

    * Arusha: Little Theatre
    * Peter Badura-Skoda
    * John Cooke
    * Anton Nelson

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 1963
Peter Badura-Skoda

Dear David,

Something for ntz, a note on Peter Badura-Skoda whose name occurs in connection with a climbing trip my father, Anton Nelson, took with John Cooke in 1963, the item is found at the end of John Cooke's narrative on Kilimanjaro, with which the following could be linked:

Peter Badura-Skoda had a home in Arusha and a music store on the street running north from the clock tower.

His wife, Rosemary, was a pianist who often played for performances at the Little Theatre.

His brother, Paul Badura-Skoda, was the Czech concert pianist of international stature, who once visited Peter in the 50's and gave a full piano recital at the Little Theatre in Arusha.

At his music store, Peter sold LPs to my father, who had begun collecting the organ works of Bach on LP performed by Albert Schweitzer, whose work in Africa was a major influence on my father's decision to go to Africa.

Before leaving California, my father had a gramophone record player outfitted to run on a car battery. Our home at Makumira did not have electricity, but we could hear classical music every evening, while he charged the battery in the car every morning on the way to Arusha or wherever.

In this way Peter and my father enjoyed a close friendship.

Chris Nelson

I continue to enjoy my 24 photos on ntz.
Extract ID: 5940

See also

    * Beaumont

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: John B. Ellis
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 20-Jan-2009
The Beaumont's

I am trying to trace the Beaumont family which was certainly in East Africa at the time of your mentioned safari.

Do you have any information on them at all?

Anything you may have would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards

Extract ID: 5939

See also

    * Bogdan Rozwadowski
    * Stefan Rozwadowski

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: deborah cowan
Page Number: 2009 01 21
Extract Date: 21-Jan-2009
rozwadowski (east africa safari quiz book)


about 30 years ago I spent time in kenya and other parts of africa, and it was the apex of my life's experience. During that time, I met the Rozwadoski brothers, and I have always wondered what happened to them. I have no doubt they do not remember me, but if you happen to know how they are, I'd be very appreciative if you'd let me know. Thanks!

Also, I think your bibliography is a great idea
Extract ID: 5941

See also

    * Col Willie Collingwood

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: John Wells
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 1935 to 1962
Col Willie Collingwood

Willie Collingwood, my fathers cousin was a coffee farmer in Arusha from about 1935 to 1962. We have been going through some old letters and were wondering if you have any information about Willie and his farm.

I find the information of Arusha fasinating. As a family we were in Rhodesia but sadly left in the 60s and although have visited it is seeming to get worse and worse.

Sadly my father never got to see Willie Collingwood's farm due to illness in the early 60's and then Willie died in about 1962.


John Wells
Extract ID: 5946

See also

    * Phyllis Ulyate
    * Robin Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Sally Copp (nee Ulyate)
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 1980
Robin Ulyate

Robin Ulyate is my brother and Phyllis Gray is my sister.

Robin is now farming near Iringa after 30 years in Kenya. His wife Janet and son Otto are also there.

Michael Wood was Robin's navigator in rallies. Janet is his daughter. Mike Wood died many years ago.

There are no members of the family at West Kilimanjaro now.

Interestingly, my paternal grandmother Majorie Ann left Scotland in about1880 for Africa. I now live within 20 miles of her home. Moved here about 100 years later.

Phyllis Gray (nee Ulyate) has a dairy farm in Richmon natal.
Extract ID: 5943

See also

    * Hardy Krüger

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: GVBlack
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 22-Jan-2009
Hardy Kruger

Hardy Kruger is alive and lives in Palm Springs California
Extract ID: 5945

external link

See also

    * Bjørn-Erik Hanssen

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Bjørn-Erik Hanssen
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 22-Jan-2009
The Leopard Man

I just want to mention that my book 'The Leopard Man' now also is available in English.

It can be ordered from the link

all the best


PS If you can't understand how to order the book via the Norwegian link, write an e-mail to the publisher.
Extract ID: 5944

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * James Eva
    * Geita Mines
    * Rüdiger Vogs

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Rüdiger Vogs
Page Number: 2009 01 23
Extract Date: 1958 - 1963
Rüdiger Vogs ~ Arusha School ~ 1958 - 1963

I went to school in Arusha from 1958 - 1963, coming from Geita Gold Mine, near Mwanza.

Since my childhood I never was able to contact James Eva, who also was a school friend of mine later in Nairobi St Mary's school.Is there a chance that I might be able to receive his a address in Cornwall, through you.

I would be very great full for a feed back.

Many thanks indeed.

Best regards

Rüdiger Vogs
Extract ID: 5947

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Richard Hatter
    * Shirley Jackson
    * Bryn Jones
    * H Tofte

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Shirley Round (nee Jackson)
Page Number: 2009 01 24
Extract Date: 1966-68
Shirley Round (nee Jackson) ~ Arusha School ~ 1966-68

Firstly can I saw what a joy it has been this afternoon to come across this site and relive so many memories. I have to say that I even shed a tear when I found a picture taken recently of the good old tortoise from my old school. I never guessed he would still be with us after all these years.

I was a boarder at Arusha School and like some of the others I have fond memories although most of the things I remember are actually of the harsh treatment we got as kids e.g.: lining up on Saturday mornings for nail inspection and the inevitable spankings for bitten nails, spankings on wet bottoms in the showers with leather soled flip flops. Ouch.

Unlike some my memories of the food are not great, I have not been able to enjoy Shepherds Pie since then, I remember corn flakes and boilded eggs on Sunday instead of the usual weekday porridge but the eggs were often occupied.

Someone on your site mentioned the dinning room boys and I certainly remember Twiga. I don't remember any teachers other than Bryn Jones of course and Matron was Mrs Toft. I think the one that was keen on the slipper was Ms De Silva and I remember she disappeared rather suddenly causing lots of speculation and gossip between us girls. I also remember the swahili teacher who had the habit of picking you up off your feet by your ears if caught talking etc.

Moving on to friends from that time I remember the first boy I kissed was called Rodger but I don't know his second name. Like another correspondent my first boy friend was Richard Hatter and I think I still have a picture of us both together. My great friends at the time were Noreen Coot who came and stayed with me in Moshi during the holidays I seem to remember and also a girl called Catherine Fagan who was Australian for Adelaide. I also remember a girl called Sally, again I cant remember her surname but we were regularly punished together at mealtimes for spilling food.

I will have to get out my old autograph book and look up some more names.

Please pass on my email address, if anyone wants to get in touch that would be great.

I think I probably have some old photos and a bit of old cine film (now on video) so please get in touch if I can be of any assistane to you.
Extract ID: 5949

See also

    * Les Brownlow
    * Vera and Ronald Jackson
    * Moshi: Trade School
    * George Taylor

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Shirley Round (nee Jackson)
Page Number: 2009 01 24
Extract Date: 24-Jan-2009
Moshi Trade School

Whilst looking through your great site I came across a couple of references to Moshi Trade School. I lived on the school between 1961-68 and have many memories of families that lived around us, Sunday tea at Kibo, safari trips etc.

My mother and father (Vera and Ronald Jackson) moved to Tanganika, as it was then, in 1958 firstly to Efunda and then to Moshi Trade School. My father taught the local boys electrical engineering. Having served in E. Africa during the war he fell in love with the place and was keen to emigrate when the opportunity arose. We returned to UK in late 1968.

There are two entries on your site from people there at the same time, one an friend of the family Les Brownlow and another entry from George Taylor who I must know but cant remember. They do have similar memories to me about curry peas and the book shop. If they or anyone from Moshi would like to get in touch please pass on my email address it would be great to hear from them.

I am sure there will be photos etc if you are interested or in an other information I might be able to help with.

Thanks again Dave for a great site. Unfortunately although I have tried to get back and will one day, so far I have only got as to Mombasa and Tsvo on a couple of occassions. Keep up the good work.
Extract ID: 5950

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Tricia Lane
    * Oldeani

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: PaTricia Lane Barton
Page Number: 2009 01 25
Extract Date: 1950-52
Kongwa School

I see in your web site an entry from Marie-Louise Sandberg (Nillson). How can I contact her? Could you send her my email address and ask her to contct me.

I had told you earlier that I WENT TO Oldeani and didn't mention that I then went to Kongwa. I love to see what many Kongwaites are up to these days.
Extract ID: 5951

See also

    * Dr Arshad Kamal Khan
    * George Oliver
    * Tanganyika Police

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Andrew Olliver
Page Number: 2009 01 26
Extract Date: 26-Jan-2009
Tanganyika Police ~ Dr Arshad Kamal Khan

I am researching details of my Grandfather who decommisioned from the army after WW1 and served in the Met. Police before joining the police service of British Somaliland. He then ended up in the Tanganyika Police force ending his days in Lushoto in the early 1960.

His name was George Olliver. I would love to know if your father ever met him or has any records of his service as they would have been serving in Tanzania around the same time.
Extract ID: 5952

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Vula Holman
Page Number: 2009 01 30
Extract Date: 1957-1960
Mbeya School approx 1957-1960

Wish to contact anyone who knows 2 Greek sisters Rena and Clara Bekiaris (not sure of the spelling) Trence Clarkson Sakis Papakristos (again not sureof the spelling) they may have moved to Greece

I was born in Arusha in 1948 and lived in Lindi - my father Jack or John Nicholas Holman worked for the East African Railways and Harbours at the dockyard in Lindi

others I remember at Mbeya Rosemary and Peter Lay

moved to Hastings in Sussex just before independence

was in Wallington House -

I remember

- the River Gardens,

- teachers houses with peach trees and avocados and lemons which we used to eat

- the archway with the bougainvillea

- the tall night watch men especially when we had to go back to the dormitory after the pictures

-I was a brownie and a girl guide there as well my sister Jacqueline Holman later came to Mbeya School she was younger then me.

- The stage in the assembly hall with the underground tunnels, the fir trees and the huge spiders

- and an African village near us which was out of bounds

- maize fields

- African boys setting traps bamboo I think for beautiful humming birds

- I was very fond of art and there were two Swiss sisters that were very good at painting

- remember the dining room

- hot coco and bananas had to queue up for them and the African beating the drum for meals

- I now live in Australia with my husband Terence Austin who used to live in Kampala and Nairobi and went to the Duke of Yorks.
Extract ID: 5955

See also

    * Andrew Kennedy
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Andrew Kennedy (Drohomirecki)
Page Number: 2009 02 03
Extract Date: 1942 - 1948
Tengeru 1942 - 1948

Mother and I were in Tengeru Polish camp during that period.

I have a collection of photos of that period and location. If of interest please contact me
Extract ID: 5956

See also

    * Avril Saddler

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Andrew Alexander Saddler
Page Number: 2009 02 06
Extract Date: 06-Feb-2009

Hello Avril I have been looking at the Saddler website and ithink there may be a connection- my fathers dad is from the Saddler bakery in forfar, he is seventy years old and his name is Andrew Mitchell Saddler but he is known as Mitchell.

His brother is Sandy Saddler the famous golfer who still lives in Forfar and his son Michael still runs the bakery in the high street in Forfar. I live in Blantyre and my dad lives in Cambuslang. I phoned him tonight and he is going to check out your website. Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk further, bye for now Andy
Extract ID: 5957

See also

    * Bruno Domke
    * Garagarua
    * General van Deventer

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Hartmut SCHAALE
Page Number: 2009 02 08
Extract Date: 1905
Gararagua Estate

while browsing your homepage I found several comments on the Gararagua farm and the various families which lived there.

I'm the grandson of the German founder of the farm back in around 1905. His name was Bruno Domke and he went to then German East Africa in 1902 as a young accountant and animal hunter for the famous Hamburg zoo Hagenbeck. Around 1905 he founded the farm, married in 1907 and had 5 children, 3 of them were born on the farm - my mother was born on a mission station near Moshi in 1914.

During WW1 the (German) 8th mounted rifles were stationed there. After heavy fighting, the farm had to be abandoned in 1915 to South African units under Gen. Deventer. My grandfather was taken prisoner by the British in 1917 and spent 2 years in a prison camp in Egypt. His family was repatriated to Germany by 1919.

Thus far my 'connection' to Gararagua! I know that my grandfather had some contact with Mr Barrat back in the 1950ies. As I'm writing a biography on my grandparents - who later emigrated to Venezuela and finally died in Portugal - I'm most interested in establishing contact to people who know anything about Gararagua and the times after WW1.

Maybe you could assist me with 'unearthing' such people in order to fill in the historical 'gap' after 1915!

Please accept my best compliments.

Hartmut Schaale
Extract ID: 5959

external link

See also

    * Arusha: Schools
    * Momella
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Brad Warren
Page Number: 2009 02 08
Extract Date: 08-Feb-2009
Schools in the Arusha Region

Our foundation is supporting schools in the Arusha region including some at Momella (Leguruki) and Tengeru. We are interested to communicate with anyone who is working with schools in Northern Tanzania or who would like to join us in their development. Some of our work can be seen at our somewhat outdated site www.adoptaschool.info.


Brad Warren
Extract ID: 5958

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Valerie Hext
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1954 - 1959
Marie Louise Silsing (Sandburg) Ex Kongwa School Pupil 1954 - 1959

Have just found a dear friend (Marie Louise Sandburg ) on your site trying to contact friends from this time.

Can you please pass my details on to her.

Thank you

ex pupils from Kongwa School
Extract ID: 5960

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Anne Collinson
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1958-1961
Mbeya School 1958-1961

My brother (Michael) and I both went to this school. We lived in Urambo and had to travel two days by train to get there.

I believe I was in Burton House. I remember getting the 'tacky' many times. I took the Matrons dog down to the river gardens and was not allowed to go to supper for this transgression but my friends smuggled out some bread for me I clearly remember climbing the fir trees in the playing fields - we could climb to the top of some.

My mother (Margaret Collinson) was Matron for while but not for my House.

After this I went to Lushoto School and Michael went to Southern Highlands.

I also remember being in sickbay with the chickenpox - it seems it was a good place to be.

I have found an old photo which I believe it Mbeya School if anyone is interested.

Lots of fun to find this site. I now live in Canada.

Extract ID: 5961

See also

    * Tony Hyde
    * Elizabeth Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Tony Hyde
Page Number: 2009 02 11
Extract Date: 11-Feb-2009
Malham, Hazel and Lolly Ulyate

Message for Lolly Ulyate.

Hi Lolly,

Back in the early 60's I remember you as a very little girl on your dads farm. I have pictures of you taken at that time and will dig them out of storage for you if you would like, they are pictures you will never have seen. They weren't developed until I returned to Aden. I stayed on your farm whilst on leave from the RAF in Aden. My short stay with you has left me with life long memories and endless stories of my time with your Mum and Dad.

I am not sure how many pictures I have but I should think that there a few if you would like copies and some of my memories of that time please drop me an email.

Tony Hyde
Extract ID: 5962

external link

See also

    * Rupee

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Joe Otuke
Page Number: 2009 02 13
Extract Date: 1900
Rupee ii

I can across the email below (see link) and I am very interested to know the answers.

Please help because right now I know somebody who has the coin written Dr. Kaiser Rupee ii of 1913 the rest being same as below described and the ironbox and wants to dispose it to Kaiser foundation in return for some millions of dollars as he is told. Can I get the true facts about it.

'I am a Kenyan citizen currently residing in Nairobi. I recently came a cross an Old man claiming to have taken part in the first world war and to prove it, he un-vailed some of the artifacts that he claim he was given.

One of the items was a round copper coin with one of its sides swollen have an inscription of what he refered to as William Kaisas Head with a bird on top of it. The other side was flat with the name William Kaisa inscription on the edges,& other German wording in the mild. When placed closely to the ear & Shaken, some form of heavy liquid can be hard moving & when you fold it into your palm, it sensationalizes your hand.

Word on the street has it that this item is a lot of money.

Question (1): Is it true?

Question (2): How much is it worth?

Question (3): If we were to exchange it for monetary gains, how & where would the transaction take place.

Also shown was a Knife & a Stove egg sharped with palm tree & two Lions on the sides.'
Extract ID: 5964

See also

    * Katherine Millet
    * waMeru People

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: J. Urio
Page Number: 2009 02 13
Extract Date: 13-Feb-2009
The Meru People

With reference to the 14th of June 2001 article on The Meru People by Katherine Millett and Thomson Safaris, Inc., especially the following statement:

... "Like the 'real' names of the Wameru, which are kept secret, the traditions of Meru culture may remain hidden from outsiders, beyond the reach of German and then English colonizers, beyond missionaries of the Evangelical Lutheran church, and beyond modern government administrators. The Wameru cheerfully welcome visitors to their homes, nevertheless, to appreciate their way of life and call them by their nicknames."

are the authors talking about the 'Meru People' of Tanzania or about the 'Meru People' of Kenya (I guess the latter but using the context of the former). While the naming of babies is as described in the article, there are no hidden and real names in the 'Meru People' of Tanzania (Varwa). Instead, they are always open and proud of their multiple names (each with its meaning in that society; even new comers to that society are assigned similar names). Also, there are no such names as 'Washuka' or 'Mukami' in that society.

Great website

Extract ID: 5965

See also

    * Stan Fourie
    * Robert Hannath

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Robert Hannath
Page Number: 2009 02 15
Extract Date: 15-Feb-2009
Stan Fourie

I have been looking to contact Stanley Fourie for years now. I have seen his contribution on your site and am desperate for a contact email for him.

I now live in Australia but went to school with him for many years and enjoyed playing cricket in the passage of his parents home way into the small hours of the night.

PLEASE PLEASE can you help me
Extract ID: 5966

See also

    * Ali Redha Nathani
    * Sukayna Nathani
    * Zanzibar

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Sukayna Nathani
Page Number: 2009 02 17
Extract Date: 1960's
Want to find out about my father

I have been trying to get to know about Zanzibar a lot these days, I do not know why.

Maybe because, I was born in Zanzibar, as per my documents, in 1953,but as per my parents, 1955;in the month of September.

It does not matter, the only thing is that, I remember slightly of Shaikh Khalifa dying and being buried, as well as Shaikh Abdulla, who did not reign for long; and then came Shaikh Jamshid or Sayyed Jamshid, as we called him , in 1963, I think. Since I open my eyes, my father, the late Ali Redha Nathani, was in Politics, he was in the group of ZNP. I do know that some time or the other, he was a MP; and we used to live in the same house as Shaikh Shamte, if I am not mistaken, was a Minister of something or the other.

After the Revolution, my father was thrown to Prison as a Political Prisoner and served four or five years of the intial ten years sentenced handed down to him; and then we moved to Dar, and after that to Dubai, where my father died shortly after moving to Dubai.

I have been searching the web and going crazy , there are many pictures,of and mentions of Shamte, Ali Mohsin and all others, but I do not see a single name of my father, he was an important person, we used to go to the Palace and I remember sitting down on Sayyid Jamshid's laps, his daughter and me were same or nearly same age and we used to play together, his wife, who was Maleka then, used to like my mother's food and she used to cook a lot and send them, so how come I do not see any pictures of him , can u pls. help me find them?


Extract ID: 5967

See also

    * Arusha: St. Constantines

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Lollo
Page Number: 2009 02 18
Extract Date: 1974-1983
St Constantines School Arusha 1974-1983

Hi My name is Lollo. I went to SCS btn 1974-1983...I remember thi big tree in the middle of the playfield and the beautiful swimming pool. I also remember miss crunck...whatever but I used to think she was scary. There was 1 dorm for girls the small girls slept downstairs and the big girls upstairs.. Wow what an experience. There were two boys dorm the small boys and big boys dorm and each building had classes downstairs... I wnet to class 1B that was miss Blandford...I miss those days it was fun..and ofcourse MR STRAVROPOULOS I will never forget him. Hahaha he used to say ' I repeat if anyone ..... I repeat....

WE had two streams the English Stream and the greek stream and we had four teams Olimpio(yellow), Sparta(Green), Delphi(Red) and Athens (blue)...
Extract ID: 5968

See also

    * Emil Karafiat
    * Eliefo A. Kilutha

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Eliefo A.Kilutha
Page Number: 2009 02 18
Extract Date: 2000
Look for the books

I'm Mr Eliefo A. Kilutha

I living in Karatu Arusha Tanzania now try to look for life I'm try to looking for the History of Kisimiri Village at the online but there is no, but on my search I got the one issue which is very tuf to me because I remember when I was standard one at Kisimiri Primary is the time when Mr Emil Karafiat reach there I want to say thank for Mr Karafiat for growth up our school and when I graduate standard seven 2000 I was real enjoy because I was in good condition there is good classroom at time when I was in standard seven.

Please if you contact with me Emil pass my great to him I wishing you all the best in your daily activities.


Extract ID: 5969

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Tracy Body-Carpenter
    * Naomi Miller
    * Emma Shitakha

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Emma Shitakha
Page Number: 2009 02 20
Extract Date: 1969 to 1971
Emma Shitakha ~ Arusha School ~ 1969 to 1971

I was in Arusha School from 1969 to 1971. Does anyone have any news about Tracy Body-Carpenter Naomi Miller, two good friends of mine.
Extract ID: 5970

See also

    * Kaidi Bowdon
    * Rashna Jiwany

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Rashna Hackett
Page Number: 2009 02 20
Extract Date: 1974-76
please please help!!

I am desperate to get in touch with my former pottery teacher who taught me how to do the American Hustle- her name Kaidi (Bowden) Jones

Kind regards

Extract ID: 5971

See also

    * Lorna Fè McIntyre
    * Elizabeth Ulyate
    * Linda van Rooyen
    * Louis van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Lolly Van Staden (Ulyate)
Page Number: 2009 02 21
Extract Date: 21-Feb-2009
Fè McIntyre

Have been catching up with familiar faces but would like to get in touch with Louis van Rooyen & or Linda Newby as I am trying also to find Alta van Rooyen ( have forgotten her married name).

Also , stand to correction, but very sure that Fe was actually Lorna Fè McIntrye.


Extract ID: 5972

external link

See also

    * Geita Mines
    * Rüdiger Vogs

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Melvyn Park
Page Number: 2009 02 25
Extract Date: 1956 to 1958
Geita Gold Mine

I Lived at Geita Gold Mine from about 1956 to 1958.

I have noticed some names on site that I knew when I lived in Geita, one being Rudiger Vogs. Seen here


Do you have a contact email address for Rudiger?


Extract ID: 5974

See also

    * Tepilit ole Saitoti

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: David Weaver
Page Number: 2009 02 28
Extract Date: 28-Feb-2009
Looking for someone from years back.

A long time ago, in NTZ, I met professor Tepilit ole Saitoti. I wonder if you might have information on his whereabouts, or email address.

Thank you,

David Weaver USA
Extract ID: 5975

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Fiona Musana
    * Anneth-Mwasi Tumbo

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Anneth-Mwasi Tumbo
Page Number: 2009 03 08
Extract Date: 1997-1999
Anneth-Mwasi Tumbo ~ Arusha school ~ 1997-1999

hello every one!

I fall in the youngest generation of Arusha school graduates than all that I have come across here....i still hold great love for the place...those were the best years of my life.

Am currently doing my bachelors degree in biomedical sciences at the univesity of Zambia-school of medicine, I will always give thanx to those teachers who laid a great foundation for me they are so many t mention...Mr Mamiro,Mr sawaki,Mr joseph,Mrs moshi,Mr Maganga,Mrs Bigambo,Mrs Ngowi,Mr.Kiduma,r chagula,

I must admit the Alumin thing...is a brilliant idea..how far have you guys gone on establishing it,please let me know

how I landed in this web site was on my quest to know whats happening to my lower primary school teachers Fiona am sad to learn about mama Musana's death(MHSRIP)...she taught me in my 2nd and 3rd grade at 'The Play group day care center back in the days before I shifted to Arusha School.' I would really want to know wots happening to the play group day care centre if yu have any info do stay blessed all of you!
Extract ID: 5977

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Massowia Von Prince
    * Tom von Prince

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Glynn Ford
Page Number: 2009 03 08
Extract Date: 08-Mar-2009
Tom Von Prince

There is a message from Kilulu Von Prince, ref Page 2004 09 25 Extract ID 4869. Is it possible to either obtain her email address or get a message to her, it is in relation to a Massowia Von Prince who is also a descendant of Tom Von Prince, Massowia was a student at Kongwa School at the same time as I was.

Glynn Ford
Extract ID: 5978

See also

    * Eric Bilal

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Kisamba Tambwe
Page Number: 2009 03 11
Extract Date: 11-Mar-2009
I am alive an kickin'

Holla at me Eric once u get this, we got lots of catchin up to do

Extract ID: 5979

external link

See also

    * Silverdale Farm

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Sarah Hermitage
Page Number: 2009 03 15
Extract Date: 15-Mar-2009
Silverdale & Mbono Farms

Did your family by chance ever live on Silverdale Farm Moshi? There was a small piece of land on the farm which I think may have belonged to your family.

The link shows who I am.

Kind regards,

Extract ID: 5981

See also

    * Eric Balson

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Cathie Liebenberg
Page Number: 2009 03 17
Extract Date: 17-Mar-2009
Eric Balson

Eric and Viva are friends of my in Canada. I was in Canada and started a Rhodesian club and contacted Eric & Viva to join and we had many great braais. Eric showed me his museum that he had started up in his garage, which was about 10 years ago. What a wonderful man to sit and listen to and at the time he was busy with a coffee table book about Prince Bernard.
Extract ID: 5982

external link

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Chris Austin
    * Bryn Jones
    * H.A. Jones

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Chris Austin
Page Number: 2009 03 19
Extract Date: 1956 to 1958
Chris Austin ~ Arusha School ~ 1956 to 1958

I went to Arusha (North House) from 1956 to 1958 and after that I went to St Michaels and St Georges in Iringa (Junior then Oram Houses) for the full length of the school's existence (Jan 59 to Dec 63), just like Eric Six whom I remember well.

I loved Arusha and hated Iringa. Arusha let us run wild, ride horses and, despite all the reviews, gave me a good primary education.

The horse riding was spectacular. There were a number of horses, one was a palomino carthorse who was incredibly uncomfortable to trot, but when she got into a gallop was just too beautiful, silky smooth and so powerful. Another was an ex race horse who went like the wind but was a bit flighty. And so much raw wild African bush to go haring about in! Who knows what today's health-and-safety culture would have made of it, but we made fun.

Down by the river was the training ring, but more importantly were loads of exotic fruit trees that were so strange to this little English boy, such as guavas and custard apples. And, of course, the huge avocados up by the playing fields.

My goodness, is that tortoise STILL there? We used to make it move by rubbing the back of its shell, and it had a big shiny patch then, and I always expected that it would wear through.

I remember two things vividly. One was a very small boy who couldn't have been much more that six who was completely unable to speak English, having been raised by his ayah to speak Swahili. The other was standing near the covered pathway that runs from the main building to the new girls dormitory ('thank you', Google Earth), promising myself that I would never speak the filthy language that the other boys spoke. It didn't last long, and soon I was master of two versions of the English language, one for school and the other for home!

I don't recall getting the tackie, but I was no angel, so probably was on the receiving end several times. Perhaps it paled into insignificance compared to Iringa where six cuts with the cane was literally that, on a bare bottom!

Nobody has yet mentioned BL's daughter Lynn, who was the prettiest girl I had ever seen (aged 10 at the time). I remember one boy (name remembered well) punching her on the nose and making it bleed!

BL was a great guy. I guess he has probably passed on, because I remember him telling us in one RI lesson that his ambition was to live to see the 2000th anniversary of Jesus' birth. I hope he made it. Anyone remember the History teachers name (it might even have been HA)? Taught us all about East African history, and that has been far more useful than all that stuff about the Stuarts and the Tudors!

If anyone wants to contact me they can do it via the link ... alternatively, David Marsh has my permission to pass on my true email to anyone who requests it. It would be great to hear from anyone of the period.
Extract ID: 5983

See also

    * Jane Hardy
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Jane Wilson (nee Hardy)
Page Number: 2009 03 20
Extract Date: 1950's
Mbeya school

I was on the internet and just about to close down when the idea occurred to me to check to see if there was anything on the internet about Mbeya School.. And I came across your site .

My name was Jane Hardy. I was at Mbeya School in the late 1950s. My father was in the special branch police during the last years of colonial rule. We lived in Mbeya and later in Dar es salaam . My childhood was so very different from that of almost anyone else that I know now, that I often feel slightly apart , especially when conversations turn to childhood. It is as though my childhhood didn't really happen. And Mbeya School is possibly the most unusuall school I attended.

I was in Wallington house, being one of the few day pupils, ( as we actually lived in Mbeya), I was slightly set apart there too, and most of my friends were other day girls. I remember so much about it, but having not talked about it with anyone for so long it is all unverified. My brother, chiristopher Hardy, was there too,but he was older than me and was sent back to bording school in england after a year or too.

I would be so glad to exchange memories with anyone else. Here are some of the things I remember.

*the way it could be extremely cold in the early mornings and then very hot by lunch time when we were lining up to go into the dining hall ( I don't know if that was what it was called)

* Having an object lesson about erosion from one of our teachers, who was showing us a water eroded bank in the school grounds.

* the beautiful mountain , (mbeya peak?), that overlooked the school and which gave the school its motto, ' I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills'.

* The buildings, corridors and classrooms .. Separate from the dormitory blocks to which we, even the day children, would be sent for a rest on beds after lunch.

* Inspections of nails by a matron.

* going into the dining hall at break where we were given bread and butter to eat, ( one slice each I think). I loved this and now wonder who baked it for us.

* outbreak of measles(?) and the children who had it being put into quarentine. Which seemed very mysterious to me.

* The playing fields and playing football, which I think was quite progressive for girls.

*little wooded areas around the school and playing fields in which we used to go and play.

Well I wont go on now as I don't know if anyone will actually read this, and it feels strange writing it down... as I write I am aware of the atmosphere engendered by attempting to recover memories of that time and place. My emotional response now is of a slight sense of lonliness and uncertainty about it... probably because I was a day pupil and so a little on the periphery of things. I do remember hearing about the dreadful bus journeys that so many of the bording pupils would make to get to mbeya... it used to make me fear a change of circumstance that might oblige me to become a boarder, but that never happened. I wonder about the psychological effects that separaton from home had on some of the children. I would so much like to talk to anyone some more about this improbable and beautiful time and place.

Jane wilson
Extract ID: 5985

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Philip Mlay

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Philip Mlay
Page Number: 2009 03 20
Extract Date: 1984-1990
Philip Mlay ~ Arusha school ~ 1984-1990

I just found the website from Google and I was one of Arusha school Students

its indeed a great pleasure to see how much Arusha school is still intouch from ages to present. I was there in 1984 to 1990. it was a great time to be there taken care by teachers like

Ms Kimati, Mr Kaale, Mrs Tesha, Mr Liyeta, Mr Dalal both Y and N Dalal, Mr King, Miss Webb, Mrs D'souzer, Sawaki and Mr Chagula. I also remember Mama Ngowi and his son Amani, Mama Walala, It was also nice to be West house lots of sports day almost every year.

I am presently in France Toulouse.
Extract ID: 5984

external link

See also

    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Mark Evdemon

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Mark Evdemon
Page Number: 2009 03 21
Extract Date: 1949
Arusha School tortoise

Habari yako, I was surfing around and found your page and was 'thrilled' to see that our mascot tortoise is still at the school. I was also reading that your name is up on the Mt. Meru climb board. My name should be there also. I graduated in 1949 and then went to Prince of Wales, in Nairobi. I left East Africa in 1957 and came to the USA.

Link is to a brief story page I made.

Write me if you feel like it....Kwaheri for now, Mark.
Extract ID: 5988

See also

    * George Brzostoski
    * Jacaranda
    * Kongwa School
    * Momella
    * Margarethe Trappe
    * Rolf Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: George Brzostowski
Page Number: 2009 03 21
Extract Date: 1950's

I loved coming across this web site. My parents, Helena and Henry, were close to Mrs Margarete Trappe.

We shared a 3-room building on Momella with her son Rolf and daughter-in-law, Linka (who was also Polish and whose full name was 'Halina'). We were in the Southern end and they were in the Northern room.

We had a lounge room in the middle of the building, and I still remember the lion skin on the floor.

I remember also there was a vegetable garden on the floor of the valley to the South, and among that garden, there was a circular swimming pool.

My father share farmed on Momella before eventually going to head up a pasture research station in Kongwa. He had 2 tours of duty in Kongwa (the first with the OFC and the second with the TAC), with one tour of duty at Urambo, where he established for the OFC the 'Jacaranda Farm' station.

I went to Kongwa School from about 1952 to 1958 with one year in London.

Mrs Trappe's daughter, Ursula, and her husband Ulrich, lived in a a nearby building. It was on the South side of a road that ran East-West, and which was also the access road to Arusha. To the West of it there was what we called 'elephant rock'. This was from where each afternoon one could watch firstly shrieking and playful Colobus monkeys emerge from the forest on the other side of the valley which was on the south side of that road, followed by many elephants coming out to feast on the vegetation in the valley floor.

Mrs Trappe lived in a lovely stone building up on the hill, facing the East (and Kilimanjaro). Nearby there was a growth of pine trees, and the source of a stram of cool clean water. It was used to power a maize grinder and other machinery in the workshop building down the hill.

I have been trying to find any information about the actual location of the original farm, and any remaining buildings. I have some photos similar to the ones in the books 'Am Fuse des Meru', and in the English language, 'Momella'.

Being in Australia now, and getting on in years, I am limited to Google Earth, and the part which may be relevant is not shown in fine resolution compared to what one can see from where the Momella Wildlife Lodge is shown.

I would be grateful for any references that might be of help.

I would like to make contact with anyone who knew people in Kongwa, Momella, Arusha or Tengeru where I was born.


George Brzostowski SC

Canberra Australia
Extract ID: 5986

See also

    * Jeff Hollyer
    * Tinker Hollyer
    * David How-Brown
    * Alan McFarland
    * David Read

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Ian Hamilton
Page Number: 2009 03 24
Extract Date: 1937
Friends of Alan McFarland and David Read

Thank you for putting together such a good web site, worthy ones of East Africa are rare.

I would like to make contact with Alan McFarland, who in your extract ID:5422, says he knew my mother Tinker Holyer when they were at Arusha School.

Furthermore, David Read in extract ID: 4176 says Jeff Hollyer and David How-Brown were to remain friends for the rest of his life, Jeff Hollyer was my mothers eldest brother, he later became a cattle buyer. I am hoping that the gentlemen in question are still alive and willing to correspond.If for any reason they are unable to communicate, say, due to poor health, could you please inform them of the connection and pass on my regards.

I and some of my siblings were born in Kampala, Uganda, we made a memorable safari in 1957 to visit my uncle in Kisumu and then onwards to my grand parents in Morogoro followed by a spell in Dar-es-salaam before coming to the UK in 1958.
Extract ID: 5990

See also

    * Lake Manyara
    * Manyara National Park

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Anon
Page Number: 2009 03 25
Extract Date: 05-Mar-2009
Update about Manyara National Park

... I see some questions in your websites (from the readres) which I could give some updates, although I would not like my name to appear on the webpage (you can reach me via my email).

The Marang Forest and the 'farms' have recently been added to the area of the national park, good for the elephants migration. The corridor to Ngorongoro, Yaeda Chini up to Lake Eyasi is under regular surveillance, further mushrooming of permanent settlements is kept on check by joint efforts (TANAPA and Districts), but it is still not completely clear of human settlement. We are giving more attention to this problem and there may be improvements of the corridor with time.

I hope this information helps, and kindly let me know if there is anything else I can provide information about. ...

Good work!!
Extract ID: 5993

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mary and Martin Davis
    * Marilyn Dingwall
    * Charlotte Hutchinson
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mary Sharp

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Mary Winter nee Sharp
Page Number: 2009 03 26
Extract Date: 1956-57
Mary Winter nee Sharp ~ Arusha School ~ 1956-57

Jambo Rafiki, Habari?

What a wonderful trip down memory lane I've had since discovering your website.

My sister Eugenia (Jeannie) Sharp and I attended Arusha School in 1956 and 1957.

We knew the Davis family well as my dad, William Robert Sharp, also worked at Karanga Prisons Moshi as a Prison Officer. We used to go round with Mary and Martin Davis a lot.

I remember Princess Margaret's visit. They built a wooden archway in the town of Arusha to welcome her. She came to the school in the evening of her visit wearing a lovely yellow evening dress.

I wonder where some of my friends from Arusha are now - Charlotte Hutchinson, Marilyn Dingwall to name but two.

It would be nice to hear from anyone who remembers me.

Extract ID: 5991

Peter Woodrow

 Hartmut Schaale : A fascinating posting by you last year. The history of German East Africa pre-1914 would be very interesting too. There were I understand considerable German plans for development, including much more use of hydro-electric power. It is also fascinating to consider what would have happened  right across Africa if the outcome of WW1 had been different. Germany was outstanding at infrastructure projects and would very likely have built a proper west-east road, a real Trans Africa Highway, between at least Nigeria/Cameroon and Kenya/Tanganyika. That would have profoundly affected the political and economic shape of African now,-almost certainly for the better. A useful thought for your book?