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Some photos from 1994

Started by David Marsh, 07 July, 2009, 18:00

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David Marsh

Junior School Buildings

Classrooms - I was in the middle room aged about 9

Main Building. Older classrooms to left. Headmasters Office in centre. Dining Hall behind.

Dining Hall, in 1994 still with the tables and wall boards from the 1950's.
David Marsh - I use this account for personal postings.  Otherwise I use ntz for administration.

David Marsh

Meru Climbers

Sign over door to passage by Headmaster's office
David Marsh - I use this account for personal postings.  Otherwise I use ntz for administration.


The picture of old class rooms, the one in the middle. I think it was 1963 we had an earth quack. I was sitting at my desk, when my chair and desk went up in the air and down again. Remember like it was yesterday.
Mike Brown.


All looks a bit bare and run down - also much less sgreen than I recall. Driving up from Njombe to the school that first time in '64, I remember being struck at just how English it all looked: mown lawns, clipped hedges and white railings.

Nice to see the name boards in the dining room - there was one for the Victor Ludorum among them. Do you remember the huge wide canvas over the servery showing the mountains round about, similar to the one in the New Arusha Hotel?

Naomi Wilson

Here are the Wynn Jones children visiting their birth polace and home for four years - at the entry to the Arusha School where the founding HM was Rev Bill Wynn Jones.
So interesting to read comments in nTZ.  Thank you.
Naomi Wilson (nee WynnJones)

Maureen M Carroll

Looking at the names on the Board in the dining room for Meru conquered 1954,so many of them are remembered. And in front of me right now I have The Arusha School MAGAZINE --vol. 1, no. 1 Jan 1955 which has been with me since 1955. On page 20 is "The Meru Expedition". It begins, "On 13th november, a party of fourteen children and seven members of staff set off in a lorry, at about nine o'clock in the morning for Olkokola." Article was written by Vivien Landcastle aged 12 who if memory serves me right was Head Girl at the time.
And to see the photo of my classroom when I was in Standard 2 in 1954 and Miss Ashton was my teacher---what a treat.
and how lovely to see the picture of the school badge--unchanged