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Previous Feedback about Mbeya School

Started by nTZ, 29 June, 2009, 11:54

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Mbeya School

See also

    * A.F. Lace
    * Mbeya School
    * St Michael's and St George
    * William Wynn-Jones

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 25

Wynn Jones had no previous guide to academic standards; the children had little or no academic background; some were much older physically than mentally; and there was a wide spread of ages in each class. Right from the start children were entered for the Cambridge Junior and Preliminary examinations, though the Preliminary was dropped after two years.

The Headmaster wrote his own syllabus; and when Mbeya School (an equivalent boarding school in the south of Tanzania) opened in 1942, in buildings vacated by a German School, he went there to consult with the Headmaster; and what they submitted to the Education Department became a basic curriculum for European education in the Territory.

Wynn Jones gave the Swahili language an important place on the curriculum "so that the children would in the future be able to speak correctly to those who work for and with them". He was very proud of the fact that in 1941 the school gained the first 3 places in East Africa in a Swahili essay competition.

By 1938, the enrolment had risen to 73 and the Government let the contract for a 2 storied. dormitory block at a cost of £9,352. This was opened at the end of 1939 and doubled the number of boarding places available. Roughly one third of the pupils were British, one quarter Greek and the rest a mixture of twelve European nationalities. There were no secondary education facilities in Tanganyika for Europeans, but the Government paid for travel to and subsidized the fees at Kenya schools. An inter governmental agreement formalized this in 1943 for 90 pupils at a cost of £100 per place paid by the Tanganyika Government, with parents then paying in addition the same fees as Kenya parents. In 1950 the cost was fixed at £198 and in 1954 £270 of which the parents paid half; and grants of £50 and later £100 were paid for pupils who attended private secondary schools anywhere outside the territory.

A primary school was opened in 1951 with the Overseas Food Corporation Groundnut scheme at Kongwa; and when in 1954 the scheme collapsed and buildings were available, this became a full secondary school, it later transferred to new buildings in Iringa, in 1958 under the grand name of St Michael's and St George's School. Government expenditure on European education in the decade of the 1950s is detailed in Appendix K.

To prepare for entrance to those secondary schools pupils were entered for the Kenya Preliminary Examination (KPE) which was a selective secondary school entrance examination. But what was to be done with those who failed the examination, and whose parents could not afford to send them to overseas schools? The concept of "poor whites" in tropical Africa was politically unacceptable, and parents were not keen to take children away from school until they were employable. Some therefore stayed on at Arusha School to the age of 16 or more, and this of course compounded the disciplinary, social and academic problems with which the staff had to cope.

Wynn Jones was due to go on leave in 1939 and Col. A.F. Lace, on secondment from Monkton Coombe School in England arrived in September to take over from him. Because of the outbreak of war Wynn Jones was reluctant to leave, so for 2 months, the 2 men were joint Headmasters until Lace was called up for the Kings African Rifles and Wynn Jones continued until Lace was released from the army in June 1943.
Extract ID: 4931

See also

    * A.T. Bewes
    * Casson
    * Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School
    * Bishop Stanway

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 31b

The church management of a Government school in 1934 was unusual, but understandable in the light of the depression economy and the existing policy with regard to voluntary agencies. It is less easy to understand the continuing influence of the church in the Arusha School management after 1946.

Arusha School was owned, financed and administered in exactly the same way as the Junior European School, Dar es Salaam, Mbeya School, opened in 1942, and Kongwa School, opened in 1951. The teaching staff were, in all four schools, Government Officers recruited through the Crown Agents in London; final responsibility rested with the Department of Education and, after 1949, the European Education Authority. The establishment of an Arusha School Council in 1946 may be seen as a forerunner of the Government's policy in the late 1950s to have local Boards of Governors for all Government schools so that the schools could more effectively relate to their community.

Be that as it may, it does not explain the appointment of the Bishop as Warden of the school and Chairman of the Board, the virtual right of the Bishop to veto the appointment of staff, the appointment of a Chaplain/Master at the Government's expense, and the Council itself which was theoretically appointed by the Director of Education, but in fact was made up predominantly of the Bishop's nominees. Even in 1970, more than half the Board of Governors were regularly worshipping local Anglicans. Bishop Stanway, Chairman of the Council and later of the Board of Governors from 1951 to 1971 claims that the rights of the church were exercised with great discretion; the fact remains that the rights did exist.

The first Government appointee as Headmaster was Cyril Hamshere (M.A. Cantab) who was born in East Africa and whose father Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere had been Principal of the Diocesan Training College for pastors and teachers up to his retirement in 1928, when Wynn Jones took over from him. The missionaries who withdrew in 1946 from the staff hoped that through Hamshere, a personal if no longer official link between the Diocese and Government would be retained.

The Headmaster was answerable to the Department of Education, and the School Council had no official role or direct authority. Their main function seems to have been to care for property, recommend maintenance, and extensions or addition, ensure that there was sufficient staff appointed and so on. With Dar es, Salaam 500 miles away and communications difficult, it is not unreasonable to expect that officials would be guided by a responsible local body and would take more notice of such a group than of direct representations from parents or requests from the Headmaster.

In 1952, when the Chaplain Casson resigned, the Council recorded its profound conviction that the appointment of a suitable chaplain-master to the staff of Arusha school "is of paramount importance in these difficult days in East Africa. In view of the importance of the post, no appointment should be made without consultation with the Warden of the School and the Director of Education".

In 1956, the Headmaster sought advice on the enrolment of a part Arab, part European boy and the Director of Education replied that "it would be inappropriate for him to be admitted. to an essentially Christian school". On the speech day in 1955, the Vice Chairman of the Council, A.T. Bewes, reminded the children of the well-founded Christian traditions of the school, which he hoped they would observe throughout their lives".

In assessing this unusual church/state relationship, we must recognise that even the total effort in European education was still a very minor part of the Department of Education's responsibility, that neither the Government nor the parents objected to the relationship continuing, that the power of veto over the appointment of staff was never actually used, and that the "religious life" of the school was not unlike that in a State school in Britain. It would appear also that the very presence of a School Council, a visible and tangible body, gave the school a stability and sense of continuity which was apparently lacking at Mbeya and Kongwa.

I would like to point out that the opening date for Kongwa School in this article is incorrect, the correct date is 4th October 1948

Glynn Ford

27 Jan 2005
Extract ID: 4936

See also

    * David Allen
    * Jack and Marjorie Allen
    * Richard Allen
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Sao Hill

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Richard Allen
Page Number: 2008 03 23
Extract Date: 1950-61
11 years of my life in Northern Tanganyika

Having been born in Arusha in 1950 and living the next 11 years of my life in Northern Tanganyika I find the personal memories of others in your website interesting and fascinating.

Many thanks for your hard efforts.

My 11 years were spent, along with my family, in the villages of Kondoa, Babati and finally Biharamulo, West Lake Province. My memory of years isn't too bright but we lived in each location for approximately 3 years before moving on to the next, except Kondoa where my Father John 'Jack' Allen spent 2 tours.

My early education, along with my brothers David Allen the elder and Robert Allen the younger, was undertaken in the HRH Aga Khan School, Babati, where my Mother Marjorie Allen was the teacher and co-founder of the school. Brother David started at Mbeya School at some stage during this tour in Babati.

On moving to Biharamulo in 1958/59 my younger brother and I were sent to Mbeya School and David started at St Michaels, Iringa. I have many happy, and some more painful, memories of Mbeya. The House (Wallington) Matron living in her flat at the end of the dormitory, The fear of the House Masters flexible black rubber 'tacky', Mr Morgan (I think) running the Cub Scout pack. Birthday teas, Saturday letter writing home followed by a visit to the Tuck shop and a film in the afternoon, Sundays visit to the River Garden, and many more.

On my Mothers death I found that she had kept a large number of those Saturday letters home and amongst them was a sketch of the River Gardens as drawn by a not so budding artist. This last may be of help to Judith Anderson

On a different tack, before his death, my Father wrote part of his life story. The story begins in Notttingham, UK, and goes on to his move to Tanganyika in 1928, at 13 years old, with his parents to an estate in Sao Hill. It tracks his life in the nTZ area during the 30s to joining and leaving the East African Army between the years 39 - 42. Unfortunately he didn't have time to continue the story further.

I have now copied this story to PC along with photos taken at the time and would be happy to pass on a copy to you if it interests you.

By way of interest, Sao Hill is named after the estate my Grandfather named and ran and subsequently where he built the Highlands Hotel in said place.

Again many thanks for your informative and entertaining website.
Extract ID: 5602

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jackie LITTLE / WARE
Page Number: 2008 09 11
Extract Date: 1950's
Mbeya schoool around 1957 1960

I went to Mbeya and have many pics when Mark Morgan was there in the 50s, am trying so hard to contact anyone who is in touch with Michael or Nick Hutton, or David Cadwallader. We had surname WARE and LITTLE (Kitty is my sister) - we lived in Dar.

I am so thrilled to read about other people who were at Mbeya School when I was - I am trying to find some people - how do I reply to anyone please? I wanted to find the Hutton boys, David Cadwallader and write to anyone who is interested - I was in Wallington House, Mbeya Kind

I have photos of Mbeya School around 1955 - some of the wonderful fancy dresses too ! Wondered if anyone in touch with Huttons, Nigel Proctor, Gobi sisters ?

Extract ID: 5811

See also

    * Jane Hardy
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jane Wilson (nee Hardy)
Page Number: 2009 03 20
Extract Date: 1950's
Mbeya school

I was on the internet and just about to close down when the idea occurred to me to check to see if there was anything on the internet about Mbeya School.. And I came across your site .

My name was Jane Hardy. I was at Mbeya School in the late 1950s. My father was in the special branch police during the last years of colonial rule. We lived in Mbeya and later in Dar es salaam . My childhood was so very different from that of almost anyone else that I know now, that I often feel slightly apart , especially when conversations turn to childhood. It is as though my childhhood didn't really happen. And Mbeya School is possibly the most unusuall school I attended.

I was in Wallington house, being one of the few day pupils, ( as we actually lived in Mbeya), I was slightly set apart there too, and most of my friends were other day girls. I remember so much about it, but having not talked about it with anyone for so long it is all unverified. My brother, chiristopher Hardy, was there too,but he was older than me and was sent back to bording school in england after a year or too.

I would be so glad to exchange memories with anyone else. Here are some of the things I remember.

*the way it could be extremely cold in the early mornings and then very hot by lunch time when we were lining up to go into the dining hall ( I don't know if that was what it was called)

* Having an object lesson about erosion from one of our teachers, who was showing us a water eroded bank in the school grounds.

* the beautiful mountain , (mbeya peak?), that overlooked the school and which gave the school its motto, ' I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills'.

* The buildings, corridors and classrooms .. Separate from the dormitory blocks to which we, even the day children, would be sent for a rest on beds after lunch.

* Inspections of nails by a matron.

* going into the dining hall at break where we were given bread and butter to eat, ( one slice each I think). I loved this and now wonder who baked it for us.

* outbreak of measles(?) and the children who had it being put into quarentine. Which seemed very mysterious to me.

* The playing fields and playing football, which I think was quite progressive for girls.

*little wooded areas around the school and playing fields in which we used to go and play.

Well I wont go on now as I don't know if anyone will actually read this, and it feels strange writing it down... as I write I am aware of the atmosphere engendered by attempting to recover memories of that time and place. My emotional response now is of a slight sense of lonliness and uncertainty about it... probably because I was a day pupil and so a little on the periphery of things. I do remember hearing about the dreadful bus journeys that so many of the bording pupils would make to get to mbeya... it used to make me fear a change of circumstance that might oblige me to become a boarder, but that never happened. I wonder about the psychological effects that separaton from home had on some of the children. I would so much like to talk to anyone some more about this improbable and beautiful time and place.

Jane wilson
Extract ID: 5985

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Mbeya School

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 36

In 1951 there had been criticism in the press about the standard of teaching at the school. The Headmaster answered this by explaining to the School Council that children from non English speaking homes had an undoubted effect upon the standard of education in the school, especially when the children themselves were unable to speak English when admitted. He followed this up 3 months later by repeating, "much has been done to allay ideas that the standard of education at this school is lower than it should be", though this comment does not seem to have satisfied the members of the School Council, who complained to the Director later that year (see above.)

Hamshere was always very conscious of his school's success in external examinations and the results feature prominently in his Speech Day reports and written records; he certainly reacted strongly when told that the Mbeya School results were better than his. The school log shows the following table for passes in the Kenya Preliminary Examination for entrance into Kenya Secondary Schools.
Extract ID: 4939

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Susan and John Hall
Page Number: 2008 07 06
Extract Date: 1951-56
Searching Alice Brazier, Mbeya school 1951 to 1956

We are trying to find an Alice Brazier who was at Mbeya School 1951 to 1956 and wondered if anyone remembers her or know where she is now.
Extract ID: 5797

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mary Hanrahan nee Connell
Page Number: 2008 07 19
Kongwa & Mbeya Schools

It has obviously been many years since I have visited the past. Not long ago I contacted Glyn Ford who put up the site on Kongwa School.

It is only now that I want to explain some of my childhood background to my children and grandchildren and find that a significant portion of that life for me and my brother and sister is missing.

I remember in my first year at Kongwa going into the Nissan Hut that was the dining room. I had a very broad Glasgow accent - told to eat porridge that a senior put sugar on - refused - told to eat - and was promptly sick - I only ate porridge with salt!! I also remember the polio scare when we were all confined and not supposed to play active games.

I remember playing building the stones - flatter the better - and knocking them over. Gee I'm getting old!!!

Some happy memory's. Wearing my nightgown to the school dance - it was made of yellow cotton with green trim in the princess style - what the fundis could make in Tabora. Mr Shuttleworth's explanations in latin and history - he tried to make it fun.

When I was older I swam in the school team and won a medal for diving - I played hockey (aggressively - I was short - still am, but have now hopefuly got over the 'short persons disease') Rembember the communal bathtubs (voluntary - somewhat - in later years fun pouring soapy water on concrete floors and sliding on it.

Please reply - I've had no response from my efforts to contact Kongwa ex pupils.

I don't know my brother and sister's experiences - we never seemed to have a chance or inclination to talk about them.

[My brother and sister attended Mbeya School on and off between 1952 and 1956. I attendede Kongwa between 1951 and 1956. Looking at both websites that I have found none of our names are mentioned. Can you tell me why?

Mbeya - Catherine Connell and William Connell Kongwa - Mary Connel]
Extract ID: 5803

See also

    * Alex (Sandy) Armet
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Alex (Sandy) Armet
Page Number: 2008 11 11
Extract Date: 1951-59
Info on Mbeya

I lived in and around Tanga during the years 1951 till 1959 and around the year 1954 started attending Mbeya. My sister Betty attended two years later. I remember Princess Margret visiting..the local Catholic priest, coming off his motor bike, I remember the long dining tables, and also remember the man with the drum who let us know when it was dinner time.

My first fight was to confirm that I had first place in the meal line. I also had best friend called Peter....and I have no idea of his last name....but I still see us play fighting with swords on top of the airline steps as we wait for the DC10 to land and us to school. I remember being able to climb the Fir trees around the sports field and ..as boys will...we used to bank the timber bearers waiting for the bees to come out so we could swat them. We used to roller skate and I can remember playing rugby and loving it. Great to find this site..
Extract ID: 5890

See also

    * Mbeya School
    * Judith Ward

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Judith Andersson (nee Ward)
Page Number: 2008 02 28
Extract Date: 1954-1958
Mbeya School 1954-1958

Trying to connect with anyone who was at Mbeya during this period. Fond memories - unfortunately no pictures. Would like to construct a sketch (from memory) of the 'river garden'. We were a Barclays family living in Dar.
Extract ID: 5573

See also

    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Bryn Jones
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Mark Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mark Morgan Mark Morgan
Page Number: 2004 02 21
Extract Date: 1947-1955
Bill Morgan was a master at the school

I have just come across this interesting site, while gathering information for a return visit to Arusha later in the Year.

I was very pleased to read the history of Arusha School as my farther, Bill Morgan was a master at the school from about 1947-1955 (I think those dates are right) He was teaching there before the war and then returned after.

I have three brothers we where all born in Arusha and later moved with dad when he went to Oyester-Bay School in Dar, and then later to Mbeya. My elder brother was then a boarder at Arusha before we all where sent to school in the uk.

It was good to see photos of Bryn Jones,a great family friend ( he was kind enough to marry both my self and both of my brothers) he sadly died several years ago, but my mother still keep in contact with his widow.

Seeing the photo of the late Princess Margaret's visit to the school. I was actually in the photo( the top of my head) we have a copy in the family album, and the photo of my farther being presented had pride of place on my grandmothers T.V

We have many photos of the school, and activites going on, which you would be quite welcome to to put on the site.

I am looking forward to my visit in September but hope that the School and Town have not changed to much, but it is nearly 50 years since I was last there.

Will give the site address to my brothers so they can have a look

Mark Morgan

Thanks for your feedback and interesting email. Sorry for the delay in replying.

I received, at about the same time, an email from Andrew Hannah, at the school from 1957-60, although he had brothers there before him, and he lists Morgan as one of the teachers he remembers. I'll put his, and your, emails up on the web site at the next update.

I think I was just out of the shot of Princess M - my duty was to hold the door open for her as she came in. I've got lots of other stuff about her visit, which I haven't yet had time to publish on the site.

But if you have photos and other anecdotes, I'd welcome copies for inclusion.

You will greatly enjoy revisiting Arusha. It's changed much in the last ten years or so since I've been going back. From being a shabby backwater, it's now a vibrant small town, and slowly cleaning itself up. However, flying over it can be horrific in that it reveals a huge shanty town, just as poor as any slum in Nairobi or Johannesburg, but totally hidden from the main tourist throughways.

I called in on the school last May, and found one teacher very happy to show me round (and the tortoise is still there). The buildings are nearly all the same. The roofs have reverted from tiles to bati sheets. The dining hall still has the same long tables and sideboards, and the trophy boards on the wall. But whereas there were less then 300 pupils in the 50's there are now 1200.

The headmaster was very busy, but pleased to see me (I think).

Do tell me more about your trip - have you allowed time to explore Arusha, and a guide to take you round. Most of them just want to get out of town as fast as possible and get you out to see the game. Where will you be staying?

Apart from the obvious risks, I felt I could walk around the main part of the town with my eye's shut. All the road layouts are still the same, and many of the buildings are unchanged. You'll be going round saying, Ah, I remember that.

Back in 1994 we found the old maternity ward in the Arusha Hospital where my brother was born - and maybe you.

The photo I took of it (http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00025.html#04073 ) appeared on the BBC web site recently - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3094543.stm but they claimed that it was obtained from a press agency in Dar es Salaam!

I could go on . . .

Hope to hear more from you.

Extract ID: 4703

See also

    * Renato Bottani
    * Geita Mines
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Renato Bottani
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 1955 to 1962
Mbeya & Iringa Schools

Lived in Geita from 1955 to 1962, attended Mbeya in Wallington House, then Iringa St Michael's & St George's.in Hodgson House. Great memories, but unfortunately, time is clearing the mind although some key names, Lucie Grandcourt, Ana Klimaky, Caroline Daughtry...will never fade.

I remember the fantastic train and bus rides from Mwanza to Itigi and then through the bush to Mbeya. It would just be wonderful to make contact with someone again!
Extract ID: 5942

See also

    * Hatari
    * Mbeya School
    * Robert Paterson
    * Tukuyu

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mike Paterson
Extract Date: 20 July 2001
Mike Paterson

Thanks for replying and the info. There is also quite a good bookshop called Kenya books in brighton just tap that in and you should get them they have a lot of TZ stuff.

I was born in Kampala 1948 and lived and went to school in Tanganyika (Mbeya 1955-58 and St Michael's & St George's Iringa 1959-1962 afterwards in UK.

My father Robert was in the administration as a DO and DC (d1995) and we moved about a lot mainly Lake Province (Shinyanga Biharamulo Bukoba and Ukerewe Island,Southern Highlands(Tukuyu) also Dar and Kisarawe.

I never lived in the Arusha area but stayed at the New Arusha Hotel on our trips to Nairobi and also with the Powells (DC Arusha c1961)

I passed through Arusha in 1992 on safari. An interesting contrast from what it was in the 50's (probably the nicest little town in EA) I seem to remember that the were filming Hatari when we were there early 60's. What struck me most was the lack of water in the river which I remember being quite swift flowing. If you remember any folks who went to school out there you could see familiar names at iringa.ourfamily.com or fungasafari.com for the Kenya schools.

Your site is brilliant and it has been great to see familiar names close family friends like Hans Cory,John Moffat, Hugh Elliot and parents of guys I was at School with (George Dove,Van Rooyen, Von Mutius etc also David Western.)

Keep up the good work

Best Wishes

Mike Paterson
Extract ID: 4107

See also

    * Mbeya School
    * Judith Ward

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Roger Goodwill
Page Number: 2008 12 04
Extract Date: 1956 / 1957
Mbeya School

I was at Mbeya School around 1956 / 1957 - Stuart House I think (the Blue one?) - fond memories indeed. The valley gardens and Sunday walks into the bush - I can still recall the sound of the generator up on Mbeya Peak (radio beacon I think)

We were stationed in Iringa at the time - a 3 day bus ride to Nairobi when parents moved - on the old EAR & H buses (girls in the front, boys in the back on wooden seats)

Would like to get in touch with Judith Ward if possible - we were also a Barclays family - frequent postings meant 13 schools in all - Mbeya a fond one. Now in Australia

Great Website !
Extract ID: 5918

See also

    * Arusha: Temi River
    * Shirley Duncan
    * Dr. John Linton
    * Mbeya School
    * Caroline Miller
    * Elizabeth Miller
    * Mr Miller
    * Avril Saddler
    * Joan Saddler

Duncan, Brian Arusha Photographs
Extract Author: Brian Duncan
Page Number: 20a
Extract Date: 1958-1962

Sister Shirley during horse riding lessons on the other side of the Temi River (possibly in the area where the Gymkhana Club is now. Girl in background is Elizabeth Miller.

Shirley was at Mbeya (boarding school) from 1956 to 1959 (Burton House - green checked gingham dresses). Other houses were Stanley (blue), Livingstone (yellow?) and ? (red). She then had one year at Iringa boarding school. In 1959 she was joined by Jane Saddler (sister to Avril).

She then moved to Arusha as a day pupil, but latterly was tutored by a private teacher, along with three other pupils. Two of them were sisters, Elizabeth Miller (mentioned above) and Caroline. Their mother trained a horse called 'Two Rivers' and had a farm just outside Arusha. The private tutor was the wife of 'Beeswax Smith', who also lived on the other side of the Temi River.

Tom Linton says: The picture of the horse. That's the Miller home which was on Themi road just before you enter Themi coffee estate, on the way to the Pyrethrum factory built by my father Dr. John Linton, who passed away last year. When my horse arrived on the train from Nairobi, he was boarded in the Miller's paddock for a while. Mr. Miller left the country during the nationalization period (of socialism) with his wealth, in stones, and was sadly killed when the small plane he was absconding in crashed.
Extract ID: 5294

See also

    * Warna Hewitt
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Warna Hewitt
Page Number: 2008 03 20
Extract Date: 1957 -61
Warna Hewitt Mbeya School 1957 -61

I was at Mbeya School late 50's early 60's and remember Mr Morgan, Miss Thompson (who I met in Brazil)but very little else. Would love to hear from anybody who has been there recently as my son is going there in July and would love to tell him the address and how to get there. I was in Stanley house and remember the long dining tables, you could only have 20 people to your birthday party, and also remember the man with the drum who let us know when it was dinner time. As I lived in Moshi and also Lindi, I used to have to fly to school, but remember that we were the last to arrive and the last to leave.

Include_feedback: on

Date: 20-Mar-2008
Extract ID: 5601

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Vula Holman
Page Number: 2009 01 30
Extract Date: 1957-1960
Mbeya School approx 1957-1960

Wish to contact anyone who knows 2 Greek sisters Rena and Clara Bekiaris (not sure of the spelling) Trence Clarkson Sakis Papakristos (again not sureof the spelling) they may have moved to Greece

I was born in Arusha in 1948 and lived in Lindi - my father Jack or John Nicholas Holman worked for the East African Railways and Harbours at the dockyard in Lindi

others I remember at Mbeya Rosemary and Peter Lay

moved to Hastings in Sussex just before independence

was in Wallington House -

I remember

- the River Gardens,

- teachers houses with peach trees and avocados and lemons which we used to eat

- the archway with the bougainvillea

- the tall night watch men especially when we had to go back to the dormitory after the pictures

-I was a brownie and a girl guide there as well my sister Jacqueline Holman later came to Mbeya School she was younger then me.

- The stage in the assembly hall with the underground tunnels, the fir trees and the huge spiders

- and an African village near us which was out of bounds

- maize fields

- African boys setting traps bamboo I think for beautiful humming birds

- I was very fond of art and there were two Swiss sisters that were very good at painting

- remember the dining room

- hot coco and bananas had to queue up for them and the African beating the drum for meals

- I now live in Australia with my husband Terence Austin who used to live in Kampala and Nairobi and went to the Duke of Yorks.
Extract ID: 5955

See also

    * Jackie Little
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Mark Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jackie Little
Page Number: 2007 07 07
I remember Mark Morgan at Mbeya School

Unbelievable - I remember Mark Morgan at Mbeya School,

Mr Morgan was headmaster and my sister (Kitty) also went there around 1958 (I was in Wallington, the red house). We watched old laurel and hardy films on a Saturday night as a treat and there were fancy dress parties at end of term.

I remember so much of Mbeya, even the food and the sick bay (huge jabs we used to have)! I would love to hear from anyone who went to Mbeya, Turi or Kenya High School - I have quite a lot of pics of Mbeya - remember so many names still! Great times growing up in East Africa in the '50s/60s!
Extract ID: 5421

See also

    * Rosy Goodman
    * Birgit Lund
    * Lupembe
    * Mbeya School
    * Erika Roe
    * Peter and Eileen Roe
    * Sally Roe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Sally Hughes-Ross (maiden name Roe)
Page Number: 2008 04 27
Extract Date: 1958
George Rushby's book

How absolutely amazing to stumble upon your web site and also discovering that my sister has added my parents names!

I typed in George Rushby's book 'The Hunter is death' because I borrowed it from my father many years ago and have now lost it in the many moves I have had.It was a rather cherished book because we lived in Georges old house in Lupembe. We moved there in 1958.

I went to Mbeya School for all of one term in 1958 and was desperatly unhappy. I wonder wether anyone remembers me wetting my knickers because the teacher wouldn't heed my desperatly extended arm, and then to add insult to injury she put my knickers out in the sun outside the classroom with name tape fully visible...tis the only time in my life I wished the ground would open up and swallow me !

Coming back to the book I would be most grateful if you could tell me where I might find another copy.

Also if you could put me in touch with Birgit Lund and Rosie Goodman (Peacock) I would be thrilled as I went to the convent in Nairobi with them.

A great website well done.
Extract ID: 5628

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Peter Smythe
Page Number: 2007 06 01
Extract Date: 1958-1961

Hi to anyone who will read this and remembers Mbeya School. I was there about 1958 through to 1961 or 2 in Wallingthon House. I recall Mr Morgan, and amongst numerous other events at the school, the sound of the drums from a village late at night not too far away - was this whenever the moon was full, or maybe if some sacred animal had been slaughtered?

I have many menories of the place and would like to contact anyone who may have been there about the same time - or even a year ot 2 later.
Extract ID: 5406

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Anne Collinson
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1958-1961
Mbeya School 1958-1961

My brother (Michael) and I both went to this school. We lived in Urambo and had to travel two days by train to get there.

I believe I was in Burton House. I remember getting the 'tacky' many times. I took the Matrons dog down to the river gardens and was not allowed to go to supper for this transgression but my friends smuggled out some bread for me I clearly remember climbing the fir trees in the playing fields - we could climb to the top of some.

My mother (Margaret Collinson) was Matron for while but not for my House.

After this I went to Lushoto School and Michael went to Southern Highlands.

I also remember being in sickbay with the chickenpox - it seems it was a good place to be.

I have found an old photo which I believe it Mbeya School if anyone is interested.

Lots of fun to find this site. I now live in Canada.

Extract ID: 5961

See also

    * Shirley Duncan
    * Mbeya School

Duncan, Brian Arusha Photographs
Extract Author: Brian Duncan
Page Number: 14j
Extract Date: 1958-1962
Train to Mbeya

Sister Shirley (2nd on left) departing for boarding school in Mbeya (obviously thrilled at the thought).
Extract ID: 5303

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Lynne Western
Page Number: 2008 06 14
Mbeya School 1958 to 1960

It has been a delight reading so many similar memories from Mbeya School, which I attended from late 1958 to 1960. My best friend there was Ingrid Tanner, with whom I am still friends. My brothers Martin and David Western were at Kongwa and then Iringa. I remember Mr, Morgan well, an excellent teacher. I was in Stanley House and remember living in fear of our matron, a dour Yorkshire woman, Miss Dooley, whose manner hid a kinder heart than I realised at the time. Like other my memories comprise the dinner drums and the river gardens, where we planted a tree each to celebrate Prince Andrew's birth!

I am now teaching in Cheshire, in a prison. I am sure boarding school prepared me for institutional life!
Extract ID: 5788

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Hood
Page Number: 2007 09 27
Extract Date: 1959
Mbeya School 1959

I was at Mbeya School in 1959 in Burton House....green I think. I was only there for two terms as we moved to another part of the country. One of my favourite memories is of the resident drummer who would walk around the school playing, indicating that it was time to line up for meal times, or any other major event. Miss Humphreys was my teacher....I was seven. In 1960 I went to school in the UK and then in 1968 moved to Perth, Western Australia.

Ring any bells with anyone???
Extract ID: 5477

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Susan Barallon
    * Victoria Brennan
    * Mbeya School
    * Maria Sossi

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Susan Hautavoine (née Barallon )
Page Number: 2008 05 25
Extract Date: 1959 -1964
Susan Barallon - Mbeya and Arusha schools - 1959 -1964

I went to both these schools and would like to let Victoria Brenan know that I travelled on those buses that went from Dar via Morogoro and Mikumi to Mbeya. I got on at a place called Soga and later at Kidugallo before Morogoro

My elder brother and sister went to Kongwa and St Michaels and St george's in Iringa

Maria Sossi from Mbeya was my best friend and when that school closed we both went to Arusha

I now live in france and would love to hear from any one that either remembers me or would just like to get in touch.

Susan Barallon.
Extract ID: 5721

See also

    * Victoria Brennan
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Rob Hill
Page Number: 2008 12 02
Extract Date: 1959 to 1963
Mbeya School memories

Dear Victoria,

I too was in Stanley House from 1959 to 1963. Yes, I remember the shoe cleaning and playing jacks with peach stones. Also the kite competition. One of the fir trees was called Big Uggy. Do you recall the roller skating tracks through the woods were we pulled each other along using our belts. And the dams that we made when the rains came.

Do drop me a line. I have the Morgan archive of colour photopgraphs and some other pictures.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Rob (then known as Hilly)
Extract ID: 5912

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: George Taylor
Page Number: 2003 10 31
Extract Date: 1963 - 1966
George Taylor - Arusha School -1963 - 1966

What a pleasure to come accross this web site, it certainly got my memory bank in action.

My name is George Taylor and, along with my sister Audrey Taylor (2 years my senior), I attended Arusha boarding school from about 1963 to 1966. The headmaster at the time was Mr B.L.Jones. My family lived in Moshi where my Dad taught at the local Trade School. We previously lived in Ifunda and I went to Mbeya boarding school before moving to Moshi.

I remember the giant tortoise, trips to the Twiga bookshop in Arusha and also the Cha-Cha coffee bar where we would spend our money on curry peas. Mr Rushbrook taugh French and was remowned for smacking people on the back of the head for any minor mistake. The dinner bell was a railway line hanging from a tree outside the main building. I was a dorm monitor and remember wearing the green shirt, khaki shorts and felt hat on a Sunday. I would take a friend home every two weeks when my parents travelled up from Moshi. I remember Martin Gelege (not sure of spelling now) being the fastest runner in the school - things like that mattered then! Mrs Bradley was my form teacher and Mrs Fernandez was the dorm Matron.

I could write a book about this and my friends Alnoor Jetta and Robi and Maria Sossi - where are they all now.

I am 48 now with a wife and 2 sons, Steve 21 and Mick 18 who both work with me at British Telecom.


George Taylor


I am sorry to be so long in replying, I have only recently returned from a trip to Tanzania.

Many thanks for your feedback and information about your time at Arusha School. If I may, I will add it to the Alumni section of the web site. I try not to publish private email addresses so as to avoid the risk of them being deluged with spam. But if anyone tries to contact you I shall gladly put them in touch.

I've got lots to add to the web site, especially because I've been back to Arusha twice this year - visiting the school on one trip (Tortoise still going strong). Because of other commitments, it may be the end of the year before I can do an update.

You say "being the fastest runner in the school - things like that mattered then!" - They still matter!!! In June I visited the inter-school cross-country championships in Arusha between 2 international schools, a Greek school and 2 or 3 Tanzanian schools. On the course it was very competitive, and Arusha School carried off the overall championship.

You also mention smacking - I've just received an email from a Kirit Patel (1969 -1975) - who can remember "the fun times and the not so much fun times i spent at the school or at the head masters office being whacked by Mr Jones size 6 / 7 shoes and Mr Nettlebacks wood cane"


Many thanks for your enjoyable and interesting reply. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Tanzania.

I look forward to seeing more of the same on your excellent web site - what a nostalgia trip!

I have had a long chat with my parents about the web site and they were facinated.

Thanks for making contact.


Extract ID: 4673

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15
Extract Date: 1960 -1966
Richard Dawtrey - Arusha School 1960 -1966 ish

Have found the site on Arusha school

Found a name I know would like to contact Sarah Holland

Can my address be forward to her ?

I'm sending Sarah a bcc of this email, and will leave it to her to contact you.

Thanks for mail about Sarah, she has been in contact, which is great

I should give you some things I remember about school. 1960 -1966 ish

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.

There are things I remember about school like having to clean shoes on the grass in the quad at weekends.

The big picture in the dining room and that food, I seem to remember dark brown minced beef on toast or was the Mbeya School where I also went.

I read something about tunnels in the river bank which we used to do as well it must have been a trend at school.

Remember making dams in the river as well.

I'm not sure but a coulpe of some of us making a big hole outside the bathroom window on the playing field side

to find spent bullets and cases, goodness knows where thay came from, I still have them somewhere.

The bell made from a railway track, the giant tortoise, which I believe is still alive.

Avocado pears that were eaten to keep the strengh up due to the poor food.

I seem to remember doing nativity plays on the cricket field or was that some other school in africa?

I used to come up from Tanga later in my school life and and asian chap used to come to Moshi to collect

us in a tatty old Ford van which used to backfire all the time.

Climbing up Meru and trips into local game parks

Well happy days but I'm not sure I felt that at the time

Richard Dawtrey

South House Arusha School
Extract ID: 4832

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Najib Kahn
    * Mbeya School
    * Louisa Sossi

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15a
Extract Date: 1960's
The bus left the road

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.
Extract ID: 4834

See also

    * Roger Hubbert
    * Kongwa School
    * Geoff Lawrence-Brown
    * Mbeya School
    * Max Morgan Davis
    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Roger Hubbert
Page Number: 2004 10 30
Extract Date: 1960's
Do you have any leads?

David, when were you in Arusha?

I grew up in Tanganyike and used to live there. I went to school in Mbeya and Kongwa.

I worked for Geoff Lawrence-Brown, hunting and photo safaris and on the Hatari film. Even played polka with the duke! Was good friends with the Trappe famile and Max Morgan-Davies with whom I have lost contact.

Do you have any leads? Salaams!
Extract ID: 4893

See also

    * Victoria Brennan
    * Iringa
    * Itigi
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Victoria Brennan
Page Number: 2008 04 14
Victoria Brennan (nee Butler) Mbeya school Jan 1961-July 1963

I started at Mbeya School Jan 1961, the headmaster was Mr Morgan. I was in Stanley House and remember being able to climb the Fir trees around the sports field, the swimming pool being built, picking up litter before the Saturday evening films, the drummer annoucing mealtimes, shoe cleaning on the grass in front of the dorms, and being taken to see the Walt Disney film Sleeping Beauty in Mbeya. The huge bonfires for Guy Fawkes across the stream, and the Kite making competition and the three horned chameleons. The awful TAB injections and the fancy dress party at the end of the year. Saturday evening Scottish dancing(being wisked through the Dashing white Sargeant with Mr Morgan) and the yearly House sing competition with it English Country songs.

The school closed down July 1963 and we were incorporated into Arusha School for the last term of the year.

I was born in Mahenge and we had to pick up the bus at the Mikumi stop. There were two bus loads of children from Dar and Morogoro and we overnighted at Iringa, girls in the White Horse Inn and boys in the Railway Hotel, this was reversed on the way out, Later when the numbers had dropped we all stayed at the railway hotel. One term the bridge on the Iringa road washed away, so we were bussed up to Itigi, overnight, to catch the train. My sister Judith joined me at the end of 1961 and was the smallest person at school and we were known as Big Butler and little Butler.

I am now fascinated by the curiously dated slang that we used and never came across at any of the other boarding schools I attended. Bosch for rubbish and the use of surnames only.

Thankyou for the interesting Website. I don't recognise any names but would love to hear from anyone who was at school with me.
Extract ID: 5625

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Melody Hainsworth
Page Number: 2008 08 15
Extract Date: 1969-1972
Photos from the 50's of the school

My husband and I were teachers at Mbeya Secondary School from 1969-1972 which is obviously after it became part of the public system. I was the librarian and English teacher. I have some very very old pictures of students, the dining room etc which I would scan and email to someone if you wish to have them for your history project.
Extract ID: 5831

See also

    * Mbeya School
    * George Taylor
    * J. van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Peter Rowland
Page Number: 2008 12 11
Extract Date: 11-Dec-2008
George Taylor

George & Audrey Taylor - Mbeya and Arusha Schools. I was at school with them at both. George may recall going halfterm to Jan van Rooyen's in West Kili.

Have been in and out of Tz over the years and now live not far from Ifunda on Ngwasi lake. Work in the Mbeya area and have had the opportunity of seeing the place - much the same but surrounds are built up. Rugby pitch is a railway station.
Extract ID: 5922


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