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Old School Mates

Started by mikewb, 02 August, 2009, 02:55

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Back in those days we all had some great mates at school, but sadly in those days we did not have things like computers and cell phones. Letter writing was the only way of getting in touch with each other. Because of this I think, we lost touch with a lot of our friends. To cut a long story short, I remember one of my friends (but sorry can't remember his name). He was  african and  had a birth defect with one of his legs. Saying this it didn't stop him from doing any think, especially sport. I remember when he played cricket, one of us had to do all the hard work and run for him, and I can tell you he used to clock up some runs. I can remember it was pretty hard to get a foot ball past him when he was goalie too. One fond memory I can think of, most of my friends were all boarders and I was a day pupil at the time. I had talked my dad into having a bit of a birthday party, and had also arranged for a couple of mates to come out of school for a short time. Well we were a bit late going back and I can remember my dad sneaking every one back in with out matron finding out ( I think I got away with that one) I think his father was some one in the goverment, I can't remember, I think we all meet him once. Does any one remember his name? I would love to get in touch with him again
Mike Brown.

Des Bailey

Hi Mike
I was at Arusha School (1961-65) (Standard 1- std 5) I remember when the first 3 Black  students enrolled. They were Martin Galegi, Richard Rubanbane and his younger brother Robert Rubanbane (not sure of the spelling of both surnames). Robert is the one you are referring to. He was a victim of polio which affected his leg. I remember him very well. Martin Galegi was the fastest sprinter at the school and it was my brother Richard Bailey's goal to beat him, but he never managed. I do not remember you yet but we would have been in the same standard give or take a year.
Des Bailey


It was Robert Rugimbana - he was a close friend of my brother and I in Dar as well as at Arusha; theri afther wass Head of Prisons


I have managed to track down Robert Rugimbana, who is a Professor living in Pretoria, South Africa and works at Tshawane University. As of yet I have not had a reply from him.
Mike Brown.


Hi Mike
Am a bit confused with your years at Arusha school.On your profile says your were 63 -66??  I was recently emailed a photo of the boys hockey team by my brother Bryan Ulyate who was part of that team, are you the same Mike Webster in the photo? The members listing has a Mike Webster & Mikewb. I was at Arusha School 08/1963 -  12/1968 & known as Liz & my brother is 12yrs older than me !!
Would love to know as my brother was chuffed with the photo.

Maureen Bailey

Minnery, van Rooyen, Berrington, de Haaff, Rothbletz, Jolly, Woodward, de Scossa, Bovenisor, Prinsloo, Aitkenhead, Joubert, Loubscher, Coulter, Hunwick, Hubbard, Tennent, etc - what news.  Does anyone have contact or remember the afore-mentioned.  I luckily have contact with Maureen de Haaff - she is a wealth of information - she still has so much contact with ex Tanganyikans and Kenyans.  Should be in her eighties now.  She also went to Arusha school, knew all the headmasters.


Hi everybody,
I'm Sandro Legnani and attended Arusha School between 1958 and 1962. I was in class with Richard Bailey. Martin ran like lightning, nicknamed Gelegele (I Think). I clearly remember Robert Rugimbana. Others of the group were Robin Adrian Fisher (RAF), Jonathan Sharp,  Ian Freeman, Vernon Pretorious. I'll think hard to recall others.
Now I live in Italy.
Bye Sandy


14 December, 2009, 22:10 #7 Last Edit: 14 December, 2009, 22:11 by mikewb
Hi, I started this topic off a while back. Well I found some old pictures of the Barbecue I was talking about,(sorry about the quality). Don't remember some of the faces, are you there?


Hi Mike
Talking about your mate with birth defect, cant quite remember him but you should then remember Boeta Van Rooyen had club foot & was in our years. Brother was Louis Van Rooyen who got a Star certificate for life saving me out the pool!!!! There cousins were Alta & Daleen Van Rooyen (sisters) . They all live in South Africa & if am not mistaken Louis is married to Linda Newby.
Hope i have added some more memories!!

Des Bailey

I recognize Patrick Burnett (black hair and black glasses. I was in the same class as him in std 4 in 1964) and Robert Rugimbana. Flemming Blom Bjorner may also be in the photo.

Janice Hodges

Hi, I was at the school from 1962 to 1966. I was a day pupil 1962-63, then a boarder 63-64, then back to a day pupil living in a staff house when my mother, Elsie Hodges, became school secretary. I am sure I remember Maureen Bailey. I have got out my old autograph book to check the names - Susan Corbett (she had 2 sisters), Alka Shah and her brother Shashi, Paulette de Scossa, Semadar Naveh, Agnes Minnery. I think I was in standard 2 in 1962, I only moved from Dar in the September. I have lots of good memories of the school and struggled to adapt to life in the UK in when we came home in 1966. My brother, Jeremy Hodges, was 2 years younger than me. I know there was someone called Bipin in his class as they met up again at school in the UK. Would be great to hear from anyone who remembers me, my mother or brother.


I think its me in the photo but very unsure. What year is it? I remember: Robert Rugimbana (polio leg) Edward Halwengi + younger brother, Paul Dingwall (polio leg) + brother Craig (?), Matthew Sesoa, Charles Kahama, ? Lusindi, Roberto Sossi, Hasham, Stanley Fourie, Robert Gray-Magiani, Takis Scordulis, Philip Dawtrey, Timothy McCartney-Snape, Mike 'Butch' + Andrew Williamson, Dimitri Papadimitriou, Zohorali Nengsi, Al-nasir Megji, Alnoor Jetha, Blom-Jorner, Rodney Pretorious, ? Van Rooyen, Michael Rothbletz, Susan Corbett, Helen Fernandez (?),  - and many more - they're all in my book, in progress ...


I see you remember Dimtri Papadimitriou...i was friends with his sister Poppy. She now lives in England but i think Dimtri is still out in Tanzania!


Hi....school days were the most wonderful and memorable days in my life.I can never forget those days.
Do you know what made it more memorable? My dearest friend John. We have enjoyed a lot.
I miss him a lot!!!
ltl carriers


Hello Everybody,
My name is Tom Dunkerton and I went to Arusha School from 1962 to 1967. Some of my favorite memories were the tortoise, the horses (my favorite was Bayrum), the Dinky car safaris, having rotten avocado fights, pillow fights between North and South (although I was prefect and was caught in the act of pillow fighting, then I was given the hockey stick and removed from prefect, after which Charles Kahama became prefect even though he was in the fight also but didn't get caught). At the time it was traumatic but now I think it is funny. I remember going to the headmaster B.L. Jones on April 1 and he said "this is no April fools joke, bend over and grab your heels.