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2004 Feedback

Started by nTZ, 29 June, 2009, 11:33

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See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Dipak Patel
    * Kirit Patel
    * Tukuyu

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Dipak Patel
Page Number: 2004 01 06
Extract Date: 1969-1974
Dipak Patel - Arusha School 1969-1974

My brother and I were students at Arusha School from 1969 to 1974. My brother (Kirit Patel) was six and I was eight years of age when our parents boarded us on to the East African Bus service chartered by the School in Iringa. From then on the next seven years were an adventure. Our home was in Tukuyu and the trip to School was a three day trip. Every three months we would go home for a month and then back again. Coming across your web sight took me back to the most interesting part of my life. I thank you for the information and look forward to hearing from more of my fellow students. My brother and I reside in the USA now. Thanks you

Dipak Patel
Extract ID: 4663

See also

    * Slug Map

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Page Number: 2004 01 08
Extract Date: 1856
The Slug Map

Hello, I enjoyed reading your story on the famous "Slug Map". Actually, the one that is posted on your web page is a copy of the German map produced by Augustus Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen (Gotha) in 1856, entitled:

"Eines Theils von Ost- u. Central-Afrika mit Angabe der wahrscheinlichen Lage u. Ausdehnung des Sees von Uniamesi, nebst Bezeichnung der Grenzen u. Wohnsitze der verschiedenen Vlker sowie der Caravanen-Strassen nach dem Innern, 1856"

The original map (which I happen to have) shows 2 small insets which compare Erhardt's detail with contemporary knowledge.

Sincerely yours,

Witold Nazarewicz
Extract ID: 4664

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: hyena2008
Page Number: 2004 01 08
Extract Date: 1970
Anon - Arusha School -1970

I was a student there at Arusha School. I left in 1970. I stumbled on a couple of photo's of the actual school and I wonder if there are any more pictures available. It would really be a treat to see my former school as possible.

(no name given!)
Extract ID: 4665

See also

    * Momella
    * Tengeru
    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: George Brzostowski
Page Number: 2004 01 16
Extract Date: 1946

Dear Ryszard,

Thank you for a very interesting site on Tengeru. I was came across it casually while looking for something on Momela.

Tengeru is where I was born in 1946. My parents were among the displaced Poles. My mother was a sister in the hospital.

It is with some joy that I can say that while my mother is in Canberra, Australia, I found out about a lady living in Queanbeyan, just outside Canberra, who was also working in Tengeru. The two ladies are now very close friends!

My parents and I spent a few years on Momela that was owned by Mrs Trappe at the time. It was an exceptional place where Germans and Poles got on very well - indeed one of Mrs Trappe's married a Polish girl. There are two books on Momela. One is in German - "Am Fusse des Meru" and the other in English, called simply "Momela"

I will never forget living on the slopes of the foothills of Meru, and having the privilege of watching Kilimanjaro look enormous as the sun was setting behind us to the West.

That was back in the late 40s and perhaps early 50s. We then moved to Kongwa, near Dodoma, where my father was a pasture research scientist.

Later we moved to Canberra. Unfortunately my father passed away in 1976 while he was still working for the CSIRO. For my part, I am a Barrister.

Thank you once again for your site and work in compiling this interesting up-date on what happened at Tengeru.


George Brzostowski
Extract ID: 4666

See also

    * Jane Goodall

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Anon
Page Number: 2004 01 21
Extract Date: 2004 01 21
Is this jane goodalls email


is this Jane goodalls email if so i luv to learn about you

i think its so cool that you study chimps i wouod love to do that to

well one thing that should be added is what you wear and transportation also education because a lot of people do projects and come to this web and it doesnt say any of that or maybe it does we just cant find it

well thank you very much and if you could email me back thatd be great bye
Extract ID: 4826

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Ronald Lwakatare

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Ronald Lwakatare
Page Number: 2004 01 27
Ronald Lwakatare - Arusha School -1977-1979


I saw this web site while surfing in the internet. My name is Ronald Lwakatare living in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. I wish to inform you that Arusha School is still there and there is a group of students-many of them who studied in the 1970's up to now- who want to form an alumni association for former students of Arusha School. Former students interested are located in various parts of the World - in Africa, Europe and the USA.

So we are holding our first meeting whose main agenda is to form an Alumni Association. The meeting is taking place in Dar es Salaam on Saturday 31st January 2004 at 4 p.m. We would very much be interested to be linked with former Arusha School students.


Ronald Lwakatare (Studied at Arusha School 1977-1979)
Extract ID: 4667

See also

    * Saba Douglas-Hamilton

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Marko da Costa
Page Number: 2004 02 07
Extract Date: 07 FEB 2004


love TO YOU & your site & VIRGO & FAMILY !

I ALSO only came across it due to watching The Search For Virgo, ONLY TODAY SAT. 12 AM , 07.FEB.2004 ON PORTUGUESE SIC TV, and ALSO decided, to do a search on Saba Douglas- Hamilton. I AM sad Virgo was not found, but I"m ALSO sure she lived a very happy life.

Saba YOU ARE just incredible & FACINATING , I wish YOU GOT to see Virgo one more .

I wish YOU Saba all HAPPINESS, and it makes me happy TOO, to know , that gods creatures, have such a caring, and loving person like ANGEL Saba, who , when YOU come in contact, with animals, ONE SENSES THE PUREST OF pure love and care.


Extract ID: 4691

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Anoop Nathwani

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Anoop nathwani
Page Number: 2004 02 13
Extract Date: 13 Feb 2004
A lot of memories - Anoop Nathwani

Hello sir/madam

To whom it may concern

Wow!!!...what can I say about the site not that I know a lot about web sites and stuff

But it was really nice going through the site especially on the arusha school -wow - what can i say

It did bring a lot of memories to me and few tears too

Please do keep up the good job -

Yes I will go through the site more in depth but for time being I think I could not wait to write to you

So there you are

Anoop Nathwani
Extract ID: 4690

See also

    * David Read

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Susan Ross
Page Number: 2004 02 19
Barefoot Across the Serengeti

Great informative website! I was in Tanzania last year and Read "Barefoor Across the Serengeti" while there. I'd like to order "Beating Around the Bush" by David Read. Can you tell me how to do this? Thank you.

Susan Ross

David Read now has his own web site


On the books page you will find information about where to find his books.

You don't say what country you are in, so if you have problems where you are, I suggest you contact David direct at the email on the web page.
Extract ID: 4702

See also

    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Bryn Jones
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Mark Morgan

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Mark Morgan Mark Morgan
Page Number: 2004 02 21
Extract Date: 1947-1955
Bill Morgan was a master at the school

I have just come across this interesting site, while gathering information for a return visit to Arusha later in the Year.

I was very pleased to read the history of Arusha School as my farther, Bill Morgan was a master at the school from about 1947-1955 (I think those dates are right) He was teaching there before the war and then returned after.

I have three brothers we where all born in Arusha and later moved with dad when he went to Oyester-Bay School in Dar, and then later to Mbeya. My elder brother was then a boarder at Arusha before we all where sent to school in the uk.

It was good to see photos of Bryn Jones,a great family friend ( he was kind enough to marry both my self and both of my brothers) he sadly died several years ago, but my mother still keep in contact with his widow.

Seeing the photo of the late Princess Margaret's visit to the school. I was actually in the photo( the top of my head) we have a copy in the family album, and the photo of my farther being presented had pride of place on my grandmothers T.V

We have many photos of the school, and activites going on, which you would be quite welcome to to put on the site.

I am looking forward to my visit in September but hope that the School and Town have not changed to much, but it is nearly 50 years since I was last there.

Will give the site address to my brothers so they can have a look

Mark Morgan

Thanks for your feedback and interesting email. Sorry for the delay in replying.

I received, at about the same time, an email from Andrew Hannah, at the school from 1957-60, although he had brothers there before him, and he lists Morgan as one of the teachers he remembers. I'll put his, and your, emails up on the web site at the next update.

I think I was just out of the shot of Princess M - my duty was to hold the door open for her as she came in. I've got lots of other stuff about her visit, which I haven't yet had time to publish on the site.

But if you have photos and other anecdotes, I'd welcome copies for inclusion.

You will greatly enjoy revisiting Arusha. It's changed much in the last ten years or so since I've been going back. From being a shabby backwater, it's now a vibrant small town, and slowly cleaning itself up. However, flying over it can be horrific in that it reveals a huge shanty town, just as poor as any slum in Nairobi or Johannesburg, but totally hidden from the main tourist throughways.

I called in on the school last May, and found one teacher very happy to show me round (and the tortoise is still there). The buildings are nearly all the same. The roofs have reverted from tiles to bati sheets. The dining hall still has the same long tables and sideboards, and the trophy boards on the wall. But whereas there were less then 300 pupils in the 50's there are now 1200.

The headmaster was very busy, but pleased to see me (I think).

Do tell me more about your trip - have you allowed time to explore Arusha, and a guide to take you round. Most of them just want to get out of town as fast as possible and get you out to see the game. Where will you be staying?

Apart from the obvious risks, I felt I could walk around the main part of the town with my eye's shut. All the road layouts are still the same, and many of the buildings are unchanged. You'll be going round saying, Ah, I remember that.

Back in 1994 we found the old maternity ward in the Arusha Hospital where my brother was born - and maybe you.

The photo I took of it (http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00025.html#04073 ) appeared on the BBC web site recently - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3094543.stm but they claimed that it was obtained from a press agency in Dar es Salaam!

I could go on . . .

Hope to hear more from you.

Extract ID: 4703

See also

    * Ernest Hemingway
    * Alec "Fatty" Pearson

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Tim Belknap
Page Number: 2004 02 24
Extract Date: 1934
research involving Alec "Fatty" Pearson

Congratulations on your wonderful site, which befits its subject, a wonderful part of the world.

My name is Tim Belknap I am an American journalist and could use a hand in some research involving Alec "Fatty" Pearson, the real pilot who served as the basis of the fictional pilot with a key role in Ernest Hemingway's famous short story "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." So far, I have accumulated quite a bit of information about Mr. Pearson's distinguished record in World War II, which he did not survive. However, his East Africa days are somewhat of a mystery, and I have virtually no biographical information such as whether he was married, date and place of birth. I know he was a chief pilot for Wilson Airways, had the appropriate ratings to fly up to Europe in multi-engined aircraft, did a lot of safari work and hence was a good friend of such leading hunters of the time as Bror Blixen and Philip Percival. The plane in 1934 that he flew the ailing Hemingway to Arusha and then to Nairobi was a Puss Moth.

Other than that, I know little except what I found in one of Bror Blixen's published letters and a passing reference in a Hemingway biography. Any help you or your site readers could give me would be most appreciated. Any tidbit would be of value about this man who, as far as I know, has never been the subject of a published profile - by all accounts he was a terrific guy and deserves his minor place in literary history.

By the way, I grew up in Kenya in the '50s and '60s, went to Kaptagat School upcountry, went on hunting (Block 67) and photo safaris in southern Kenya/northern Tanzania, later became a reporter in America, covered Rhodesia, South Africa and Namibia/Angola. I now live in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York.

What a well-organized, fascinating site. Please keep it up.



Thanks for your kind comments and information/request.

I don't think I've come across Mr Pearson, but I shall certainly keep an eye out.

Obviously I've limited my focus to Northern Tanzania, and I suspect that he operated from Kenya.

Where to turn for more information. I suspect that you'll have to turn to people who may know, and to archives.

There's a man called Hans-Georg Michna who contributes a lot to news groups such as rec.travel.africa and who has a web site with details of his trip last year to Kenya. He stayed at the Aero Club of East Africa, at Wilson Airport, and is into flying, so may well have some useful ideas and contacts. http://www.michna.com/kenya2003/ There's probably some kind of archive at the club itself.

Errol Trzebinski who wrote about Lord Errol lives in Kenya and is into history of that time. Contact perhaps through the publishers.

Michael Palin (eg Python, now TV travel presenter) did a film and book about Hemmingway, including his time in Africa. Maybe some references there. Brief starter references on my web site http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00900.html

For Hunting History of the times, the best source I have is Brian Herne http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00623.html . Again you would have to track him down, and see what he may have in his archives.

Long shot is to write to Peter Ayre, who sells old Africana Books, and who also keeps a database of names of people who have lived in Kenya. http://www.ntz.info/pages/bookshops.html

Good luck.

If you do come across any thing relevant, especially to Hemmingway in Tanzania, do please remember me.

Thank you so much for your help and tips. It's funny, I had already contacted the Aero Club, and its president, Harro Trempenau, is asking around about Pearson on my behalf. The other tips I will run down - I have Brian Herne's book and it is a wealth of information on people I vaguely knew through my parents in Kenya. I'll try to contact him.

I believe you are right about Fatty Pearson operating from Kenya, probably from the old Nairobi Aerodrome. Wilson Airways was a Kenya outfit. But he certainly knew how to find his way around the Serengeti.

I will certainly send you a clip of the final piece. What's interesting so far is the discovery that "The Green Hills of Africa" is not very chronological, nor really the true account Hemingway promises in the preface. By that, I mean his dysentary attack and break from the safari is pretty much edited out, although he alludes once or twice as having been sick in Nairobi. He was sick as a dog the first two weeks of hunting, including when he shot two lions. To me, that makes it all the more interesting, but I guess he didn't want to seem like a whiner.

While the biographers of Hemingway have been helpful on this score, using his letters and Pauline's diary for the true sequence, there are lapses in the accuracy of the biographies. Two of them describe Pearson's aircraft as a biplane, when in fact the Puss Moth was a state-of-the-art closed-cabin monoplane. People tend to think of Africa between the wars as some sort of backwater, but it wasn't in terms of the safari business. Common sense dictated that with wealthy clients and roadless tracts, you used the best equipment money could buy - whether it was GM drivetrains for your safari wagon or Puss Moths for aircraft or Holland and Holland double rifles for dangerous game. Movies like the dreadful (in terms of accuracy, in the opinion of someone who grew up in Kenya) "Out of Africa" and the much-better "The English Patient" evoke a derring-do, open-cockpit spirit that I don't feel was there, at least not by the '30s. Africa flying threw up enough challenges without rickety equipment.

I bought a privately printed account of George Eastman's 1927 safari with Philip Percival and Safariland Ltd. (the same outfit Hemingway used) at a used book store outside Kodak company town Rochester, N.Y., and that's why I'm fairly confident to express the opinions above on how good the safari equipment generally was at the time. Considering who Eastman was, and that he was accompanied by Martin and Osa Johnson, it's not surprising that the photos in this book are superb.

Any tidbits of information your readers can come up with on Fatty would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again, Tim
Extract ID: 4704

See also

    * Watson T Yoshimoto

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Wendell Kam
Page Number: 2004 02 26
Extract Date: 1958
Watson T. Yoshimoto

Dear Sir:

Enjoyed your website and the historical information.

I am currently looking for documentation on Watson T. Yoshimoto who hunted with John Lawrence (1958, 1960) and William M. Jenvy (1965) of White Hunters Ltd. If you have any information on Mr. Lawrence and/or Mr. Jenvy I would appreciate you passing it to me. Specifically, I need documentation (export permits no.) on the elephants that Mr. Yoshimoto collected during his safaris.

Mahalo (Thank you) for your consideration of this request. Please contact me if you need further information.


Wendell Kam

W. T. Yoshimoto Foundation

Thanks for your inquiry, but I am sorry that I am not able to help. Just about all the information I have is published on the web site.

Most of the information about hunting was sourced from Brian Herne's book

Maybe he would be better placed to help you, but I'm afraid I have no contact information for him, other than the clues you can pick up from the book.

Thank you for your response. I will try to track down Mr. Herne.

Please keep me in mind should you come across any pertinent information in the future.

Mahalo and Aloha,

Extract ID: 4846

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Shreela Debi

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Shreela Debi
Page Number: 2004 02 27
Extract Date: 1971-72
Shreela Debi - Arusha School 1971-72

Dear Mr. Nettelbeck,

I was a student of Arusha School in 1971-72 , years that are precious. I wish I could create a similar environment for my daughter.

I leaned that you were in India for some time. I live in Delhi now after many years in England. I loved East Africa.

I have been trying to get in touch with others who were in the school at the time, with not much success. Age makes for much nostalgia.

Christmas at the school was beautiful. I was in the choir and it was magic to walk in with lighted candles.

You were so much an essential presence.

'Hope you and your family are well. I have fond memories of them too.

Warm Regards

Extract ID: 4825

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Andy Hannah
    * Wellesley Hannah
    * Bryn Jones
    * H.A. Jones
    * Bill Morgan
    * David Read

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Andy Hannah
Page Number: 2004 02 29
Extract Date: 1957 - 60
Andy Hannah - Arusha School - 1957 - 60

Thankyou very much for opening this site.

You are very welcome to publish all of the below.

I remember Martin, Mary, and Peter Davis quite well. I was in the year above Peter and below Mary. I remember dancing with Mary!!!

Name: Andy Hannah

Years at Arusha: 1957 - 60

Older brothers Lister, Tim, Dave, were also there before me.

Masters: Morgan, Hampshire, BL Jones, HA Jones, Lanky Johnston. Pop Hazel.

Matrons: Mrs Fisher (David Read's terrfying mother) (head matron), Mrs Birchman, Miss Balfour, Miss De Beer (also terrifying), Miss Bear, Miss Pollack, Miss Randall, Miss Morrell, Mrs Evans.

Teachers: Miss Ingles (gentle and fair), Miss Monroe (loud voice), Miss Elizabeth Gray (lots of fun), Miss Jenkins (Gypsy), Miss Lundy (spunk).

Friends: Peter Bird, Christopher Ronaldson, Roger Haggerty, Itzak Abramovici, Stewart Hammond, Ian Steer, Daniel Marjocki, David Spoors, Michael Carter, George Legnani, Adrian Van Schoor, William Power, Brenda Ulliat, Henrietta Shannahan, Pauline Shannahan, Yvonne Karafiat, Susan Hunt, Nida Mogelnikskii, and others (sorry if I've left anyone out).

(Sorry if I've spelt anyone's name wrong)


Looking back, I think that Hampshire ran a pretty tight ship. I suspect that he also knew who the nice teachers were and who the not so nice, and arranged things so that we all had our fair share of both.

However, my principal memories are negative:

It was like a jail, and we were regimented a lot of the time.

There was always an anxiety that I'd do something wrong and get the tacky (or HA Jones' "persuader"). I didn't get punished that often, but half the time it was for an innocent absent-minded mistake.

My time in standard 3 was particularly unhappy because I was landed with a sociopathic dorm-leader.

Some of the female teachers went out of their way to make us feel small.

I think the most positive aspect was the friendships formed.

I would be delighted to get in contact with any of the above.

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am married and have 4 kids (2 eldest have left home).

Great to hear from you, and thanks for your memories which I shall add to the web site when I next do an update.

You mention Mrs Fisher (David Read's terrfying mother)! I must tell that to David Read. I met him last October, and hope to see him again when I go back to Arusha at the end of May.

Your surname sent me back to my parent's archives, and I've found one slide of the Ball family, plus Timothy Hannah standing in the garden. I'm not sure if you have worked it out from the web site, that my father was the rector of Christ Church Arusha from 1953-57, and I seem to remember that we had various boys to tea on Sunday afternoons. I've been looking, but so far haven't had enough to time find anything more, but I seem to remember that your father's names was Wells or Welsley.

I really need to go back to my fathers diaries to check my memories, and I could well be confusing you all with another family. But I seem to remember also that your father was in London in the early 60's and he took me to a rally in Methodist Central Hall, Westminster at which Dr Hastings Banda was speaking.

My slide scanner is on loan at the moment, but when I can I'll see if I can send you a copy of Timothy's picture and any other pictures I might find in the meantime.

I've also got a couple of copies of the Arusha School Magazine, and see that in 1955 Timothy Hannah won a Standard I Form Prize!

Thank-you for your reply.

By the time I arrived at Arusha School, your family had left the vicarage, but I get the impression that both Tim and Dave spent a fair time at your house. In fact, I think it was your Mum who introduced meringues to our family - via Tim who insisted on our Mum trying to make them.

Yes, Dad's name was Wellesley, and he was working at the time as a medical missionary in Mvumi, near Dodoma.
Extract ID: 4975

See also

    * Arusha: Safari Hotel
    * Duluti
    * Ngare Sero
    * Qel
    * David Rydon
    * Mrs. Gladys Rydon
    * Roddy Sword

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Sonia Mayhew
Page Number: 2004 03 01
My Grandmother Gladys Rydon

My daughter Venetia Mayhew has discovered her great grandmother on the internet and we are all intrigued. I should love to get in touch with Alison Aitken and David.

I am the daughter of Gladys Rydon's daughter Pamela. She married my father Roddy Sword in Arusha Church in 1938. He was in Arusha with the 6 KAR. I spent the years 1956 - early 1958 out in that part of the world when I left school and spent a lot of time with my grandmother, living with her at lake Duluti and we travelled to South Africa together and a few years later back to Australia.

Her son Arthur Rydon is still alive living in Sussex. Fur would have flown if Gladys and Margot had known they were being described as sisters! I have some photos including one of the buffalo that killed David Rydon (in 1968 I think) - certainly not in 64. he was killed on his property near Ngurdoto Crater. it wasn't a national park I don't think then.

My grandmother's friend from Mars spelt his name Qel and he was from the 72nd Golden Planet Saturn flotilla. This came out in an interview she did when we were in South Africa. We travelled by sea on the Lloyd Trestino line and on reaching Durban on the return journey, some friends boarded with a newspaper like the Evening Standard and

the headlines were "SPACESHIPS FROM 600 PLANETS PATROLLING EARTH TO AVERT NEW WAR. Tanganyika woman claims dealings with Commander from Saturn ......"

I have no memories of my mother Pamela who disappeared out of my life when I was about two years old but knew David of course and Arthur well. Arthur has a son Godfrey and grand children and great children. Harold Rydon built

and owned the Safari House Hotel. His property was Ngare Sera at Usa River which is now a game lodge owned by Mike Leach. My husband and I stayed there on a recent visit in 2001 and visited Duluti also, the first time I had been back since my grandmother's death in 1964, exactly 40 years ago.

I hope to hear from you.

Sonia Mayhew (nee Sword)
Extract ID: 4845

See also

    * George and Lory Frame

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Helmut Epp
Page Number: 2004 03 02
Researching George & Lory Frame

I wonder if you have come across any other books or articles by George & Lory Frame.

I have the one they published on cheetahs & hunting dogs.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Extract ID: 4867

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Miss Jenkins
    * Bryn Jones
    * George Legnani
    * Sandro Legnani

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Sandro Legnani
Page Number: 2004 03 06
Extract Date: 1958-1962
Sandro Legnani - Arusha School 1958-1962

Dear Madams and Sirs,

my name is Sandro Legnani, and I'd like to enter your feedback as an old Arusha primary school student. I was born in Dar-Es-Salaam in 1951 and with my travelled around the country in several sisal estates, where my father was a chief engineer.

I attended Arusha school from april 1958 till december 1962. I remeber Mr. Hamshere as my headmaster (even his cane) and Mr. Jones was one of my teachers together with Miss Jenkins. I climbed Mount Meru in 1962 with other 9 or 10 students.

My memories are coming back, I'm excited in finding a piece of my history. Let me dig in my memories and recollect them. I left the country, for Italy, in 1968 after my father got seriously ill and never since then returned. Even the English language is not so good now I'm always speaking Italian.

I'll write again and with the help of my brother George (in Arusha from 1956 to 1960 then went to Iringa) we will find some photos of the school and of Arusha and scan them for you.

Bye for now

Extract ID: 4860

See also

    * Captain Harold Rydon
    * Mrs. Margot Rydon

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Dick Ploeg
Page Number: 2004 03 09
Extract Date: 1928
Margot Rydon

Dear David(?),

I noticed your web pages on Arusha, Tanzania and the issue of Margot Rydon being Captain Harold Rydon's second wife.

According to my information Margot Rydon was German by birth and a Countess of Einsiedel.

My interest in her is related to my research into women racing drivers and in particular those driving Bugatti cars. Margot Einsiedel was one of them and I know she married to a Mr. Rydon and lived in Arusha, Tanzania afterwards. More than likely we are looking at the same person here.

Just for your information, the below is a resume of her Bugatti driving career, from my file on her:

<1928 season. This 37A is entered in several events starting with the Targa Florio of 6 May 1928. In this event Countess Einsiedel finished a commendable 12th and her Bugatti had the race number "22". Shortly after this she participated in two further Italian races. In the May 1928 Coppa Etna she had to retire with bearing trouble, while in the June 10, 1928 Premio Reale race in Rome, there was a crash on lap 25. Back in Germany she entered for the German GP to be held at the Nurburgring on 15 July 1928 as a sports car race. In this event she ran her Bugatti in the 750-1500cc category, but retired with bearing trouble after some earlier tyre troubles. Because of her marriage in 1929 to an Mr. Rydon, she does not seem to have raced the T37A in the 1929 season.>>

Needless to say, that I would be much interested into any further information that you may have about her. In particular I would be interested to know how she may have met this Captain Harold Rydon, while she was still in Germany.

Best regards,

Dick Ploeg
Extract ID: 4843

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Ms Ngowi
    * Fredrick Salukele

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Fredrick Salukele
Page Number: 2004 03 09
Extract Date: 1980-1986
Fredrick Salukele - Arusha School 1980-1986

1980-1986 Arusha School Alumni

I am so glad to see that Arusha School is still in so many people's hearts and minds.

I came across the website in general surfing.

I was at Arusha School from 1980 to 1986 as a student and 1974 todate (2004) as a resident.

I am still at Arusha School because one of my parents is a teacher there. I was born in 1974 while my mother (Miss B. Ngowi) was a teacher and still is (probably the longest serving teacher now). However, right now I am working in Dar es Salaam as a Tutorial Assistant at University College of Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS) but I often go to Arusha School at least twice a year.


Fredrick Salukele
Extract ID: 4835

See also

    * Sydney Waller

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Linda Costa
Page Number: 2004 03 14
Extract Date: 1920's
researching Sydney Waller

I am researching an early White Hunter in Kenya - his name was Sydney Waller and he was hunting in the late 1920's.

I can find no mention of him in this book, could you direct me to the author please?

Many thanks, Linda Costa

Like you, I have a copy of the book, but no special contact with the Brian Herne.

I suggest you start by contacting the publishers of the book.

Sorry that I cannot be of more help.

David, sorry I troubled you, I was not really quite sure who I was sending the message to! I don't have a copy of the book, I found it by surfing the net. Don't suppose you could check the index for me? Just to see if there is any mention of A Sydney Waller, who was hunting around 1928 in Kenya. He lived in Nairobi.

Linda - no problem. Presume you are in Australia?

Three mentions, p132, 167n, 175 +n

P132 Waller ("a first class pioneer hunter") was back up to Alan Black, who was selected by Finch-Hatton to look after the Duke of Gloucester on a Royal Safari in 1928.

P167 describes the creation of EAPHA (East African Professional Hunter's Association) at a meeting in the Norfolk Hotel on April 12 1934. Footnote lists those present, including Waller.

P175 Describes a company called Safariland, which arose from the ashes of its predecessor Newland and Tarlton, which had been dissolved in 1919. Waller is amongst those "inherited" by Safariland.

Footnote lists hunters employed between 1921 and 1938, including Waller.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you want to scan in fuller extracts.

Dear David, thank you very much indeed for the information you provided. Yes, I live in Australia, but only for the last two years. We used to live in Zimbabwe. I breed Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and have been quite involved with the breed for many years now. We brought some of our dogs with us when we came here.

I am writing a book on some of the early breeders and owners of Ridgebacks. The first Ridgebacks to go to Kenya were a pack of six who went to Waller - he bought them from Bulawayo breeders in the then Southern Rhodesia. I suspect they would have faded into obscurity, except for the fact that one of his English clients, Mrs Edmond Foljambe, bought two from him and sent them to England - the first to go there. She showed them at Cruft's dog show, and bred them for a number of years. Her nephew has been most helpful in supplying me with information about the dogs.

I hadn't been able to find any other information about Waller - I do know he went to UK, as there is a letter in the Club files from his wife, written from England, mentioning that she wants to start a Club for Ridgebacks.

I was surfing the net seeing if I could track him down, just to see if he did really exist! With your help, this is now established. Thank you very much for your assistance, I will include the notes in my profile on Waller, but I dont need anything further - but it was very kind of you to offer to do that.

Do you live in Africa?

With very kind regards,

Linda Costa
Extract ID: 4855

See also

    * 'Ben' Benbow
    * Momella Lodge
    * Bert von Mutius

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Christa Von Mutius
Page Number: 2004 03 14
Ben Benbow

having looked at your web site I am very keen to trace Ben Benbow or any one who might know his where-abouts.

My name is Christa von Mutius sister of Bertie of Momella Lodge and I'm interested to contact friends from life in Tanzania.

Many thanks for your help

Extract ID: 4853

See also

    * A.C. Hollis

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Marie-anna Pate
Page Number: 2004 03 17
Researching Sir Claude Hollis

My name is Marie-Anna Pate. I recently visited your website searching for books written by my Great Grandfather...Sir Claude Hollis....you have one of his books listed 'The Maasi: Their language and folklore". It was published by Clarendon Press oxford and is listed in the anthropology section. If you could please tell me where I could purchase this book, I would be very greatful


Mrs Marie-anna Pate

Coincidently, last week I found a copy of "Masai, Myths, Tales and Riddles", also by your Great Grandfather. I bought it in the Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford, England.

"This Dover edition, first published in 2003, is a new selection from The Masai: Their Language and Folklore, published by Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, London, in 1905. We have left out the Masai-language samples, have Americanized the English, have slightly reworked two of the proverbs to make them understandable, and have translated into English one passage the author wrote in Latin."

You don't say which country you are from, but you can find this book on the publishers web site


And Amazon UK currently have 5 in stock (at half the price I paid!)


As for the original title, have you tried ABE Books?


A search finds two copies (both in the UK) but very expensive (just under $400)

Take care to get the title right, especially the spelling of Masai.

Ie The Masai, Their Language and Folklore

I can't find any reference to the 1960 edition by the Negro University Press, although it's the Amazon UK database


Here they give an ISBN for the title, (0836988108 ) and a Google search on this leads to Bookfinders


But again, a listing but no copies currently for sale

Extract ID: 4868

See also

    * Margarethe Trappe
    * Rolf Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: A M Hausheer-Hiltpold
Page Number: 2004 03 23
Extract Date: 2004 03 23
Rolf von Trappe

I am looking for the address/e-mail of Rolf von Trappe's sons as I have an important message for them regarding their father.

Thanks for your enquiry.

I'm sorry, but I have no further information to help you contact the sons of Rolf von Trappe.

Extract ID: 4823

See also

    * Gabriel Songa

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Becky Heslin
Page Number: 2004 04 01
Extract Date: 1992
Researching Gabriel Songa

Hunters' fire signals Hadzabe doom

Bwire, Nyamanoko

2003 March 29

Publisher: Arusha Times

Edition: 263

I was wondering if Gabriel Songa is an old friend of mine who was a student in Boulder Colorado at the Economics Institute in 1991, and who went to Mississippi State University in Agribusiness in 1992. My name is Becky Heslin. From Colorado USA

Dear Becky

Personally I have no idea if the Gabriel Songa, DC Mbulu, was a student in Colorado.

However, when I look at http://www.agecon.msstate.edu/Agribusiness/alumni.php

I see a mention of "Gabriel Songa, August 1992, Department of Food Industries, Congo"

I guess if he came from the Congo, it is unlikely that he moved to Mbulu - but it's possible. I going to Tanzania at the end of May, so I shall try to remember to ask and see if anyone knows Mzee Songa.

Were you an Alumni of the same year - I could only see a Becky Knight?

No I am not an alumnus. I was a personal friend of a Gabriel Songa and another man from the Congo named Gregoire Bamvi. I helped them learn to converse in English. They also helped me with my French. It is possible that neither man returned to the Congo for political and personal reasons. I have been trying to look up either one through internet searches. I have not seen them for over ten years. I was thinking by now maybe I could find either one of them. Thanks David for your help. Becky W.
Extract ID: 4842

See also

    * Dr. Bernard Grzimek
    * Serengeti Shall not die

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Ed Carter
Page Number: 2004 04 06
film print of Serengeti Shall not Die

I am the Documentary Curator of the Motion Picture Academy, and am looking

for a film print of Serengeti Shall not die. Any ideas where I might locate


Thanks very much,

Ed Carter

I had a similar enquiry last year from someone looking for an English Language video of the film (he had found it in German).

At the time my best suggestion was to contact Dr. Markus Borner,, who lives out in the Serengeti and represents the Frankfurt Zoological Society. I can't find a specific email address for him, but you could try the enquiry form on the Serengeti web site

and there's an address at the end of this page

More recently I saw mention of a German project to shoot a film about Grzmick. Some details here

Maybe there are some contacts there that could help you more.

Have you tried contacting any of the people involved in the IMAX Serengeti Film. Some of their researchers must have looked at the Grzmick film (I hope).

Another suggestion is to contact the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol - it's full of knowledgeable people.

NHU, BBC Whiteladies Road Bristol BS8 2LR

+44 117 973 2211 Switch board

And a final suggestion is to contact http://www.wildlife-film.com/

They do a monthly newsletter which often has appeals from people looking for specific current or historical footage.

Hope this is of some help.

Let me know if you do track down a print.

Extract ID: 4863

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15
Extract Date: 1960 -1966
Richard Dawtrey - Arusha School 1960 -1966 ish

Have found the site on Arusha school

Found a name I know would like to contact Sarah Holland

Can my address be forward to her ?

I'm sending Sarah a bcc of this email, and will leave it to her to contact you.

Thanks for mail about Sarah, she has been in contact, which is great

I should give you some things I remember about school. 1960 -1966 ish

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.

There are things I remember about school like having to clean shoes on the grass in the quad at weekends.

The big picture in the dining room and that food, I seem to remember dark brown minced beef on toast or was the Mbeya School where I also went.

I read something about tunnels in the river bank which we used to do as well it must have been a trend at school.

Remember making dams in the river as well.

I'm not sure but a coulpe of some of us making a big hole outside the bathroom window on the playing field side

to find spent bullets and cases, goodness knows where thay came from, I still have them somewhere.

The bell made from a railway track, the giant tortoise, which I believe is still alive.

Avocado pears that were eaten to keep the strengh up due to the poor food.

I seem to remember doing nativity plays on the cricket field or was that some other school in africa?

I used to come up from Tanga later in my school life and and asian chap used to come to Moshi to collect

us in a tatty old Ford van which used to backfire all the time.

Climbing up Meru and trips into local game parks

Well happy days but I'm not sure I felt that at the time

Richard Dawtrey

South House Arusha School
Extract ID: 4832

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Najib Kahn
    * Mbeya School
    * Louisa Sossi

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15a
Extract Date: 1960's
The bus left the road

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.
Extract ID: 4834

See also

    * Maureen Claridge

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Maureen Claridge
Page Number: 2004 04 16
Extract Date: 1940's
My folks were in Tanganyika

Please talk to me. My folks were in Tanganyika from the early 1940's. My Mum kept a diary from 1945 - and tonight on the Intenet I I see my sister's name (Iringa magazine) and the name of a lady (my Mum knew in 1945) - Lady Lead - 17 years later she is one of the main "manne" in Iringa School.

Please respond. My Mum died on 26th March 2004 (84 years), and as we all know - WHY DID WE NOT ASK QUESTIONS?
Extract ID: 4865

See also

    * Jim Aitkenhead
    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Jim Aitkenhead
Page Number: 2004 04 16
Jim Aitkenhead - Arusha School

I am a former pupil of Arusha School. This email is to enquire whether or not you are still updating your Arusha School Alumni.

I discovered your web site just the other day and would be keen to contribute if you are still maintaining this site. I am in the photograph posted in your site, though I cannot be certain exactly where I am in the picture but a little research will be required as we have the same photo in our archives.

Thanks for your email. Yes I am still maintaining the site, although sometimes it's an uphill struggle finding the time to do it. My database is off-line, and it takes a fair while to upload complete revisions to the site. I plan one day to convert it to an on-line database where new entries will appear straight away.

However, I hope to do an update at the beginning of May, so do please send any information, memories and photos that you may have (plus the dates of when you were at Arusha School) and I can then include them.

Extract ID: 4833

See also

    * Wakamba

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Zuzett Daly
Page Number: 2004 04 17
Extract Date: 17 April 2004
About the wakamba

Hello I would like to know what does the word Wakamba means,where can I find some pictures about it or any thing that you can tell me about the Wakamba peoples.I hope you can help me with this.Thank you!!

Thanks for your email and your question. Unfortunately I'm not going to be much help.

The Wakamba are a tribe from Kenya - just outside the scope of my website which focuses on Northern Tanzania.

However, a search on Google finds this article which will give you a little more information:

If you search for Wakamaba and Kenya, or Wakamba and Tanzania, you will eliminated a lot of the unhelpful links.

Thank you so much for your help,I'm really happy that finally I find some information.I also visit your site and I think is great,congratulation!! I would like to apologize about my English I know is not so good I'm just learning.Thanks once more

Zuzett Daly
Extract ID: 4822

See also

    * Laetoli

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Gábor Paál
Page Number: 2004 04 21
Laetoli footprints

I would like ask for permission to use the Laetoli-Footprints-Picture for a web documentary on the evolution of the human body. The documentary will be published on the websites of the SWR, which is the Public Broadcast for South West Germany. Copyright acknowledgements are given.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Gábor Paál

SWR Baden-Baden

I presume you mean this picture: http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00128.html#03283

In which case the copyright is not mine - in fact you will see from the link that I have copied the image (without permission, but with attribution) from Johanson, Donald C and Edey, Maitland A. Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind 1981

Follow the link above the image, and you will see the full details of the source.

If you go to the publisher you may be able to get a better quality image than the low res scan which I have included.

But feel free to use the scanned image from my site, but obviously respect the original source.

If it's a different image you have found, use a similar method to find the source - I've never managed to get to Laetoli, so don't have any of my own images of the footprints.

Extract ID: 4857

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Allen Moore
    * Euclid Moore
    * Chris Stott

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Allen Moore
Page Number: 2004 04 27
Extract Date: 1974-1979
Allen Moore - Arusha School - 1974-1979

Dear David,

Thanks for such a wonderful website. I have, during periods of my life, experienced great home sickness for Arusha (now being one of those times). I was only there from sometime around 1974 to 1979 (I would have been age 3-8) and I have lived a number of places since then. But I guess in my heart I consider Arusha home. We lived in a big two story colonial house across the street from the Gymkata club on Churchhill Road. Visiting is not an option for me right now so I turn to the internet to fill the homesickness looking for pictures and information about "home". I have spent quite a bit of time reading through the information you have compiled. It has helped me to remember things long forgotten about my childhood. And I have learned a great deal about a town of which I was woefully ignorant when I lived there.

I attended Arusha school while in Arusha. I can't say that I remember much of it (the tortise is about all really). I can't even remember any of the folks I attended school with or my teachers. But I have a sense of fondness when I think of it so it must have been a good experience for me. I actually have more distinct memories of the nursery school I went to (On Churchhill Road I believe) than I do of Arusha school.

My parents have a large collection of photographs from the area. My brother and I are planning on scanning them and creating a digital library for posterity. When we get it done I will see if I have any particularly interesting ones that might be of value to your collection.

Allen Moore

Plano TX, USA

Thanks for your kind comments about the web site. It's good to seeing it being appreciated by a growing number of people that have associations with Arusha, and especially the school.

I just wish I had more time to spend on it, and keep it up to date. In due course I hope to learn how to update it in real time, instead of having to regenerate it, and upload the complete web site. And then there are still lots more photos I'd like to add. And maybe set up a bulletin board so you can post comments on-line.

If you do manage to scan in any photos, do please remember the web site. I'm sure there will be many who will be interested in sharing them with you.

I would like to volunteer my services to help you with the web site. I have a great deal of experience with web technology and would like to be able to contribute to your project. Even if it is simply helping to determine what technologies would be best to accomplish what you want. Like you, I have a full time job and a family to take care of but I can certianly find some time to help. Please let me know if there is something I can do.

Thanks for your great offer.

At the moment I use an Access Database, and over the years I've developed Vbasic code to generate all the HTML pages from the Database.

The host I use doesn't support windows/Access, and anyway I'm not sure that Access is the best solution for an on-line database. I've recently upgraded to a hosting package which supports MySQL.

So, my intention is to migrate to a MySQL database, and write PHP code to generate the pages dynamically.

For a bulletin board, I would use a public domain PHP solution. I've seen many I don't like, but haven't yet researched an optimal solution. Ideas here would be welcome.

I have a reasonable understanding of web technologies - nearly all self taught, but done so with a background of over 30 years in the IT business. I'm currently supporting about 24 web sites which I have developed for clients and friends. My clients are nearly all African Safari operators, or Lodges, and the reason for choosing this niche market was to give me the opportunity to go and visit - some 14 trips to Africa in the last 4 years. If only I could resist taking on new work, then I'd find more time for the nTZ project!

I've started learning PHP in the last few months, and am getting ready to tackle MySQL - I have a client who asking me to convert a small Access database, so it will be good preparation for the big one.

If you have time, any comments you have on the layout of the web site, and the ease of use would be very welcome. Even if I can't easily change now, I can bear it in mind for the dynamic project.

Otherwise, I think the best contribution will be content. Do get scanning those photos!!

By the way, did you find my map of Arusha which I think I drew when I was about 10 years old. Churchhill Road clearly marked, and the Gymkhana Club And maybe your house, although I don't think the buildings represent actual plots. We drove round that loop some 10 years ago, and last year I walked across the playing field (shown in green and labeled 1 on my map). It seemed much smaller than my memories of it as a kid.


I had fun last year visiting the International School in Arusha, and talking to a class of 10 year olds who were doing a "Map Project", and showing them this map and a set of photos taken some 50 years ago. They had no concept of what 50 years meant, but were fascinated by the old photos.

Thanks again for your offer

PS looking at the dates you were in Arusha (1974-79) leads me to ask if your parents were involved at all in the Church (Christ Church). There was a new priest there in 1978 (Chris Stott) who, of all the co-incidences in the world, is now the priest in our local village church in England. Perhaps they would remember him. My parents went back to Arusha in 1978 also, and that's why a few of the photos are from that time.

I agree that you don't want to try and use Access for your backend. Access is notorious unstable in multi-user environments and it is much slower than MySQL. MySQL and PHP would have been my first choice as well. I have a website that I built for my brother that I have been thinking about converting to Data-driven for some time (www.eucledmoore.com ). I intend to use MySQL and PHP for that.

I will look around for some PHP bullentin board. If you can tell me which ones you DON'T like, or what things you don't like about them then I can direct my evaluation a little better.

I will think about the layout. Actually, I it seems pretty good the way it is. But if I have any thoughts I will let you know.

Yes, I did find your map. What a great treasure to have kept all these years! In fact, I was looking for a map of Arusha some months back on the web and that is what led me to your site to begin with.:)

We did not attend Christ Church when in Arusha. My parents were actually working with the Baptist mission teaching at the seminary just north of Arusha. In an unusal turn of events though my wife and I started attending 'Christ Church', Bangkok a few years ago when we were living in Thailand. I was confirmed there and when we returned to the U.S. in 2001 we started attending 'Christ Church' Plano, which is a conservative Episcopal church (I feel I must qualify that with all that is going on in the Episcopal church these days). So I have every intention of visiting 'Christ Church' Arusha when next I have the chance to return there even though I understand now it is primarily a Swahili speaking fellowship.

I know that my father, Eucled Moore, was invited to preach at Christ Church, Arusha on occasion so it is very probably that he knew and was acquainted with Chris Stott (any relation to John Stott?).


Extract ID: 4713

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Deborah Ann Wallace
    * Richard Wallace

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Debbie Thiart
Page Number: 2004 05 02
Extract Date: 1969-1973
Deborah Ann Wallace - Arusha School 1969-1973

I am an old Arusha School student

I was at Arusha school from 1969 till1973. My parents farmed at west kilimanjaro. My mothers family was the Ulyate family, who all went to Arusha School as well. I was Deborah Ann Wallace, my brother was also there at school, he was Richard Wallace. I will at some stage try and give more information, I still have all my old school magazines the photos etc

If anyone from my years still has contact, please contact me.

Debbie Thiart
Extract ID: 4861

See also

    * Seif Soud
    * Zanzibar

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03a
Extract Date: 2004 05 03
This is my art work

Dear Sir/Madam

Im an artist from Zanzibar,actualy I saw your site,very intrest for me.my name is Seif SOUD

I think this is very special and I plan to foward this just to see my art work and get some idea for another addition about zanzibarian art work.

your sicerely

Seif Soud
Extract ID: 4837

See also

    * Seif Soud

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03b
This is my art work

Extract ID: 4838

See also

    * Seif Soud

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03c
This is my art work

Extract ID: 4839

See also

    * Seif Soud

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03d
This is my art work

Extract ID: 4840

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * John Bovenisor
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Bryn Jones
    * Karsten Lund
    * Deryck Matthews

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Deryck Matthews
Page Number: 2004 05 13
Extract Date: 1963
Deryck Matthews Arusha School 1963

The Arusha School Alumni website I have just stumbled across, has jerked back some wonderful memories. I was headboy in 1963 and Mr Hampshire was headmaster and Mr "BL" Jones was my tutor. Although some details have faded over the years some names and faces are still with me. In particular Karsten Lund and John Bovenisor whose families kindly took me in during the half-term breaks, as my family lived in Tabora, a dusty two day trek by train and bus.

And in that photo, back row top left, is myself and my younger brother Chris !!!!!