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Arusha School Teachers

Started by mikewb, 10 October, 2009, 07:35

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10 October, 2009, 07:35 Last Edit: 18 January, 2010, 03:20 by mikewb
Did you have any favourite teachers from that time you were in school? I remember Mr BL Jones, who was the Headmaster for a while. He used to teach Scripture and always wrote good things on my school reports. Mr Goswell who was my Teacher, he always made us Laugh and was a fair teacher. Mr Rushbrook, who was head master for a while, I was told off many a time by him in front of the school. I remember we caught a snake one day and he kept it in a glass case. Mrs Rushbrook, she was possesssed, I think she used to hate us. Mr Hamshere, I don't remember to well, but I think he was quiet a gentle man.
Mike Brown


Hi Mike
Nice to see you on FB. Cant remember Goswell, Hampshire's  last year was '63 & can remember his nickname was "Hamsandwich"? After that was Rev BL Jones & Mr Rushbrooke.  The only other teachers  i can remember was Ms Parry - PE ,the Swahili teach who smacked our knukles with the thin edge of ruler & an Indian woman forget what she taught but did our class play 1968  as she invited Fay Jefferies & self to tea one Sunday to her flat .Then a grey hair male teach who took us for French i think.

Janice Hodges

I can remember a lot of the teachers as my mother was school secretary from 1964 to 1966. I started at the school in 1962, and had 2 terms as a boarder 63-64 when my parents moved to Moshi. But from 64 to 66 we lived in a small house in the school grounds. I remember the Goswells, they had a young son, Michael, the Rushbrookes, Ursula Parry (who was a bit eccentric), Irene Purves, Yvonne Stephenson, Mrs Kalogeris. I was at the school when Mr Hamshere left and handed over the tackie to Mr Bryn Jones in assembly. But I cannot remember who my class teachers were. I think it was Mrs Bradley in standard 5. Can anyone else remember? I can remember the Swahili teacher because I did not know any Swahili so she used to get cross with me. Mr Bryn Jones was a great headmaster. I still have the autograph he wrote for me in my book. He wrote it in Welsh so I have not got a clue what it says. Mrs Burnett was the art teacher and she used to do lovely ink and water colour pictures for the girls in their autograph books.


Yes I remember the Swahili teacher, we all used to mess around when she took the class. I don't think a lot of us took the class too seriously, that's why she got mad with us.


15 March, 2010, 10:08 #4 Last Edit: 24 March, 2010, 14:53 by jenchrysalis
You've got a very messy school day that time on Swahili teacher. Maybe you better not teach your child for those not really good things that you are doing in school.SEO Services


Hi thanks very much, but I turned out just fine and my kids are fine too.

Mike Goswell

Hi Janice

I'm Mike Goswell and I was over the moon to find this forum and to see that you still remember me and my family after all these years. I was only four years old when my father taught at Arusha School, but I still remember the day when I broke your Mum's bedside lamp and she said she had a 'bone to pick with me'!! In my innocence I asked if it was chicken! My father is still around and when I spoke to him about finding this website he asked whether Elsie is too. Dad clearly remebers you and Mike Brown, and I will let him know of the other names Ive seen on the forum. If anyone has any messages or questions please let me know.

Asante sana!


Des Bailey

Hi Mike, I remember you were only a few years old when your father (and the Rushbrookes) came to Arusha School. You had an endless amount of "baby sitters" on the playing fields in the afternoons. I remember your father took us for Rugby.
Des Bailey


I remember Goswell playing rugby on a pitch somewhere away from the school and being something of the star - mainly because he was the only adult! As for the Rushbrookes - a living nightmare, both of them


07 June, 2014, 20:34 #9 Last Edit: 07 June, 2014, 20:36 by Val
I was at the school 69-72. From my old school reports, the following teachers were around (excuse the spelling, but the handwriting isn't always clear):

(1969) R Kassam - Form Teacher, Mr BL Jones - Headmaster
(1970) Irene Smith - Form Teacher
(1970) R Nettelbeck - Form Mistress, she taught us the "Kookabarra" song, Mr DC Nettelbeck/Laidlaw - Headmaster/s?
(1971) A Gattnaid - Class Teacher, Laidlaw - Headmaster?
(1971) Miss Boddy - Class Teacher, Laidlaw - Headmaster?
(1972) Mr WL Cairney - took us for swimming - passed my Beginners certificate doing doggy paddle!
(1972) Miss G Allen - says she knew me since 1969, and I was in the School Brownie Pack.
(1972) M Lawery - Class Teacher, D Wilhoft - Class Teacher, Mr Nyakinsgani - Headmaster

I noticed from the net that a DC Nettelbeck is currently still in education in Australia (he must have been a very young headmaster!)