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Photos of Mbeya School

Started by Mark Morgan, 11 January, 2010, 19:48

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Mark Morgan

11 January, 2010, 19:48 Last Edit: 11 February, 2010, 19:35 by Mark Morgan
Hope these photos bring back some memories. I have got loads more which I could let people have.

Mark Morgan

11 January, 2010, 19:57 #1 Last Edit: 11 February, 2010, 19:37 by Mark Morgan
Sorry there should of been more photos...not to good at this computing. Will have to get my son to send others.Watch this space.

Richard Allen

14 February, 2010, 21:46 #2 Last Edit: 14 February, 2010, 22:21 by Richard Allen
Hi Mark,
Are these photos from colour slides. I just feel that the flag photo looks to be the wrong way round. In my memory the archway should be down towards the dining hall. Your photo of the kids going to lunch shows the same arch and the tall fir tree.
Not a criticism but an observation.

Regards Richard

Richard Allen

Thanks for posting the photos Mark. They brought back a bit of depth to what I remember of the place. If you have any more of the school buildings I'd love too see them.

Richard P Bettison

Quote from: Mark Morgan on 11 January, 2010, 19:48
Hope these photos bring back some memories. I have got loads more which I could let people have.

Hi Mark.  This is amazing .  The photo of the hockey team refers :  The lad in the direct front is  Rolfe Bettison ( eldest brother )  sitting on the ground is Colin Bettison and the lad also in Stanley ( blue ) blond is a certain Barry Bousfield.
I Richard ( the blond haired googleizer )  was too young to be in the photo having arrived at Mbeya at the tender age of 6 years old with special DC permission as my brothers were already at the School.  A certaim item refers to Matron Bettison ( my Grandmother - Fathers side ) was the kind lady issuing out spoons of cod liver oil.

Would love to hear from any one who remebers the Bettison brothers.

Mark Morgan

Never was any good at French try English!!!!!


Mark, in the photo of the Wolf Cubs I am the one standing to attention 2nd right from the saluting cub with my back to the camera!

Barry Bousfield

Quote from: Richard P Bettison on 13 March, 2010, 11:08
Quote from: Mark Morgan on 11 January, 2010, 19:48
Hope these photos bring back some memories. I have got loads more which I could let people have.

Hi Mark.  This is amazing .  The photo of the hockey team refers :  The lad in the direct front is  Rolfe Bettison ( eldest brother )  sitting on the ground is Colin Bettison and the lad also in Stanley ( blue ) blond is a certain Barry Bousfield.
I Richard ( the blond haired googleizer )  was too young to be in the photo having arrived at Mbeya at the tender age of 6 years old with special DC permission as my brothers were already at the School.  A certaim item refers to Matron Bettison ( my Grandmother - Fathers side ) was the kind lady issuing out spoons of cod liver oil.

Would love to hear from any one who remebers the Bettison brothers.

Hi Mark, Gosh what a blast from the past! Great photos and I remember your Dad. Best Headmaster I ever had anywhere and Richard, I certainly remember the Bettisons! - my best mates - School House of course! Met up briefly with your bro Rolfe in South Africa some time back, and yes thanks for recognizing me! How is Colin these days? Anyway have just come across this Web sight and remembering some of the names and sights is quite mind blowing. Mark please post more! Best regards, Barry Bousfield

Barry Bousfield

Quote from: Barry Bousfield on 10 November, 2010, 16:48
Quote from: Richard P Bettison on 13 March, 2010, 11:08
Quote from: Mark Morgan on 11 January, 2010, 19:48
Hope these photos bring back some memories. I have got loads more which I could let people have.

Hi Mark.  This is amazing .  The photo of the hockey team refers :  The lad in the direct front is  Rolfe Bettison ( eldest brother )  sitting on the ground is Colin Bettison and the lad also in Stanley ( blue ) blond is a certain Barry Bousfield.
I Richard ( the blond haired googleizer )  was too young to be in the photo having arrived at Mbeya at the tender age of 6 years old with special DC permission as my brothers were already at the School.  A certaim item refers to Matron Bettison ( my Grandmother - Fathers side ) was the kind lady issuing out spoons of cod liver oil.

Would love to hear from any one who remebers the Bettison brothers.

Sorry I meant Stanley (not School House). I mixed up schools attended. 'Old Timers' I'm afraid!
Hi Mark, Gosh what a blast from the past! Great photos and I remember your Dad. Best Headmaster I ever had anywhere and Richard, I certainly remember the Bettisons! - my best mates - School House of course! Met up briefly with your bro Rolfe in South Africa some time back, and yes thanks for recognizing me! How is Colin these days? Anyway have just come across this Web sight and remembering some of the names and sights is quite mind blowing. Mark please post more! Best regards, Barry Bousfield

david saunders

Hi Barry, Are u Jacks Son,currently in Botswana?  My Dad was the pilot in Chunya for WEstern Rift exploration. My brother Ken and i  both  attended Mbeya school. I remember visiting you, your sister and folks at Lake Rukwa. I remember swimming in the ponds inthe river and hippos and crocs in the lake.


Great photos, - I have some too, - and loads of cine films (now on DVD). Would love to swap. I also rremember Jacaranda Bousfield, - still love the namee!
Pippa Jarman

Dennis Pollatos

Hello Mark,
The photograph of the hockey team, the person in the red T-shirt is me, Dennis Pollatos. The person next to me on my left with blue T-shirt is Barry Bowsfield. You made my day, this photograph has brought back wonderful memories of Mbeya school.
Thank you.

P.S. Is it possible to obtain a copy of the hockey photograph, dpollatos@hotmail.co.uk.


Hi,  Does anyone remember the play I was in in Mbeya - Brer Rabbit?   I was Brer Turkey Buzzard, with a funny "yellow" beak.   I do remember Brer Rabbit forgetting his lines at the most crucial time ... and giggling my way through it.   I was not there for long ... 1959, 1960 ... I went to school in South Africa in 1961.   My name was June Ulyate and I was in Buxton.   I do remember the banana fool pudding we had, loved it.   Besides the river garden which I loved, and Mr Morgen head master, I don't remember very much ... I do remember being hit on my legs really hard by the sports teacher.  (was it a Mr Johnstone?)   We were on the sports field playing cricket and he whizzed the cricket bat down the line - we were all suppose to jump over it ... I couldn't and he smacked - with all his strength into my leg ... that was 45 odd years ago and I still remember it!   I remember a Julia Neathe ... we were babes together in Mbulu ... would love to hear from her again


Barry and Dennis, I remember both of you now. I wasn't in the hockey team but remember watching you, Barry, hardening your hockey stick by bouncing a ball repeatedly on it. I have a better photograph taken a year later of almost exactly the same group. I was a small boy in Stanley House, Hilly by nickname, a friend of Edward Halwenge and Mark Roland.

Barry Bousfield

Hi Hilly,

Just revisited this 'down memory lane' sight after about a year and great to see your post. Where do you live and what are you up to these days? I am a veterinary surgeon semi-retired and flit between Hong Kong and South Africa. My email address is barry.bousfield@gmail.com and would love to catch up. You were just a little 'smaller' than me but I remember you could swim like 'greased lightening'. Best regards, Barry