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Messages - lollyulyate

Hi there
Jeffery Tregarthen was at school with us but not sure what years.
Just wish i could be there for the celebrations. My father Malham Ulyate & my Uncle  Ted were among the first students .
I wish the school the very best for the big event & i will one day come to visit.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Awards
07 October, 2010, 12:52
I stand by you Michael on that one. Hidings were given when asked for!!! POW camp ,my foot!!! It is a pity a lot more kids of today are not given that discipline!! In saying that, i dont agree to "hidden" sexual abuses that some kids had in those years & every child has a right but & i mean a BIG BUT!!! Todays kids have no social skills, undisciplined, attitude & peer pressure orientated........i could go on.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha Memories
15 April, 2010, 10:47
Used to love Christ Church on Sundays , at least us girls got to wear white. And as you said Mike all the flowers, i can close my eyes & still smell the flowers in the church & along with the different festivals like Harvest Festival when it was filled with friut & veggies etc!
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
15 April, 2010, 10:35
I see you remember Dimtri Papadimitriou...i was friends with his sister Poppy. She now lives in England but i think Dimtri is still out in Tanzania!
Arusha School / Re: Arusha school teachers
15 April, 2010, 10:30
Eggy bread thing Shaun was "French Toast"...yuck no wonder i cannot eat it today along with Sago pudding...we called it "Frogs eggs"!!!!!
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
15 December, 2009, 21:48
Hi Mike
Talking about your mate with birth defect, cant quite remember him but you should then remember Boeta Van Rooyen had club foot & was in our years. Brother was Louis Van Rooyen who got a Star certificate for life saving me out the pool!!!! There cousins were Alta & Daleen Van Rooyen (sisters) . They all live in South Africa & if am not mistaken Louis is married to Linda Newby.
Hope i have added some more memories!!
Arusha School / Re: Half Term Breaks
17 November, 2009, 13:52
Des will catch you on FB. Half terms my friends were Poppy ( whom i have just got in touch with ) Fay Jefferies & Linda Rowland. Whether having fun on the farm , visiting family or going on safari reckies..... hey they were fun days.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Disarsters
17 November, 2009, 13:47
I remember that storm so well , you could smell it coming from miles away. I was lucky as i was in the dorm directly downstairs. As for earthquakes..they became an everyday thing , would wake up in the morning to find beds moved in the night!
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Teachers
23 October, 2009, 12:31
Hi Mike
Nice to see you on FB. Cant remember Goswell, Hampshire's  last year was '63 & can remember his nickname was "Hamsandwich"? After that was Rev BL Jones & Mr Rushbrooke.  The only other teachers  i can remember was Ms Parry - PE ,the Swahili teach who smacked our knukles with the thin edge of ruler & an Indian woman forget what she taught but did our class play 1968  as she invited Fay Jefferies & self to tea one Sunday to her flat .Then a grey hair male teach who took us for French i think.
Arusha School / Re: School Reports
01 October, 2009, 11:03
Sadly with all the moving i did i lost most of Arusha school ones but have possible still one from Loreto Convent, Msongari. Dont know about the boarding side but wish my kids could have had that kind of education & learning to survive...bushwise not streetwise!
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Awards
01 October, 2009, 10:58
Hidings were given using anything to hand...takkie, thin leather belt ( from experience) rulers flat & side on!!  or worse ears pulled, the Swahili teacher was the worst!!
Awards my one & only for Bible Study & Rushbrook was headmaster , sadly it was lost when my parcels "went astray".
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
11 September, 2009, 08:40
Hi Mike
Am a bit confused with your years at Arusha school.On your profile says your were 63 -66??  I was recently emailed a photo of the boys hockey team by my brother Bryan Ulyate who was part of that team, are you the same Mike Webster in the photo? The members listing has a Mike Webster & Mikewb. I was at Arusha School 08/1963 -  12/1968 & known as Liz & my brother is 12yrs older than me !!
Would love to know as my brother was chuffed with the photo.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Matrons
27 July, 2009, 07:45
There were several matrons & of course Mrs Toft stood out as she had the "motherly" touch & everyone vied to get on her table as when it was your turn at the top(next to her) you got offered the best toast one's ever eaten.
As for the others i was not impressed as i can remember been up in the junior block & it was bath time & instead of telling me to re dry the younger matron  hit me with her infamous leather Italian belt leaving a huge welt for weeks.
Saturday nights if there were no movies we played games.