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St. Michaels, Soni / Soni Reunion 2014
30 September, 2013, 18:57
Reunion 2014

Saint Michael's Preparatory School for Boys

Soni, Tanganyika/Tanzania

1954 - 60th anniversary of school opening

1974 - 40th     "               "     "       closing

In the last 3 years Alistair Brown has organized the reunions in Oxford, England. Given the significance of the date 2014, Alistair has suggested this next one should be a big one and has already reserved the usual seats (and more?) at http://www.headoftheriveroxford.co.uk/ for Saturday 26th July 2014. Hopefully a large number will turn up for the day/weekend.

We have had over 30 'boys' plus friends and family at one previous reunion which was the largest ever gathering of Soni boys outside of the school.

