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St. Michaels, Soni / Re: Soni Reunion 2014
22 August, 2014, 20:31
Sadly Alistair Brown died this year but, according to his wishes, we continued with the reunion that he had organised for Oxford on 26th July. 24 Soni "boys" attended.
The following website http://www.cams.ac.tz/ is the school now and it contains a 1950 picha of some of the pupils in front of the school.
St. Michaels, Soni / Soni Reunion 2014
30 September, 2013, 18:57
Reunion 2014

Saint Michael's Preparatory School for Boys

Soni, Tanganyika/Tanzania

1954 - 60th anniversary of school opening

1974 - 40th     "               "     "       closing

In the last 3 years Alistair Brown has organized the reunions in Oxford, England. Given the significance of the date 2014, Alistair has suggested this next one should be a big one and has already reserved the usual seats (and more?) at http://www.headoftheriveroxford.co.uk/ for Saturday 26th July 2014. Hopefully a large number will turn up for the day/weekend.

We have had over 30 'boys' plus friends and family at one previous reunion which was the largest ever gathering of Soni boys outside of the school.


Get in touch / Re: Contacting Graham Mercer
03 February, 2012, 20:01
Graham lives in Dar and has written things about Tanzanian National Parks. He is on Linkedin.
Dodoma European School / Dodoma school
18 July, 2009, 12:05
Stockley Avenue Primary School

I and my sister attended the school for 3 years from 1961 to 64. We lived in a government house just opposite the school. The headmistress at the time was Miss L.M. Wheeler. My class teachers were: Miss Wendy Poole, J. Hector, M. Every.
The fees were 200/- per term or 20/- per week for part-term. In cases where 2 months notice was not given for withdrawing children from school, half a term's fees (100/-) were charged.

In 1963 the school was managed by the Diocese of central Tanganyika for the Ministry of Education.
I am not sure how long this arrangement lasted. I have some receipts of payments  made to the diocese and others to the regional educational officer.

There was also a school parents association.

I still have my term reports.
I have also a piece of paper regarding an open day with names of helpers and contributors. Presumably, most of these were the mothers of the children at the school?

The teachers were New Zealand missionaries and I recall a lot of emphasis was put on the teaching of bible stories.

Imagi hill was easily visible from our house and the school and with binoculars one often saw lions on the rock. Elephant were frequent visitors to the golf course at the club and once we woke up to find lion prints in our garden.  It was a great place for kids - the pori was just a stone's throw away from our part of town.