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Messages - dbking

Quote from: Hilly on 25 October, 2012, 16:21
Some more pictures. Mark Rowland and his little brother, and another, as well as my sister, in the pictures below.

Rob Hill (Hilly) Stanley 59-63

Thanks for posting the photos - brings back many memories. I (David Kingsriter) was there from late 1955 to mid 1959 and my sister Joan came about a year later. I cannot remember which house I was in, but do remember being in two different dorms. I don't remember any names, unfortunately (names have never been my strong point), but I do remember wrestling with a friend almost every evening AFTER bath time and before supper. The drumbeat for meals is forever burned into my memory - dabada dabada dabadatada, dabadatada dabadatada, dabadbadabadabadabadatada, dabada dabada dabadatada .... (sorry, I couldn't resist ...!
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School 1955-1959
03 November, 2014, 20:33
I've been reading through a variety of the topics here and have thoroughly enjoyed the comments of others who attended Mbeya School during this period. These comments, along with the photos that some have posted, sure bring back a flood of memories. My parents lived in Tukuyu so I was a boarder during this time - began when I was 6, so I'd guess that I was in Standard 1?.

I've recently found a Google Earth view of the school (8°55'28.00"S - 33°24'46.00"E), which is now a technical school, and it looks almost exactly as I remember it almost 60 years ago!

--I fondly remember wrestling with my best friend (whose name I cannot remember), rolling around on the grass outside the dorm right after bathing before the evening meal.
--I remember the dining hall, the meals, the drum beat that called us to meals ... I still beat it out once in a while for my kids and grand kids.
--I remember the dorms, the matron, the communal baths; the classrooms, inkwells, spitballs (I remember that I broke a girl's glasses with one once) ... and the "Kiboko" on occasion.
--I remember the movies, the backstage area of the auditorium, climbing up into the attic of the auditorium and changing the time on the clock ... then climbing through the attic areas above the classrooms and rest-rooms - the girls' was always of interest ...
--I remember my first game of rugby - I was hooked! Played it from then on through high school.
--I remember the walks in the forested areas around the fields - finding mouse remains from the owls.
--I had friends who lived at a Bible School a few miles from Mbeya School toward Mbeya mountain - and their dog showed up at the school on occasion looking for me.

There are so many other memories that have flooded my mind since finding this site. I'd sure love to go back sometime just to relive some of these memories ...
