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Messages - Naomi Wilson

Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
13 August, 2015, 23:42
Our father, Rev'd.William Wynn Jones, inaugural Headmadter of the school brought the two tortoises to the school initially and they were our pets. From where he procured them we do not know.
Sir Alex's mate - my brother Tim informs me, dad gave away, purely and simply because the two tortoises munching were ruining the gardens! To whom the second tortoise was given we do not know. Naomi Wilson (née Wynn Jones)
Youngest of the WJ children
Previous Feedback / Re: 2007 Feedback
10 July, 2013, 13:35
Quote from: Fenella Pringle on 23 August, 2009, 15:50
Hi Susan (Wynne-Jones)
I remember you and your sister, Naomi, from Dodoma.  Did you have a tree-house or something similar at your home?  My sister, Fiona, and I lived at the Boma. My father was the RM.  We weren't there for long. Moved to Dar.  We went to SH School at Sao Hill.  I remember spending much happy time at the Mission bookshop.   Fenella Pringle. ( I now live in New Zealand, Fiona in Malta)

Hello Fiona - Naomi Wilson (nee Wynn Jones)  here. Susan had just beenm staying with me for a couple of weeks - yes we did have the tree house, and I rmember the book shop well. My two brothers live in Sydney and Sue in Canberrs. I live in tropical North Queensland - in Cairns. THis is a sonderfulsite to catch up with people.
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
01 February, 2013, 04:50
Love to share my brother's remark on hearaing of the tortoises "resurrection" as it were.
"What glad tidings of great joy: that which was dead is alive again. We should name him/her "Lazarus"!
I wonder if we can be informed if in the next ten years S/h passes on?
Naomi Wilson
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
31 January, 2013, 22:47
I have just had news that the tortooise is STILL alive! An email from Des Bailey tells me that
Hi Naomi
"I can confirm that as at 30/1/2013 the Tortoise is still alive. This was confirmed by Kathy Barnes who emailed one of the teachers at the school..
I am Des Bailey. Was at Arusha School from 61 - 65.  I remember being at the opening of the library by your dad, but I think this was prior to me being at school.  All my siblings attended the school: Shirley, Laurie, Richard, myself and Maureen."
So there we are - a part of the School History still alilve and munching.
Thank you Des for the information.
Naomi Wilson
Arusha / Re: Retzlaff Family - Usa River
24 January, 2013, 21:51
Hi Simon,
I am not sure but Paul might know
Am trying to get in touch with Mark Morgan or any of his family. Bill Morgan was my uncle and I would like to get in touch with Peggy his wife or any member of the family
Many thanks
Naomi (Wynn Jones) Wilson
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
03 November, 2012, 07:44
VALE the tortoise.
It had to happen some day.  I was advised a couple of days ago that the tortoise has died. How or when I do not know but will try to find out.
An end to a chapter in the Arusha School - SO many past students and othere with an interest in the school have visited and taken photos of the tortoise.
There were two tortoises taken to the School by my father who was the foundation Headmaster but I only knew one tortoise. What happened to the other on I do not know.
Naomi Wilson
Arusha / Re: Retzlaff Family - Usa River
03 November, 2012, 07:37
I have just read your posting and was so interested.
We knew your grandfather who eventually moved to Dodoma where we lived.
My parents Bishop Bill Wynn Jones and His wife Ruth were great friend of the Retzlaff family and knew Marethe of course very well as my dad was the first Headmaster of the Arusha School (and we have photos of Martha) where we four children were born.
When we moved to Dodoma, my siblings were all at boarding schook, and I trvelled with my parents to Arusha when dad had to atend Board meetins etc.
We always stopped en route for "time out" with Horst and Carin and we knew Sigi and also?Tumpi. We knew Godfrey and Vera (and probably you - I was the youngest of us 4 Wynn Jones kids - born in 1940 just after your grandfather married Martha Vance. We used to call your grandfather "Daddy Retzlaff" and he loved that. My mother (oftern accompanied by me as the lone child at home) visited Daddy Retzlaff many times in Dodoma wof a coffee (he loved his coffee). He had a house boy called Guston, who tended him so very well. Keep in tough - My email is naykw.wilson@gmail.com
Naomi Wilson (Nee Wynn Jones)

VALE the tortoise at the school - have just been informed that it died recently - that is the end of a chapter.
Here are the Wynn Jones children visiting their birth polace and home for four years - at the entry to the Arusha School where the founding HM was Rev Bill Wynn Jones.
So interesting to read comments in nTZ.  Thank you.
Naomi Wilson (nee WynnJones)
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
10 June, 2010, 04:22
From a comment by my mother Ruth Wynn Jones, the tortoises were (there were two in the beginning) about 80 years old when they arrived (circa 1937). Naomi Wilson (nee Wynn Jones)
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
10 June, 2010, 03:31
Naomi Wynn Jones
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
10 June, 2010, 03:30
Susan Wynn Jones
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
10 June, 2010, 03:29
John Wynn Jones
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
10 June, 2010, 03:28
Trust these arrive safely David
Naomi Wilson
Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
19 August, 2009, 11:11
The Tortoises were first brought to the Arusha school by my father who was the first headmaster - William Wynn Jones. For some reason he gave one away - and to this day I do not know why!!
In 2007 my siblings and I made a return to Africa and found (oh joy!!) the tortoise which had been ridden by my son Ben some eight years previously - and my neice Catherins some 10 years previously. We now have wonderful  photos of us four Wynn Jones kids having our ride!! Will send them when I can find out how to insert them!.
Naomi Wilson