05 November, 2024, 10:50


30 Nov 2019 We've upgraded the Forum software to the latest update, and new users should now be able to register and sign on again.

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Messages - Bhav

Arusha School / Arusha School photos
24 September, 2020, 16:54
Some photos of me - Bhavnesh and my brother MukeshYou cannot see attachments on this board.
I think these were taken in 1972-1973.
Hi All
this is me on "Humpty" (1972 possibly?)- I am sure that was the horse's name. Not sure who the other kid is - sorry.
Used to love riding all the horses and helping clean out the stables on weekends!
This forum / Re: Introduction
24 September, 2020, 16:26
Hi Simon
Just logged in at random and noticed your post. Will get some photos uploaded.
This forum / Re: Introduction
03 July, 2020, 13:13
Hi Simon
Have recently joined this forum being an ex pupil at Arusha School back in the early 70's. Its a shame there is much more activity on the site. I am going to upload some photos I have hopefully might kick things off.
Its possible that members have not switched on notifications therefore unless they keep coming back to the site regularly (which is easy to forget!) they won't receive notice of any activity?
Arusha School / Re: Standard 4 1972?
30 June, 2020, 10:05
Is anyone still active on this forum?