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Messages - poppy

Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
07 November, 2011, 17:35
Hi mikeWebster
The friend you were referring to is Robert Rugimbana. He and his brother Richard were good friends of my brother dimitri pappadimitriou. Through my brother i got to become friends with them both, and until now keep in touch with Richard.
Robert is in South Africa and Richard in Tanzania, as is my brother
Best wishes Poppy pappadimitriou
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
05 November, 2011, 18:03
Mesage for richard Dawtrey
i read about the bus accident , and it brought back memories ,as my brother dimitri Pappadimitriou was on that bus. When my father and Mr Sossi heard about the accident they were flying over. the sossi were very dear friends of ours.

Message for Charles Kahama. Hi Charles if you are out there, salaam from your old friend poppy