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Messages - H_Grecz

Get in touch / Re: Looking for...
22 June, 2012, 19:41
One more thing,

I've found on other websites that you are also looking for adress for My aunt Anna Gęgotek. Please send me your e-mail adress and I will provide you it :).

Get in touch / Re: Looking for...
22 June, 2012, 19:17
Hello rainbowdust76,

Accidently I've found your post. I'm youngest son of Halina Greczkowska (she is sitting next to Me). Date and place of birth match... so you have found your step auntie :).

Are you doughter of Kevin Fotter (I'm not sure of the spelling) ?

Please contact me if you have any questions to My mother or Me.

Best Regards,
Sebastian Greczkowski