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Messages - Des Bailey

Arusha School / Re: The tortoise (kobe)
31 January, 2013, 17:56
I can confirm that as at 30 January 2013 the Tortoise is still alive. This was confirmed by a teacher at the school.  Regards Des Bailey
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Teachers
22 September, 2011, 11:49
Hi Mike, I remember you were only a few years old when your father (and the Rushbrookes) came to Arusha School. You had an endless amount of "baby sitters" on the playing fields in the afternoons. I remember your father took us for Rugby.
Des Bailey
Tengeru / Re: John Minnery
23 May, 2010, 19:58
Hi John
Here is Agnes Minnery's address in1970.
   18 Cairngorm Crescent
   Springhill, Barrhead
   Renfrewshire, Scotland

My sister Maureen recalls spending time with Agnes on their farm on the slopes of Mt Meru in the mid 1960s. If Ogaden Estate was on the slopes of Meru then I would guess that Agnes would be related to John Minnery (possible his daughter).
Can Shaun confirm that the above address is the same as Col Minnery's forwarding address. If so, then further proof that Agnes is related to John.
Now, how do to locate Agnes?
Des Bailey
Tengeru / Re: John Minnery
21 May, 2010, 13:46
Hi John
My sister Maureen Bailey corresponded with Agnes Minnery until at least Nov 1970.
Her address was Barrhead Scotland. I will forward it to you in a personal note.
Agness attended Arusha School in the mid 1960s.
Maureen can hopefully give you further information.
Des Bailey
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
21 December, 2009, 11:43
I recognize Patrick Burnett (black hair and black glasses. I was in the same class as him in std 4 in 1964) and Robert Rugimbana. Flemming Blom Bjorner may also be in the photo.
Arusha School / Half Term Breaks
16 November, 2009, 09:35
Half Term Breaks

Five Bailey siblings attended Arusha School as boarders
Shirley    1952 -  1956    and later as a matron 1963 - 1965.
Laurie     1954 - 1958
Richard   1958 - 1963
Desmond   1961 - 1965
Maureen   1963 - 1965

We lived on a farm at Oljoro just 12 miles outside of Arusha and therefore we were able to go home for the half term breaks. Over the years we took many pupils home with us for these breaks (those who lived too far away to go home). We certainly enjoyed the company and no doubt so did the friends.

The activities would have included swimming in the dam, fishing, shooting with a pellet gun, climbing Buffelkop (Oljoro - big hill adjacent to the farm) and general wandering around the farm.

Some of the school friends I remember who came out to the farm included:
Ricky Ghaui
Nickola Ghaui
Clive Boddy
Michael Perdikies
Harris Perdikies
Rudiger Vogs
Paulette de Scossa
Mitzie Cassarachis
George Punter
John Lately ?
Trevor Goodwin
Roy Fuller?
There were many others.

Des Bailey
This is the list as per the file attached to the header above.

Egg and Poultry Customers over the years

as extracted from the Diaries and letters Jean Bailey kept. 1950s and 1960s

Abatangelo               Riddoch's
Aitcheson                  Vet
Aitken                       Beauchamp's Print
Aitkenhead               Farmer
Alkin                         Coopers Airways
Anstey                      Game Warden
Archdeacon              Barclays
Ashmole                   Barclays Manager
Bally                         Pilot
Balson                     Chief Game Ranger
Barnett                    Ngaro Naroli
Barnsley                  Unga Ltd
Bassett                    Insurance
Beaumont                Coffee Farmer
Beesheuvel              Sluis Bros
Beesley                   C. I. Research
Bell                          Agriculture
Benbow                   Safari Hotel
Bennett A & B          Ins & Gas
Bennett D & R          Accountant
Bewes                     Riddocks
Bicker-Caarten        Shell Co
Birchman                 Head Matron School
Bird                         Motor Mart
Birkett                  Income Tax
Boardman                 Farmer
Boldesari                Riddocks
Bolkestein               Shell Co
Bousfield                Bookkeeper School
Bovenizer                Oldonyo S. farmer
Bradley                  Brewery & Teacher
Bramsby Williams         C. I. Research
Brinkworth               Surveys
Bromberger               Signals
Brown                    Pyr Extract
Bruce                    Motor Mart
Buckle, Betty & Royce    White hunter
Cade                     P. Extract
Callanan                 Veterinary
Cameron                  Farmer
Campbell                 Matron
Carlson                  WMCA
Cary                     Customs
Caseley                  Teacher
Cashin                   P.W.D.
Chadwick                 C.P. Research
Charisse                 M. Mart
Chivers                  Dairy (N.Z.)
Chrichton                P.W.D.
Clark                    Doctor
Claw                     Forestry
Clough                   Meersham
Conway                   Pilot
Cooper                   Agriculture
Coutounides              T. Council
Couvalis                 Teacher
Cowling                  Ngora Crater
Crossland                C.P. Research
Dalgety                  P. Extract
de Graaff                Sluis Bros
de Haaff                 T.F.A.
de Vos                   Sluis Bros
Delaney                  Doctor
Dery                           "
Dickens                  Barclays
Dinner                   P.W.D.
Douglas                  Manyara
Down                     Tengeru Head
Drysdale                 Health
Dudley                   Tobacco
Duff                     Teacher
Dunmore                  Ld Officer
Eagle                    Barclays
Echardt                  Doctor
Egerton                  Veterinary
Evan D. H. & I.          Soil Conservation
Evans P. D.              Insurance
Farquhar                 P.W.D.
Farrant                  P.W.D.
Farrari                  Motor Mart
Fisher                   Oldeani             
Fletcher                 Ngorongoro Lodge
Foster                   C. I. Research
Garden                   Veterinary
Gaunt                    Tengeru
George                   Water Dev
Gibb                     Doctor
Gidmank                  Mission
Gilloti                  Teacher
Gordon                   Veterinary
Goswell                  Teacher
Gottneid                 Mission
Green                    C. I. Research
Griffin-Smith            Income Tax
Grolle M (Jenny)         Farmer
Groocock                 Veterinary
Groome                   Forests
Gutteridge               Unga Millers
Hall                     Cachers
Hammond                  Veterinary
Hamshere                 Teacher Head Master
Hamshere                 Veterinary
Hansen                   Tengeru Teacher
Harrison                 Settler
Hawerkamp                Seed beans
Hazel                    Teacher
Hedges                   Unga Millers
Hicksonwood              Vet Dept
Hinklin                  Teacher
Hitchings                G.R. (ex Lloyds house)
Hocking Drake            C. I. Research
Hocking Kay              C. I. Research
Hocomb                   C. I. Research
Hofflen Dr               Veterinary
Holden                   Caters Schools
Holmes                   Adm
Honess                   Tengeru teacher
Hopper                   Forests
Hopson                   Teach Afri School
Howick                   Tobacco
Hoyle                    Water Dev
Hubbert                  Beekeeper
Huber Mrs                Business
Humphries                Water Dept
Hunwick H.W.             T.F.A.
Hutchison                Lawyer
J. Harry Evans           Soil Conservation
Jaques                   Coffee Farmer
Jenkins                     "        '
Johansen                 Tom Booth
Joley                    Veterinary
Jollands                 Water Dev
Jones                    Headmaster Arusha School
Joubert Peter            Col Gray Manager
Kalogeris                Teacher & C.I. Research
Katz                     Pyr Extract
Kilby                    Teacher
Kneib                    Am Farmer
Kuenzler                 Farmer (Swiss)
Kunslinger               A.B.C. Butcher
Lancaster                Riddocks
Larsen L.                Matron & Teacher
Latimer                  Secretary School
Laubscher                Farmer
Lea                      C. I. Research
Lear                     Extract Pgr
Leather                  C. I. Research
Lemmer H.                Farmer
Leslie                   Bookshop
Lewison                  Meersham
Linton                   Pyr Extract
Livingstone              Health Sister
Lloyd                    Ins & Riddocks
Loader                   Teacher
Long                     Agric
Lundie                   Teacher
Macaulay                 Printers
MacBain                  Riddocks
MacDonald                Riddocks
MacEwan                  Auditor
Mackay                   Caltex
Mahlau Dr                Veterinary
Malkin                   Meersham
Marek                    Veterinary
Mathews                  Riddocks
McCartney                Tengeru Staff
McCoulough               Veterinary
McKone                   C. I. Research
McPhillips Dr            Medical Dr
Meersing                 Sluis Bros
Mensinga                 Sluis Bros
Merritt                  Am. Teacher
Mesmer                   C. I. Research
Middleton                Col.
Miller                   C.I.R. Pilot
Mitchel                  Meersham
Montlock                 Police
Moorhead                 Veterinary
Mulholland               Settler
Neilson                  T. Booth (skins)
Nelson                   Veterinary
Newel M.                 Gailey & Roberts & Deacons
Nortier L v S            Farmer
O'Neil                   Chemist
Owen                     Parks
Parish                   C. I. Research
Park (Eirlys)            C. I. Research
Parry                    Teacher
Pearson                  Teacher Mission
Pegler                   Teacher
Penn                     Oljoro Farmer
Purvis                   Teacher
Quinn                    Income Tax
Raisen                   J.S. Davis & Co
Randall                  Matron Jun
Randall U.               Matron Sen
Rapley                   C. I. Research
Read I.                  T.F.A.
Richards                 Agriculture
Richardson               Bank Standard
Roberts B.               Corner House
Rodwell                  Printer Beauchamp
Roland                   C. I. Research
Rosowich                 Electrician
Russel & Douglas         Manyara
Rydon G.                 Coffee Farmer
Scott                    Packers
Seef                     Printer Beauchoys
Seymour                  Motor Mechanic
Sheridan                 Riddoch's
Simpson                  Agriculture
Smeer Piet               Farmer
Smeeth Hanji             German
Smith                    C. I. Research
Springer                 United Tours
Steel                    Standard Bank
Stone Norman             Tengeru
Stones                   Teacher
Stuart (Bill)            Farmer
Sturhaug                 Mission
Stylianou                Crater Lodge (Cowey ass)
Sykes                    Agriculture
Tennent                  Surveyor
Thom                     Farmer
Thompson                 Nursery School
Thompson                 Police
Thornton                 Farm Veh. Ltd
Todd                     Standard Bank
Tofte                    Matron Arusha School
Tvomey                   Airways Control
Twitchen                 Bookshop & Riddoch's
Ulyate                   Nursing Sister
Urquhart                 Health Sister
Van Rooyen               Packers
Waller                   Bookshop
Walmsley                 Water Dev
Warrander                Teacher
Watts                    Coffee Farmer
Webley                   C. I. Research
White                    C. I. Research
Whitehead                Veterinary
Wiel                     Riddoch's & T.F.A.
Wilde                    Caltex
Wilhardt                 Tom Booth
Williams                 Judge
Williamson (Miss)        Brush Peace
Wills                    Water Dev
Wilson                   School
Withers-Payne Dr         T. Ass. Employ
Witney                   Agriculture
Woollard                 Coffee Farmer
Wright (Shirley)         nee Russel Douglas
Yost                     Diesel Inject & Farmer
Young                    Govt official?




Nikidada Juma
J.K. Ngunda
My parents, Bill and Jean Bailey farmed on Oljoro from 1950 - 1967 which included poultry. (Prior to farming, my father was a Drill Foreman for the Department of Water Development - Water Boring Section - and therefore they moved to many parts of Tanganyika over the years. 1942 - 1950?) Back to the farm, I have vivid memories off collecting eggs, plucking fouls and doing the rounds delivering the produce door to door to customers in and around Arusha during the 1960s in our short wheel base Landrover. Many of the customers became good friends.
Herewith attached is a list off approx. 300 surnames of those customers, together with their designations or place of work.
Is your name amongst them?
Where are they and their descendants now?
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Matrons
04 August, 2009, 08:40
I too have vivid memories of the compulsory afternoon sleep after lunch, the Saturday night movies and having to wear a hat up to 3 o'clock in the afternoons. I have to admit that my sister Shirley was one of the matrons: (1963/4 ?) I got takkie from her as well, no special treatment for me, but I would get my revenge during the holidays, which made it worse for me during the term again. We lived on a farm 12 miles out of town at Oljoro.
Des Bailey
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
04 August, 2009, 08:22
Hi Mike
I was at Arusha School (1961-65) (Standard 1- std 5) I remember when the first 3 Black  students enrolled. They were Martin Galegi, Richard Rubanbane and his younger brother Robert Rubanbane (not sure of the spelling of both surnames). Robert is the one you are referring to. He was a victim of polio which affected his leg. I remember him very well. Martin Galegi was the fastest sprinter at the school and it was my brother Richard Bailey's goal to beat him, but he never managed. I do not remember you yet but we would have been in the same standard give or take a year.
Des Bailey