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Topics - Hilly

I was there from '59 to '63, Stanley House.

First term Sept '59 was brutal with fist fights in the dorm and the tackie for breaking the cowhide straps on my bed. But I survived and have very fond memories of the school. We said prayers every night at the end of our beds. I remember playing jacks with peach stones on the dorm verandah, hand inspections before supper, the jumping competitions off the swings, playing marbles, damming the water during the rains, throwing sheath knives to stick them into trees, pulling and being pulled on roller skates by our elastic belts, climbing the trees, our hike up Mbeya Peak (someone was stung by bees so we never reached the top - picture of the HM, me and Edward Halwenge).  We succeeded in climbing Mount Rungwe and I'm in the picture too just behind HM's right shoulder. As boys we were cruel to the weakest and I did some unspeakable things, just like the savages in William Golding's Lord of the Flies. I still feel guilty about half strangling one boy in a fight. Buying catapults on the train back to Mwanza.

I'll dig up a more coherant story later.

P.S. Mark Rowland is in the picture outside the Standard 6 classroom (nearest Mr Morgan's office). The one in Cairo in front of the Sphinx is me on my last voyage home via the Suez Canal in the Summer of '63

Rob Hill (Hilly)
Now 61 and splitting my life between Pretoria, South Africa and Eastbourne, East Sussex