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Arusha School / Re: Hi Guys!
Last post by mikewb - 19 December, 2012, 02:03
Hi Angelides,
Go to the Arusha shool site on facebook you should find Richard Hatter. There is two Arusha school sites one of the old days and one newer days.
Kind Regards
Mike B
Arusha School / Hi Guys!
Last post by Angelides - 13 December, 2012, 14:04
Hi Guys,
Nice to find this website!
Im stiill very fit and still in Arusha but for several times I have been in South Africa, I have three sons now, I would like very much to hear from Richard Hatter, Ulyate, and others!
My email ad is angelidestz@gmail.com, phone number +255 754232436, Looking forward to hear from you guys!!
Mbeya / Re: Link to Mbeya photos with ...
Last post by Andrew S - 05 December, 2012, 11:43
Ref the hockey team pic: the girl in the pic is Jane Kingdom - not Anna Boddy - and I think the LH bottom fellow is Angelos Michaelides.
Mbeya / Re: Link to Mbeya photos with ...
Last post by Andrew S - 05 December, 2012, 10:10
I'm Andrew Sowerby and was at Mbeya 1953 - 1956. I remember nearly all the names in the hockey 1st team pic (and in Rosemarie Anders list above). Especially Vasos Poupolos (?) (top right) who was a good friend. I also see: Barry Nicholls, Willi Meir, Paul Kesterman, Alec Wight, John Warwick, Anna Body. I see Barry Nicholls regularly (and, occasionally, Denton Webster) in Noosa, Australia where he and Irene live. I also met David Dye at his folks' place on the Sunshine Coast many years ago. I live in the UK but visit Australia and S Africa regularly - where most of my family now live. Amazing what one can remember after 50 years or so!
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Awards
Last post by cherry - 03 December, 2012, 22:20
Yes I have loads of them signed by Cyril Hamshere and I still have my fairy tale book which I got as a prize - I am now nearly 60!
Arusha School / Re: History of Arusha School
Last post by cherry - 03 December, 2012, 22:17
Any way I can get a copy I was there  1958 to 1961
Tanganyika / Re: West Kilimanjaro Country C...
Last post by Hugh - 02 December, 2012, 12:31
West Kili Country Club certainly did exist, though I can't tell you about the speech made by Nyerere as I was only there in 65. The club was used mainly by the farming community, and we used to meet up there most weekends ofr a drink or a games of tennis.
Tanganyika / Re: Life in Tanganyika in Phot...
Last post by Andrew S - 28 November, 2012, 10:01
I, too, remember vaguely visiting the hotel in the early 50's with my mother Jean Sowerby. I also remember our Iringa-Mbeya school bus picking up Morag Cormack at Chimala - at least I think it was Morag? Great pics.
Tengeru / Re: John Minnery
Last post by MarĂ­a Rivero Minnery - 22 November, 2012, 14:59
Hello, John

My name is Maria, and I'm Agnes daughter. Agnes is John's grandniece, and lived in Tanganika till the age of 11. Her  father Robert (Barrhead, Scotland) went there in order to work for his uncle John at his farm, and took his wife with him. Their 3 daughters were born there (being my mum the oldest).

I'll tell my mum about this forum so she can contact you and tell you everything about her grand-uncle John. He loved her very much, as he never had any children of his own. And she's also investigating about her family history, so I think she'll be glad to talk to you about it.

Please excuse any grammar mistake, I'm Spanish -my mum taught me the English I know :) -

Kind regards,

Maria Rivero
Get in touch / Re: Geoffrey Holland
Last post by Andrew S - 13 November, 2012, 13:54
Hi Simon. I thought it might be him but wasn't sure. Many thanks for your confirmation. As you say, it's a bit strange re the lack of responses but I guess many of our fellow 'inmates' don't know about this site. Anyway, many thanks for your responses; a member of our family will be very pleased by this info.
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