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Messages - Sarah Holland

I remember the safari rally - we spent a lot of time setting it up had lots of fun - such a great school
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School
18 July, 2010, 21:51
I remember Mr Singh - a group of us build a 2 roomed tunnel down at the river - quite a sophisticated job considering - even shored up the ceiling however we eventually got caught and had to spend a Saturday filling it all in - there were only 2 girls in the group and mr Singh felt sorry for us and brought us some chocolate - can't remember if we shared it!!!!!
Arusha School / Re: elephants
18 July, 2010, 21:42
I remember the elephants coming to the school - I especially joined the girl guides as they were going to be allowed to have a ride on them but sadly my ploy was seen through and I wasn't allowed to as I hadn't been a guide long enough- needless to say I left immediately!!! I also remember going to watch the filming - I think we stood near the New Arusha Hotel