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Messages - June

Des ... see loads of names I remember ... see Mum's name is there "Ulyate nursing sister" :):)
Hi David, My mother and father knew Bill Crosskill, Gladys Ryden and David Hamilton well in the good old Arusha Days.. Names Ted and Kay Ulyate.   We were in contact with Bill when he lived in South Africa.   Mum and Dad, both well into their 90's now live with me in the UK.

Kind regards
June (nee Ulyate)

Mbeya / Re: Photos of Mbeya School
03 July, 2011, 15:39
Hi,  Does anyone remember the play I was in in Mbeya - Brer Rabbit?   I was Brer Turkey Buzzard, with a funny "yellow" beak.   I do remember Brer Rabbit forgetting his lines at the most crucial time ... and giggling my way through it.   I was not there for long ... 1959, 1960 ... I went to school in South Africa in 1961.   My name was June Ulyate and I was in Buxton.   I do remember the banana fool pudding we had, loved it.   Besides the river garden which I loved, and Mr Morgen head master, I don't remember very much ... I do remember being hit on my legs really hard by the sports teacher.  (was it a Mr Johnstone?)   We were on the sports field playing cricket and he whizzed the cricket bat down the line - we were all suppose to jump over it ... I couldn't and he smacked - with all his strength into my leg ... that was 45 odd years ago and I still remember it!   I remember a Julia Neathe ... we were babes together in Mbulu ... would love to hear from her again
Jane Hardy .... Julia Neathe  (I also remember you from Mbulu before we went to school .. we parted and we met again in Mbeya) .... Mary Sharpe ... Wendy Sykes ... Lisa & Inga Larsen (infact Inga - do you remember being chased by the elephant in Mtu wa Mbu?) Colin Swynnerton ... David .. you too must have been at Arusha School with us ... June, Brenda and Donald Ulyate ... my brother Richard was 8 years younger then me.   So many more ... would love to make contact with anyone from our era

I have been having a look at our old farm in Essimingor courtsey Google Earth ... looks like it has gone back to bush .... anyone that knew the farm and been out there ... please let me know?  Kind regards, June
.... I ran out of space .... I too remember the earth quake which shifted our beds in the junior dorm into the middle of the room .... the porridge ... uggghhh!!! do you remember the lumps?   My stomach heaved as I tried to chew my way through ... used to get into soo much trouble .... Miss Gray was a teacher ... Dr Katie McPhillips was great friends of my mothers ..... small world Antonio Hampshire became my doctor in Howick South Africa - many years later.   I did try out for the choir ... but was kicked off - my voice is as flat as a pancake!   I used to go to ballet lessons with Mrs Soukus (spelling?) at the Greek Club.   
Onto Mbeya School ... I was there about 1959 / 1960 in Buxton.   I remember being in a Brer Rabbit play ... I played Brer Turkey Buzzard and spent the time trying not to giggle.   They made a banana fool pudding which I really adored - think that it was one of the more successful dishes.   I remember standing in a line on the field and the sports teacher  whipped the hockey stick down the line and I got hit really hard.   I have run out of space again!!!   June Ulyate
Had a wonderful afternoon today .... what fun ... traveling back in time .... seeing names that I had buried years ago, memories jogged ... do you remember Bryn Jones reading to us at night in the Junior dormintory? ... we used to beg him to say the longest town name in Wales.   BL died of a heart attack many years ago now - I did go and see Pat Jones in Wales - know Eira, Peta and Geoff are in the UK.   Hugh died around the same time as my brother Richard Ulyate in a drowning accident.   Back to Arusha school, my sister Brenda and I were in South.   Mrs Fisher gave Brenda the tackie the first night we were at school.   I too remember Princess Margaret's visit ... do you remember .... Melawina Diddum ?... she presented the flowers to her ... think she came from Sana Juu.   Eric Six ... gosh where are you?   From your mail I see that you are in contact with Geoff Jones.   I still have my mum and Dad (Ted and Kay Ulyate) (Kay Ulyate was the sister of Arusha School) living with me in the UK - they are 93 years old - it would be lovely for them to see Geoff, Eira and Peta.  What has happened to the Brokenshaw's?   June Ulyate
Tanzania / Re: Army Mutiny - was that 1964
25 April, 2011, 09:03
Hi - I was in boarding school in South Africa - but was at home in Arusha for the Christmas holidays when it was happening - Mum was sister of Arusha school and the embasy of various nations needed confirmation of their subjects.   I do remember talk of all the embasies - with exception of the British - had plans to evacuate their subjects.   I remember that our "safe house" was the hospital in Arusha which had been stocked with food - blankets - etc (all the goodies needed)   I also remember Dad showing us how to get up into the ceiling - and where to stand / sit if we needed to get there - so glad to have "met" others who remember the incident.   There are those incidents in life which one never forgets
I have mailed you on the History of Arusha School - so won't repeat in case it is still in the pipeline - but as I have not seen the mail come up thought I would drop you a line on the 75th birthday issue.

My Dad (WG Ray Ulyate) was one of the 18 which started Arusha School - I was quizzing him over his 92nd birthday lunch today - and besides his brothers and sisters (who, incidently, went to the Ngare Nairobi school mentioned in the hisory document) he mentioned a Margaret Thomson who was later captured by the Japs ... she had a brother .....?   I am trying to get another names from him.

Also my mother, Kay Ulyate, was the sister in the San at Arusha School in 1956 - then later for 2 years in the 60's - was showing her her name on the appendum at the back of this history document - what excitment!   Would love to know if there is anyone out there that remembers her?

Is there anything we can help you with regarding the 75th birthday celebrations?   Know Dad and Mum would love to contribure .... the pioneering spirit never dies ..... both went over to South Africa from the UK earlier this year to visit family.

Many thanks for this super forum, and let us know if we can contribute

June (nee Ulyate)