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Messages - Janice Hodges

Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Teachers
17 January, 2010, 13:00
I can remember a lot of the teachers as my mother was school secretary from 1964 to 1966. I started at the school in 1962, and had 2 terms as a boarder 63-64 when my parents moved to Moshi. But from 64 to 66 we lived in a small house in the school grounds. I remember the Goswells, they had a young son, Michael, the Rushbrookes, Ursula Parry (who was a bit eccentric), Irene Purves, Yvonne Stephenson, Mrs Kalogeris. I was at the school when Mr Hamshere left and handed over the tackie to Mr Bryn Jones in assembly. But I cannot remember who my class teachers were. I think it was Mrs Bradley in standard 5. Can anyone else remember? I can remember the Swahili teacher because I did not know any Swahili so she used to get cross with me. Mr Bryn Jones was a great headmaster. I still have the autograph he wrote for me in my book. He wrote it in Welsh so I have not got a clue what it says. Mrs Burnett was the art teacher and she used to do lovely ink and water colour pictures for the girls in their autograph books.
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
17 January, 2010, 12:45
Hi, I was at the school from 1962 to 1966. I was a day pupil 1962-63, then a boarder 63-64, then back to a day pupil living in a staff house when my mother, Elsie Hodges, became school secretary. I am sure I remember Maureen Bailey. I have got out my old autograph book to check the names - Susan Corbett (she had 2 sisters), Alka Shah and her brother Shashi, Paulette de Scossa, Semadar Naveh, Agnes Minnery. I think I was in standard 2 in 1962, I only moved from Dar in the September. I have lots of good memories of the school and struggled to adapt to life in the UK in when we came home in 1966. My brother, Jeremy Hodges, was 2 years younger than me. I know there was someone called Bipin in his class as they met up again at school in the UK. Would be great to hear from anyone who remembers me, my mother or brother.