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Messages - Maureen M Carroll

Arusha School / Re: Some photos from 1994
05 July, 2010, 19:47
Looking at the names on the Board in the dining room for Meru conquered 1954,so many of them are remembered. And in front of me right now I have The Arusha School MAGAZINE --vol. 1, no. 1 Jan 1955 which has been with me since 1955. On page 20 is "The Meru Expedition". It begins, "On 13th november, a party of fourteen children and seven members of staff set off in a lorry, at about nine o'clock in the morning for Olkokola." Article was written by Vivien Landcastle aged 12 who if memory serves me right was Head Girl at the time.
And to see the photo of my classroom when I was in Standard 2 in 1954 and Miss Ashton was my teacher---what a treat.
and how lovely to see the picture of the school badge--unchanged
Arusha School / Re: Half Term Breaks
15 June, 2010, 20:54
Hello--55 years on I cannot believe that I have come across this website. In the intervening 55 years have never had contact with anyone who was at Arusha School, have often wondered if the school was still there--how god to know it is. In the last term of 1954, had a great half term at the Bailey's--invited there by Shirley who was either in the same dorm or the connected one. Still have a lovely letter Mrs Bailey sent me afterwards. Saw butter and cheese being made that weekend. At that time Anna De Beer who was Nellie's twin and who would have been 11 going on 12 was the Dorm "leader". And to think that the toirtoise is still there. They used to say it was nearly 200 years old when I was there as an 8/9 year old.