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Messages - Andrew S

Hi Valerie,
Your name rings a bell, but I can't remember your face I'm afraid. My mother - recently deceased - lived in N Tamborine Qld for many years and my brother Paul lives close by. My other brother Nick lives in Newcastle. Hence, we have a close association with Australia, although living near Bedford UK at the moment. My wife and I generally only visit Qld and NSW, but if we go to Melbourne we'll be sure to look you up. Barry, Denton and I often reminisce about Mbeya and our lives in Tanzania when we meet in Noosa.
Have a good 2013...Andrew
Ref the hockey team pic: the girl in the pic is Jane Kingdom - not Anna Boddy - and I think the LH bottom fellow is Angelos Michaelides.
I'm Andrew Sowerby and was at Mbeya 1953 - 1956. I remember nearly all the names in the hockey 1st team pic (and in Rosemarie Anders list above). Especially Vasos Poupolos (?) (top right) who was a good friend. I also see: Barry Nicholls, Willi Meir, Paul Kesterman, Alec Wight, John Warwick, Anna Body. I see Barry Nicholls regularly (and, occasionally, Denton Webster) in Noosa, Australia where he and Irene live. I also met David Dye at his folks' place on the Sunshine Coast many years ago. I live in the UK but visit Australia and S Africa regularly - where most of my family now live. Amazing what one can remember after 50 years or so!
I, too, remember vaguely visiting the hotel in the early 50's with my mother Jean Sowerby. I also remember our Iringa-Mbeya school bus picking up Morag Cormack at Chimala - at least I think it was Morag? Great pics.
Get in touch / Re: Geoffrey Holland
13 November, 2012, 13:54
Hi Simon. I thought it might be him but wasn't sure. Many thanks for your confirmation. As you say, it's a bit strange re the lack of responses but I guess many of our fellow 'inmates' don't know about this site. Anyway, many thanks for your responses; a member of our family will be very pleased by this info.
Get in touch / Re: Geoffrey Holland
09 November, 2012, 10:22
Hi Simon or anyone else who attended Sao Hill school: Can anyone verify whether or not the attached pic is Geoffrey Holland?
Get in touch / Re: Geoffrey Holland
12 August, 2012, 10:50
Hi Simon, Thanks for your reply. I was at Sao Hill around 1948 - 1949 before we went to S. Africa. I want to track Geoffrey Holland and/or his relatives down because a relative of mine has recently found out that he was quite possibly their father! I expect that he died some time ago, but it's possible that my relative has half-siblings in the UK somewhere and would like to establish contact with them. Of course, it's possible that he never had other children, in which case it's just a matter of my relative finding out about their ancestors and antecedents for interest's sake. Regards...Andrew
Get in touch / Re: Geoffrey Holland
21 July, 2012, 12:49
Further info: I see from a post by Tim Hood that he ran into Geoffrey Holland in England in about 1963. I wonder if he reads this if he could respond and let us know if he could remember which school Mr Holland was a teacher at at that time. Thanks. 
Get in touch / Geoffrey Holland
10 July, 2012, 10:04
I'm looking for info on Geoffrey Holland who used to be the headmaster of Sao Hill school until the early 60s. I believe he became a teacher at a school in the southwest of England thereafter and would appreciate any info on his subsequent activities and location. Thanks.