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Topics - Des Bailey

Arusha School / Half Term Breaks
16 November, 2009, 09:35
Half Term Breaks

Five Bailey siblings attended Arusha School as boarders
Shirley    1952 -  1956    and later as a matron 1963 - 1965.
Laurie     1954 - 1958
Richard   1958 - 1963
Desmond   1961 - 1965
Maureen   1963 - 1965

We lived on a farm at Oljoro just 12 miles outside of Arusha and therefore we were able to go home for the half term breaks. Over the years we took many pupils home with us for these breaks (those who lived too far away to go home). We certainly enjoyed the company and no doubt so did the friends.

The activities would have included swimming in the dam, fishing, shooting with a pellet gun, climbing Buffelkop (Oljoro - big hill adjacent to the farm) and general wandering around the farm.

Some of the school friends I remember who came out to the farm included:
Ricky Ghaui
Nickola Ghaui
Clive Boddy
Michael Perdikies
Harris Perdikies
Rudiger Vogs
Paulette de Scossa
Mitzie Cassarachis
George Punter
John Lately ?
Trevor Goodwin
Roy Fuller?
There were many others.

Des Bailey
My parents, Bill and Jean Bailey farmed on Oljoro from 1950 - 1967 which included poultry. (Prior to farming, my father was a Drill Foreman for the Department of Water Development - Water Boring Section - and therefore they moved to many parts of Tanganyika over the years. 1942 - 1950?) Back to the farm, I have vivid memories off collecting eggs, plucking fouls and doing the rounds delivering the produce door to door to customers in and around Arusha during the 1960s in our short wheel base Landrover. Many of the customers became good friends.
Herewith attached is a list off approx. 300 surnames of those customers, together with their designations or place of work.
Is your name amongst them?
Where are they and their descendants now?