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Messages - mikewb

Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Teachers
18 January, 2010, 03:24
Yes I remember the Swahili teacher, we all used to mess around when she took the class. I don't think a lot of us took the class too seriously, that's why she got mad with us.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School
31 December, 2009, 20:53
Hi, you sure can, up to 4 at a time.
Mike Brown.
Arusha / Arusha Town Pictures
21 December, 2009, 21:47
Just a couple of pictures. Do you remember any of the sites? New Arusha Hotel, we used to go and have a swim in the pool, I think it cost us about 2 Shillings. Also another of New Arusha Hotel and the very famous Town Clock. Goverment House, I see from recent pictures it has not changed much. The last one, remember the Caltx? Round there some where was the Little Theatre, wonder if it's still there?
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
14 December, 2009, 22:10
Hi, I started this topic off a while back. Well I found some old pictures of the Barbecue I was talking about,(sorry about the quality). Don't remember some of the faces, are you there?
Arusha School / Arusha School Teachers
10 October, 2009, 07:35
Did you have any favourite teachers from that time you were in school? I remember Mr BL Jones, who was the Headmaster for a while. He used to teach Scripture and always wrote good things on my school reports. Mr Goswell who was my Teacher, he always made us Laugh and was a fair teacher. Mr Rushbrook, who was head master for a while, I was told off many a time by him in front of the school. I remember we caught a snake one day and he kept it in a glass case. Mrs Rushbrook, she was possesssed, I think she used to hate us. Mr Hamshere, I don't remember to well, but I think he was quiet a gentle man.
Mike Brown
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Awards
20 September, 2009, 07:51
I don't think I received any awards, but I received the tacky a few times.
Mike Brown.
Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
08 September, 2009, 22:41
I have managed to track down Robert Rugimbana, who is a Professor living in Pretoria, South Africa and works at Tshawane University. As of yet I have not had a reply from him.
Mike Brown.
Arusha School / School Reports
04 September, 2009, 08:48
Well things have gone a little quiet, so here is another topic to talk about. Growing up in Africa when you think about it, we learned to look after our self at a very young age. How many of you have kept any of your old school reports? I have lost some, but still have my first report from the first year in (yes) boarding school. How many kids would survive in school these days as we did in those gone by years.
This forum / New Members
30 August, 2009, 23:36
Well, I see there is a lot of new members registering but not a lot of info being written down on profiles or new topics started.
A lot of you most have had some good experiences, or stories to tell. So don't be shy lets hear them.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Headmasters
17 August, 2009, 23:15
Hi, Does any one know if, any of these old headmasters are still around (post 1960's) and what about the teachers? are any of them still around?
Would love to hear any feedback from past or currant teachers.
Mike Brown
Arusha School / Arusha school Graffiti
16 August, 2009, 07:51
Arusha school out side walk wayfrom the boys block, which went round  to the Girls Block and by the path, that went down to the swimming pool, was a very large tree. Don't know about you but, every one carved their name into that tree. I wonder if it's still there?
Mike Brown.
Arusha School / Arusha Memories
12 August, 2009, 23:43
I just love this site. How many of you can still speak Swahili? I can still remember some of it, most likley get myself out of trouble if I had too.
Just looking through some of my old pictures, I came across a picture of the Church in Arusha. I can remember as a boarder you always if you had a chance to get out of school. Does any one remember going to to Sunday school, you had to walk across the bridge down by the river and it was on the corner of I think Church Rd and the road out of Arusha to Moshi.
I don't think I liked Sunday school all that much but you got morning tea and cakes I think. I remember the grounds around the church were always magnificent with all the flowers and trees. I found a picture but not a very good one.
I will put a couple more in there, me earning my pocket money(note the uniform), me in about 65( can you guess what I am holding,that is why I used to get into trouble).
Also some pictures of our house on Haile Selassie Rd, we also lived in Church Rd road too opposite Julus Nyerere Govt House.
Mike Brown.
Does any one know or can put me on the right track to find Robert Rugimbana?
You can see him as I knew him back in school days.
I have found out he is now a Professor and teaching in South Africa. Other people in picture, sitting on the box, George Gonthier, other boy sitting on box ?, behind him, Godfrey Gonthier, boy in glasses,Patrick Burnett, boy helmet on ?, Bold boy ?, next 4 sitting down ?, Robert Rugimbana and yours truly
Mike Brown
Arusha School / Arusha School Cubs& Scouts
07 August, 2009, 07:46
Does any one remember being in the cubs or scouts and going on jamborees. I remember two, one we had to pick out a place in the middle of the bush and make our camp. All we had was a tent. We had to make all the table and chairs and so on and later judged on the area. Second we just had a tent and we had all our gear stolen.
Mike Brown
I see my father's name there "Pyr Exract". He used to work at Tanganyika Extract, where they used to extract the Pyrethrum for insect spray.
I see my old teachers name there too, Mr Goswell and The Chivers who talked us into coming to New Zealand.
Mike Brown.