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Topics - nTZ


St Michael's and St George

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Clary Palmer-Wilson
    * Donald Palmer-Wilson
    * Michael Palmer-Wilson
    * St Michael's and St George

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Michael W. Branham (Palmer-Wilson)
Page Number: 2008 04 28
Extract Date: 1950's
Clary and Donald Palmer-Wilson

I saw this fantastic website and all the communications between former schoolmates and families/friends looking for each other. I would like to get in touch with Robert Palmer-Wilson, one of my half-brothers. That way I can update him on some things. In case other friends are open to getting in touch, a little background on the Palmer-Wilson clan! I went to school in both Kongwa School and St. Michaels & St. Georges in Iringa.Would like very much to get in touch with old mates! I moved to Alaska in 1964 - worked in Africa part of each year since then.

For Robert Palmer-Wilson - last time I visited with you was in London about 1966. Our father, Clary Palmer-Wilson moved to the USA in 1985. He passed away living with me in 1996. Donald Palmer-Wilson, too moved to the USA and he passed away about 12 yrs. Ago. If you want to email me, we can be in touch again and I can fill you in on the rest of the clan. I am in London several times a year for Board meetings and in East Africa once or twice a year for activities - so we can meet easily.

Cheers! Mike
Extract ID: 5632

See also

    * A.F. Lace
    * Mbeya School
    * St Michael's and St George
    * William Wynn-Jones

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 25

Wynn Jones had no previous guide to academic standards; the children had little or no academic background; some were much older physically than mentally; and there was a wide spread of ages in each class. Right from the start children were entered for the Cambridge Junior and Preliminary examinations, though the Preliminary was dropped after two years.

The Headmaster wrote his own syllabus; and when Mbeya School (an equivalent boarding school in the south of Tanzania) opened in 1942, in buildings vacated by a German School, he went there to consult with the Headmaster; and what they submitted to the Education Department became a basic curriculum for European education in the Territory.

Wynn Jones gave the Swahili language an important place on the curriculum "so that the children would in the future be able to speak correctly to those who work for and with them". He was very proud of the fact that in 1941 the school gained the first 3 places in East Africa in a Swahili essay competition.

By 1938, the enrolment had risen to 73 and the Government let the contract for a 2 storied. dormitory block at a cost of £9,352. This was opened at the end of 1939 and doubled the number of boarding places available. Roughly one third of the pupils were British, one quarter Greek and the rest a mixture of twelve European nationalities. There were no secondary education facilities in Tanganyika for Europeans, but the Government paid for travel to and subsidized the fees at Kenya schools. An inter governmental agreement formalized this in 1943 for 90 pupils at a cost of £100 per place paid by the Tanganyika Government, with parents then paying in addition the same fees as Kenya parents. In 1950 the cost was fixed at £198 and in 1954 £270 of which the parents paid half; and grants of £50 and later £100 were paid for pupils who attended private secondary schools anywhere outside the territory.

A primary school was opened in 1951 with the Overseas Food Corporation Groundnut scheme at Kongwa; and when in 1954 the scheme collapsed and buildings were available, this became a full secondary school, it later transferred to new buildings in Iringa, in 1958 under the grand name of St Michael's and St George's School. Government expenditure on European education in the decade of the 1950s is detailed in Appendix K.

To prepare for entrance to those secondary schools pupils were entered for the Kenya Preliminary Examination (KPE) which was a selective secondary school entrance examination. But what was to be done with those who failed the examination, and whose parents could not afford to send them to overseas schools? The concept of "poor whites" in tropical Africa was politically unacceptable, and parents were not keen to take children away from school until they were employable. Some therefore stayed on at Arusha School to the age of 16 or more, and this of course compounded the disciplinary, social and academic problems with which the staff had to cope.

Wynn Jones was due to go on leave in 1939 and Col. A.F. Lace, on secondment from Monkton Coombe School in England arrived in September to take over from him. Because of the outbreak of war Wynn Jones was reluctant to leave, so for 2 months, the 2 men were joint Headmasters until Lace was called up for the Kings African Rifles and Wynn Jones continued until Lace was released from the army in June 1943.
Extract ID: 4931

See also

    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Bryn Jones
    * St Michael's and St George

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 37b

When the long awaited secondary school for European children, St Michael's and St George's, opened at Iringa in 1958, there was jubilation that all pupils who finished Standard 7 could go there. However in 1959 a selection examination was introduced and, only 15 of the 36 applicants from Arusha were admitted.

At the Silver Jubilee Speech day in 1959, Hamshere said, "Our pupils go on to other school where they distinguish themselves occasionally for scholarship, quite often for games, and always for being worthy and reliable citizens. From schools in Britain, South Africa and East Africa we receive good reports of our boys and girls, which are worth more to me than any other gift of gold or precious stones".

In 1961, 14 children entered for the Tanganyika General Entrance Examination for secondary schools, which by this time was for all races. Only 3 of the 14 passed and Hamshere commented, "This was not surprising as most of the children were slow and backward".

One of the immediate effects on the, curriculum of the Government take over in 1946 had been that Latin was introduced as an alternative to Swahili in Grades 5 and 6. The teaching of Swahili had been important to Wynn Jones as he tried to identify the school with the community, but Swahili was completely removed from the timetable when the Chaplain/French Master Bryn Jones arrived in 1954. French was then taught to all from Grade 3 and Latin from Grade 5.

For all his strength and gifts, Hamshere was not an educational innovator. Many exciting things went on outside the classroom, but apart from local studies in the social studies curriculum of the lower grades, the impression is of rather formal, academic classroom instruction, with outdated and dull text books, though this may have been typical of his time.
Extract ID: 4941

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Piet Hugo
    * Geoff Jones
    * Kiru Valley
    * Lobo
    * Manyara Hotel
    * Bill 'Corky' Morgan
    * Ngorongoro: Lodges
    * North-Lewis
    * Arthur Palfrey
    * Eric Six
    * George Six
    * St Michael's and St George
    * Dave Ulyate

nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2004 12 30
Extract Date: 1955-58
Eric Six - Arusha School 1955 - 1958

My name is Eric Six, Geoff Jones gave me your website, and it was fascinating to read about folks about whom I had not thought in years, surprisingly I was more familiar with the adult names than fellow students. I attended Arusha 1955 to 1958, then went on to Iringa, where I stayed till it closed in1963. There were only a handful that saw the entire life of StM & StG. I completed High School at Prince of Wales in Nairobi.

For those that knew me in school it comes as a surprise that I eventually became a Neurosurgeon, as I have to confess being a fairly lousy student, being more familiar with the tacky, and cane or cricket bat (if you crossed HA Jones); than with prizes in the school magazine. I too was brought up in the bush, in Kiru Valley about 100 miles from Arusha on the way to Babati.( David you were familiar with North Lewis, they lived about 25 miles from us off the Singida road.) Hunting was a way of life on the farm, but after doing that much hunting as a youth, I shoot only with a camera now.

David, I noticed that Elizabeth Palfry also lives in Texas---- I would appreciate you giving her my web address if she would like to write. I am familiar with her Dad, through my parents of course. Funnily enough I also knew Pete Hugo, and a number of the farmers from the Olmolog area.

I was sitting here trying to recall the names of classmates from 50 years ago with little success.

Geoff Jones (BLs son),

Corky Morgan {Father's namesake the old man liked to pull on your ears.},

Gerald Hunwick, {TFA}

John Cashin {PWD},

Clara De Liva,

Paul Marsh,

David Ulyate {farm},

Leslie Hague {The Beehive Restaurant}

Bizarrely I cannot recall but the one girl!

(Fritz Jacobs, Erik Larsen.Klaus Gaitja, Alex Zikakis, Hannes Matasen, Ivo Santi Barry Jones Louis van Royen Kevin Legrange were on either side of us) I am told that George Angelides still lives in Arusha and has a great reputation as a hunter guide.

Do you remember that little dog of Hamshire's, the miserable devil loved to chase us, I happened to be amongst those she caught and got bitten by, I still have the scar..

Sorry about all the parentheses but saves a whole lot of explaining.

After independence my Dad built a number of hotels in Tanzania ,amongst them Lobo lodge, Ngorongoro crater lodge ( the hotel on the rim just before getting to the original rondavels) and rebuilt the hotel on manyara escarpment, those all happened in the late 60's. They also managed Hotels in Zanzibar, and Dar-- the New Africa and Kilimanjaro being better known.

Enough from me. Please remember to pass my address to Elizabeth.

Dear Eric,

I am just catching up with things after Christmas, and realise that I didn't reply to your email from 30 November. However, I was away in Zambia for most of the month of December.

By bcc I am copying Elizabeth Palfry with your email, and shall leave it to her to get in touch with you.

Thanks for all your memories of Arusha and Tanzania. If you ever have time to write more, do please keep in touch. I hope to have your email up on the web site in the next few days. You will also be interested in a History of Arusha School (up to 1971) which will be available in full. I found it a fascinating read, and help me to understand some of the things that happened at the school, which made no sense to me back in 1953-57.

You mention the North-Lewis's. I think that when we left Arusha in 1957 we gave them one of our dogs, which within a few weeks was eaten by a leopard!

Did you find the photo, probably of their home, at http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00452.html#04078. I seem to remember on that trip that a snake was found under our car, and it had to be shot before we could leave!

You mention Paul Marsh - my brother!

Thanks again for you memories - keep them coming
Extract ID: 4962

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Drino and Winnie Baskira
    * Hester Ellen Rijkebusch
    * St Michael's and St George
    * Beert Wynbergen
    * Ineke Wynbergen
    * Lia Wynbergen

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Ineke Belfrage (Wynbergen)
Page Number: 2008 02 19
Extract Date: 1958
Arusha and Iringa schools

I went to Arusha school for only two terms in 1958, prior going to St Michael's and St Georges in Iringa (was at Iringa on the first day and last day - five years later).

Have been to a few Iringa reunions but have very vague memories of Arusha school.

What intrigued me was a Martin Davis mentioning Drino and Winnie Baskira whom my parents knew well and stayed with them whenever visiting me at Arusha.

My brother Beert Wynbergen and my sister Lia Wynbergen also went to Arusha in the 60's.(Beert revisited the school in the 90's and was amazed to see the tortoise was still there) I have enjoyed reading this website as there are many, many familiar names.

There is a daughter asking if anyone knew her mother Hester Rijkebusch. I do remember the name. I think they were part of the Kilombero Sugar Scheme and I remember a Rijkebusch at Iringa.
Extract ID: 5568

Sao Hill School

See also

    * 'Ben' Benbow
    * (Major) John Jolly
    * Nick Jolly
    * Lake Rukwa
    * Col. Middleton
    * Sao Hill School
    * Tanganyika Roadways
    * Bert Western

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Nick Jolly
Page Number: 2005 04 04
Extract Date: 1947-1951
Sao Hill School

Very Interested to find your site whilst trying to locate information on the School I attended in the Southern Highlands near Iringa from 1947-1951. My father (Major) John Jolly had left the army after the war and obtained a job with the Government sponsored Ground nut scheme. We were first based at Mohambiqua (? Spelling) then Chunya , Arusha (living in the Arusha Hotel which was run by the Benbow family who later moved to run a Hotel on Zanzibar and finally in Tanga. When the ground nuts failed to grow quite as was expected of them, my father ,an engineer transferred to a new haulage company called Tanganyika Roadways.

I have many happy memories of this period of my life (jiggers and all!) and particularly remember, whilst living in the old goldmining town of Chunya ,going to a crocodile farm run by a Frenchman on Lake Rukwa which is mentioned on your site. In the dry season the tributaries dried up leaving pools in which the crocs. Gathered. These were located by Africans in dugouts using spears with string and cork float attached. When a croc came near to the bank a group of extremely brave Africans (as I saw it aged 8 ) entered the water and, having located the blunt end of the creature (the tail) under water dragged it out by its tail and dispatched it with shortened pickaxes. As I remember this gruesome carnage was accompanied by much singing and merriment. The banks were littered with crocodile skeletons picked clean by the ever present vultures.

I have always felt that I was incredibly fortunate to live as a child in Africa and would welcome any advice on locating information/contact with others who attended Sao Hill School

You mention your father joined Tanganyika Roadways. Do you have any more information about the company. There is a road in Arusha called Col. Middleton road, and someone suggested that he was associated with/in charge of a company called something like Tanganyika Roadways - set up to provide transport to farmers to get their crops to the railways for export etc.

I'm off to Tanzania at the weekend - I'll try to do a site update before I go, but if not it will be the end of the month before I can do it.

From memory my school was called the Southern Highlands School, Sao Hill near Iringa. The headmaster was Geoffrey Holland and Deputy was Lycett who had played cricket pre war for England. I recall with some pride that my record was seven beatings in one term.

My father worked with a Bert Western though I will check his address book to be sure. From my memory he was the senior but whether he was the MD or owner I am not sure. When my father died in 1990 I found Bert's telephone number and rang him, he was living I believe in Surrey but doubtful he will still be alive, but I believe he had children.

Tanganyika Roadways, with vehicles painted deep blue with yellow lettering ranged from Matadors with circular gun apperture in the cab roof to the mighty Diamond Tee Clippers that had been used to carry Tanks. All were ex-WD and were brought in from landing craft near Lindi beach for the Ground Nut Scheme.

When that folded Tanganyika Roadways bought the plant to set up business. My father was in charge of the jungle clearing plant and had hair raising tales of what went on. Health and Safety was in it's infancy.

Have a good trip, I am envious. I joined the Merchant Navy to try to get back! I still remember the aromas when, in the rainy season (it rained at night in my memory!) I woke up with the hot sun beginning to dry the vegetation.
Extract ID: 5038

external link

See also

    * David Allen
    * Jack and Marjorie Allen
    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Dave Allen
Page Number: 2007 05 19

Just read David Read's 'Beating About the Bush' which indicates he was in Dodoma at the same time as my parents (Jack and Marjorie Allen) lived in Kondoa Irangi and Babati.

They were in Kondoa for 6 years('47 -'53)and a further 3('54 - '57) in Babati. They married in 1947 in Dodoma.

I (David) was born in '48 and my two brothers (Richard and Robert) followed in '50 and '51.

Our family owned the Highland Hotel in Sao Hill which was lost to the Government in the early 60's.

For anyone interested in a number of photo's of that time, my brother has put them on the web (see the link)

I would welcome contact from anyone who knew my parents and would be very interested in whether David Read met them.
Extract ID: 5377

See also

    * Tim Clegg
    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Clegg
Page Number: 2007 05 25
Extract Date: 1955-60
Sao Hill School

It is fascinating to be reminded of even earlier school years than mine at Sao Hill School. My brother and I were there from around 1955 - 1960. The first matron (I forget her name was not there on my 2nd term as she had been taken back to England for fraud or embezzlement or similar!!!!

I also recall that nuns at times came to do inoculations and after making the sign of the cross on the buttock then hit dead centre! I now know that this was not a holy action, but the disection of the buttock which resulted in the correct place to give the injection!

Canings were in great supply for rebels such as myself, and I cannot remember how many 6 of the bests I encountered.

I have not seen any other references to Sao Hill School or heard from any other former 'inmates'!!!!

I now have a legal services company in Devon UK and my brother lives in Cheshire selling industrial plant.
Extract ID: 5379

See also

    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Hood
Page Number: 2007 09 27
Extract Date: 1959
Bart, Sao Hill School 1960-61


I remember you as a blonde, energetic boy with an older brother. You might remember me as a kid with glasses who hated being called ¨Goggles¨. I went to school in Somerset where, in about 1963 bumped into the headmaster Mr. Holland at a cricket match....he was a teacher at the opposing school.. In 1968 I and my family moved to Perth, Western Australia.
Extract ID: 5478

See also

    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Hood
Page Number: 2007 09 27
Extract Date: 1960-61
Sao Hill School 1960-61

I was an inmate at Sao Hill about 1960-61 for a year or so. Names that spring to mind are Mr. Holland, the headmaster who moved to the south west of England in the early 60´s, the Moore-Gilbert brothers, Barry Sandilands and a boy called Guest who shared a birthday with me. Unfortunately he got to raise the flag on our birthday....and I didn´t because two was a crowd. I remember frequent canings.....sometimes in my pygamas which was particularly painful. In 1961 I went to school in Somerset and then at 16 we as a family moved to Perth, Western Australia. Any connections?
Extract ID: 5476

See also

    * Emil Karafiat
    * Bill Moore-Gilbert
    * Sao Hill School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Bart Moore-Gilbert
Page Number: 2007 07 10
Extract Date: 1960's

I was at Sao Hill (Southern Highlands) School 1960-2, then Soni (St Michael's) 1962-4. Keen to contact any contemporaries, of whom I am sure Emil Karafiat was one.

My father was also in the Game Department until 1965. Really enjoyed the message-board which triggered lots of memories.

Best wishes, Bart Moore-Gilbert
Extract ID: 5424


Mbeya School

See also

    * A.F. Lace
    * Mbeya School
    * St Michael's and St George
    * William Wynn-Jones

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 25

Wynn Jones had no previous guide to academic standards; the children had little or no academic background; some were much older physically than mentally; and there was a wide spread of ages in each class. Right from the start children were entered for the Cambridge Junior and Preliminary examinations, though the Preliminary was dropped after two years.

The Headmaster wrote his own syllabus; and when Mbeya School (an equivalent boarding school in the south of Tanzania) opened in 1942, in buildings vacated by a German School, he went there to consult with the Headmaster; and what they submitted to the Education Department became a basic curriculum for European education in the Territory.

Wynn Jones gave the Swahili language an important place on the curriculum "so that the children would in the future be able to speak correctly to those who work for and with them". He was very proud of the fact that in 1941 the school gained the first 3 places in East Africa in a Swahili essay competition.

By 1938, the enrolment had risen to 73 and the Government let the contract for a 2 storied. dormitory block at a cost of £9,352. This was opened at the end of 1939 and doubled the number of boarding places available. Roughly one third of the pupils were British, one quarter Greek and the rest a mixture of twelve European nationalities. There were no secondary education facilities in Tanganyika for Europeans, but the Government paid for travel to and subsidized the fees at Kenya schools. An inter governmental agreement formalized this in 1943 for 90 pupils at a cost of £100 per place paid by the Tanganyika Government, with parents then paying in addition the same fees as Kenya parents. In 1950 the cost was fixed at £198 and in 1954 £270 of which the parents paid half; and grants of £50 and later £100 were paid for pupils who attended private secondary schools anywhere outside the territory.

A primary school was opened in 1951 with the Overseas Food Corporation Groundnut scheme at Kongwa; and when in 1954 the scheme collapsed and buildings were available, this became a full secondary school, it later transferred to new buildings in Iringa, in 1958 under the grand name of St Michael's and St George's School. Government expenditure on European education in the decade of the 1950s is detailed in Appendix K.

To prepare for entrance to those secondary schools pupils were entered for the Kenya Preliminary Examination (KPE) which was a selective secondary school entrance examination. But what was to be done with those who failed the examination, and whose parents could not afford to send them to overseas schools? The concept of "poor whites" in tropical Africa was politically unacceptable, and parents were not keen to take children away from school until they were employable. Some therefore stayed on at Arusha School to the age of 16 or more, and this of course compounded the disciplinary, social and academic problems with which the staff had to cope.

Wynn Jones was due to go on leave in 1939 and Col. A.F. Lace, on secondment from Monkton Coombe School in England arrived in September to take over from him. Because of the outbreak of war Wynn Jones was reluctant to leave, so for 2 months, the 2 men were joint Headmasters until Lace was called up for the Kings African Rifles and Wynn Jones continued until Lace was released from the army in June 1943.
Extract ID: 4931

See also

    * A.T. Bewes
    * Casson
    * Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School
    * Bishop Stanway

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 31b

The church management of a Government school in 1934 was unusual, but understandable in the light of the depression economy and the existing policy with regard to voluntary agencies. It is less easy to understand the continuing influence of the church in the Arusha School management after 1946.

Arusha School was owned, financed and administered in exactly the same way as the Junior European School, Dar es Salaam, Mbeya School, opened in 1942, and Kongwa School, opened in 1951. The teaching staff were, in all four schools, Government Officers recruited through the Crown Agents in London; final responsibility rested with the Department of Education and, after 1949, the European Education Authority. The establishment of an Arusha School Council in 1946 may be seen as a forerunner of the Government's policy in the late 1950s to have local Boards of Governors for all Government schools so that the schools could more effectively relate to their community.

Be that as it may, it does not explain the appointment of the Bishop as Warden of the school and Chairman of the Board, the virtual right of the Bishop to veto the appointment of staff, the appointment of a Chaplain/Master at the Government's expense, and the Council itself which was theoretically appointed by the Director of Education, but in fact was made up predominantly of the Bishop's nominees. Even in 1970, more than half the Board of Governors were regularly worshipping local Anglicans. Bishop Stanway, Chairman of the Council and later of the Board of Governors from 1951 to 1971 claims that the rights of the church were exercised with great discretion; the fact remains that the rights did exist.

The first Government appointee as Headmaster was Cyril Hamshere (M.A. Cantab) who was born in East Africa and whose father Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere had been Principal of the Diocesan Training College for pastors and teachers up to his retirement in 1928, when Wynn Jones took over from him. The missionaries who withdrew in 1946 from the staff hoped that through Hamshere, a personal if no longer official link between the Diocese and Government would be retained.

The Headmaster was answerable to the Department of Education, and the School Council had no official role or direct authority. Their main function seems to have been to care for property, recommend maintenance, and extensions or addition, ensure that there was sufficient staff appointed and so on. With Dar es, Salaam 500 miles away and communications difficult, it is not unreasonable to expect that officials would be guided by a responsible local body and would take more notice of such a group than of direct representations from parents or requests from the Headmaster.

In 1952, when the Chaplain Casson resigned, the Council recorded its profound conviction that the appointment of a suitable chaplain-master to the staff of Arusha school "is of paramount importance in these difficult days in East Africa. In view of the importance of the post, no appointment should be made without consultation with the Warden of the School and the Director of Education".

In 1956, the Headmaster sought advice on the enrolment of a part Arab, part European boy and the Director of Education replied that "it would be inappropriate for him to be admitted. to an essentially Christian school". On the speech day in 1955, the Vice Chairman of the Council, A.T. Bewes, reminded the children of the well-founded Christian traditions of the school, which he hoped they would observe throughout their lives".

In assessing this unusual church/state relationship, we must recognise that even the total effort in European education was still a very minor part of the Department of Education's responsibility, that neither the Government nor the parents objected to the relationship continuing, that the power of veto over the appointment of staff was never actually used, and that the "religious life" of the school was not unlike that in a State school in Britain. It would appear also that the very presence of a School Council, a visible and tangible body, gave the school a stability and sense of continuity which was apparently lacking at Mbeya and Kongwa.

I would like to point out that the opening date for Kongwa School in this article is incorrect, the correct date is 4th October 1948

Glynn Ford

27 Jan 2005
Extract ID: 4936

See also

    * David Allen
    * Jack and Marjorie Allen
    * Richard Allen
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Sao Hill

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Richard Allen
Page Number: 2008 03 23
Extract Date: 1950-61
11 years of my life in Northern Tanganyika

Having been born in Arusha in 1950 and living the next 11 years of my life in Northern Tanganyika I find the personal memories of others in your website interesting and fascinating.

Many thanks for your hard efforts.

My 11 years were spent, along with my family, in the villages of Kondoa, Babati and finally Biharamulo, West Lake Province. My memory of years isn't too bright but we lived in each location for approximately 3 years before moving on to the next, except Kondoa where my Father John 'Jack' Allen spent 2 tours.

My early education, along with my brothers David Allen the elder and Robert Allen the younger, was undertaken in the HRH Aga Khan School, Babati, where my Mother Marjorie Allen was the teacher and co-founder of the school. Brother David started at Mbeya School at some stage during this tour in Babati.

On moving to Biharamulo in 1958/59 my younger brother and I were sent to Mbeya School and David started at St Michaels, Iringa. I have many happy, and some more painful, memories of Mbeya. The House (Wallington) Matron living in her flat at the end of the dormitory, The fear of the House Masters flexible black rubber 'tacky', Mr Morgan (I think) running the Cub Scout pack. Birthday teas, Saturday letter writing home followed by a visit to the Tuck shop and a film in the afternoon, Sundays visit to the River Garden, and many more.

On my Mothers death I found that she had kept a large number of those Saturday letters home and amongst them was a sketch of the River Gardens as drawn by a not so budding artist. This last may be of help to Judith Anderson

On a different tack, before his death, my Father wrote part of his life story. The story begins in Notttingham, UK, and goes on to his move to Tanganyika in 1928, at 13 years old, with his parents to an estate in Sao Hill. It tracks his life in the nTZ area during the 30s to joining and leaving the East African Army between the years 39 - 42. Unfortunately he didn't have time to continue the story further.

I have now copied this story to PC along with photos taken at the time and would be happy to pass on a copy to you if it interests you.

By way of interest, Sao Hill is named after the estate my Grandfather named and ran and subsequently where he built the Highlands Hotel in said place.

Again many thanks for your informative and entertaining website.
Extract ID: 5602

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jackie LITTLE / WARE
Page Number: 2008 09 11
Extract Date: 1950's
Mbeya schoool around 1957 1960

I went to Mbeya and have many pics when Mark Morgan was there in the 50s, am trying so hard to contact anyone who is in touch with Michael or Nick Hutton, or David Cadwallader. We had surname WARE and LITTLE (Kitty is my sister) - we lived in Dar.

I am so thrilled to read about other people who were at Mbeya School when I was - I am trying to find some people - how do I reply to anyone please? I wanted to find the Hutton boys, David Cadwallader and write to anyone who is interested - I was in Wallington House, Mbeya Kind

I have photos of Mbeya School around 1955 - some of the wonderful fancy dresses too ! Wondered if anyone in touch with Huttons, Nigel Proctor, Gobi sisters ?

Extract ID: 5811

See also

    * Jane Hardy
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jane Wilson (nee Hardy)
Page Number: 2009 03 20
Extract Date: 1950's
Mbeya school

I was on the internet and just about to close down when the idea occurred to me to check to see if there was anything on the internet about Mbeya School.. And I came across your site .

My name was Jane Hardy. I was at Mbeya School in the late 1950s. My father was in the special branch police during the last years of colonial rule. We lived in Mbeya and later in Dar es salaam . My childhood was so very different from that of almost anyone else that I know now, that I often feel slightly apart , especially when conversations turn to childhood. It is as though my childhhood didn't really happen. And Mbeya School is possibly the most unusuall school I attended.

I was in Wallington house, being one of the few day pupils, ( as we actually lived in Mbeya), I was slightly set apart there too, and most of my friends were other day girls. I remember so much about it, but having not talked about it with anyone for so long it is all unverified. My brother, chiristopher Hardy, was there too,but he was older than me and was sent back to bording school in england after a year or too.

I would be so glad to exchange memories with anyone else. Here are some of the things I remember.

*the way it could be extremely cold in the early mornings and then very hot by lunch time when we were lining up to go into the dining hall ( I don't know if that was what it was called)

* Having an object lesson about erosion from one of our teachers, who was showing us a water eroded bank in the school grounds.

* the beautiful mountain , (mbeya peak?), that overlooked the school and which gave the school its motto, ' I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills'.

* The buildings, corridors and classrooms .. Separate from the dormitory blocks to which we, even the day children, would be sent for a rest on beds after lunch.

* Inspections of nails by a matron.

* going into the dining hall at break where we were given bread and butter to eat, ( one slice each I think). I loved this and now wonder who baked it for us.

* outbreak of measles(?) and the children who had it being put into quarentine. Which seemed very mysterious to me.

* The playing fields and playing football, which I think was quite progressive for girls.

*little wooded areas around the school and playing fields in which we used to go and play.

Well I wont go on now as I don't know if anyone will actually read this, and it feels strange writing it down... as I write I am aware of the atmosphere engendered by attempting to recover memories of that time and place. My emotional response now is of a slight sense of lonliness and uncertainty about it... probably because I was a day pupil and so a little on the periphery of things. I do remember hearing about the dreadful bus journeys that so many of the bording pupils would make to get to mbeya... it used to make me fear a change of circumstance that might oblige me to become a boarder, but that never happened. I wonder about the psychological effects that separaton from home had on some of the children. I would so much like to talk to anyone some more about this improbable and beautiful time and place.

Jane wilson
Extract ID: 5985

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Mbeya School

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 36

In 1951 there had been criticism in the press about the standard of teaching at the school. The Headmaster answered this by explaining to the School Council that children from non English speaking homes had an undoubted effect upon the standard of education in the school, especially when the children themselves were unable to speak English when admitted. He followed this up 3 months later by repeating, "much has been done to allay ideas that the standard of education at this school is lower than it should be", though this comment does not seem to have satisfied the members of the School Council, who complained to the Director later that year (see above.)

Hamshere was always very conscious of his school's success in external examinations and the results feature prominently in his Speech Day reports and written records; he certainly reacted strongly when told that the Mbeya School results were better than his. The school log shows the following table for passes in the Kenya Preliminary Examination for entrance into Kenya Secondary Schools.
Extract ID: 4939

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Susan and John Hall
Page Number: 2008 07 06
Extract Date: 1951-56
Searching Alice Brazier, Mbeya school 1951 to 1956

We are trying to find an Alice Brazier who was at Mbeya School 1951 to 1956 and wondered if anyone remembers her or know where she is now.
Extract ID: 5797

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mary Hanrahan nee Connell
Page Number: 2008 07 19
Kongwa & Mbeya Schools

It has obviously been many years since I have visited the past. Not long ago I contacted Glyn Ford who put up the site on Kongwa School.

It is only now that I want to explain some of my childhood background to my children and grandchildren and find that a significant portion of that life for me and my brother and sister is missing.

I remember in my first year at Kongwa going into the Nissan Hut that was the dining room. I had a very broad Glasgow accent - told to eat porridge that a senior put sugar on - refused - told to eat - and was promptly sick - I only ate porridge with salt!! I also remember the polio scare when we were all confined and not supposed to play active games.

I remember playing building the stones - flatter the better - and knocking them over. Gee I'm getting old!!!

Some happy memory's. Wearing my nightgown to the school dance - it was made of yellow cotton with green trim in the princess style - what the fundis could make in Tabora. Mr Shuttleworth's explanations in latin and history - he tried to make it fun.

When I was older I swam in the school team and won a medal for diving - I played hockey (aggressively - I was short - still am, but have now hopefuly got over the 'short persons disease') Rembember the communal bathtubs (voluntary - somewhat - in later years fun pouring soapy water on concrete floors and sliding on it.

Please reply - I've had no response from my efforts to contact Kongwa ex pupils.

I don't know my brother and sister's experiences - we never seemed to have a chance or inclination to talk about them.

[My brother and sister attended Mbeya School on and off between 1952 and 1956. I attendede Kongwa between 1951 and 1956. Looking at both websites that I have found none of our names are mentioned. Can you tell me why?

Mbeya - Catherine Connell and William Connell Kongwa - Mary Connel]
Extract ID: 5803

See also

    * Alex (Sandy) Armet
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Alex (Sandy) Armet
Page Number: 2008 11 11
Extract Date: 1951-59
Info on Mbeya

I lived in and around Tanga during the years 1951 till 1959 and around the year 1954 started attending Mbeya. My sister Betty attended two years later. I remember Princess Margret visiting..the local Catholic priest, coming off his motor bike, I remember the long dining tables, and also remember the man with the drum who let us know when it was dinner time.

My first fight was to confirm that I had first place in the meal line. I also had best friend called Peter....and I have no idea of his last name....but I still see us play fighting with swords on top of the airline steps as we wait for the DC10 to land and us to school. I remember being able to climb the Fir trees around the sports field and ..as boys will...we used to bank the timber bearers waiting for the bees to come out so we could swat them. We used to roller skate and I can remember playing rugby and loving it. Great to find this site..
Extract ID: 5890

See also

    * Mbeya School
    * Judith Ward

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Judith Andersson (nee Ward)
Page Number: 2008 02 28
Extract Date: 1954-1958
Mbeya School 1954-1958

Trying to connect with anyone who was at Mbeya during this period. Fond memories - unfortunately no pictures. Would like to construct a sketch (from memory) of the 'river garden'. We were a Barclays family living in Dar.
Extract ID: 5573

See also

    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Bryn Jones
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Mark Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mark Morgan Mark Morgan
Page Number: 2004 02 21
Extract Date: 1947-1955
Bill Morgan was a master at the school

I have just come across this interesting site, while gathering information for a return visit to Arusha later in the Year.

I was very pleased to read the history of Arusha School as my farther, Bill Morgan was a master at the school from about 1947-1955 (I think those dates are right) He was teaching there before the war and then returned after.

I have three brothers we where all born in Arusha and later moved with dad when he went to Oyester-Bay School in Dar, and then later to Mbeya. My elder brother was then a boarder at Arusha before we all where sent to school in the uk.

It was good to see photos of Bryn Jones,a great family friend ( he was kind enough to marry both my self and both of my brothers) he sadly died several years ago, but my mother still keep in contact with his widow.

Seeing the photo of the late Princess Margaret's visit to the school. I was actually in the photo( the top of my head) we have a copy in the family album, and the photo of my farther being presented had pride of place on my grandmothers T.V

We have many photos of the school, and activites going on, which you would be quite welcome to to put on the site.

I am looking forward to my visit in September but hope that the School and Town have not changed to much, but it is nearly 50 years since I was last there.

Will give the site address to my brothers so they can have a look

Mark Morgan

Thanks for your feedback and interesting email. Sorry for the delay in replying.

I received, at about the same time, an email from Andrew Hannah, at the school from 1957-60, although he had brothers there before him, and he lists Morgan as one of the teachers he remembers. I'll put his, and your, emails up on the web site at the next update.

I think I was just out of the shot of Princess M - my duty was to hold the door open for her as she came in. I've got lots of other stuff about her visit, which I haven't yet had time to publish on the site.

But if you have photos and other anecdotes, I'd welcome copies for inclusion.

You will greatly enjoy revisiting Arusha. It's changed much in the last ten years or so since I've been going back. From being a shabby backwater, it's now a vibrant small town, and slowly cleaning itself up. However, flying over it can be horrific in that it reveals a huge shanty town, just as poor as any slum in Nairobi or Johannesburg, but totally hidden from the main tourist throughways.

I called in on the school last May, and found one teacher very happy to show me round (and the tortoise is still there). The buildings are nearly all the same. The roofs have reverted from tiles to bati sheets. The dining hall still has the same long tables and sideboards, and the trophy boards on the wall. But whereas there were less then 300 pupils in the 50's there are now 1200.

The headmaster was very busy, but pleased to see me (I think).

Do tell me more about your trip - have you allowed time to explore Arusha, and a guide to take you round. Most of them just want to get out of town as fast as possible and get you out to see the game. Where will you be staying?

Apart from the obvious risks, I felt I could walk around the main part of the town with my eye's shut. All the road layouts are still the same, and many of the buildings are unchanged. You'll be going round saying, Ah, I remember that.

Back in 1994 we found the old maternity ward in the Arusha Hospital where my brother was born - and maybe you.

The photo I took of it (http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00025.html#04073 ) appeared on the BBC web site recently - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3094543.stm but they claimed that it was obtained from a press agency in Dar es Salaam!

I could go on . . .

Hope to hear more from you.

Extract ID: 4703

See also

    * Renato Bottani
    * Geita Mines
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Renato Bottani
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 1955 to 1962
Mbeya & Iringa Schools

Lived in Geita from 1955 to 1962, attended Mbeya in Wallington House, then Iringa St Michael's & St George's.in Hodgson House. Great memories, but unfortunately, time is clearing the mind although some key names, Lucie Grandcourt, Ana Klimaky, Caroline Daughtry...will never fade.

I remember the fantastic train and bus rides from Mwanza to Itigi and then through the bush to Mbeya. It would just be wonderful to make contact with someone again!
Extract ID: 5942

See also

    * Hatari
    * Mbeya School
    * Robert Paterson
    * Tukuyu

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mike Paterson
Extract Date: 20 July 2001
Mike Paterson

Thanks for replying and the info. There is also quite a good bookshop called Kenya books in brighton just tap that in and you should get them they have a lot of TZ stuff.

I was born in Kampala 1948 and lived and went to school in Tanganyika (Mbeya 1955-58 and St Michael's & St George's Iringa 1959-1962 afterwards in UK.

My father Robert was in the administration as a DO and DC (d1995) and we moved about a lot mainly Lake Province (Shinyanga Biharamulo Bukoba and Ukerewe Island,Southern Highlands(Tukuyu) also Dar and Kisarawe.

I never lived in the Arusha area but stayed at the New Arusha Hotel on our trips to Nairobi and also with the Powells (DC Arusha c1961)

I passed through Arusha in 1992 on safari. An interesting contrast from what it was in the 50's (probably the nicest little town in EA) I seem to remember that the were filming Hatari when we were there early 60's. What struck me most was the lack of water in the river which I remember being quite swift flowing. If you remember any folks who went to school out there you could see familiar names at iringa.ourfamily.com or fungasafari.com for the Kenya schools.

Your site is brilliant and it has been great to see familiar names close family friends like Hans Cory,John Moffat, Hugh Elliot and parents of guys I was at School with (George Dove,Van Rooyen, Von Mutius etc also David Western.)

Keep up the good work

Best Wishes

Mike Paterson
Extract ID: 4107

See also

    * Mbeya School
    * Judith Ward

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Roger Goodwill
Page Number: 2008 12 04
Extract Date: 1956 / 1957
Mbeya School

I was at Mbeya School around 1956 / 1957 - Stuart House I think (the Blue one?) - fond memories indeed. The valley gardens and Sunday walks into the bush - I can still recall the sound of the generator up on Mbeya Peak (radio beacon I think)

We were stationed in Iringa at the time - a 3 day bus ride to Nairobi when parents moved - on the old EAR & H buses (girls in the front, boys in the back on wooden seats)

Would like to get in touch with Judith Ward if possible - we were also a Barclays family - frequent postings meant 13 schools in all - Mbeya a fond one. Now in Australia

Great Website !
Extract ID: 5918

See also

    * Arusha: Temi River
    * Shirley Duncan
    * Dr. John Linton
    * Mbeya School
    * Caroline Miller
    * Elizabeth Miller
    * Mr Miller
    * Avril Saddler
    * Joan Saddler

Duncan, Brian Arusha Photographs
Extract Author: Brian Duncan
Page Number: 20a
Extract Date: 1958-1962

Sister Shirley during horse riding lessons on the other side of the Temi River (possibly in the area where the Gymkhana Club is now. Girl in background is Elizabeth Miller.

Shirley was at Mbeya (boarding school) from 1956 to 1959 (Burton House - green checked gingham dresses). Other houses were Stanley (blue), Livingstone (yellow?) and ? (red). She then had one year at Iringa boarding school. In 1959 she was joined by Jane Saddler (sister to Avril).

She then moved to Arusha as a day pupil, but latterly was tutored by a private teacher, along with three other pupils. Two of them were sisters, Elizabeth Miller (mentioned above) and Caroline. Their mother trained a horse called 'Two Rivers' and had a farm just outside Arusha. The private tutor was the wife of 'Beeswax Smith', who also lived on the other side of the Temi River.

Tom Linton says: The picture of the horse. That's the Miller home which was on Themi road just before you enter Themi coffee estate, on the way to the Pyrethrum factory built by my father Dr. John Linton, who passed away last year. When my horse arrived on the train from Nairobi, he was boarded in the Miller's paddock for a while. Mr. Miller left the country during the nationalization period (of socialism) with his wealth, in stones, and was sadly killed when the small plane he was absconding in crashed.
Extract ID: 5294

See also

    * Warna Hewitt
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Warna Hewitt
Page Number: 2008 03 20
Extract Date: 1957 -61
Warna Hewitt Mbeya School 1957 -61

I was at Mbeya School late 50's early 60's and remember Mr Morgan, Miss Thompson (who I met in Brazil)but very little else. Would love to hear from anybody who has been there recently as my son is going there in July and would love to tell him the address and how to get there. I was in Stanley house and remember the long dining tables, you could only have 20 people to your birthday party, and also remember the man with the drum who let us know when it was dinner time. As I lived in Moshi and also Lindi, I used to have to fly to school, but remember that we were the last to arrive and the last to leave.

Include_feedback: on

Date: 20-Mar-2008
Extract ID: 5601

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Vula Holman
Page Number: 2009 01 30
Extract Date: 1957-1960
Mbeya School approx 1957-1960

Wish to contact anyone who knows 2 Greek sisters Rena and Clara Bekiaris (not sure of the spelling) Trence Clarkson Sakis Papakristos (again not sureof the spelling) they may have moved to Greece

I was born in Arusha in 1948 and lived in Lindi - my father Jack or John Nicholas Holman worked for the East African Railways and Harbours at the dockyard in Lindi

others I remember at Mbeya Rosemary and Peter Lay

moved to Hastings in Sussex just before independence

was in Wallington House -

I remember

- the River Gardens,

- teachers houses with peach trees and avocados and lemons which we used to eat

- the archway with the bougainvillea

- the tall night watch men especially when we had to go back to the dormitory after the pictures

-I was a brownie and a girl guide there as well my sister Jacqueline Holman later came to Mbeya School she was younger then me.

- The stage in the assembly hall with the underground tunnels, the fir trees and the huge spiders

- and an African village near us which was out of bounds

- maize fields

- African boys setting traps bamboo I think for beautiful humming birds

- I was very fond of art and there were two Swiss sisters that were very good at painting

- remember the dining room

- hot coco and bananas had to queue up for them and the African beating the drum for meals

- I now live in Australia with my husband Terence Austin who used to live in Kampala and Nairobi and went to the Duke of Yorks.
Extract ID: 5955

See also

    * Jackie Little
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Mark Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jackie Little
Page Number: 2007 07 07
I remember Mark Morgan at Mbeya School

Unbelievable - I remember Mark Morgan at Mbeya School,

Mr Morgan was headmaster and my sister (Kitty) also went there around 1958 (I was in Wallington, the red house). We watched old laurel and hardy films on a Saturday night as a treat and there were fancy dress parties at end of term.

I remember so much of Mbeya, even the food and the sick bay (huge jabs we used to have)! I would love to hear from anyone who went to Mbeya, Turi or Kenya High School - I have quite a lot of pics of Mbeya - remember so many names still! Great times growing up in East Africa in the '50s/60s!
Extract ID: 5421

See also

    * Rosy Goodman
    * Birgit Lund
    * Lupembe
    * Mbeya School
    * Erika Roe
    * Peter and Eileen Roe
    * Sally Roe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Sally Hughes-Ross (maiden name Roe)
Page Number: 2008 04 27
Extract Date: 1958
George Rushby's book

How absolutely amazing to stumble upon your web site and also discovering that my sister has added my parents names!

I typed in George Rushby's book 'The Hunter is death' because I borrowed it from my father many years ago and have now lost it in the many moves I have had.It was a rather cherished book because we lived in Georges old house in Lupembe. We moved there in 1958.

I went to Mbeya School for all of one term in 1958 and was desperatly unhappy. I wonder wether anyone remembers me wetting my knickers because the teacher wouldn't heed my desperatly extended arm, and then to add insult to injury she put my knickers out in the sun outside the classroom with name tape fully visible...tis the only time in my life I wished the ground would open up and swallow me !

Coming back to the book I would be most grateful if you could tell me where I might find another copy.

Also if you could put me in touch with Birgit Lund and Rosie Goodman (Peacock) I would be thrilled as I went to the convent in Nairobi with them.

A great website well done.
Extract ID: 5628

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Peter Smythe
Page Number: 2007 06 01
Extract Date: 1958-1961

Hi to anyone who will read this and remembers Mbeya School. I was there about 1958 through to 1961 or 2 in Wallingthon House. I recall Mr Morgan, and amongst numerous other events at the school, the sound of the drums from a village late at night not too far away - was this whenever the moon was full, or maybe if some sacred animal had been slaughtered?

I have many menories of the place and would like to contact anyone who may have been there about the same time - or even a year ot 2 later.
Extract ID: 5406

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Anne Collinson
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1958-1961
Mbeya School 1958-1961

My brother (Michael) and I both went to this school. We lived in Urambo and had to travel two days by train to get there.

I believe I was in Burton House. I remember getting the 'tacky' many times. I took the Matrons dog down to the river gardens and was not allowed to go to supper for this transgression but my friends smuggled out some bread for me I clearly remember climbing the fir trees in the playing fields - we could climb to the top of some.

My mother (Margaret Collinson) was Matron for while but not for my House.

After this I went to Lushoto School and Michael went to Southern Highlands.

I also remember being in sickbay with the chickenpox - it seems it was a good place to be.

I have found an old photo which I believe it Mbeya School if anyone is interested.

Lots of fun to find this site. I now live in Canada.

Extract ID: 5961

See also

    * Shirley Duncan
    * Mbeya School

Duncan, Brian Arusha Photographs
Extract Author: Brian Duncan
Page Number: 14j
Extract Date: 1958-1962
Train to Mbeya

Sister Shirley (2nd on left) departing for boarding school in Mbeya (obviously thrilled at the thought).
Extract ID: 5303

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Lynne Western
Page Number: 2008 06 14
Mbeya School 1958 to 1960

It has been a delight reading so many similar memories from Mbeya School, which I attended from late 1958 to 1960. My best friend there was Ingrid Tanner, with whom I am still friends. My brothers Martin and David Western were at Kongwa and then Iringa. I remember Mr, Morgan well, an excellent teacher. I was in Stanley House and remember living in fear of our matron, a dour Yorkshire woman, Miss Dooley, whose manner hid a kinder heart than I realised at the time. Like other my memories comprise the dinner drums and the river gardens, where we planted a tree each to celebrate Prince Andrew's birth!

I am now teaching in Cheshire, in a prison. I am sure boarding school prepared me for institutional life!
Extract ID: 5788

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Tim Hood
Page Number: 2007 09 27
Extract Date: 1959
Mbeya School 1959

I was at Mbeya School in 1959 in Burton House....green I think. I was only there for two terms as we moved to another part of the country. One of my favourite memories is of the resident drummer who would walk around the school playing, indicating that it was time to line up for meal times, or any other major event. Miss Humphreys was my teacher....I was seven. In 1960 I went to school in the UK and then in 1968 moved to Perth, Western Australia.

Ring any bells with anyone???
Extract ID: 5477

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Susan Barallon
    * Victoria Brennan
    * Mbeya School
    * Maria Sossi

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Susan Hautavoine (née Barallon )
Page Number: 2008 05 25
Extract Date: 1959 -1964
Susan Barallon - Mbeya and Arusha schools - 1959 -1964

I went to both these schools and would like to let Victoria Brenan know that I travelled on those buses that went from Dar via Morogoro and Mikumi to Mbeya. I got on at a place called Soga and later at Kidugallo before Morogoro

My elder brother and sister went to Kongwa and St Michaels and St george's in Iringa

Maria Sossi from Mbeya was my best friend and when that school closed we both went to Arusha

I now live in france and would love to hear from any one that either remembers me or would just like to get in touch.

Susan Barallon.
Extract ID: 5721

See also

    * Victoria Brennan
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Rob Hill
Page Number: 2008 12 02
Extract Date: 1959 to 1963
Mbeya School memories

Dear Victoria,

I too was in Stanley House from 1959 to 1963. Yes, I remember the shoe cleaning and playing jacks with peach stones. Also the kite competition. One of the fir trees was called Big Uggy. Do you recall the roller skating tracks through the woods were we pulled each other along using our belts. And the dams that we made when the rains came.

Do drop me a line. I have the Morgan archive of colour photopgraphs and some other pictures.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Rob (then known as Hilly)
Extract ID: 5912

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: George Taylor
Page Number: 2003 10 31
Extract Date: 1963 - 1966
George Taylor - Arusha School -1963 - 1966

What a pleasure to come accross this web site, it certainly got my memory bank in action.

My name is George Taylor and, along with my sister Audrey Taylor (2 years my senior), I attended Arusha boarding school from about 1963 to 1966. The headmaster at the time was Mr B.L.Jones. My family lived in Moshi where my Dad taught at the local Trade School. We previously lived in Ifunda and I went to Mbeya boarding school before moving to Moshi.

I remember the giant tortoise, trips to the Twiga bookshop in Arusha and also the Cha-Cha coffee bar where we would spend our money on curry peas. Mr Rushbrook taugh French and was remowned for smacking people on the back of the head for any minor mistake. The dinner bell was a railway line hanging from a tree outside the main building. I was a dorm monitor and remember wearing the green shirt, khaki shorts and felt hat on a Sunday. I would take a friend home every two weeks when my parents travelled up from Moshi. I remember Martin Gelege (not sure of spelling now) being the fastest runner in the school - things like that mattered then! Mrs Bradley was my form teacher and Mrs Fernandez was the dorm Matron.

I could write a book about this and my friends Alnoor Jetta and Robi and Maria Sossi - where are they all now.

I am 48 now with a wife and 2 sons, Steve 21 and Mick 18 who both work with me at British Telecom.


George Taylor


I am sorry to be so long in replying, I have only recently returned from a trip to Tanzania.

Many thanks for your feedback and information about your time at Arusha School. If I may, I will add it to the Alumni section of the web site. I try not to publish private email addresses so as to avoid the risk of them being deluged with spam. But if anyone tries to contact you I shall gladly put them in touch.

I've got lots to add to the web site, especially because I've been back to Arusha twice this year - visiting the school on one trip (Tortoise still going strong). Because of other commitments, it may be the end of the year before I can do an update.

You say "being the fastest runner in the school - things like that mattered then!" - They still matter!!! In June I visited the inter-school cross-country championships in Arusha between 2 international schools, a Greek school and 2 or 3 Tanzanian schools. On the course it was very competitive, and Arusha School carried off the overall championship.

You also mention smacking - I've just received an email from a Kirit Patel (1969 -1975) - who can remember "the fun times and the not so much fun times i spent at the school or at the head masters office being whacked by Mr Jones size 6 / 7 shoes and Mr Nettlebacks wood cane"


Many thanks for your enjoyable and interesting reply. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Tanzania.

I look forward to seeing more of the same on your excellent web site - what a nostalgia trip!

I have had a long chat with my parents about the web site and they were facinated.

Thanks for making contact.


Extract ID: 4673

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15
Extract Date: 1960 -1966
Richard Dawtrey - Arusha School 1960 -1966 ish

Have found the site on Arusha school

Found a name I know would like to contact Sarah Holland

Can my address be forward to her ?

I'm sending Sarah a bcc of this email, and will leave it to her to contact you.

Thanks for mail about Sarah, she has been in contact, which is great

I should give you some things I remember about school. 1960 -1966 ish

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.

There are things I remember about school like having to clean shoes on the grass in the quad at weekends.

The big picture in the dining room and that food, I seem to remember dark brown minced beef on toast or was the Mbeya School where I also went.

I read something about tunnels in the river bank which we used to do as well it must have been a trend at school.

Remember making dams in the river as well.

I'm not sure but a coulpe of some of us making a big hole outside the bathroom window on the playing field side

to find spent bullets and cases, goodness knows where thay came from, I still have them somewhere.

The bell made from a railway track, the giant tortoise, which I believe is still alive.

Avocado pears that were eaten to keep the strengh up due to the poor food.

I seem to remember doing nativity plays on the cricket field or was that some other school in africa?

I used to come up from Tanga later in my school life and and asian chap used to come to Moshi to collect

us in a tatty old Ford van which used to backfire all the time.

Climbing up Meru and trips into local game parks

Well happy days but I'm not sure I felt that at the time

Richard Dawtrey

South House Arusha School
Extract ID: 4832

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Najib Kahn
    * Mbeya School
    * Louisa Sossi

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15a
Extract Date: 1960's
The bus left the road

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.
Extract ID: 4834

See also

    * Roger Hubbert
    * Kongwa School
    * Geoff Lawrence-Brown
    * Mbeya School
    * Max Morgan Davis
    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Roger Hubbert
Page Number: 2004 10 30
Extract Date: 1960's
Do you have any leads?

David, when were you in Arusha?

I grew up in Tanganyike and used to live there. I went to school in Mbeya and Kongwa.

I worked for Geoff Lawrence-Brown, hunting and photo safaris and on the Hatari film. Even played polka with the duke! Was good friends with the Trappe famile and Max Morgan-Davies with whom I have lost contact.

Do you have any leads? Salaams!
Extract ID: 4893

See also

    * Victoria Brennan
    * Iringa
    * Itigi
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Victoria Brennan
Page Number: 2008 04 14
Victoria Brennan (nee Butler) Mbeya school Jan 1961-July 1963

I started at Mbeya School Jan 1961, the headmaster was Mr Morgan. I was in Stanley House and remember being able to climb the Fir trees around the sports field, the swimming pool being built, picking up litter before the Saturday evening films, the drummer annoucing mealtimes, shoe cleaning on the grass in front of the dorms, and being taken to see the Walt Disney film Sleeping Beauty in Mbeya. The huge bonfires for Guy Fawkes across the stream, and the Kite making competition and the three horned chameleons. The awful TAB injections and the fancy dress party at the end of the year. Saturday evening Scottish dancing(being wisked through the Dashing white Sargeant with Mr Morgan) and the yearly House sing competition with it English Country songs.

The school closed down July 1963 and we were incorporated into Arusha School for the last term of the year.

I was born in Mahenge and we had to pick up the bus at the Mikumi stop. There were two bus loads of children from Dar and Morogoro and we overnighted at Iringa, girls in the White Horse Inn and boys in the Railway Hotel, this was reversed on the way out, Later when the numbers had dropped we all stayed at the railway hotel. One term the bridge on the Iringa road washed away, so we were bussed up to Itigi, overnight, to catch the train. My sister Judith joined me at the end of 1961 and was the smallest person at school and we were known as Big Butler and little Butler.

I am now fascinated by the curiously dated slang that we used and never came across at any of the other boarding schools I attended. Bosch for rubbish and the use of surnames only.

Thankyou for the interesting Website. I don't recognise any names but would love to hear from anyone who was at school with me.
Extract ID: 5625

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Melody Hainsworth
Page Number: 2008 08 15
Extract Date: 1969-1972
Photos from the 50's of the school

My husband and I were teachers at Mbeya Secondary School from 1969-1972 which is obviously after it became part of the public system. I was the librarian and English teacher. I have some very very old pictures of students, the dining room etc which I would scan and email to someone if you wish to have them for your history project.
Extract ID: 5831

See also

    * Mbeya School
    * George Taylor
    * J. van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Peter Rowland
Page Number: 2008 12 11
Extract Date: 11-Dec-2008
George Taylor

George & Audrey Taylor - Mbeya and Arusha Schools. I was at school with them at both. George may recall going halfterm to Jan van Rooyen's in West Kili.

Have been in and out of Tz over the years and now live not far from Ifunda on Ngwasi lake. Work in the Mbeya area and have had the opportunity of seeing the place - much the same but surrounds are built up. Rugby pitch is a railway station.
Extract ID: 5922

Kongwa School

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Mau Mau

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Hazel Redgrave (nee Miller)
Page Number: 2007 10 08
Mau Mau

Jambo - have just discovered your ntz pages and have spent hours happily reading. I was a Kongwa School girl in 1949 as a day scholar, then 1952-4 as a boarder, but recognise some names.

However, the book that Tim McCarty is looking for about the Mau Mau is: 'Something of Value' by Robert Ruark.

It came out in 1955 (publisher: Hamish Hamilton). I agree, it's a superb book, so is 'Uhuru' by the same author. Both of these books can usually be found on eBay - I got a smashing hardback of each book there for pesa kidogo sana.
Extract ID: 5481

See also

    * Nigel Borrissow
    * Russell Bowker-Douglas
    * Russ Bowker-Douglass
    * Kongwa School
    * Manyara Hotel
    * Tanganyika Tours and Safaris Company
    * Peter Taverner
    * Peggy Tisdall
    * Denton Webster

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Russ Bowker-Douglass
Page Number: 2005 01 28
Extract Date: 1949-1954
Russ Bowker-Douglass - Arusha School 1949-54

Great news being told of your web site. I was at Arusha school from 1949-1954 when I was enrolled at Kongwa until I left school in 1957.

My father, Russell Bowker-Douglass started Tanganyika Tours & Safaris from Arusha and went on to build and own Lake Manyara Hotel until he was nationalized like every one else by the Nyerere government.

I went on to be involved in aviation until I retired at the end of 1999 when I was a "Jumbo" captain and instructor pilot for a major airline and 25,000hrs flying experience!

As you can see from my address, I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Its where the expression, "Godzone" came into being!! I have the good fortune to be surrounded by not only ex-Arusha School but ex-Kongwa-ites too. To name but a few, Peter Taverner, Denton Webster and Nigel Borrissow.

Numerous ex-Kenyans live near me too, Thadie and Lavinia(nee Allan) Ryan, Dave Power, Peggy Tisdall, John & Robin Channer and Dennis & Anne Bower to name but few. The local Ex Kenya Regiments meetings from this area often fronts up over 100 at curry do's.

I would like you to publish what you can of this letter in the hope I may get in touch with friends from long ago.

Best regards, Rusty

Russ Bowker-Douglass

Great to hear from you. I'll put your email on the web site and we'll see who pops up to get in touch.

Do please write with more memories (and maybe you can dig out some pictures), they are always welcome for the web site.

Did you see the "history of Arusha School"
Extract ID: 4974

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Molomo
    * Momella Lodge
    * Sanya Juu
    * Ulyate
    * Bert von Mutius
    * Christa von Mutius

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Christa von Mutius
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1950's
Christa von Mutius - Arusha School - 1950's

Sanya Juu

My mother and step-father (Bill and Nana Seitz) farmed not far from the Ulyate family and my two brothers (Bertie von Mutius and Barry von Mutius - both now deceased) and I went to school at Kongwa (I think) with some of them. Certainly I was friendly with Valerie Ulyate.

Our farm was called Molomo. Before his death Bertie ran a safari business from Momella, a beautiful lodge not far from Usa River and with wonderful views of both Meru and Kilimanjaro. I also attended Arusha school and knew the New Arusha Hotel very well.

Great to read about those wonderful places! What a privilege it was to have grown up there!

Christa Bond (nee von Mutius)
Extract ID: 4988

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Clary Palmer-Wilson
    * Donald Palmer-Wilson
    * Michael Palmer-Wilson
    * St Michael's and St George

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Michael W. Branham (Palmer-Wilson)
Page Number: 2008 04 28
Extract Date: 1950's
Clary and Donald Palmer-Wilson

I saw this fantastic website and all the communications between former schoolmates and families/friends looking for each other. I would like to get in touch with Robert Palmer-Wilson, one of my half-brothers. That way I can update him on some things. In case other friends are open to getting in touch, a little background on the Palmer-Wilson clan! I went to school in both Kongwa School and St. Michaels & St. Georges in Iringa.Would like very much to get in touch with old mates! I moved to Alaska in 1964 - worked in Africa part of each year since then.

For Robert Palmer-Wilson - last time I visited with you was in London about 1966. Our father, Clary Palmer-Wilson moved to the USA in 1985. He passed away living with me in 1996. Donald Palmer-Wilson, too moved to the USA and he passed away about 12 yrs. Ago. If you want to email me, we can be in touch again and I can fill you in on the rest of the clan. I am in London several times a year for Board meetings and in East Africa once or twice a year for activities - so we can meet easily.

Cheers! Mike
Extract ID: 5632

See also

    * George Brzostoski
    * Jacaranda
    * Kongwa School
    * Momella
    * Margarethe Trappe
    * Rolf Trappe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: George Brzostowski
Page Number: 2009 03 21
Extract Date: 1950's

I loved coming across this web site. My parents, Helena and Henry, were close to Mrs Margarete Trappe.

We shared a 3-room building on Momella with her son Rolf and daughter-in-law, Linka (who was also Polish and whose full name was 'Halina'). We were in the Southern end and they were in the Northern room.

We had a lounge room in the middle of the building, and I still remember the lion skin on the floor.

I remember also there was a vegetable garden on the floor of the valley to the South, and among that garden, there was a circular swimming pool.

My father share farmed on Momella before eventually going to head up a pasture research station in Kongwa. He had 2 tours of duty in Kongwa (the first with the OFC and the second with the TAC), with one tour of duty at Urambo, where he established for the OFC the 'Jacaranda Farm' station.

I went to Kongwa School from about 1952 to 1958 with one year in London.

Mrs Trappe's daughter, Ursula, and her husband Ulrich, lived in a a nearby building. It was on the South side of a road that ran East-West, and which was also the access road to Arusha. To the West of it there was what we called 'elephant rock'. This was from where each afternoon one could watch firstly shrieking and playful Colobus monkeys emerge from the forest on the other side of the valley which was on the south side of that road, followed by many elephants coming out to feast on the vegetation in the valley floor.

Mrs Trappe lived in a lovely stone building up on the hill, facing the East (and Kilimanjaro). Nearby there was a growth of pine trees, and the source of a stram of cool clean water. It was used to power a maize grinder and other machinery in the workshop building down the hill.

I have been trying to find any information about the actual location of the original farm, and any remaining buildings. I have some photos similar to the ones in the books 'Am Fuse des Meru', and in the English language, 'Momella'.

Being in Australia now, and getting on in years, I am limited to Google Earth, and the part which may be relevant is not shown in fine resolution compared to what one can see from where the Momella Wildlife Lodge is shown.

I would be grateful for any references that might be of help.

I would like to make contact with anyone who knew people in Kongwa, Momella, Arusha or Tengeru where I was born.


George Brzostowski SC

Canberra Australia
Extract ID: 5986

See also

    * A.T. Bewes
    * Casson
    * Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School
    * Bishop Stanway

Nettelbeck, David A history of Arusha School, Tanzania
Page Number: 31b

The church management of a Government school in 1934 was unusual, but understandable in the light of the depression economy and the existing policy with regard to voluntary agencies. It is less easy to understand the continuing influence of the church in the Arusha School management after 1946.

Arusha School was owned, financed and administered in exactly the same way as the Junior European School, Dar es Salaam, Mbeya School, opened in 1942, and Kongwa School, opened in 1951. The teaching staff were, in all four schools, Government Officers recruited through the Crown Agents in London; final responsibility rested with the Department of Education and, after 1949, the European Education Authority. The establishment of an Arusha School Council in 1946 may be seen as a forerunner of the Government's policy in the late 1950s to have local Boards of Governors for all Government schools so that the schools could more effectively relate to their community.

Be that as it may, it does not explain the appointment of the Bishop as Warden of the school and Chairman of the Board, the virtual right of the Bishop to veto the appointment of staff, the appointment of a Chaplain/Master at the Government's expense, and the Council itself which was theoretically appointed by the Director of Education, but in fact was made up predominantly of the Bishop's nominees. Even in 1970, more than half the Board of Governors were regularly worshipping local Anglicans. Bishop Stanway, Chairman of the Council and later of the Board of Governors from 1951 to 1971 claims that the rights of the church were exercised with great discretion; the fact remains that the rights did exist.

The first Government appointee as Headmaster was Cyril Hamshere (M.A. Cantab) who was born in East Africa and whose father Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere had been Principal of the Diocesan Training College for pastors and teachers up to his retirement in 1928, when Wynn Jones took over from him. The missionaries who withdrew in 1946 from the staff hoped that through Hamshere, a personal if no longer official link between the Diocese and Government would be retained.

The Headmaster was answerable to the Department of Education, and the School Council had no official role or direct authority. Their main function seems to have been to care for property, recommend maintenance, and extensions or addition, ensure that there was sufficient staff appointed and so on. With Dar es, Salaam 500 miles away and communications difficult, it is not unreasonable to expect that officials would be guided by a responsible local body and would take more notice of such a group than of direct representations from parents or requests from the Headmaster.

In 1952, when the Chaplain Casson resigned, the Council recorded its profound conviction that the appointment of a suitable chaplain-master to the staff of Arusha school "is of paramount importance in these difficult days in East Africa. In view of the importance of the post, no appointment should be made without consultation with the Warden of the School and the Director of Education".

In 1956, the Headmaster sought advice on the enrolment of a part Arab, part European boy and the Director of Education replied that "it would be inappropriate for him to be admitted. to an essentially Christian school". On the speech day in 1955, the Vice Chairman of the Council, A.T. Bewes, reminded the children of the well-founded Christian traditions of the school, which he hoped they would observe throughout their lives".

In assessing this unusual church/state relationship, we must recognise that even the total effort in European education was still a very minor part of the Department of Education's responsibility, that neither the Government nor the parents objected to the relationship continuing, that the power of veto over the appointment of staff was never actually used, and that the "religious life" of the school was not unlike that in a State school in Britain. It would appear also that the very presence of a School Council, a visible and tangible body, gave the school a stability and sense of continuity which was apparently lacking at Mbeya and Kongwa.

I would like to point out that the opening date for Kongwa School in this article is incorrect, the correct date is 4th October 1948

Glynn Ford

27 Jan 2005
Extract ID: 4936

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: B Sinfield
Page Number: 2008 10 02
Extract Date: 1951-1954
Kongwa School 1951-1954

A friend of mine, Richard Bergner and his sister June attended Kongwa School from about 1951 - 1954 and would like their names added to the list of ex pupils.
Extract ID: 5808

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Mary Hanrahan nee Connell
Page Number: 2008 07 19
Kongwa & Mbeya Schools

It has obviously been many years since I have visited the past. Not long ago I contacted Glyn Ford who put up the site on Kongwa School.

It is only now that I want to explain some of my childhood background to my children and grandchildren and find that a significant portion of that life for me and my brother and sister is missing.

I remember in my first year at Kongwa going into the Nissan Hut that was the dining room. I had a very broad Glasgow accent - told to eat porridge that a senior put sugar on - refused - told to eat - and was promptly sick - I only ate porridge with salt!! I also remember the polio scare when we were all confined and not supposed to play active games.

I remember playing building the stones - flatter the better - and knocking them over. Gee I'm getting old!!!

Some happy memory's. Wearing my nightgown to the school dance - it was made of yellow cotton with green trim in the princess style - what the fundis could make in Tabora. Mr Shuttleworth's explanations in latin and history - he tried to make it fun.

When I was older I swam in the school team and won a medal for diving - I played hockey (aggressively - I was short - still am, but have now hopefuly got over the 'short persons disease') Rembember the communal bathtubs (voluntary - somewhat - in later years fun pouring soapy water on concrete floors and sliding on it.

Please reply - I've had no response from my efforts to contact Kongwa ex pupils.

I don't know my brother and sister's experiences - we never seemed to have a chance or inclination to talk about them.

[My brother and sister attended Mbeya School on and off between 1952 and 1956. I attendede Kongwa between 1951 and 1956. Looking at both websites that I have found none of our names are mentioned. Can you tell me why?

Mbeya - Catherine Connell and William Connell Kongwa - Mary Connel]
Extract ID: 5803

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Jim Pirie

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jim Pirie
Page Number: 2004 12 17
Extract Date: 1947-1952
Jim Pirie - Arusha School 1947-1952

My name is Jim Pirie, and I was at Arusha School from 1947-1952, before going to Kongwa.

I remember you from Olmalog, My Dad who worked at Riddoch Motors in Arusha, was a friend

of both David Read and Piet Hugo.

I have been trying to contact as many old school friends as I can. . .
Extract ID: 4965

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Tricia Lane
    * Oldeani

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: PaTricia Lane Barton
Page Number: 2009 01 25
Extract Date: 1950-52
Kongwa School

I see in your web site an entry from Marie-Louise Sandberg (Nillson). How can I contact her? Could you send her my email address and ask her to contct me.

I had told you earlier that I WENT TO Oldeani and didn't mention that I then went to Kongwa. I love to see what many Kongwaites are up to these days.
Extract ID: 5951

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Valerie Hext
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1954 - 1959
Marie Louise Silsing (Sandburg) Ex Kongwa School Pupil 1954 - 1959

Have just found a dear friend (Marie Louise Sandburg ) on your site trying to contact friends from this time.

Can you please pass my details on to her.

Thank you

ex pupils from Kongwa School
Extract ID: 5960

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Rodney Holland
    * Kongwa School
    * Oldeani School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Rodney Holland
Page Number: 2005 01 06
Extract Date: 1952-1955
Rodney Holland - Arusha School - 1952-1955

Hi there. I have just spent sometime browsing through the Arusha School site and found a lot of interesting information and it has brought back a lot of memories of the time I was at Arusha between 1952 and 1955.

Prior to Arusha I had been to Lushoto School and after Arusha I went to Kongwa .

I remember being sent to Oldeani during my first year as Arusha was full. I was not too happy about that.I was very fortunate in having the chance to climb Mt. Meru twice and I still have vivid memories of those experiences.We lived in Tanga where my father was employed by TANESCO.

I intend to visit Arusha and Tanga this year (2005) and would like some advice on how to get to Tanga my plan is to try to hire a vehicle with a reliable driver in Arusha to take us to Tanga for a couple of days and then return to Arusha would you or anyone else know if this would be be possible if so any contacts in Arusha .I have not been back to Tanga since 1961 .

It's a great site thankyou for it .



Thanks for your email, and kind comments about the site.

We must have overlapped at Arusha school - I was there from 1953-57.

Looking at the school magazine from Feb 56, I see that you were one of the Chorus of Soldiers in the performance of the Charcoal Burner's Son on 1st April 1955!

And you may have seen your name on the board - still hanging in the school


I've recently been given a copy of a history of Arusha School, written in 1974. I should have full extracts from it available in a few days - or whenever I can find the time to do an update of the site. Meanwhile you can access a full pdf version here

http://www.ntz.info/docs/history_of_arusha_school.pdf (360KB)

You will find in it mention of the ill fated attempt to run a branch of the school at Oldeani. (p33)

"An interesting slant on the personality of Hamshere and the difficulties of adequately providing for the growing enrolments comes from the opening of a branch school 100 miles away at Oldeani in 1950. A teacher, Ryan, and his wife offered to run it because they found the prospect of having responsibility and being 100 miles remote from supervision attractive. When the Ryans were due to go on leave in 1952, a new master, Edmonson, and his wife arrived to relieve them. However Ryan considered them unsuitable to take over the "personal empire" he had built up, so he refused to hand over, locked the buildings and left for Arusha. Hamshere was not able to resolve the crisis: the Ryans went on leave, the Edmonsons resigned, and the branch school never reopened."

Now, Tanga.

I spent a few weeks there in 1957 waiting for the boat to take us home to England, and, like you, have not been back since. If you are inclined to beaches, consider a few days down the coast at Pangani. I know the people who run http://www.emayanilodge.com/ . Depending on hotels in Tanga, it may be worth basing yourself here, and taking a day trip to Tanga. Are you interested in WWI, and the battle of Tanga etc. If so, it would be worth trying to find a guide who knows a bit about it and can help you find things. I'd need to ask about to track one down.

There is certainly one Tanzanian guide/driver based in Moshi, with car, who I can totally recommend - but I need to find his contact details. So let me know when are you planning to visit, and what else you have planned for Arusha or beyond. Ie do you just need a driver for a Tanga extension, or for a longer safari? Depending on the answers, I can then put you in touch with some people.

Note that I'm not a travel agent! Apart from looking after ntz.info, I maintain several websites for African Safari companies, many in Tanzania, and use that as an excuse to visit whenever possible.

Thankyou for your quick reply to my email.I remember being in the choir at school and enjoying it infact at one time I had dreams of grandeur of being a pop star but never made it.

Now our proposed visit to Tanzania there will be 4 of us going and we are proposing to go in August at this stage we havent made a definite plan as we are gathering info.However a proposal is that we would need a vehicle and driver to take us from Arusha to Tanga which I assume would take a day then we would stay in either Tanga or Pangani for 5 days then return to Arusha.We would like to have the vehicle and driver available for this period of 7 days but it would depend on costs.Your idea of visiting Pangani sounds good.After the first week we are considering visiting the game reserves around Arusha.Sorry I cant be more detailed at this stage but I really need to find out if the above is practical and within our budget. Looking forward to hearing from and thanks for your help.
Extract ID: 4977

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Marie-Louise Nilsing (born Sandberg)
Page Number: 2008 10 20
Extract Date: 1955-1958
Kongwa European school from 1955-1958

I would like to come in contact with schoolmates from Kongwa European school during the period 1955-1958.

My sister Eva (*1946) and myself, Marie-Louise Sandberg (*1944) were the only pupils from Sweden.

Kongwa European School with 400 pupils,ages between 7 and 19 was represented from at least 26 different nationalities. I remember the names of the sibblings, Geraldine, Peter and Richard Hobbs, they moved to GB together with their parents,John (teacher at Kongwa)and Mary Hobbs.

Patricia Lane was the prefect of my boarding house, Livingstone. She left for USA. Hazel Beaumont shared the same house as me. Hazel left for New Zeeland.

It would be wonderful to share some memories together with schoolmates from this time.
Extract ID: 5852

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Nina Möller

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Torsten Möller
Page Number: 2004 09 26b
Extract Date: 1956-1958
Nina Möller - Arusha School 1950-1955

A few extra pieces of information: My sister, Nina, born 16 August 1942, also went to Arusha School, from 1950 to 55, whereas my brother, Michael, went to Kongwa. I've lived in the UK for the last 32 years.
Extract ID: 4886

See also

    * Roger Hubbert
    * Kongwa School
    * Geoff Lawrence-Brown
    * Mbeya School
    * Max Morgan Davis
    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Roger Hubbert
Page Number: 2004 10 30
Extract Date: 1960's
Do you have any leads?

David, when were you in Arusha?

I grew up in Tanganyike and used to live there. I went to school in Mbeya and Kongwa.

I worked for Geoff Lawrence-Brown, hunting and photo safaris and on the Hatari film. Even played polka with the duke! Was good friends with the Trappe famile and Max Morgan-Davies with whom I have lost contact.

Do you have any leads? Salaams!
Extract ID: 4893

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Les Brownlow
    * Kongwa School
    * Moshi: Trade School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Les Brownlow
Page Number: 2007 10 05
Extract Date: 1961-63
Les Brownlow Arusha School 1961-63

Great web site, we are fortunate to have you keeping it up to date. Good work.

My family lived in Tanganyika > Tanzania from 1954 to 1968. We were first stationed in Kongwa where my father, Les Brownlow Sr. was a teacher and House Master at Kongwa School. My mother, Vera Brownlow was matron. We left Kongwa when the school closed in 1959 and moved to Moshi where my father took up a post at the Moshi Trade School.

I went to Arusha School between 1961 and 1963 after which I was sent to St Mary's School Nairobi to contunue my eduaction.

I have fond menories of Kongwa, Moshi and Arusha. The postings from the Arusha School Alumni are particularly poignant.

One thing might be of general interest, we have cine film records (now on video) starting in Kongwa about 1955 and going through to 1968 and beyond. I find it fascinating to see this early film covering all aspects of life in Tanganyika. It occurs to me that we probably have film of family members of the Arusha School Alumni from those times. We certainly have a lot of coverage of our time at Kongwa and Moshi/Arusha. I know home movies are generally very passe but if anyone is interested it might be possible to compile a few clips for distribution digitally.

Maybe you could post this to the Arusha School Alumni.
Extract ID: 5480

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Massowia Von Prince
    * Tom von Prince

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Glynn Ford
Page Number: 2009 03 08
Extract Date: 08-Mar-2009
Tom Von Prince

There is a message from Kilulu Von Prince, ref Page 2004 09 25 Extract ID 4869. Is it possible to either obtain her email address or get a message to her, it is in relation to a Massowia Von Prince who is also a descendant of Tom Von Prince, Massowia was a student at Kongwa School at the same time as I was.

Glynn Ford
Extract ID: 5978

Arusha School Alumni

Roughly in order of attending the School, oldest first

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Majorie Borissow
    * Malham Ulyate
    * Ted Ulyate
    * Bob Walker

Ulyate Family Personal Communications
Extract Author: Bob Walker
Page Number: 504n
Extract Date: 1930-1950's
Ulyate family members that attended Arusha School

Malham Ulyate, Early 1930.s 1935 Awarded "Victor Ladorum" for sporting achievements, Name still on the sports plaque in the dinning hall

Edward Ulyate,(Ted) Early 1930,s 1935 Awarded "Victor Ladorum" for sporting achievements. Name still on the sports plaque in the dinning hall.

Robert Walker (Christopher) 1944-49.

Nigel Borissow 1950,s

Jocelyn Borissow 1950,s

Marjorie Borissow 1950,s

Michael Borissow 1950,s

Donald Ulyate 1950,s

June Ulyate 1950,s

Brenda Ulyate 1950,s

Mrs. Kay Ulyate (Matron) 1950,s

Robin Ulyate 1950,s

Phyllis Ulyate 1950,s

Sally Ulyate 1950,s

Valarie Ulyate 1950,s

Brian Ulyate 1950,s

David Ulyate 1950,s

(Not a complete list)

Elizabeth Van Staden (Ulyate) Lolly wrote saying "I would like to be named as another ULYATE who attended Arusha School 1963 - 1968."
Extract ID: 4755

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Gertrude Goode
    * Alan McFarland

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Alan McFarland
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1935 - 1943
Alan McFarland - Arusha School 1935 - 43

I went to Arusha from 1935 to 1943. Mrs Goode was the Matron and I remember her very well. I was only 5 years old. I can still taste the tablespoon of liquid quinine received from her every night - and feel the red hairbrush that delivered some well deserved whacks! We loved her dearly.

I have a few photographs of pupils from that era. I would like to see the photographs that Helen Goode has of her maternal grandmother.

Alan McFarland.
Extract ID: 4987

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Jeff Hollyer
    * David How-Brown
    * David Read

Read, David Beating about the Bush
Page Number: 011
Extract Date: 1937
David Read - Arusha School - 1937 -

The sudden intrusion of life at boarding school proved to be a far more unkind world than I had anticipated. I was far behind in the work, at a far lower standard of ability and could barely Read or write.

When I arrived I was initially put in a class suitable for my age but could not cope with the demands being made on my untrained mind and was sent down to a level more in fitting with my qualifications. That was shaming enough, but I was also bullied and called "white nigger" by many of my peers because of my less than cosmopolitan bush childhood, which made life even harder to bear. Most of the children, and especially the girls, could not be bothered with me believing my lack of knowledge to be a mark of stupidity rather than a result of an incomplete education. The majority of them had been reared in Africa but none had lived a life as isolated from European influence as I, which led to their notions that I was some sort of tribal freak. As the days passed and time softened the harsher opinions of my first arrival, some of the others began to realise that I was not quite as uncivilised as I might have first seemed and two boys of my own age took me under their wing. Jeff Hollyer and David How-Brown were to remain friends for the rest of my life, and Fate would conspire to knit together our paths frequently over the coming years. The characteristics that were to define them as adults, were already branded upon their personalities with Jeff to remain the ginger, short and stocky one with David also of the same colouring, blessed with an open outgoing character that was simultaneously honest and truthful.
Extract ID: 4176

external link

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mark Evdemon

Evdemon, Mark Personal communication
Extract Author: Mark Evdemon
Extract Date: 11 July 2003
Mark Evdemon - Arusha School 1945-1949

Very interesting site, specially as I attended the School for about 4 years (1945-1949); about the Meru mountain climbers...my name was up on a board in the dining area at the time. Do you perhaps have a photo of that board?

Amazing to read about the Giant tortoise. I remember it well.


Thanks for your feedback and comments.

I don't think I have a photo of "your board", but as you will see from http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00688.html#04062 there are lots of boards still hanging. The one board I took a picture of related to the time I was there (1953-57).

I was back in Arusha last month and visited the school again - and yes the boards are still there, as is the tortoise. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me, but next time I will try to make sure that I do, and maybe to capture all the boards. I did make a note of all the headmaster names (N.E Langford-Smith 1945-46, C.E.Hamshere 1946-63), and met the current head, and was shown round by one of the teachers. The same buildings as existed in our time, now house 1300 pupils. They still use the same crest/badge, and the motto "Seeking the Highest" has been added. (I'm not sure when, maybe it's always been the school motto). One teacher was very keen to emphasise that they try to teach and live by that motto. And literally - they still have the annual Meru climb.

Good to hear from you. May I have your permission to add your name and comments to the web site. I don't publish email addresses on the web, but happily put people in touch if so requested. If you have any interesting memories, photos or cuttings from your time in Arusha I'm sure there are many who would be interested in sharing them.

Hello David...thanks for your informative e-mail and the interesting Tanzania site that you made. I will be surfing through it again as I am not done checking it all yet. Sure, you can use my name, etc. as you see fit. I am sending you the below address of a site that I made last year so that when I am gone, my children will have a short "history" of my life.

Extract ID: 4324

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * O.T. Cordell
    * Oliver J Cordell
    * Hatari

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Oliver J Cordell
Page Number: 2004 08 02
Oliver J Cordell - Arusha School 1947-1950

what a great website . Just discovered it and am exhausted from extended read , so shall keep short my connexion . My father was rector at the church for the above period and built the hall / extension himself , even to the point of making the concrete blocks himself by hand .

He had first come to tanganyika as a missionary in '27/ '28 and spent most of his time in dodoma . Arusha was a stint / perk to give missionaries a bit of a break from the grind of life in the 'interior '

life was great then , and the site brings back countless memories

I came back to arusha in '60 for a swahili course at tengeru prior to posting to shinyanga as a district officer (cadet) .remember I had to talk my way out of a fight with john wayne's standin after having cast a lewd look at elsa martinelli during a party at the new arusha hotel ! ! ! .

Climbed meru to the top w/o a guide , relying on memory of my first school ascent in '49 (?) when I all but reached the top . Was pretty pleased with myself .

Last visit to arusha was '66 . Wd love to get back again and often wonder about the old families who lived in the area , figenschous , eckhardts , michaeledes , horns and so on ! !

After two yrs in shya joined the australian foreign service till '93. now live in sweden with second wife and new family ! !

Am sending this web address to karin blowers /neé drews who lives in qld australia and is interested in catching up with old students from our time .

Grettings to all ex arusha hands . Oliver J cordell


I'm trying to catch up with nTZ web site things, and find that I neglected to reply to your email. Please forgive me that so much time has elapsed.

In fact, your email has reminded me of so many things which I'd love to dig out to show you and put on the web site. But I've been very busy, and am now trying to prepare for a trip to Arusha next week to help develop a web site.

I'll try to write again soon, and send you a plan of the rectory - hand drawn by my father (rector 1953-57), plus photos of the boards in the church recording the rectors, including your fathers name.

Presume you've found the DVD of Hatari. The New Safari Hotel has been completely rebuilt, and is owned by the Lutheran Church, and the bar is dry! More memorabilia of the film is found in the, also rebuilt, New Arusha Hotel. I recently met an old Safari Guide from Nairobi who had America clients with him in Arusha when the filming was taking place. They were in the Safari Bar when John Wayne came in, and all the women were awe struck. The guide persuaded John Wayne to go over and say hello to his clients. And that was the highlight of their African Safari - they talked about nothing else for the next 10 days, with little interest in the animals!

I know only two people in the Area who have been there since the fifties. They may remember some of the names you mentions, but I suspect that most people have moved on.

I'll be in touch again, as soon as I can.

Extract ID: 4852

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Jim Pirie

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jim Pirie
Page Number: 2004 12 17
Extract Date: 1947-1952
Jim Pirie - Arusha School 1947-1952

My name is Jim Pirie, and I was at Arusha School from 1947-1952, before going to Kongwa.

I remember you from Olmalog, My Dad who worked at Riddoch Motors in Arusha, was a friend

of both David Read and Piet Hugo.

I have been trying to contact as many old school friends as I can. . .
Extract ID: 4965

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2008 02 24
Stuart Webb - Arusha School 1948 - 1953

Our son, Stuart, went to Arusha school. He recently returned there with his son in January of this year, finding the school in good shape. He also was pleased to find our house on Ol Molog still in good condition.
Extract ID: 5596

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Stuart Webb
Page Number: 2008 02 04
Extract Date: 1948-63
Stuart Webb - Arusha School - 1948 - 53

I was back in Arusha in January 2008 with my son, a botanist with Harvard University working in Borneo, and dropped in to see Arusha School. I was there from about 1948 to 1953 before heading off to Michaelhouse in Natal, SA. We were on a walking safari with Paul Oliver who recommended looking up your site when I returned to the UK.

We managed to get out to our old farm at Ol Molog, went through our old house and wandered about the farm which has changed little in the intervening years. We were kindly invited to dinner at Simba Estate by the current owner (Sjouke Bruinsma) of our farm and that of De Beer and spent a pleasant evening discussing times past. Little has changed in the farming world at Ol Molog since the days of my father (Cam Webb) - still talking about rainfall and bags per acre.

We left Tanganyika in 1960 to return to the UK. I went on to read Agricultural Economics at Cornell University, then obtained an MBA and ended up on Wall Street. Later, I returned to London, worked as a merchant banker before retiring to a farm in West Sussex.
Extract ID: 5557

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Susan Wynn Jones

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Susan Bailey, nee Wynn Jones
Page Number: 2007 03 26
Extract Date: 1950
Susan Bailey, nee Wynn Jones - Arusha School, 1949-50

I was sent your e-mail address re life at Arusha School.

After 56 years my siblings and I went back to Tanzania,the first place to visit was the school. Our father - William Wynn Jones was the first Headmaster, we all lived upstairs,having been born at Arusha.

We were thrilled to see the school,meet staff,see the tortoise-all had a ride! And found many memories.Sad to see the avenue of trees gone,but the school is doing so well.

We travelled down memory lane to Moshi, Merangue, Dodoma and Mvumi were we went after Dad's time at Arusha School, so we were able to visit the districts, meeting people who remembered us. Our visit was like a homecoming,which we all enjoyed.

Having read David Reed's book, I realise why my name did not appear on the Mt.Meru board of 1950 - I reached the top. But not to the place where the book was to signed!!

Cheers-Susan Bailey,nee Wynn Jones.
Extract ID: 5355

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Royce Buckle
    * David Dare
    * John Dare
    * Ted David
    * Michael Finnegan
    * Pat Finnegan
    * Suzanne Franzel
    * Diana Milner
    * Elizabeth Palfrey
    * Susan Wynn Jones
    * Michael Zibarras

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Edward G. David - ['Ted']
Page Number: 2008 09 17
Extract Date: 1949-51
Edward David - 1949-1951 - travelled to [Arusha] school from Kigoma and later from Dar-es-Salaam

Oliver Cordell recently 'enlightened' me regarding the Arusha School website..... Very interesting - but regretably very few alumni reporting !!!

The website instructions are not very clear - maybe I am missing something - so please confirm that this is the way to send you my school 'information' for the website??

I attended Arusha School from 1949 to 1951 - and have very happy memories. Then I attended Prince of Wales and subsequently went to London to complete my studies.

Previously, my brother Werner and sister Annalise also attended the school.

I recall that beautiful Suzanne Franzel joined the train from Kigoma at Uvinza on our way to Dodoma - and the long, arduous and dusty 275 mile trip by Tanganyika Railways bus that climbed the very steep and dangerous escarpment at around Kondoa Irangi [memory!!!] en route to Arusha.....!!!!

I vividly recall the following names:

- The Ibsens from Tabora - one son is now a Bishop in Denmark

- John and David Dare - parents with the Salvation Army in Tabora,

- Royce Buckle

- Susan Wynn-Jones - now in Canberra, Australia. Susan & I won the 'Rasha-Rasha shield' in 1951.

- Diana Milner

- Michael & Pat Finnegan - Morogoro

- Michael Zibarras & his sister

- Johannes Pretorious

- Albert _______

- Elizabeth & Anne Palfrey

WOW! Now over 55 years ago - where did time fly??? Thank God every day for continuing good health!!

Would love to hear from OLDE rafikis - please contact me as noted below.

Regards - Mungu Utabariki!!

Ted David

45 Sutton Place South

New York, NY 10022

Tel: (646) 734-5780
Extract ID: 5817

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Christ Church
    * Arusha: Clock Tower
    * Gertrude Cloudsdale
    * Bob Goode
    * Gertrude Goode
    * Moshi: Coffee Tree Inn
    * Moshi: Ridgeway Hotel

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Helen Grazier (nee Goode)
Page Number: 2004 06 11
Extract Date: 1950's
Helen Goode - Arusha School - 1950's

I've just come across your site with so much interesting information on Arusha School. I was a former pupil there in the mid 1950's, but my paternal Grandmother Gertrude Goode was matron at the school for 8 years in the 1930/40's. I have a few photos of that era if you are interested.

My Grandfather Robert (Bob) Goode was an architect/builder who is responsible for a number of churches & buildings including the Arusha clock tower.

Congratulations on producing such a wonderful site which holds so many memories for so many people.


Helen Grazier (nee Goode)


Forgive me, I failed to reply to your email when it arrived - I was in fact away, visiting Arusha - and I must have missed it completely. Now I'm trying to catch up on my nTZ web site stuff, before another trip back to Arusha.

I'm most interested in your information about your Grandfather who designed the Clock Tower. I've been trying for ages to find out when it was built, and why, and who paid for it, and, of course who designed it.

SO far I gather it was just after WW2, and donated by a "Greek".

Do you have any more information you could share with me, and the web site about the Clock Tower specifically, but also would be fascinated to hear more about other buildings your Grandfather designed.

What were your parents doing, that you were at Arusha School in the 50's - and where are you now?

I also was at the school at the same time 53-57 (my father was rector at Christ Church), but I'm sorry that I don't remember your name - I'm not sure that I could remember many names.

I have two Arusha School Magazines Feb 56, and March 57, and I see no mention of any Goodes - the names listed are either magazine contributors or prize winners of various types. I did see an poem in memory of "Cloudy" - Sister Gertrude Cloudsdale, Senior Matron 1945-49. Maybe all matrons were called Gertrude!

Thanks for your email, and again forgive me for taking too long to reply

It was a pleasant surprise to hear from you, as I must admit I thought maybe my email had gone into a "black hole". Unfortunately, I haven't too many details about my Grandfather and there's no-one alive for me to call on for help. What I do have are a magazine article in 1960 written about my grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary, and the script of a speech my grandmother gave in 1969.

In the magazine (Looking Glass) it describes their life when they moved to Moshi in 1929 from Eldoret & prior to 1923 they were in India. Gertrude Goode became the town baker in Moshi, and

"in these pre-war years Mr Goode, as architect or builder and contractor was responsible for such well-known buildings as the Dodoma Cathedral, the Arusha Church and the old Coffee Tree Inn (which became the New Ridgeway Hotel)."

"When the Arusha School first opened in 1937, Mrs Goode was asked to give a hand for two or three days. Those few days lasted 8 years, where as matron of the school she was responsible for the well-being of the children."

The photos I have are of the staff, dining room and pupils and are dated 1939.

In my grandmother's speech she says:

"My husband, a military Engineer was filling in a great want, designing, building etc. The Australian Church Missionary Society had their headquarters in Dodoma about 2 days by train away. The Bishop asked my husband to design a cathedral in 6 days! To cut a long story short, he did it, staying up late at night. I washed the blue prints in the bathroom outside and finished the morning the train was leaving, and helped to carry the copy out full to dry! Dodoma cathedral is beautiful, a smaller copy was built in Arusha."

"My husband built the first Church of Scotland Church in Moshi, which was part of the Minister's house, as Moshi was so poor that the Minister had to give up his dining and drawing room to serve as a church. The furniture was made by young Africans taught by my husband. A new church and vicarage was built some 11 or more years later, and the first one now serves as a hall for visiting missionaries."

It seems that my grandfather did most of his work during the 1930's (he was born in 1881), so I think it would have been around the same time that he did the Arusha Clock Tower. I know he also designed and built the Chapel of St John the Divine in Moshi as my parents were married there in 1945.

My father David Goode was 18 yrs old when the family moved from India. He had a variety of jobs including a Beacon Inspector in the Lupa Goldfields, but after WW2 he joined the Agricultural Department where he remained until we left for England in 1960 (my mother came from UK). Both my brother Michael and I were born in Bukoba, but the family moved every 3 years or so due to my father's job. Michael and I went to Mbeya, Arusha and St Michael's & St George's in Iringa.

I emigrated to Perth, Western Australia in 1970 and my parents (who have both since died) followed me in 1983. My brother remains in UK.

My memory for names is atrocious, and trying to remember those from so many years ago is almost impossible for me. The only claim to fame I have from Arusha is that I won a scholarship to attend Iringa and I was considered a promising violinist!!

I'm sorry I can't be more specific about the Clock Tower. I visited Arusha while on a camping holiday in 1989 and was thrilled to see that it still holds pride of place in the town.


Extract ID: 4831

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Hatari
    * Roy Holmes
    * Piet Hugo
    * Ol Molog
    * Arthur Palfrey
    * Elizabeth Palfrey

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Elizabeth Palfrey
Page Number: 2004 06 21
Extract Date: 1950's
Elizabeth Palfrey - Arusha School 1950's?

I'm so excited!

I was doing some research on Arusha because I went to school there and lived at Olmolog when I came across your sight. Time was suddenly peeled away and the memories flooded back.

My father, Arthur Palfrey, farmed at Olmolog and Piet Hugo was our next door neighbour. He is buried in the Christian cemetery in Arusha. I left East Africa in 1960 to emigrate to the U.S.

My brother in law was Roy Holmes who married my sister, Anne Palfrey. Roy Holmes passed away in Newcastle, Kwa-Zulu-Natal in January 2003. He worked in Arusha on the film 'Hatari'.

Currently, I live in Texas but my family all live in South Africa. My maiden name was Elizabeth Palfrey.
Extract ID: 4849

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Molomo
    * Momella Lodge
    * Sanya Juu
    * Ulyate
    * Bert von Mutius
    * Christa von Mutius

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Christa von Mutius
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1950's
Christa von Mutius - Arusha School - 1950's

Sanya Juu

My mother and step-father (Bill and Nana Seitz) farmed not far from the Ulyate family and my two brothers (Bertie von Mutius and Barry von Mutius - both now deceased) and I went to school at Kongwa (I think) with some of them. Certainly I was friendly with Valerie Ulyate.

Our farm was called Molomo. Before his death Bertie ran a safari business from Momella, a beautiful lodge not far from Usa River and with wonderful views of both Meru and Kilimanjaro. I also attended Arusha school and knew the New Arusha Hotel very well.

Great to read about those wonderful places! What a privilege it was to have grown up there!

Christa Bond (nee von Mutius)
Extract ID: 4988

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Basil George Davis

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Martin Davis
Page Number: 2003 03 02
Extract Date: 1951-1960
Davis Family - Arusha School 1951 - 1960

We are the Davis Family, our father was Senior Superintendent Basil George Davis of Karanga Prisons, Moshi.

The Davis Children Joan, Joyce, Mary, Martin and Peter went to Arusha Boarding School - between 1951-1960.

On our family reunion to Tanzania in 2000 we visited Arusha Boarding School and we are happy to report that the Tortoise was an elderly gent but still going strong!! and still loved by all the children.

I remember most of my time at Arusha I spent outside Mr Hampshire's Office or visiting the matron M's Debeer!! For getting caught off my bed during siesta time!!

Still very happy days!!

We spent 13 wonderful years in Tanganyika and left when independence came about in 1961.

Joan still speaks swahilli like a native and was well at home on our reunion, the rest of us struggled a bit with the language!!

We plan another visit in Feb 2005!! Do you still live near Moshi?

Extract ID: 4123

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Rodney Holland
    * Kongwa School
    * Oldeani School

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Rodney Holland
Page Number: 2005 01 06
Extract Date: 1952-1955
Rodney Holland - Arusha School - 1952-1955

Hi there. I have just spent sometime browsing through the Arusha School site and found a lot of interesting information and it has brought back a lot of memories of the time I was at Arusha between 1952 and 1955.

Prior to Arusha I had been to Lushoto School and after Arusha I went to Kongwa .

I remember being sent to Oldeani during my first year as Arusha was full. I was not too happy about that.I was very fortunate in having the chance to climb Mt. Meru twice and I still have vivid memories of those experiences.We lived in Tanga where my father was employed by TANESCO.

I intend to visit Arusha and Tanga this year (2005) and would like some advice on how to get to Tanga my plan is to try to hire a vehicle with a reliable driver in Arusha to take us to Tanga for a couple of days and then return to Arusha would you or anyone else know if this would be be possible if so any contacts in Arusha .I have not been back to Tanga since 1961 .

It's a great site thankyou for it .



Thanks for your email, and kind comments about the site.

We must have overlapped at Arusha school - I was there from 1953-57.

Looking at the school magazine from Feb 56, I see that you were one of the Chorus of Soldiers in the performance of the Charcoal Burner's Son on 1st April 1955!

And you may have seen your name on the board - still hanging in the school


I've recently been given a copy of a history of Arusha School, written in 1974. I should have full extracts from it available in a few days - or whenever I can find the time to do an update of the site. Meanwhile you can access a full pdf version here

http://www.ntz.info/docs/history_of_arusha_school.pdf (360KB)

You will find in it mention of the ill fated attempt to run a branch of the school at Oldeani. (p33)

"An interesting slant on the personality of Hamshere and the difficulties of adequately providing for the growing enrolments comes from the opening of a branch school 100 miles away at Oldeani in 1950. A teacher, Ryan, and his wife offered to run it because they found the prospect of having responsibility and being 100 miles remote from supervision attractive. When the Ryans were due to go on leave in 1952, a new master, Edmonson, and his wife arrived to relieve them. However Ryan considered them unsuitable to take over the "personal empire" he had built up, so he refused to hand over, locked the buildings and left for Arusha. Hamshere was not able to resolve the crisis: the Ryans went on leave, the Edmonsons resigned, and the branch school never reopened."

Now, Tanga.

I spent a few weeks there in 1957 waiting for the boat to take us home to England, and, like you, have not been back since. If you are inclined to beaches, consider a few days down the coast at Pangani. I know the people who run http://www.emayanilodge.com/ . Depending on hotels in Tanga, it may be worth basing yourself here, and taking a day trip to Tanga. Are you interested in WWI, and the battle of Tanga etc. If so, it would be worth trying to find a guide who knows a bit about it and can help you find things. I'd need to ask about to track one down.

There is certainly one Tanzanian guide/driver based in Moshi, with car, who I can totally recommend - but I need to find his contact details. So let me know when are you planning to visit, and what else you have planned for Arusha or beyond. Ie do you just need a driver for a Tanga extension, or for a longer safari? Depending on the answers, I can then put you in touch with some people.

Note that I'm not a travel agent! Apart from looking after ntz.info, I maintain several websites for African Safari companies, many in Tanzania, and use that as an excuse to visit whenever possible.

Thankyou for your quick reply to my email.I remember being in the choir at school and enjoying it infact at one time I had dreams of grandeur of being a pop star but never made it.

Now our proposed visit to Tanzania there will be 4 of us going and we are proposing to go in August at this stage we havent made a definite plan as we are gathering info.However a proposal is that we would need a vehicle and driver to take us from Arusha to Tanga which I assume would take a day then we would stay in either Tanga or Pangani for 5 days then return to Arusha.We would like to have the vehicle and driver available for this period of 7 days but it would depend on costs.Your idea of visiting Pangani sounds good.After the first week we are considering visiting the game reserves around Arusha.Sorry I cant be more detailed at this stage but I really need to find out if the above is practical and within our budget. Looking forward to hearing from and thanks for your help.
Extract ID: 4977

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * J. van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: John van Rooyen
Page Number: 2008 05 14
Extract Date: 1952-1956
John van Rooyen ~ Arusha School 1952 to 1956

Jambo to all rafikis of the van Rooyen family of Tanganyika Packers (Van and Anna)
Extract ID: 5657

See also

    * Jill Appleby
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Amekas Spaghetti Factory
    * Stelio Stylianou

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Jill Appleby
Page Number: 2007 02 11
Extract Date: 1952-56
Jill Appleby: Arusha School 1952-56

I have just discovered your site - it is great to read up on so much.

I was at Arusha from 52-56 and was so disappointed when parents moved me to a UK convent at 11 although I finally managed to get to Iringa (St Michael's & St George's).

Memories are limited although I remember Mrs Hampshere teaching me to plait hair in the Brownies, the visit by Princess Margaret and how the tiny (even then) princess walked the whole of the length of the hall to the stage, then later going with the whole school to the parade somewhere in Arusha to see her again.

Also remember receiving the tackie, of course the tortoise, climbing the trees and many days spent in the san with tonsillitus.

Happy days! I remember going around a spagetti factory with a friend whose dad owned it. Not sure now of the name, but would love to make contact.

We revisited Arusha (2004) and stayed at the modernised New Arusha, visited the school (and saw the tortoise), met the Head and a few children. Hope to go back again sometime. Also went to the Anglican church on the Sunday, remember the times we walked there in crocodile fashion?

I have a load of lovely photos of the school, but am not sure if you have a website I could put them on. Would also love to see some of the others that folks have.

All the best Petra (was known as Jill Appleby in those days - Dad was in PWD)


We must have overlapped, in that I was at Arusha school from 1953-57.

I was a day boy, and so never did the crocodile to the church. But no need because my father was the rector, and so I like next door to the church. But I did hold open the hall door to let the Princess in!!

The spagetti factory must have been Amekas Macaroni Industry, owned by Mr. Stylianou (see http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00681.html). There appears to have been a Stelio Stylianou in the Kindergarten in 1956 (he won an art prize).

I want to update the web site to make it easier to add photos, meanwhile the best way is to ask you to send them to me. I'd add them as an album in your name, with cross links to wherever is appropriate, depending on how much you tell me about each photo.

Thanks for the recollections

Extract ID: 5177

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mrs Fischer
    * Torsten Möller
    * Peter Woodrow

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Peter Woodrow
Page Number: 2005 04 03
Extract Date: 1952-4
Peter Woodrow - Arusha School 1952-4

Just discovered this site by chance!

I was at Arusha 1952-4 after a spell at the Junior European School in Burton St, Dar. We arrived in Dar late 1949/ early 1950 from Nigeria and Cameroon and my father was Director of the PWD until early 1963.

My most recent visit to the school, and to the fascinating son of Mrs Fischer, David Read was in 2002 . As others have recorded, both the old " Conquered Meru" boards and the long suffering tortoise are still there, as is that large picture of the Rift Valley mountains which presided over the smell of boiled vegetables and old soup in the dining hall.

The piano, around such unlikely songs as " A north country maid" from northern England were dinned ( the right word I think) into the young East Africans, also survives ,but is mechanically imperfect/wrecked. The school could do with the attention of a band of painters and carpenters to restore it to its former state, but the inmates , in their bottle green kit, look much as we did.

Memories of the place, the " safaris" to and from it, ( remember one of the Stewart girls falling out of the train and being lost for a day or two circa 1957?) and the teachers are still very vivid, as is the love of that de Beer lady, (matron in the Junior Block) for wielding the the taki. The staff were certainly mixed,- some very kind, and others, well, less so. Mrs Fischer had, beneath that very dominant exterior, a heart of gold.

Interesting to see Torsten Mollers contribution, - I knew his sister Nina and brother Mike well and we just happened to meet getting off a plane in Copenhagen around 1982.

An idea might be to compile a chronological list of alumni from all the correspendents memories with their dates and last known sightings so that we could try to track down a few more of them?
Extract ID: 5039

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Little Theatre
    * Dr. Carloni
    * Margaret Crow
    * V Gormley
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Hatari
    * Bryn Jones
    * Dr. Hugh Lamprey
    * North-Lewis
    * Frank Pope
    * Jean Pope
    * Miriam Pope
    * Paddy Purchase
    * Joy Thomson
    * H Tofte

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Miriam Watters (Pope)
Page Number: 2004 05 29
Extract Date: 1953-61
Miriam Pope - Arusha School 1959-1961

G'day David!

Congratulations on your website - it is a fascinating and a great browse!

My names is Miriam Watters nee Pope. I now live in Brisbane, Australia but I lived East Africa from 1953 until 1961. - spending 3 years in Arusha from 1959 to 1961 (aged 8 to 11). Your website was a trip down memory lane especially with the photo of staff and students in front of Arusha School. I wonder if my face is amongst the students - I was there about the time it was taken!

Mr. Hamshere was a wonderful headmaster and I remember my favourite teacher was Janet Jewell and of course who could forget "BL Jones!

In my autograph book I also have the names of other teachers - H. Tofte, Margaret Crow and V. Gormley. Rev. Bryn Jones was a good friend to my parents Jean and Frank Pope.

Dad was Mechanical Supervisor for PWD. We have happy memories of "Hatari" being made and the excitement of John Wayne and his fellow stars coming to town. I actually met John Wayne, Valentine DeVargis, Red Buttons and Howard Hawks in the Safari Hotel where they were enjoying a beer!

Dad went on safari with our neighbour Hugh Lamprey to catch the rhino for the film and Mum was an extra, chosen through her involvement with the Little Theatre. She acted in many fine plays along with Paddy Purchase .

I read with interest, Michele Calorio's letter on your website. I would love to contact her as I have a photo taken at a children's birthday party held by Mrs Calorio and from memory it was for her daughter Luisa Calorio.

I would be happy for you to include my name on your website and pass my email on to Michele.

Our neighbours in Springvale Road were Dr. and Mrs Carloni and children Nicoletta and Roger. I keep in contact with David "Titch" North-Lewis (now in UK), Melody, Rosemary (both UK) and Nigel Purchase (Kenya) and Joy Thomson (New Zealand).

Joy's father was Rev. Thomson from the Anglican Church. Other names I remember from my class are: Susan Totman, Yvonne Zikarkis, Jane Atlee, Peter Owen-Pawson and Peter French. My younger sister Vanessa was best friends with Elizabeth Cashin. My brother Alan was in the junior school. I also went to Sunday school at the Anglican Church - which has been beautifully kept and looks as good as when we attended church there.

I returned to Arusha in 2002 with my special friend Janet McGavin (who now lives in the UK) who also attended Arusha School. We first met as toddlers in Tabora and we have been close friends since then. One of the current teachers at Arusha School, Shaibu Pelle, showed us around the school. It was a very emotional visit - especially seeing the old tortoise again!

Before moving to Arusha my family lived in Dar-es-salaam where I went to St. Joseph's School for 6 months (in 1956) then we moved to Lindi until 1958. We left Tanzania just after Uhuru, in November 1961, and migrated to Australia in 1962.

By sheer chance I met Colin Swynnerton here in Brisbane - we realised we must have been in the same class as he was also a student at Arusha School and remembered the same class mates names.

I'll get in touch again if my memory comes up with any other names!

Kind regards,

Miriam Watters (Pope)
Extract ID: 4854

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Ian Fosbrooke
    * Kirilo Japhet
    * Bill Morgan
    * Anton Nelson
    * Christopher Nelson
    * Carolyn Pearson
    * Mrs. Gladys Rydon

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Christopher Nelson
Page Number: 2008 07 22
Extract Date: 1955
Christopher Nelson ~ Arusha School 1955

Thank you for organizing this site.

I was a student at Arusha School in l955 for the January term. Being the only American at the time, I was called Hank.

My family lived only 12 miles east of Arusha in the heart of Meru country on the old German Lutheran mission estate at Makumira, so I was a day student, often riding my bike home on the tarmac after hockey practise.

My father, Anton Nelson, a Californian, was hired by Meru Cooperative Union, a group of some 4000 African coffee growers. This unusual arrangement came about at the instigation of Kirilo Japhet, one of these Meru farmers. He is mentioned elsewhere on the site in connection with the Meru Lands Case. My father had met Kirilo and his lawyer Earle Seaton at the United Nations in New York City.

Our European neighbors were the two with homes on the rim of Lake Duluti crater, the Fosbrookes and Gladys Rydon, both mentioned elsewhere on this site. Gladys was an Australian coffee estate owner and her home in view of Mt. Meru was ringed with a most beautiful flower garden. I have a photo her pouring tea on the veranda. I remember one tea in which Kirilo was in attendance. Kirilo by that time had become a rising star on the political firmament in Tanganyika. Both these strong personalities were the epitome of gracious interaction.

At Arusha School I remember fellow students Ian Fosbrooke, John Coutividis, Mary Wechsler and her brother Stephan, all mentioned in the l955 school magazine lists.

It would be fun to see a list of teachers, some of whom I've forgotten names. There was 'Lanky' Johnson, Nature Study, Mr. Morgan, algebra, Mr. Jones, French (taught this American to say 'Yes, sir'), a lovely young lady in music class who taught us to sing 'The British Grenadiers'.

I took piano lessons from Mrs. Brewster and played in the end of term recital with Carolyn Pearson.

I was on top of Mt. Meru with Mr. Morgan and the other Arusha School children.

I was in Tanganyika for 7 years, before independence.

After Arusha School I was at American schools for missionary children.
Extract ID: 5805

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Amekas Spaghetti Factory
    * Stelio Stylianou

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Stelio Stylianou
Page Number: 2007 03 18
Extract Date: 1955-1961
Stelio Stylianou - Arusha School 1955-1961

I've just discovered this site. And it's a delight. I was at Arusha School from 1955 to 1961 before going on to St Michaels and St Georges in Iringa. And - as Petra mentioned in one of the messages posted some time ago - my father owned Amekas Spaghetti factory.

I've been living in London for the past 25 years and have been back to Arusha twice since being here; the last time for my 50th birthday in 2000. It's extraordinary how -despite the town growing so massively - the landmarks I knew have changed so little.
Extract ID: 5332

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Piet Hugo
    * Geoff Jones
    * Kiru Valley
    * Lobo
    * Manyara Hotel
    * Bill 'Corky' Morgan
    * Ngorongoro: Lodges
    * North-Lewis
    * Arthur Palfrey
    * Eric Six
    * George Six
    * St Michael's and St George
    * Dave Ulyate

nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2004 12 30
Extract Date: 1955-58
Eric Six - Arusha School 1955 - 1958

My name is Eric Six, Geoff Jones gave me your website, and it was fascinating to read about folks about whom I had not thought in years, surprisingly I was more familiar with the adult names than fellow students. I attended Arusha 1955 to 1958, then went on to Iringa, where I stayed till it closed in1963. There were only a handful that saw the entire life of StM & StG. I completed High School at Prince of Wales in Nairobi.

For those that knew me in school it comes as a surprise that I eventually became a Neurosurgeon, as I have to confess being a fairly lousy student, being more familiar with the tacky, and cane or cricket bat (if you crossed HA Jones); than with prizes in the school magazine. I too was brought up in the bush, in Kiru Valley about 100 miles from Arusha on the way to Babati.( David you were familiar with North Lewis, they lived about 25 miles from us off the Singida road.) Hunting was a way of life on the farm, but after doing that much hunting as a youth, I shoot only with a camera now.

David, I noticed that Elizabeth Palfry also lives in Texas---- I would appreciate you giving her my web address if she would like to write. I am familiar with her Dad, through my parents of course. Funnily enough I also knew Pete Hugo, and a number of the farmers from the Olmolog area.

I was sitting here trying to recall the names of classmates from 50 years ago with little success.

Geoff Jones (BLs son),

Corky Morgan {Father's namesake the old man liked to pull on your ears.},

Gerald Hunwick, {TFA}

John Cashin {PWD},

Clara De Liva,

Paul Marsh,

David Ulyate {farm},

Leslie Hague {The Beehive Restaurant}

Bizarrely I cannot recall but the one girl!

(Fritz Jacobs, Erik Larsen.Klaus Gaitja, Alex Zikakis, Hannes Matasen, Ivo Santi Barry Jones Louis van Royen Kevin Legrange were on either side of us) I am told that George Angelides still lives in Arusha and has a great reputation as a hunter guide.

Do you remember that little dog of Hamshire's, the miserable devil loved to chase us, I happened to be amongst those she caught and got bitten by, I still have the scar..

Sorry about all the parentheses but saves a whole lot of explaining.

After independence my Dad built a number of hotels in Tanzania ,amongst them Lobo lodge, Ngorongoro crater lodge ( the hotel on the rim just before getting to the original rondavels) and rebuilt the hotel on manyara escarpment, those all happened in the late 60's. They also managed Hotels in Zanzibar, and Dar-- the New Africa and Kilimanjaro being better known.

Enough from me. Please remember to pass my address to Elizabeth.

Dear Eric,

I am just catching up with things after Christmas, and realise that I didn't reply to your email from 30 November. However, I was away in Zambia for most of the month of December.

By bcc I am copying Elizabeth Palfry with your email, and shall leave it to her to get in touch with you.

Thanks for all your memories of Arusha and Tanzania. If you ever have time to write more, do please keep in touch. I hope to have your email up on the web site in the next few days. You will also be interested in a History of Arusha School (up to 1971) which will be available in full. I found it a fascinating read, and help me to understand some of the things that happened at the school, which made no sense to me back in 1953-57.

You mention the North-Lewis's. I think that when we left Arusha in 1957 we gave them one of our dogs, which within a few weeks was eaten by a leopard!

Did you find the photo, probably of their home, at http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00452.html#04078. I seem to remember on that trip that a snake was found under our car, and it had to be shot before we could leave!

You mention Paul Marsh - my brother!

Thanks again for you memories - keep them coming
Extract ID: 4962

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Antonia Hamshere
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Lise Larsen

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Lise Larsen
Page Number: 2007 03 01
Extract Date: 1956
Lise Larsen - Arusha School- 1948 - 1956

My sisters and I (Ane, Lise and Inge) Larsen were all born in Arusha and all went to school at the Arusha School under the headmastership of Cyril Hamshere.

One of my best friends was Antonia Hamshere now a doctor in S.Africa and I got to know the family fairly well.

Cyril was actually born,in what was then Bristish Guiana, and not in East Africa as I read on this site. He was a wonderful headmaster for us kids with paper chases, 'rambling' climbing Mt Meru, trips to Ngorongoro and so forth. No doubt he ran a tight ship but I don't think any of us suffered through that. I have always thought his teaching of local history was marvellous. At the Kenya High we were only fed European History. Very few of us there had ever been to Europe !!

Just to let you know that I have very fond memories of my days at Arusha School, though those that remember the 'seven crossings' in the advocado trees would agree that 'Work Place Health and Safety' would no doubt be horrified !!

Thanks for the feedback. Can you confirm the dates when you were at Arusha School?

I know it must include 1956 because I see from the School Magazine of Feb 1956 that you were 12 then and you won:

A Standard Form (SF) II Prize (I received a SF IV prize at the same time)

A Music Prize (with Caroline Pearson)

Plus the Anne Revington Cup and the Selian Cup.

Can you remember these, and what the Cups were for?

You were also in the Chorus of Soldiers in a production of "The Charcoal Burner's Son"

And you wrote a piece about the School House Swimming Sports, and the Netball Team.

There's also a piece by Tonia Hamshere about the Sports Day, in fact an Inter Schools Sports day, in which you broke the high jump record (4ft 3 3/4 inches).

Hi David, I certainly can't remember much of all that !! But you inspired me to look for a Magazine and there was V0l 1 N0. 1 1955.

I did leave in '56 and as far as I can remember started in '48 or '49, the kindergarten was in the main building as the Junior section was not built. I recollect making massive "pompoms" in those early days.

What those Cups were for I've no idea - I was the sporty type not much for the study stuff so must be for sport or something.

I have Tonia's email address and her sister Diana lives in South Ascot. Cyril was very good to me in that he got me my first job after high school as assistant matron at Arusha and then some teaching * yr olds before I went teacher training in England.

He wasn't over impressed with my first English posting to a secondary modern school in Walsall so suggested I applied for a P.E. position at St Mary's Convent in South Ascot where he had been giving some talks etc. I spent 4 very happy years there before moving to Australia.

I have a spare copy of the 1955 magazine if you would like it I can mail it to you. The prizes we apparently got !! What were they for ??

Thanks for your reply have a happy summer.

Cheers Lise
Extract ID: 5227

external link

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Chris Austin
    * Bryn Jones
    * H.A. Jones

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Chris Austin
Page Number: 2009 03 19
Extract Date: 1956 to 1958
Chris Austin ~ Arusha School ~ 1956 to 1958

I went to Arusha (North House) from 1956 to 1958 and after that I went to St Michaels and St Georges in Iringa (Junior then Oram Houses) for the full length of the school's existence (Jan 59 to Dec 63), just like Eric Six whom I remember well.

I loved Arusha and hated Iringa. Arusha let us run wild, ride horses and, despite all the reviews, gave me a good primary education.

The horse riding was spectacular. There were a number of horses, one was a palomino carthorse who was incredibly uncomfortable to trot, but when she got into a gallop was just too beautiful, silky smooth and so powerful. Another was an ex race horse who went like the wind but was a bit flighty. And so much raw wild African bush to go haring about in! Who knows what today's health-and-safety culture would have made of it, but we made fun.

Down by the river was the training ring, but more importantly were loads of exotic fruit trees that were so strange to this little English boy, such as guavas and custard apples. And, of course, the huge avocados up by the playing fields.

My goodness, is that tortoise STILL there? We used to make it move by rubbing the back of its shell, and it had a big shiny patch then, and I always expected that it would wear through.

I remember two things vividly. One was a very small boy who couldn't have been much more that six who was completely unable to speak English, having been raised by his ayah to speak Swahili. The other was standing near the covered pathway that runs from the main building to the new girls dormitory ('thank you', Google Earth), promising myself that I would never speak the filthy language that the other boys spoke. It didn't last long, and soon I was master of two versions of the English language, one for school and the other for home!

I don't recall getting the tackie, but I was no angel, so probably was on the receiving end several times. Perhaps it paled into insignificance compared to Iringa where six cuts with the cane was literally that, on a bare bottom!

Nobody has yet mentioned BL's daughter Lynn, who was the prettiest girl I had ever seen (aged 10 at the time). I remember one boy (name remembered well) punching her on the nose and making it bleed!

BL was a great guy. I guess he has probably passed on, because I remember him telling us in one RI lesson that his ambition was to live to see the 2000th anniversary of Jesus' birth. I hope he made it. Anyone remember the History teachers name (it might even have been HA)? Taught us all about East African history, and that has been far more useful than all that stuff about the Stuarts and the Tudors!

If anyone wants to contact me they can do it via the link ... alternatively, David Marsh has my permission to pass on my true email to anyone who requests it. It would be great to hear from anyone of the period.
Extract ID: 5983

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Torsten Möller
    * Richard Sloan

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Torsten Möller
Page Number: 2004 09 26a
Extract Date: 1956-1958
Torsten Möller - Arusha School 1956-1958

I was at Arusha School from May 1956 to December 1958 and in the 46 years since leaving I have not had any news. To then come across your site and explore its contents has been just marvellous. The photograph of the dining room, redolent of tough liver and 'frog spawn fruit', was for me the most poignant, with the very same benches and Mt. Meru ascension boards still in place. That says a lot about the values and traditions handed down over, literally, generations. The living embodiment of this constancy is of course the tortoise - may it outlive us all!

I was born on 5th May 1949 of Swedish parents at the hospital in Arusha, which also features in one of your photographs. My father was District Medical Officer, with postings in Monduli, Mwanza, Bukoba, and Moshi, and then ran the Health Education unit and the University Dispensary in Dar es Salaam until 1967. Dar is in fact the beginning of my most vivid memory of life at Arusha School.

It was the end of the Easter holidays in 1958 when I contracted mumps and missed the first days of term as a result. My best friend, Richard Sloan did well out of this because despite not falling ill, he was told to stay away from school as well, as a precaution. Richard and I then made that interminable journey by train from Dar to Dodoma at what seemed like walking pace. I particularly remember a vile, unsweetened jelly dessert served on that train, made from the equally vile Dodoma water. Onwards the next day by bus, arriving in Arusha after dark. This was my first term after graduating from Junior School Block to a dormitory on one of the 'quads'. The first delight that night was getting into what was an 'apple pie' bed and re-making it to sniggers in the dark from my, as yet unseen, fellow inmates.

The next day we were, as usual, required to lie on our beds for an hour at noon to read and rest, no doubt to give the masters some respite during the hottest part of the day. A sharp look-out was kept for 'Lanky', a master held in particular fear on account of the fact that 'six of the best' from his Size 12 tackie were particularly painful. As soon as the coast was clear, the prefect leapt off his bed and made for mine. All the other 11 members of the dormitory also gathered round, grinning in anticipation of the fun about to begin. The prefect produced a loaded gun, pointed it at me and pulled the trigger, but with no more serious consequences than the laughter at another entertaining initiation.

Other than this hair-raising experience, I have retained little of note; I remember the swimming galas when the 'floating competition' was invariable won by the headmaster, Cyril Hamshere who was well endowed with natural buoyancy. Then there was the occasion when a purchase of ground nuts in a twist of newspaper for 5 cents laid me out for a week and left me with a life-long aversion for peanuts. I also remember the fabulous chameleons we used to befriend with offerings of dead flies and then keep on our shoulders as we hunted insects for our charges with strips of rubber as our weapon. To this day I am deadly accurate with a rubber band thanks to early training at Arusha School, Box 42, Arusha, Tanganyika Territory, British East Africa, Africa, Earth, The Solar System, Space...

Thanks for your email full of wonderful memories. I'm sorry it's taken me a little while to reply. I also received, and took full note of your request not to place it on the web site.

We must have overlapped by a few months. I left, aged 11, in April 1957. My brother was born in Arusha Hospital in 1954, and we took the photo of the hospital when we went back 10 years ago. Since then I have been lucky enough to make a few visits (another one next week!), and slowly develop the web site. I was thrilled to find the tortoise - my children thought I was joking when I told them about it, and were amazed when we turned a corner to find it still there. Still there also in April this year, as my last check.

I was also very surprised to see the dining hall looking exactly the same with all the old furniture, and the achievement boards still in place. For me the hated memory was the smell of burnt onions.

My father was the rector of Christ Church, just across the river, so I never had to suffer the privations of boarding. But I do remember being beaten on the palm of my hand by the master in the carpentry class. When I visited last year, there were about 1200 pupils, but using the same buildings erected perhaps for 300. They were all taking exams, with their desks spilling out onto the grounds around the classrooms.

I too suffered from mumps, but from exclusion from school, rather than the illness itself. My mother had mumps while breastfeeding me, so I must had acquired some immunity, and had to spend 56 days in quarantine (working at home, as we would call it now) as each of my brothers went down with it.

The swimming pool is also still there - but now a dry hole in the ground. It seems so small, and hard to realise the feeling of terror it invoked in one to whom swimming did not come easily. Somewhere I had a snap of the swimming gala, which I must put on the web site when I get a chance.
Extract ID: 4830

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mark Morgan
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback
Page Number: 2006 07 30
Extract Date: 1956-57
Gaynor Watkins, Arusha School, 1956-57

Not sure if this is the right email address but will give it a try. I went to Arusha School from 1956 - 57 and am about go back to Arusha for the first in nearly 50 years in four weeks time I saw one of the emails was from Mark Morgan who I knew well. Any chance of exchanging email addresses. My name then was Gaynor Watkins

Many thanks

Gaynor (Watkins) Hicks


I'm copying Mark with this email, and hope you can then make contact.

Enjoy your trip - you will find big changes in Arusha, but suprisingly most of the layout and the main buildings around the clock tower remain the same (except for the New Arusha Hotel which has been rebuilt). There's been a lot of clean-up also over the last few years, but the population has grown enormously, and behind the main roads there are extensive shanty towns. School is still there, with about 1200 pupils in buildings which housed 300 50 years ago. I heard recently that some of the eucalytus trees had fallen on the headmaster's house. Not sure if the school will be open in August/September. And of course the tortoise is still there.

We must have overlapped - I was there 1953 - April 1957.

Will be interested in any feedback after your visit.

Thanks so much for getting back to me David. Our paths must have crossed!

My brother Keith Watkins was 4 years older than me so was there longer. I was only 5 and think was only there 18 months before we left Arusha to go and live in Fiji. We used to live at Olmitonyi - my father was with the forestry department and buil a school out there 50 years ago It was a long way out of town and we lived across the road from a masai village.

I am going back to there to help be part of a team of volunteers with Rotary who are going to help with the building some more classrooms for St Judes School - a school built for children from extremely poor backgrounds. Expect it will be quite emotional. I started looking at the website so I could pych myself up to see the changes. I was born in Arusha Hospital in 1952 so hope there is something l left of that.

I remember the tortoise and
Previous Feedback / 2001 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:40

See also

    * Richard Meinertzhagen

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Ed Valfierno
Extract Date: 20 May 2001
Kenya Diary

Your advert for the book "KENYA DIARY" by Richard Meinertzhagen lists it as having been published in 1910. No. It was first published in 1957 (and written not long before that), and was reprinted by Eland in 1983; Eland soon withdrew the book from sale because the publisher decided the book was a pack of lies. (It is.)
Extract ID: 4103

See also

    * George Rushby
    * R.R. (Ray) Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Mike Paterson
Extract Date: 29 June 2001
Mike Paterson - remember many of the people on your site

Brilliant site which I constantly refer to.

I was brought up in Tanganyika and remember many of the people on your site not to mention the places.

I collect books about Tanganyika and thanks to digitalsafaris i now have John Millard's book and John Cooke's.

One book which might interest you is called 'The hunter is death' by TV Bulpin which is about George Rushby, hunter,goldminer,and deputy game warden of Tanganyika. He mentions staying at Ray Ulyate's hotel in Arusha.

In follow up I found this page cached in Google

(www.gametrail.co.za/basecamp/OUT%20OF%20AFRICA/ MAN-EATERS.HTM)

The most astonishing and audacious activity of man-eating lions, and the mysterious black magic of lycanthropy, took place in Tanzania in the years during, and just after, the Second World War. Lions and lion men (watuSimba) were inextricably mixed.

Over one thousand five hundred human beings were killed and eaten in the Njombe and Singida districts and a witchdoctor named Matamula Mangera was reputed to be the lord of the lions, controlling their ferocity and directing attacks against people and areas of his choice. The deputy-game warden of what was then Tanganyika, the famous George Rushby, was sent to the area to deal with the lions after the war.

His adventures in a setting of witchcraft, terror and the twenty-two most evil lions ever known to man combined to provide a hunting experience without parallel in history.

His book, The Hunter is Death, records the details of a weird sequence of quite unexplainable events.
Extract ID: 4104

See also

    * Naomi Kipury

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Elizabeth Fletcher Glenn
Extract Date: 4 July 2001
Oral Literature of the Maasai

A young Maasai in Masai Mara (who had had eight years of school) said that he had learned a great deal by Naomi Kipury's 1983 book (Oral Literature of the Maasai, published by Heinemann Educational Books in Nairobi). He gently asked if I might be able to obtain a new copy as the copy available to him had been passed around so much it was almost worn out. I've been very creative today in trying to locate the book. Telephoned W.H.Smith here in England. Telephoned Barnes & Noble in US......to no avail. Would you please help me find a copy of the book? It will subsequently go to Kenya straight-away! In advance, thank you.

Sincerely, Elizabeth
Extract ID: 4105

external link

See also

    * Matengo Folktales

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Joseph L. Mbele
Extract Date: 9 July 2001
Joseph L. Mbele - Matengo Folktales

I just visited your website. Good work. I am a Tanzanian, currently teaching in the English Department at St. Olaf College, Minnesota, USA. If you have a minute, you can take a look at my website. You might be interested in my work in Tanzanian folklore, including _Matengo Folktales_.

Sincerely Joseph l. Mbele

web: http://www.stolaf.edu/people/mbele
Extract ID: 4106

See also

    * Hatari
    * Mbeya School
    * Robert Paterson
    * Tukuyu

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Mike Paterson
Extract Date: 20 July 2001
Mike Paterson

Thanks for replying and the info. There is also quite a good bookshop called Kenya books in brighton just tap that in and you should get them they have a lot of TZ stuff.

I was born in Kampala 1948 and lived and went to school in Tanganyika (Mbeya 1955-58 and St Michael's & St George's Iringa 1959-1962 afterwards in UK.

My father Robert was in the administration as a DO and DC (d1995) and we moved about a lot mainly Lake Province (Shinyanga Biharamulo Bukoba and Ukerewe Island,Southern Highlands(Tukuyu) also Dar and Kisarawe.

I never lived in the Arusha area but stayed at the New Arusha Hotel on our trips to Nairobi and also with the Powells (DC Arusha c1961)

I passed through Arusha in 1992 on safari. An interesting contrast from what it was in the 50's (probably the nicest little town in EA) I seem to remember that the were filming Hatari when we were there early 60's. What struck me most was the lack of water in the river which I remember being quite swift flowing. If you remember any folks who went to school out there you could see familiar names at iringa.ourfamily.com or fungasafari.com for the Kenya schools.

Your site is brilliant and it has been great to see familiar names close family friends like Hans Cory,John Moffat, Hugh Elliot and parents of guys I was at School with (George Dove,Van Rooyen, Von Mutius etc also David Western.)

Keep up the good work

Best Wishes

Mike Paterson
Extract ID: 4107

See also

    * Francis Arundell

nTZ Feedback, 2001
Extract Author: Martin Arundell
Extract Date: 10 Dec 2001
Francis Arundell

Are there any books about my grandfather 'Francis Arundell' known as 'Dusty' who was a gamekeeper of the serengeti sanctuary. He was also a friend of Ionides, known as the 'snakeman'.
Extract ID: 4108

Previous Feedback / 2002 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:38

See also

    * Makonde

nTZ Feedback, 2002
Extract Author: Peter-Andreas Kamphausen
Extract Date: 1 Aug 2002
Modern Makonde Art


perhaps you are interested to put a link on the new web pages below.

Yours sincerely

Peter-Andreas Kamphausen

Hamburg Mawingu Collection

Modern Makonde Art

Carvings and paintings from East Africa

Seestr. 4, 22607 Hamburg / Germany




Extract ID: 4110

See also

    * Kirawira

nTZ Feedback, 2002
Extract Author: Holly Ingram
Extract Date: 24 Aug 2002
Tides of Kiriwira

I work for a wildlife production company called Tigress Productions, based in London. We are very interested in viewing a film called the Tides of Kiriwira, which I saw listed on your website. I was just wondering if you could advise me where I might be able to hire / buy a copy of this programme in the UK?

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regards,



It's listed on my web site because I have my own copy of it, but unfortunately the label tells me no more about it, and I haven't yet done the necessary research.

However, a quick Google search - and I'm sure you've done one anyway - finds




Survival Anglia Production,1994(50 min.)

Producers and Photographers: Mark Deeble and Victoria Stone

Have you tried Survival/Anglia Films?

You will also have found that the East African Wildlife Society has copies for rent http://www.eawildlife.org/library.htm

But that probably doesn't help because they are in Kenya.

I'm off to Tanzania in a couple of hours, but if you need any more help, let me know after I get back on Sep 6th. As a last resort I suppose you could borrow my copy.

Best wishes

Extract ID: 4111

See also

    * Ndutu
    * Serengeti

nTZ Feedback, 2002
Extract Author: Steve G. Finegan
Extract Date: 7 Oct 2002
Ngare Nanyuki River

In the Serengeti National Park, did the short rains commence more or

less at the end of October, first of November in the year 2000, or were they

early or late that year. Thanks in advance. Steve

Steve G. Finegan

Creative Director, Writer, Producer

StoriedLearning Incorporated

Puzzled for why you are interested in year 2000 info.

At http://www.Ndutu.com/pages/weather.html you can find rain

information for Ndutu Safari lodge which is on the border of the

Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation area. Select October and you

will see that in 2000 they had 6.9mm and 2 wet days - much less than

Oct in 2001. Conversely, November was much wetter in 2000 than 2001.

The Ndutu newsletter for December 2000 records "The rains have arrived!

The first drops of rain finally fell in the middle of November. We had

a total of 89.5mm making it one of the best Novembers in terms of


Of course rainfall is very varied, and one place can be wet while

another remains dry. This September many places in Northern Tanzania

were subject to torrential rain, whilst Ndutu only had 4.6mm (on the


Please let me know if you are able to find rainfall information for

other places in the Serengeti.



ps must declare an interest - I maintain the Ndutu web site.


I'm writing a novel which is set, in part, near the Ngare Nanyuki River, south of the river and several miles east of Turner Springs in late Oct., early Nov. of 2000. It's kind of important for me to have a solid thundershower in this area about this time of year; if it's even plausible, I'll go with it. But I don't want readers saying, "Hey! I was there and that was a drought year!" Just striving for accuracy. Thanks for your help.
Extract ID: 4113

See also

    * Basil George Davis
    * Ngorongoro: Roads

nTZ Feedback, 2002
Extract Author: Martin Davis
Extract Date: 25 Nov 2002
Davis Family

My father's name is Mr Basil George Davis.

He worked for the British Colonial Service and was Senior Superintendent of Prisons in Moshi for 11 years and retired in 1961 when Tanganyika got independence.

He was instrumental in the Building of the road to the Ngorongoro Crater in the 1950's with the prisoners from Moshi Prison.

Dad died some 15 years ago, but the family visiting Tanzania in Feb 2000 and visited the Prison, our school in Arusha and the Crater.

Best regards,

Martin Davis
Extract ID: 4115

external link

See also

    * Bjørn-Erik Hanssen
    * Mbulu

nTZ Feedback, 2002
Extract Author: Bjorn-Erik Hanssen
Extract Date: 10 Dec 2002

Do you also list non-English books?

I'm a writer, having written the book in Norwegian from Mbulu, where I lived for two years. Title: Leopardmannen (The Leopard Man) It has been translated into English, however not been published (yet?) I also edit a homepage on African Music with adress: http://www.leopardmannen.no I'm updating the page these days also to include links to theatre,literature and travel, so you will be linked up.

best wishes,

Bjorn-Erik Hanssen
Extract ID: 4116

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Drino and Winnie Baskira
    * Basil George Davis
    * Bernard and Freda Wallace
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback, 2002
Extract Author: Martin Davis
Extract Date: 23 Dec 2002
Davis Family - Arusha School 1957

Dear David,

I have been speaking to my sister Joan, she say's she remembers a Bob and Margaret Young who lived just outside Moshi, she visited them with our father Basil Davis. Are these the same people you mentioned!!

Maybe Margaret will remember the following people that Joan can recall:

Gran and Kitty Whitworh he was a captain in the East African Rifles.

Bernard and Freda Wallace they had a farm between Moshi and Arusha.

Drino and Winnie Baskira (they were Italian) and Drink used to go to the Crater with my Father.

Joan was at Arusha School until 1957!! she remembers a boy called Stuart Webb??

Just some more info

Happy Christmas to you all!!

Extract ID: 4117

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2002
Extract Author: Michele Calorio
Extract Date: 31 Dec 2002
Michele Calorio - Arusha School 1961

Dear Sir

I've been in Arusha long time ago and went to Arusha school until 1961 and since I'm far from Africa from long time just would like to know if in some way it's possible to reach some of the people that had lived there or are still in Arusha town today.

I'm an Italian and many Italian people was there at that time but I had many other friend that would like to know if some are there.

Could you help me just to see where I can look for

sincerely Michele

Dear Michele

I am sorry to be so long in replying. I have been trying to do a little research to see if I can find anything that can help you, but so far no success. I presume that you have tried searching with Google also.

I have found one man who was there in 1966-71, but that is too late for you.


I also found a reference to someone who did a thesis on the history of the school.


But I know no more.

I myself was there between 1953 and 1957, and have a copy of Arusha School Magazine from 1956, which list the names of prize winners. But this might be just before your time.

I am visiting Tanzania, leaving tonight, and will be in Arusha for a few days, and will ask around to see if anyone knows of some kind of Arusha School society.

Do you look at the Arusha Times online http://www.arushatimes.co.tz/ . There was a letter published in it last June by someone looking for ex-classmates. Copy at http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00660.html#03478 . Maybe you could send them a letter.

If you find out anymore, which will be of interest to other people, do please let me know. Thank you.

Best wishes

Extract ID: 4118

Previous Feedback / 2003 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:36

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Jane Holton

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Date: 1957-63
Jane Holton - Arusha School 1957-63

Jane Holton... has sent... a full school photo - don't know where she got it from

sent to the web site by Sarah Mascall (nee Holland)

Extract ID: 4635

See also

    * Anthony Steel

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Johnell Patrick
Page Number: 2003 01 26
Extract Date: 26 Jan 2003
Johnell Patrick - videos

Dear Sir or Madam,

Could you please advice me where I can obtain the I following 2 video's:

1951 - Where No Vultures Fly - Starring Anthony Steel

1954 - West of Zanzibar -

Your urgent reply would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Johnell Patrick

I wish I could help, but so far I've had no luck finding these. I'm always on the lookout for Where no Vultures fly, having seen it as a boy. I think it's been shown on UK TV, but I haven't even managed to record it.

If you find copies, do let me know.
Extract ID: 4119

external link

See also

    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Stefan Wisniowski
Page Number: 2003 01 28
Extract Date: 2003
Stefan Wisniowski -Tengeru

thank you - great information.

Of course, the term "Polish Internees" is not correct, as it suggests arrest or confinement (internment). It should be "Polish refugees", as these were families displaced by the Soviet invasion of Poland in WW2.

Kind regards

Stefan Wisniowski

Sydney Australia


Thank you for your comments, and of course you are right that internment is an inappropriate word. It reflects, I am sure, our general ignorance of history. You may have worked out that the extract you found was from notes by my father written in the mid-fifties, and were he alive he would be the first to put the record straight. I have added a note in my database, which will appear when I next update the internet site.

Your email set me on a trail of more research about Tengeru and it's origins, and I came across this page - I am sure you are aware if it. http://www.immi.gov.au/research/publications/langfitt/langfitt27.htm

I also found the Kresy-Siberia Group and the recent contribution from Ryszard Antolak. I suspect that it was has contribution that sent you off on the search for Tengeru. I should like to contact Ryszard to request permission to add his account to my database - do you have an email address for him?

My family lived in Arusha in 1953-1957, when I was a small boy, and although I remember visiting Tengeru, I have no memories of the cemetery which Ryszard describes.

Do please let me know if you find more information relating to Tengeru, and indeed any other aspect of Northern Tanzania.

Extract ID: 4120

See also

    * Joseph Thomson

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Lisa Matthews
Page Number: 2003 02 20
Extract Date: 20 Feb 2003
Lisa Matthews - Through Maasailand

I would like to know if you have an electronic copy of "Through Maasailand" by Joseph Thompson. I am doing research on the Maasai and would like to read this pivotal text in Maasai history.

Thank you in advance.


Lisa Matthews

Cultural Survival

Education Program


You are in luck. There is a web site at http://www.geocities.com/olmorijo/ Which contains the full text of the Thompson Book at: http://www.geocities.com/olmorijo/thomson_preface.htm

The site hasn't been updated for some time. And I've sometimes been unable to access it because it runs out of data transfer quota. But if you get in, you will also find copies of several interesting Maasai related documents, including

An Administrative Survey of the Masai Social System by H. A. Fosbrooke from Tanganyika Notes and Records, December 1948, Number 26.

Vocabulary of the Enguduk Iloigob by Revd. James Erhardt

Maasai Agreement 1904

Maasai Agreement 1911

High Court Judgement - Maasai Land Case 1913

Die Völkerstämme im Norden Deutsch=Ostafrikas, Kapitel VI., Die Masai und Wandorobbo von Max Weiß. Pp., 317- 410. Verlag von Carl Marschner, Berlin, 1910.

Although I'm sure you may already have access to some of these.
Extract ID: 4122

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Basil George Davis

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Martin Davis
Page Number: 2003 03 02
Extract Date: 1951-1960
Davis Family - Arusha School 1951 - 1960

We are the Davis Family, our father was Senior Superintendent Basil George Davis of Karanga Prisons, Moshi.

The Davis Children Joan, Joyce, Mary, Martin and Peter went to Arusha Boarding School - between 1951-1960.

On our family reunion to Tanzania in 2000 we visited Arusha Boarding School and we are happy to report that the Tortoise was an elderly gent but still going strong!! and still loved by all the children.

I remember most of my time at Arusha I spent outside Mr Hampshire's Office or visiting the matron M's Debeer!! For getting caught off my bed during siesta time!!

Still very happy days!!

We spent 13 wonderful years in Tanganyika and left when independence came about in 1961.

Joan still speaks swahilli like a native and was well at home on our reunion, the rest of us struggled a bit with the language!!

We plan another visit in Feb 2005!! Do you still live near Moshi?

Extract ID: 4123

external link

See also

    * George Dove
    * Kimba Lodge/Camp
    * Ngorongoro: Lodges

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Robert Norris
Page Number: 2003 04 08
Extract Date: 1967
George Dove

In January 1967, with four of my Peace Corps colleagues (vacationing in East Africa from Liberia), we stopped at the Kimba Tent Camp on the rim of Ngorongoro crater and were welcomed by George Dove. We didn't have enough money to stay at the Lodge and they said go to the tent camp nearby. We were glad we did. We spent a memorable night as George recounted over dinner hunting safaris he had been on facing lions and other wild beasts. The next morning he took us in his Land Rover to the crater floor and we saw lions, rhino, hippos, etc. and photographed them. I am enclosing two slides from that memorable day.


What great photos, and a great memory of George. Thanks for taking the trouble to send them.

May I take it that you will be happy for me to add them to the web site?

If I may I will also send them direct to the people who run the Ndutu Safari Lodge. They have a photo of George displayed in the dining room. (In fact it's recently been cleaned up and remounted - a copy of a photo

of the photo is attached). George's son visited them (from Australia) and there were still many of the staff who remembered him and his father. See the Ndutu newsletter for August 2001 http://www.ndutu.com/pages/whatshappening2001.html#aug

Have you had a chance to go back? If you do, do find time to visit Ndutu. (I'm slightly biased because I look after their web site - www.ndutu.com).

Thanks again for your feedback



Please feel free to add them to your Web site and to send them on to Ndutu. I am sorry they are of such poor quality. They were 36-year old faded slides that I scanned into the computer. Unfortunately I have never been back but still hold out a hope that one day I will.

Best regards,

Robert Norris
Extract ID: 4141

See also

    * George Dove
    * Ngorongoro: Lodges

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Robert Norris
Page Number: 2003 04 08
Extract Date: 8 April 2003
George Dove at the Crater

Extract ID: 4142

See also

    * George Dove
    * Kimba Lodge/Camp
    * Ngorongoro: Lodges

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Robert Norris
Page Number: 2003 04 08
Extract Date: 8 April 2003
Kimba Camp

Extract ID: 4143

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Anoop Shah
Page Number: 2003 04 17
Anoop Shah - Arusha School 1970-1976




Anoop Shah
Extract ID: 4475

See also

    * Arusha: New Safari Hotel
    * 'Ben' Benbow
    * Momella Lodge

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: John Autard
Page Number: 2003 04 23
Extract Date: 23 April 2003
John Autard - Making of the movie Hatari

I found your webpage re Arusha and the making of the movie Hatari - do you know what hotel was used in the film.

My father John (Jean) Autard was running the Safari Hotel at the time but he died in August 1961 and I am trying to put together a chronological history of our family. I have several postcards that were sent from the Safari Hotel at the time with the Hatari Stars on.

I would appreciate any pointers.

Thanking you sincerely

John Autard (jnr)

Cape Town South Africa

Dear Sirs

I have written to you earlier today.

I found on your site reference to "Ben" Benbow who was running the Safari Hotel in 1960/61.


"The Safari Hotel was masterfully managed for the Rydons by a pale-skinned Englishman named Ben Benbow. Benbow was a professional hotelier down to his manicured fingertips and slicked-down hair. He was the only man in Arusha who always wore a suit and tie. Among his dusty, khaki-clad safari clientele, he stood out like a catwalk mannequin in the lturi forest. Rotund, jovial, and present when guests registered, day or night, Benbow was on a first-name basis with every white hunter as well as with celebrity actors such as Robert Taylor, John Wayne, and Hardy Kruger. The walls around the huge copper bat at the Safari were decorated with framed and signed photographs of white hunters with their clients and trophies."


Is he still alive and if so how could I contact him - would you possibly have any photographic references to him?

Thanking you sincerely

John Autard

Cape Town South Africa

Dear John

Thank you for both your emails.

I was going to write to check that you had found all entries relevant for you, and I guess if you found the Benbow entry you probably have.

Did you spot in the Places Index that there are a couple of extracts for the New Safari Hotel, including a fairly recent one from the Arusha Times On-line edition.

The Benbow extract you cite comes from White Hunters by Brian Herne. I've checked to see if there are any pictures of Benbow, but no.

Herne should still be alive, and according to the book is living in Southern California. His research was very extensive, and his sources and acknowledgements give lots of private papers he had access to .

There's nothing so obvious as an email address in the book, so you may have to go through his publishers.

And you asked about the hotel used for filming. - No idea really. The base for filming was at Momella Lakes in what is now the Arusha National Park. Momella Lodge was built for the crew, and the nearby Ol Donyo Rok Lodge was built for Hardy Kruger.

A lot of the plains scenes were filmed out in the Rift Valley near Makiyuni.

The main scene that I remember in Arusha Town involved the Clock Tower, and then in and out of the grocer called Narajan Singh (not sure about the spelling). I'd need to look at the film again to see if there was a hotel involved, and to try to identify it.

I'm visiting Arusha at the end of May, and hope to see the new New Arusha Hotel, and see what they've dug up about Hatari etc.

I've not yet found any (expat) residents of Arusha who were also there in the 1950's, but I'll try to find out what I can.

Are there any more specific questions I might be able to help you with, and do you have any more details about your father's time in Arusha?

Best of luck


Dear David

Thank you for you quick response.

I was hoping that you would be able to cast light on Benbow - I have done several searches on the Net but have yielded nothing as yet. If I were to send you a photograph do you know of anyone that might be able to ID it from that period?

The scene in Hatari wherein the elephants barge into the hotel was at the Safari Hotel, I was in the dining room at the time of filming!!!

Thank you again for being in touch.

Kindest regards

Extract ID: 4471

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Shashi Shah
Page Number: 2003 04 23
Extract Date: 23 April 2003
Shashi Shah - Arusha School 1961-67

Hello, I was at Arusha school but between 1961 and 1967, . . .

I am in the UK

I have not been actively collecting stuff on Arusha School, however I do have a few bits. I went to Arusha last year and have some recent photographs as well.

I note that the contacts you are looking for are for a different period, so what I have may not be appropriate.

Please call me/ email me if I can be of assistance.


Shashi Shah

Extract ID: 4476

See also

    * Hugo van Lawick

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Maurice Knight
Page Number: 2003 04 24
Extract Date: 24 April 2003
Solo: Story of an African Wild Dog

Sent: 24 April 2003 17:57

Subject: Re: van Lawick Video

Dear Sir/Madam:

I wish to purchase a copy of the video Solo: Story of an African Wild Dog by Hugo van Lawick. Can you recommend a source where it might be purchased?


Maurice Knight


The short answer is that I haven't a clue.

However, I find that the film was shown at the Wildscreen 2002 festival in Bristol England




An unmissable series of hosted film screenings from the ARKive library, spanning 60 years of natural history filmmaking. Each event will last for approx 90 minutes and will take place in the intimate 80 seat ARKive Theatre, 3rd Floor, At-Bristol.




The late Hugo van Lawick produced some of the most classical wildlife films of all time. Living in Africa for more than 30 years, his films were based on tales of passion, social integration, hunting, survival and defence tactics among wild animals. Here is an opportunity to see extracts from filmed interviews with this pioneering wildlife filmmaker from ARKive's collection of oral histories and to watch "Solo" a captivating story of an African wild dog pup made by Hugo in the mid 1970's. This film identified the individual personalities of the animals - a revolutionary approach to wildlife film making at the time. The event is hosted by Karen Hoy, a wildlife film producer who worked with Hugo at his camp in Tanzania.


And I see that ARKive have a web site (due to launch fully in May), with contact information at


So perhaps an email to them may help your search.

Good luck

Let me know how you get on.

Extract ID: 4472

See also

    * Saba Douglas-Hamilton

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Giulia
Page Number: 2003 04 26
Extract Date: 26/04/2003
The Search For Virgo

Hi, love your site. I only came across it due to watching The Search For Virgo, and decided, to do a search on Saba Douglas- Hamilton. I was sad Virgo was not found, but I"m sure she lived a very happy life. Saba is just so incredible, I wish she did get to see Virgo one more time. I wish Saba all the best, and it makes me happy to know , that gods creatures, have such a caring, and loving person like Saba, who , when comes in contact, with animals, is off pure love and care. All the Best. GIULIA.
Extract ID: 4165

See also

    * Adolph Siedentopf

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Edward Joffe
Page Number: 2003 05 23
Extract Date: 23 May 2003
Edward Joffe - Siedentopfs

Subject: Ngorongoro Crater / Siedentopf Borthers

Having just enjoyed surfing your website, I am wondering if you could possibly advise where I might find more comprehensive details on the web in regard to the Siedentopf Brothers who I believe lived in the Crater around

1912 and during part of World War 1.

Thanks in anticipation

Edward Joffe


I suspect that I've got the most information that's available in the searchable web, but I'm sure there must be more in the hidden web which the search engines don't get near. If I come across anything, I tend to capture it immediately into my database, so probably, what you see is what there is.

I don't know of any book which is specifically devoted to the Siedentopfs - at least published in English. There may be something in German. I'm sure there are many more passing references in the various books I list/possess, so more research would bring out more anecdotes.

Is there anything specifically you are looking for, that I may be able to find fairly easily? For what it's worth I think one of the brothers is buried in Mbulu - somewhere I think I have a photograph of his grave which I say in 1997.

Best wishes

Extract ID: 4473

external link

See also

    * George Dove

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Jerry Rilling
Page Number: 2003 06 02
Extract Date: 2 June 2003
Jerry Rilling - the lousy tourist chair

Dear David,

I finally looked at you site. A BIG mistake - I spent too long there last night & will have to visit it several more times. VERY NICE

I followed the George Dove links. The first picture is one where I kick myself every time I see it. How I allowed the picture(I am a photographer as well) to be taken in the lousy tourist chair rather than sending one of the staff for a canvas safari chair; I will never know.

Reading the links; there area a number of errors there that I had not noticed - I was there when they happened - in reading the original (or I have had the original & not really read it). It could prove a very useful site to people researching East African characters. Having spent the time last night; I had best get to work (one of the things I am doing is working on a new book list).


Extract ID: 4470

See also

    * Hugo van Lawick

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Wolfgang Tepple
Page Number: 2003 07 03
Extract Date: 03 July 2003
Wolfgang Tepple - Serengeti Symphony

Could you advise me if there are DVDs/Video available of Serengeti Symphony by Hugo Van Lawicks and how to obtain them?

Wolfgang Teppler

Calgary Alberta, Canada

This film is hard to find.

It was made in 35mm and designed for showing in cinemas. I have been told that the Tanzanian Government hold the distribution rights, and have limited the publication of any VHS or DVD versions so as to maximise the exposure in the cinemas! If you do a Google search for "Serengeti Symphony" you will see that most of the listings are for one-off showings of the film.

Certainly it is impossible to find in the UK, and on Amazon (UK, US and NL at least).

I found my VHS copy in SOuth Africa (Johannesburg Airport).

I'm not sure, but I may also have seen a copy on sale recently in Tanzania.

If things change, or I found out any more, I'll try to remember to let you know.



Thank you for your reply.

I save a TV production on the making of the film and thought that a DVD/VHS might have been produced of the final product. I have had the fortune of spending some time in Kenya (& the Serengeti) and it brought back some wonderful memories of a fabulous place.

I have a friend working in Johannesburg. Do you think there still might be copies available there?

Thanks again for all your help.


Wolfgang Teppler
Extract ID: 4474

See also

    * Delta Willis

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Page Number: 2003 07 27
Extract Date: 27 July 2003
Delta Willis

Came across your site doing a google on Alan Root; I have friends in Arusha and also do web sites, plus the Fodor's Guide to Tanzania. Who are you?

Delta Willis www.deltawillis.com

Monday, July 28, 2003 5:18 PM

Subject: Who am I?

Dear Delta

Thanks for your email. I guess you might also have found my site if you did a Google looking for Delta Willis!!

Who am I - how do I answer that? The long answer is buried in http://www.ntz.info/pages/disclaimer.html.

The short answer is that I'm an English man who lived in Arusha with my father for four years in the fifties. Returned in 1994 for a Safari with Gibb's Farm Safaris which revived an interest, if not a passion for the country. I was persuaded that there was a niche for people to do web sites for safari companies - especially if they were prepared to trade trips for web pages - and so gave up my "day job" three years ago to do just that and to travel to Africa as often as I can. Last was in Arusha in May for the Karibu Trade Fair. When I can find the time, it's my hobby to collect books about Northern Tanzania, and piece together extracts and quotes to build up a history of the peoples and places of Northern Tanzania - hence www.nTZ.info. What's great now is that I'm starting to get emails from people with personal recollections, and information not otherwise readily available.

I'm sure we may have friends and contacts in common in Arusha - maybe you also were there in May. My main contacts are listed on http://www.digitalsafaris.com/pages/websites.htm but I need to do some work to bring the page up to date.

Perhaps we may meet sometime in Arusha, or do you visit WTM in London in November?

What are you working on - I must admit I haven't checked recently whether there is a new edition of Fodors - I'm aware of some of your other publications. DO you do web sites also for Tanzanian operators?

I'm still trying to find a copy of your Hominid Gang, but I have your bio of the Leakey family. You will see that I have used a couple of extracts from it (http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00289.html). I included these because I was asked to answer the question "who really first found the Laetoli footprints" and pulled together as many sources as I could possibly find - these are all on the Laetoli page (http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00322.html) which is inevitably somewhat large. It amazes me also that when you do a Google search on Laetoli you bring up as many references to Creationists as you do to scientific narratives.

Best wishes


Dear David Marsh,

Good to hear from you. Actually I did a Google on Alan Root to figure out why I receive so many inquiries for his films. I've subsequently seen your Bio and noted with interest the extracts from John Heminway's book. John's a friend, as is Root. I haven't been to Arusha in 2 years but did the site for Mouse & Charlie McConnell www.robinhurtphotosafaris.com and am close with Zoe & Roland Purcell, Mark & Milly Houldsworth, Tor Allan and Martina at Rivertrees. I send American travelers to Tanzania.

Several tidbits for you to consider for your site.

1) I note that you had the Park East site up as of 1999, which is when I wrote all their content. Park East was bought by Grand Expeditions in 2001, and the site is basically now my recycled copy, plus some very bad new stuff. The info at my Inside Information pages is more honest and more up to date; in fact the reason you had trouble logging on to my site is that we are updating it, on weekends. When the new Book page is up, there will be an excerpt from my Introduction to the new Fodor's Guide.

2) I have a new What to Pack page which has quality safari gear from Orvis (who also ship to U.K.) and useful info, such as Visa Application Forms for Tanzania. I would be very grateful if you might link to that page. It will help us both with the Google search engine if you use one of these phrases: "What to pack for Safari, vacation packing list and travel advice" link to http://www.deltawillis.com/pack2.htm

3) I will do a return link to your site, not sure where yet, don't want to become the Alan Root fan club site. I am looking for a comprehensive list of good wildlife videos on Africa, not limited to Tanzania. Finally, I am working on a book on Zanzibar and have lots of content that Fodor's didn't use. Maybe there is some why we can work on a digital safari together?

All the best Delta
Extract ID: 4468

See also

    * Captain Harold Rydon
    * David Rydon
    * Mrs. Gladys Rydon
    * Mrs. Margot Rydon

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Alison Aitken
Page Number: 2003 08 21
Extract Date: 21 August 2003
Gladys and Margot Rydon - not sisters

My 70+ year old mother and I are taking a trip to Arusha where she grew up and so I've been looking up anything about Arusha. My mother noticed your piece called "Stan Lawrence-Brown had his office in the Safari Hotel" which mentioned Gladys and Margot Rydon and thought you might like to know the following:

Harold Rydon married Gladys first, they had three children, David who you mention, Pamela and another son Arther, who became a doctor.

Harold's second wife was Margot. She was step mother to David and the others.

The two women lived close to each other, but were not sisters.

I hope you don't mind me correcting you.

Best wishes.

Alison Aitken

Dear Alison

Thank you for your email last week about the nTZ web site, and the comments about Gladys and Margot Rydon. I have checked back to the source in Brian Herne's book, and I have quoted him verbatim, but clearly he's wrong, and I'll happily add your information to the web site when I next do an update - hopefully some time during September.

I hope you and your mother enjoy your trip to Arusha. If your mother grew up there it must have been "some time" ago, and I'm sure she will see many many changes, although the basic layout remains the same, and many landmarks still exist. Perhaps she knows the answer to a puzzle I have which is to find out when the clock tower was built, and by whom.

If she (or you) have any other memories, or photographs which you would be willing to share on the web site, I'd love to hear from you.

When do you plan to visit Arusha - I shall be passing through again during October.



Hello David,

Glad to have been of help. I shall pass your message on to my mother and I'm sure she would be delighted to help if she can. She is in her mid-70's and her memories are very bright and clear, so our trip should be fascinating. I have printed off quite a lot of the website for her and she knows or knew so many of the people mentioned.

We will be in Tanzania from mid-October and though we are travelling a bit we are staying for a night or two at the beginning, middle and end of our trip at Moivaro near Arusha. If it fitted into your programme and ours I'm sure we would be pleased to meet up with you.

I'll ask about the clock tower and photographs/memories, though sometimes these are better sparked by chatting about things, or asking questions which light a spark.

Best wishes.

Extract ID: 4482

See also

    * Jenny Hartley
    * John Pearson

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: June Hill
Page Number: 2003 08 28
Extract Date: 28 Aug 2003
John Pearson - clarification

My name is June Hill ........ My maiden name was Pearson and John Pearson, the author of Hunters of the Plains was my father. Jenny Hartley was my step mother and the details in the following text are incorrect .............. Hartley was her second husband's surname, and it was my father John Pearson who is referred to in this text as having been shot by accident by a guard. The interesting point for me here is that until now, some 25 years after his death, I have always believed that he died before dawn whilst he was getting ready for the day' s shooting.

Dear June

Thank you for your email about the nTZ web site, and my apologies for the confusion and inaccuracy in the text. I suspect that either Christ Stott was not quite clear of the circumstances, or that I misquoted what he told me.

It will give a better account if I include the words from Colin Willock's Epilogue. I'll add this when I do the next update, which will hopefully be sometime during September.

I hope you found the rest of the site interesting, and if you have any information or photographs which may be relevant to the Northern Tanzania, I'd love to hear from you.



Dear David

Many thanks for your email the contents of which are noted.

Northern Tanzania is not a part of East Africa that is particularly well known to me at all as I was born and lived in Kenya until my mid 20s ....... however, somewhere in the dark depths of the roof I have photographs of various trips to Arusha, Manyara and Ngorongoro Crater which were taken on trips with my father, John Pearson. Once I have sifted through them I will scan and email you my finds and you are welcome to use or delete as you see fit.

........ and yes, I found your site very interesting.


Extract ID: 4483

See also

    * Serengeti Shall not die

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Andrew Fowler
Page Number: 2003 10 09
Serengeti shall not die on film?

Dear ask@ntz,

I am a scientist/conservationist working with chimpanzees and other primates in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria. The Head of the Nigerian National Parks Service in Nigeria, (Alhaji Marguba, Conservator General, to give him his correct title) told me he had seen Grzimek's film 'Serengeti Shall not die' many years ago and enjoyed it greatly. I have managed to find a second hand copy of the book for him, but I cannot locate an English version of the film, although it is available in German from Amazon.de (German Amazon.com). Do you have any ideas of how I might obtain this to present to the Alhaji?

Thank you for attention. I enjoyed your website greatly.

Yours in hope,

Andrew Fowler


Thanks for your kind comments about the web site.

Short answer is that I have no idea. I'm actually off to Tanzania tomorrow for three weeks and will ask around to see if anyone out there has any thoughts. It's just the kind of thing that may be gathering dust on someone's shelves. But unlikely.

I picked up another Grzimek book recently (Among the Animals) which has some hilarious photos of experiments showing cardboard cut-outs of lions, elephants and rhinos to real life ones. Maybe not the sort of thing you could get away with now.

If you find anything, do let me know, and I can add it to the pool of knowledge. Etc



Extract ID: 4669

See also

    * Dr. Harvey Croze

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Harvey Croze
Page Number: 2003 10 14
Great website

Great website: just stumbled on it via a Google search for xxxxxx

Harvey Croze, D.Phil.

Amboseli Trust for Elephants
Extract ID: 4670

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: George Taylor
Page Number: 2003 10 31
Extract Date: 1963 - 1966
George Taylor - Arusha School -1963 - 1966

What a pleasure to come accross this web site, it certainly got my memory bank in action.

My name is George Taylor and, along with my sister Audrey Taylor (2 years my senior), I attended Arusha boarding school from about 1963 to 1966. The headmaster at the time was Mr B.L.Jones. My family lived in Moshi where my Dad taught at the local Trade School. We previously lived in Ifunda and I went to Mbeya boarding school before moving to Moshi.

I remember the giant tortoise, trips to the Twiga bookshop in Arusha and also the Cha-Cha coffee bar where we would spend our money on curry peas. Mr Rushbrook taugh French and was remowned for smacking people on the back of the head for any minor mistake. The dinner bell was a railway line hanging from a tree outside the main building. I was a dorm monitor and remember wearing the green shirt, khaki shorts and felt hat on a Sunday. I would take a friend home every two weeks when my parents travelled up from Moshi. I remember Martin Gelege (not sure of spelling now) being the fastest runner in the school - things like that mattered then! Mrs Bradley was my form teacher and Mrs Fernandez was the dorm Matron.

I could write a book about this and my friends Alnoor Jetta and Robi and Maria Sossi - where are they all now.

I am 48 now with a wife and 2 sons, Steve 21 and Mick 18 who both work with me at British Telecom.


George Taylor


I am sorry to be so long in replying, I have only recently returned from a trip to Tanzania.

Many thanks for your feedback and information about your time at Arusha School. If I may, I will add it to the Alumni section of the web site. I try not to publish private email addresses so as to avoid the risk of them being deluged with spam. But if anyone tries to contact you I shall gladly put them in touch.

I've got lots to add to the web site, especially because I've been back to Arusha twice this year - visiting the school on one trip (Tortoise still going strong). Because of other commitments, it may be the end of the year before I can do an update.

You say "being the fastest runner in the school - things like that mattered then!" - They still matter!!! In June I visited the inter-school cross-country championships in Arusha between 2 international schools, a Greek school and 2 or 3 Tanzanian schools. On the course it was very competitive, and Arusha School carried off the overall championship.

You also mention smacking - I've just received an email from a Kirit Patel (1969 -1975) - who can remember "the fun times and the not so much fun times i spent at the school or at the head masters office being whacked by Mr Jones size 6 / 7 shoes and Mr Nettlebacks wood cane"


Many thanks for your enjoyable and interesting reply. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Tanzania.

I look forward to seeing more of the same on your excellent web site - what a nostalgia trip!

I have had a long chat with my parents about the web site and they were facinated.

Thanks for making contact.


Extract ID: 4673

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kirit Patel

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Kirit Patel
Page Number: 2003 11 11
Extract Date: 1969 -1975
Kirit Patel - Arusha School -1969 -1975


a school i shall always hold dear ro my heart

where i grew up

where i found my self

i was a student at arusha school from 1969 -1975 (Kirit Patel )

i am now in the Hotel Buisness in the united States

i can remeber the the fun times and not the so much fun times i spent at the school or at the head masters office being whacked by

Mr jones size 6 / 7 shoes

Mr Nettlebacks wood cane

and of course he ruined the school Mr Mlay a bad chapter in the history of the school

Mrs.kikiidis vegiterian food . me and my brother were the first boarding students who were pure vegiterians , we had eggs for breakfast , eggs for lunch , eggs for supper

she was the greatest

how can i forget mrs. macha, miss anthony mr morris and the school nurse

i can go on and on on

if there is any one form my era at the school i would like to get in touch with them
Extract ID: 4676

See also

    * nTZ

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Sahil
Page Number: 2003 11 15


Came across this site in general surfing, phenomenal!!! Great piece of work , easily accesible and tons of wonderful info.

All the best,


Many thanks for your comments. It's really good to know that the web site is being appreciated. It spurs me on to work on the next update which I really hope to have ready by the end of the year. I've visited Arusha twice since the last update and have lots of new information ready to add.

May I please have your permission to add your comments to the front page. I'll only use your first name, and will leave no contact info for you.

Please do so. In the meantime im spreading the word about the site to all i know with interests in tz. Once again brilliant effort.
Extract ID: 4678

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Sarah Holland

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Sarah Mascall (nee Holland)
Page Number: 2003 11 19
Sarah Holland - Arusha School 1960 - 1966

Hi I have just discovered this terrific site. I was at Arusha School from 1960 until 1966 and the site bought back wonderful memories. Both my brother and sister were also at Arusha although a good deal earlier.

Many thanks for your kind comments about the web site. I've got some more information about the School which I shall be including in the next update, which hopefully will be done by the end of the year. If I may I'll include your email in the Alumni section. I try not to publish private email addresses on the web site, but if anyone asks I will put them in touch with you.

If you have any photos, or other memories, I'm sure others would enjoy see them, so please do send them to me for inclusion.

Thanks for your reply. Can you give the Alumni Sections web address. At some point I will try and look up photos - I think I have one of two of the dining room boys Twiga and Daudi and various others so maybe over the Christmas break I will get them down

I have sent my brother the link as his name is on the Meru Board picture. I am in contact through friends reunited with Jane Holton who gave your website to me she has sent me a full school photo - don't know where she got it from. Might be of some interest
Extract ID: 4634

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Fiona Musana

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Fiona Musana-Hannig
Page Number: 2003 12 11
Extract Date: 1976-1984
Fiona Musana-Hannig - Arusha School - 1976-1984

Greetings from Indonesia!

I am so happy to find such a resourceful and interesting website on a school I hold so close to my heart. I was there from 1976 to 1983 and I will never forget this school. Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful update..

I now live in Jakarta, Indonesia and have memories of Arusha School that will be forever etched in my mind. I will be visiting Tanzania this year, top on my list is Arusha School. I look forward to seeing the tortoise.

Is there an Alumni in existence?

Thank you!

Fiona Musana-Hannig
Extract ID: 4633

See also

    * Olli Marttila
    * TAWIRI

nTZ Feedback, 2003
Extract Author: Olli Marttila
Page Number: 2003 12 12
A new guide book

This material is free to add your list if any interest (contains also a new handbook).

I was working during the years 2001-2002 as a TAWIRI scientist in order to gather the material for the comprehensive handbook "The National Parks of Tanzania, and Other Key Conservation Areas".

A completed handbook, the first ever written on Tanzania's most important conservation areas, including all 12 national parks and the five most significant other sanctuaries. This book combines the latest ecological knowledge with other matters concerning the conservation in the parks, as well as providing traditional presentation of the wildlife and tourist facilities there. The book is intended for naturalists, safari tourists and scientists interested in Tanzania.

The book is now available on Finnish market as a name "Suuri savanni. Tansanian kansallispuistot ja muut avainsuojelualueet" (The Great Savanna. The National Parks of Tanzania, and Other Key Conservation Areas"). It is published in Finnish language by Auris at September 2003. The book contains 448 pages and 370 colour pics with 18 colour maps.

In late 2003 has been started a project in order to translate the book in English and produce it directly to Tanzanian market. It is expected that the book is available in Tanzania at latest on 2005.

The author: Olli Marttila, Ph.D. (born 1954), is an assistant professor in Environmental Science. His knowledge of nature in Tanzania is based on a close acquaintance with the country. He made a total of 10 journeys to the country between 1993-2000 before starting work as a TAWIRI scientist. He has published extensively, being the author of almost 500 original articles and reviews (in English and Finnish), and ten handbooks (in Finnish). Most of his books have been commercially highly successful and they haven been also been awarded prizes. These include the coveted Finlandia Prize for non-fiction literature.

Your sincerely,

Olli Marttila
Extract ID: 4681

Previous Feedback / 2004 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:33

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Dipak Patel
    * Kirit Patel
    * Tukuyu

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Dipak Patel
Page Number: 2004 01 06
Extract Date: 1969-1974
Dipak Patel - Arusha School 1969-1974

My brother and I were students at Arusha School from 1969 to 1974. My brother (Kirit Patel) was six and I was eight years of age when our parents boarded us on to the East African Bus service chartered by the School in Iringa. From then on the next seven years were an adventure. Our home was in Tukuyu and the trip to School was a three day trip. Every three months we would go home for a month and then back again. Coming across your web sight took me back to the most interesting part of my life. I thank you for the information and look forward to hearing from more of my fellow students. My brother and I reside in the USA now. Thanks you

Dipak Patel
Extract ID: 4663

See also

    * Slug Map

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Page Number: 2004 01 08
Extract Date: 1856
The Slug Map

Hello, I enjoyed reading your story on the famous "Slug Map". Actually, the one that is posted on your web page is a copy of the German map produced by Augustus Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen (Gotha) in 1856, entitled:

"Eines Theils von Ost- u. Central-Afrika mit Angabe der wahrscheinlichen Lage u. Ausdehnung des Sees von Uniamesi, nebst Bezeichnung der Grenzen u. Wohnsitze der verschiedenen Vlker sowie der Caravanen-Strassen nach dem Innern, 1856"

The original map (which I happen to have) shows 2 small insets which compare Erhardt's detail with contemporary knowledge.

Sincerely yours,

Witold Nazarewicz
Extract ID: 4664

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: hyena2008
Page Number: 2004 01 08
Extract Date: 1970
Anon - Arusha School -1970

I was a student there at Arusha School. I left in 1970. I stumbled on a couple of photo's of the actual school and I wonder if there are any more pictures available. It would really be a treat to see my former school as possible.

(no name given!)
Extract ID: 4665

See also

    * Momella
    * Tengeru
    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: George Brzostowski
Page Number: 2004 01 16
Extract Date: 1946

Dear Ryszard,

Thank you for a very interesting site on Tengeru. I was came across it casually while looking for something on Momela.

Tengeru is where I was born in 1946. My parents were among the displaced Poles. My mother was a sister in the hospital.

It is with some joy that I can say that while my mother is in Canberra, Australia, I found out about a lady living in Queanbeyan, just outside Canberra, who was also working in Tengeru. The two ladies are now very close friends!

My parents and I spent a few years on Momela that was owned by Mrs Trappe at the time. It was an exceptional place where Germans and Poles got on very well - indeed one of Mrs Trappe's married a Polish girl. There are two books on Momela. One is in German - "Am Fusse des Meru" and the other in English, called simply "Momela"

I will never forget living on the slopes of the foothills of Meru, and having the privilege of watching Kilimanjaro look enormous as the sun was setting behind us to the West.

That was back in the late 40s and perhaps early 50s. We then moved to Kongwa, near Dodoma, where my father was a pasture research scientist.

Later we moved to Canberra. Unfortunately my father passed away in 1976 while he was still working for the CSIRO. For my part, I am a Barrister.

Thank you once again for your site and work in compiling this interesting up-date on what happened at Tengeru.


George Brzostowski
Extract ID: 4666

See also

    * Jane Goodall

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Anon
Page Number: 2004 01 21
Extract Date: 2004 01 21
Is this jane goodalls email


is this Jane goodalls email if so i luv to learn about you

i think its so cool that you study chimps i wouod love to do that to

well one thing that should be added is what you wear and transportation also education because a lot of people do projects and come to this web and it doesnt say any of that or maybe it does we just cant find it

well thank you very much and if you could email me back thatd be great bye
Extract ID: 4826

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Ronald Lwakatare

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Ronald Lwakatare
Page Number: 2004 01 27
Ronald Lwakatare - Arusha School -1977-1979


I saw this web site while surfing in the internet. My name is Ronald Lwakatare living in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. I wish to inform you that Arusha School is still there and there is a group of students-many of them who studied in the 1970's up to now- who want to form an alumni association for former students of Arusha School. Former students interested are located in various parts of the World - in Africa, Europe and the USA.

So we are holding our first meeting whose main agenda is to form an Alumni Association. The meeting is taking place in Dar es Salaam on Saturday 31st January 2004 at 4 p.m. We would very much be interested to be linked with former Arusha School students.


Ronald Lwakatare (Studied at Arusha School 1977-1979)
Extract ID: 4667

See also

    * Saba Douglas-Hamilton

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Marko da Costa
Page Number: 2004 02 07
Extract Date: 07 FEB 2004


love TO YOU & your site & VIRGO & FAMILY !

I ALSO only came across it due to watching The Search For Virgo, ONLY TODAY SAT. 12 AM , 07.FEB.2004 ON PORTUGUESE SIC TV, and ALSO decided, to do a search on Saba Douglas- Hamilton. I AM sad Virgo was not found, but I"m ALSO sure she lived a very happy life.

Saba YOU ARE just incredible & FACINATING , I wish YOU GOT to see Virgo one more .

I wish YOU Saba all HAPPINESS, and it makes me happy TOO, to know , that gods creatures, have such a caring, and loving person like ANGEL Saba, who , when YOU come in contact, with animals, ONE SENSES THE PUREST OF pure love and care.


Extract ID: 4691

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Anoop Nathwani

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Anoop nathwani
Page Number: 2004 02 13
Extract Date: 13 Feb 2004
A lot of memories - Anoop Nathwani

Hello sir/madam

To whom it may concern

Wow!!!...what can I say about the site not that I know a lot about web sites and stuff

But it was really nice going through the site especially on the arusha school -wow - what can i say

It did bring a lot of memories to me and few tears too

Please do keep up the good job -

Yes I will go through the site more in depth but for time being I think I could not wait to write to you

So there you are

Anoop Nathwani
Extract ID: 4690

See also

    * David Read

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Susan Ross
Page Number: 2004 02 19
Barefoot Across the Serengeti

Great informative website! I was in Tanzania last year and Read "Barefoor Across the Serengeti" while there. I'd like to order "Beating Around the Bush" by David Read. Can you tell me how to do this? Thank you.

Susan Ross

David Read now has his own web site


On the books page you will find information about where to find his books.

You don't say what country you are in, so if you have problems where you are, I suggest you contact David direct at the email on the web page.
Extract ID: 4702

See also

    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Bryn Jones
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Mark Morgan

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Mark Morgan Mark Morgan
Page Number: 2004 02 21
Extract Date: 1947-1955
Bill Morgan was a master at the school

I have just come across this interesting site, while gathering information for a return visit to Arusha later in the Year.

I was very pleased to read the history of Arusha School as my farther, Bill Morgan was a master at the school from about 1947-1955 (I think those dates are right) He was teaching there before the war and then returned after.

I have three brothers we where all born in Arusha and later moved with dad when he went to Oyester-Bay School in Dar, and then later to Mbeya. My elder brother was then a boarder at Arusha before we all where sent to school in the uk.

It was good to see photos of Bryn Jones,a great family friend ( he was kind enough to marry both my self and both of my brothers) he sadly died several years ago, but my mother still keep in contact with his widow.

Seeing the photo of the late Princess Margaret's visit to the school. I was actually in the photo( the top of my head) we have a copy in the family album, and the photo of my farther being presented had pride of place on my grandmothers T.V

We have many photos of the school, and activites going on, which you would be quite welcome to to put on the site.

I am looking forward to my visit in September but hope that the School and Town have not changed to much, but it is nearly 50 years since I was last there.

Will give the site address to my brothers so they can have a look

Mark Morgan

Thanks for your feedback and interesting email. Sorry for the delay in replying.

I received, at about the same time, an email from Andrew Hannah, at the school from 1957-60, although he had brothers there before him, and he lists Morgan as one of the teachers he remembers. I'll put his, and your, emails up on the web site at the next update.

I think I was just out of the shot of Princess M - my duty was to hold the door open for her as she came in. I've got lots of other stuff about her visit, which I haven't yet had time to publish on the site.

But if you have photos and other anecdotes, I'd welcome copies for inclusion.

You will greatly enjoy revisiting Arusha. It's changed much in the last ten years or so since I've been going back. From being a shabby backwater, it's now a vibrant small town, and slowly cleaning itself up. However, flying over it can be horrific in that it reveals a huge shanty town, just as poor as any slum in Nairobi or Johannesburg, but totally hidden from the main tourist throughways.

I called in on the school last May, and found one teacher very happy to show me round (and the tortoise is still there). The buildings are nearly all the same. The roofs have reverted from tiles to bati sheets. The dining hall still has the same long tables and sideboards, and the trophy boards on the wall. But whereas there were less then 300 pupils in the 50's there are now 1200.

The headmaster was very busy, but pleased to see me (I think).

Do tell me more about your trip - have you allowed time to explore Arusha, and a guide to take you round. Most of them just want to get out of town as fast as possible and get you out to see the game. Where will you be staying?

Apart from the obvious risks, I felt I could walk around the main part of the town with my eye's shut. All the road layouts are still the same, and many of the buildings are unchanged. You'll be going round saying, Ah, I remember that.

Back in 1994 we found the old maternity ward in the Arusha Hospital where my brother was born - and maybe you.

The photo I took of it (http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00025.html#04073 ) appeared on the BBC web site recently - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3094543.stm but they claimed that it was obtained from a press agency in Dar es Salaam!

I could go on . . .

Hope to hear more from you.

Extract ID: 4703

See also

    * Ernest Hemingway
    * Alec "Fatty" Pearson

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Tim Belknap
Page Number: 2004 02 24
Extract Date: 1934
research involving Alec "Fatty" Pearson

Congratulations on your wonderful site, which befits its subject, a wonderful part of the world.

My name is Tim Belknap I am an American journalist and could use a hand in some research involving Alec "Fatty" Pearson, the real pilot who served as the basis of the fictional pilot with a key role in Ernest Hemingway's famous short story "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." So far, I have accumulated quite a bit of information about Mr. Pearson's distinguished record in World War II, which he did not survive. However, his East Africa days are somewhat of a mystery, and I have virtually no biographical information such as whether he was married, date and place of birth. I know he was a chief pilot for Wilson Airways, had the appropriate ratings to fly up to Europe in multi-engined aircraft, did a lot of safari work and hence was a good friend of such leading hunters of the time as Bror Blixen and Philip Percival. The plane in 1934 that he flew the ailing Hemingway to Arusha and then to Nairobi was a Puss Moth.

Other than that, I know little except what I found in one of Bror Blixen's published letters and a passing reference in a Hemingway biography. Any help you or your site readers could give me would be most appreciated. Any tidbit would be of value about this man who, as far as I know, has never been the subject of a published profile - by all accounts he was a terrific guy and deserves his minor place in literary history.

By the way, I grew up in Kenya in the '50s and '60s, went to Kaptagat School upcountry, went on hunting (Block 67) and photo safaris in southern Kenya/northern Tanzania, later became a reporter in America, covered Rhodesia, South Africa and Namibia/Angola. I now live in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York.

What a well-organized, fascinating site. Please keep it up.



Thanks for your kind comments and information/request.

I don't think I've come across Mr Pearson, but I shall certainly keep an eye out.

Obviously I've limited my focus to Northern Tanzania, and I suspect that he operated from Kenya.

Where to turn for more information. I suspect that you'll have to turn to people who may know, and to archives.

There's a man called Hans-Georg Michna who contributes a lot to news groups such as rec.travel.africa and who has a web site with details of his trip last year to Kenya. He stayed at the Aero Club of East Africa, at Wilson Airport, and is into flying, so may well have some useful ideas and contacts. http://www.michna.com/kenya2003/ There's probably some kind of archive at the club itself.

Errol Trzebinski who wrote about Lord Errol lives in Kenya and is into history of that time. Contact perhaps through the publishers.

Michael Palin (eg Python, now TV travel presenter) did a film and book about Hemmingway, including his time in Africa. Maybe some references there. Brief starter references on my web site http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00900.html

For Hunting History of the times, the best source I have is Brian Herne http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00623.html . Again you would have to track him down, and see what he may have in his archives.

Long shot is to write to Peter Ayre, who sells old Africana Books, and who also keeps a database of names of people who have lived in Kenya. http://www.ntz.info/pages/bookshops.html

Good luck.

If you do come across any thing relevant, especially to Hemmingway in Tanzania, do please remember me.

Thank you so much for your help and tips. It's funny, I had already contacted the Aero Club, and its president, Harro Trempenau, is asking around about Pearson on my behalf. The other tips I will run down - I have Brian Herne's book and it is a wealth of information on people I vaguely knew through my parents in Kenya. I'll try to contact him.

I believe you are right about Fatty Pearson operating from Kenya, probably from the old Nairobi Aerodrome. Wilson Airways was a Kenya outfit. But he certainly knew how to find his way around the Serengeti.

I will certainly send you a clip of the final piece. What's interesting so far is the discovery that "The Green Hills of Africa" is not very chronological, nor really the true account Hemingway promises in the preface. By that, I mean his dysentary attack and break from the safari is pretty much edited out, although he alludes once or twice as having been sick in Nairobi. He was sick as a dog the first two weeks of hunting, including when he shot two lions. To me, that makes it all the more interesting, but I guess he didn't want to seem like a whiner.

While the biographers of Hemingway have been helpful on this score, using his letters and Pauline's diary for the true sequence, there are lapses in the accuracy of the biographies. Two of them describe Pearson's aircraft as a biplane, when in fact the Puss Moth was a state-of-the-art closed-cabin monoplane. People tend to think of Africa between the wars as some sort of backwater, but it wasn't in terms of the safari business. Common sense dictated that with wealthy clients and roadless tracts, you used the best equipment money could buy - whether it was GM drivetrains for your safari wagon or Puss Moths for aircraft or Holland and Holland double rifles for dangerous game. Movies like the dreadful (in terms of accuracy, in the opinion of someone who grew up in Kenya) "Out of Africa" and the much-better "The English Patient" evoke a derring-do, open-cockpit spirit that I don't feel was there, at least not by the '30s. Africa flying threw up enough challenges without rickety equipment.

I bought a privately printed account of George Eastman's 1927 safari with Philip Percival and Safariland Ltd. (the same outfit Hemingway used) at a used book store outside Kodak company town Rochester, N.Y., and that's why I'm fairly confident to express the opinions above on how good the safari equipment generally was at the time. Considering who Eastman was, and that he was accompanied by Martin and Osa Johnson, it's not surprising that the photos in this book are superb.

Any tidbits of information your readers can come up with on Fatty would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again, Tim
Extract ID: 4704

See also

    * Watson T Yoshimoto

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Wendell Kam
Page Number: 2004 02 26
Extract Date: 1958
Watson T. Yoshimoto

Dear Sir:

Enjoyed your website and the historical information.

I am currently looking for documentation on Watson T. Yoshimoto who hunted with John Lawrence (1958, 1960) and William M. Jenvy (1965) of White Hunters Ltd. If you have any information on Mr. Lawrence and/or Mr. Jenvy I would appreciate you passing it to me. Specifically, I need documentation (export permits no.) on the elephants that Mr. Yoshimoto collected during his safaris.

Mahalo (Thank you) for your consideration of this request. Please contact me if you need further information.


Wendell Kam

W. T. Yoshimoto Foundation

Thanks for your inquiry, but I am sorry that I am not able to help. Just about all the information I have is published on the web site.

Most of the information about hunting was sourced from Brian Herne's book

Maybe he would be better placed to help you, but I'm afraid I have no contact information for him, other than the clues you can pick up from the book.

Thank you for your response. I will try to track down Mr. Herne.

Please keep me in mind should you come across any pertinent information in the future.

Mahalo and Aloha,

Extract ID: 4846

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Shreela Debi

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Shreela Debi
Page Number: 2004 02 27
Extract Date: 1971-72
Shreela Debi - Arusha School 1971-72

Dear Mr. Nettelbeck,

I was a student of Arusha School in 1971-72 , years that are precious. I wish I could create a similar environment for my daughter.

I leaned that you were in India for some time. I live in Delhi now after many years in England. I loved East Africa.

I have been trying to get in touch with others who were in the school at the time, with not much success. Age makes for much nostalgia.

Christmas at the school was beautiful. I was in the choir and it was magic to walk in with lighted candles.

You were so much an essential presence.

'Hope you and your family are well. I have fond memories of them too.

Warm Regards

Extract ID: 4825

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Andy Hannah
    * Wellesley Hannah
    * Bryn Jones
    * H.A. Jones
    * Bill Morgan
    * David Read

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Andy Hannah
Page Number: 2004 02 29
Extract Date: 1957 - 60
Andy Hannah - Arusha School - 1957 - 60

Thankyou very much for opening this site.

You are very welcome to publish all of the below.

I remember Martin, Mary, and Peter Davis quite well. I was in the year above Peter and below Mary. I remember dancing with Mary!!!

Name: Andy Hannah

Years at Arusha: 1957 - 60

Older brothers Lister, Tim, Dave, were also there before me.

Masters: Morgan, Hampshire, BL Jones, HA Jones, Lanky Johnston. Pop Hazel.

Matrons: Mrs Fisher (David Read's terrfying mother) (head matron), Mrs Birchman, Miss Balfour, Miss De Beer (also terrifying), Miss Bear, Miss Pollack, Miss Randall, Miss Morrell, Mrs Evans.

Teachers: Miss Ingles (gentle and fair), Miss Monroe (loud voice), Miss Elizabeth Gray (lots of fun), Miss Jenkins (Gypsy), Miss Lundy (spunk).

Friends: Peter Bird, Christopher Ronaldson, Roger Haggerty, Itzak Abramovici, Stewart Hammond, Ian Steer, Daniel Marjocki, David Spoors, Michael Carter, George Legnani, Adrian Van Schoor, William Power, Brenda Ulliat, Henrietta Shannahan, Pauline Shannahan, Yvonne Karafiat, Susan Hunt, Nida Mogelnikskii, and others (sorry if I've left anyone out).

(Sorry if I've spelt anyone's name wrong)


Looking back, I think that Hampshire ran a pretty tight ship. I suspect that he also knew who the nice teachers were and who the not so nice, and arranged things so that we all had our fair share of both.

However, my principal memories are negative:

It was like a jail, and we were regimented a lot of the time.

There was always an anxiety that I'd do something wrong and get the tacky (or HA Jones' "persuader"). I didn't get punished that often, but half the time it was for an innocent absent-minded mistake.

My time in standard 3 was particularly unhappy because I was landed with a sociopathic dorm-leader.

Some of the female teachers went out of their way to make us feel small.

I think the most positive aspect was the friendships formed.

I would be delighted to get in contact with any of the above.

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am married and have 4 kids (2 eldest have left home).

Great to hear from you, and thanks for your memories which I shall add to the web site when I next do an update.

You mention Mrs Fisher (David Read's terrfying mother)! I must tell that to David Read. I met him last October, and hope to see him again when I go back to Arusha at the end of May.

Your surname sent me back to my parent's archives, and I've found one slide of the Ball family, plus Timothy Hannah standing in the garden. I'm not sure if you have worked it out from the web site, that my father was the rector of Christ Church Arusha from 1953-57, and I seem to remember that we had various boys to tea on Sunday afternoons. I've been looking, but so far haven't had enough to time find anything more, but I seem to remember that your father's names was Wells or Welsley.

I really need to go back to my fathers diaries to check my memories, and I could well be confusing you all with another family. But I seem to remember also that your father was in London in the early 60's and he took me to a rally in Methodist Central Hall, Westminster at which Dr Hastings Banda was speaking.

My slide scanner is on loan at the moment, but when I can I'll see if I can send you a copy of Timothy's picture and any other pictures I might find in the meantime.

I've also got a couple of copies of the Arusha School Magazine, and see that in 1955 Timothy Hannah won a Standard I Form Prize!

Thank-you for your reply.

By the time I arrived at Arusha School, your family had left the vicarage, but I get the impression that both Tim and Dave spent a fair time at your house. In fact, I think it was your Mum who introduced meringues to our family - via Tim who insisted on our Mum trying to make them.

Yes, Dad's name was Wellesley, and he was working at the time as a medical missionary in Mvumi, near Dodoma.
Extract ID: 4975

See also

    * Arusha: Safari Hotel
    * Duluti
    * Ngare Sero
    * Qel
    * David Rydon
    * Mrs. Gladys Rydon
    * Roddy Sword

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Sonia Mayhew
Page Number: 2004 03 01
My Grandmother Gladys Rydon

My daughter Venetia Mayhew has discovered her great grandmother on the internet and we are all intrigued. I should love to get in touch with Alison Aitken and David.

I am the daughter of Gladys Rydon's daughter Pamela. She married my father Roddy Sword in Arusha Church in 1938. He was in Arusha with the 6 KAR. I spent the years 1956 - early 1958 out in that part of the world when I left school and spent a lot of time with my grandmother, living with her at lake Duluti and we travelled to South Africa together and a few years later back to Australia.

Her son Arthur Rydon is still alive living in Sussex. Fur would have flown if Gladys and Margot had known they were being described as sisters! I have some photos including one of the buffalo that killed David Rydon (in 1968 I think) - certainly not in 64. he was killed on his property near Ngurdoto Crater. it wasn't a national park I don't think then.

My grandmother's friend from Mars spelt his name Qel and he was from the 72nd Golden Planet Saturn flotilla. This came out in an interview she did when we were in South Africa. We travelled by sea on the Lloyd Trestino line and on reaching Durban on the return journey, some friends boarded with a newspaper like the Evening Standard and

the headlines were "SPACESHIPS FROM 600 PLANETS PATROLLING EARTH TO AVERT NEW WAR. Tanganyika woman claims dealings with Commander from Saturn ......"

I have no memories of my mother Pamela who disappeared out of my life when I was about two years old but knew David of course and Arthur well. Arthur has a son Godfrey and grand children and great children. Harold Rydon built

and owned the Safari House Hotel. His property was Ngare Sera at Usa River which is now a game lodge owned by Mike Leach. My husband and I stayed there on a recent visit in 2001 and visited Duluti also, the first time I had been back since my grandmother's death in 1964, exactly 40 years ago.

I hope to hear from you.

Sonia Mayhew (nee Sword)
Extract ID: 4845

See also

    * George and Lory Frame

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Helmut Epp
Page Number: 2004 03 02
Researching George & Lory Frame

I wonder if you have come across any other books or articles by George & Lory Frame.

I have the one they published on cheetahs & hunting dogs.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Extract ID: 4867

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Miss Jenkins
    * Bryn Jones
    * George Legnani
    * Sandro Legnani

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Sandro Legnani
Page Number: 2004 03 06
Extract Date: 1958-1962
Sandro Legnani - Arusha School 1958-1962

Dear Madams and Sirs,

my name is Sandro Legnani, and I'd like to enter your feedback as an old Arusha primary school student. I was born in Dar-Es-Salaam in 1951 and with my travelled around the country in several sisal estates, where my father was a chief engineer.

I attended Arusha school from april 1958 till december 1962. I remeber Mr. Hamshere as my headmaster (even his cane) and Mr. Jones was one of my teachers together with Miss Jenkins. I climbed Mount Meru in 1962 with other 9 or 10 students.

My memories are coming back, I'm excited in finding a piece of my history. Let me dig in my memories and recollect them. I left the country, for Italy, in 1968 after my father got seriously ill and never since then returned. Even the English language is not so good now I'm always speaking Italian.

I'll write again and with the help of my brother George (in Arusha from 1956 to 1960 then went to Iringa) we will find some photos of the school and of Arusha and scan them for you.

Bye for now

Extract ID: 4860

See also

    * Captain Harold Rydon
    * Mrs. Margot Rydon

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Dick Ploeg
Page Number: 2004 03 09
Extract Date: 1928
Margot Rydon

Dear David(?),

I noticed your web pages on Arusha, Tanzania and the issue of Margot Rydon being Captain Harold Rydon's second wife.

According to my information Margot Rydon was German by birth and a Countess of Einsiedel.

My interest in her is related to my research into women racing drivers and in particular those driving Bugatti cars. Margot Einsiedel was one of them and I know she married to a Mr. Rydon and lived in Arusha, Tanzania afterwards. More than likely we are looking at the same person here.

Just for your information, the below is a resume of her Bugatti driving career, from my file on her:

<1928 season. This 37A is entered in several events starting with the Targa Florio of 6 May 1928. In this event Countess Einsiedel finished a commendable 12th and her Bugatti had the race number "22". Shortly after this she participated in two further Italian races. In the May 1928 Coppa Etna she had to retire with bearing trouble, while in the June 10, 1928 Premio Reale race in Rome, there was a crash on lap 25. Back in Germany she entered for the German GP to be held at the Nurburgring on 15 July 1928 as a sports car race. In this event she ran her Bugatti in the 750-1500cc category, but retired with bearing trouble after some earlier tyre troubles. Because of her marriage in 1929 to an Mr. Rydon, she does not seem to have raced the T37A in the 1929 season.>>

Needless to say, that I would be much interested into any further information that you may have about her. In particular I would be interested to know how she may have met this Captain Harold Rydon, while she was still in Germany.

Best regards,

Dick Ploeg
Extract ID: 4843

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Ms Ngowi
    * Fredrick Salukele

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Fredrick Salukele
Page Number: 2004 03 09
Extract Date: 1980-1986
Fredrick Salukele - Arusha School 1980-1986

1980-1986 Arusha School Alumni

I am so glad to see that Arusha School is still in so many people's hearts and minds.

I came across the website in general surfing.

I was at Arusha School from 1980 to 1986 as a student and 1974 todate (2004) as a resident.

I am still at Arusha School because one of my parents is a teacher there. I was born in 1974 while my mother (Miss B. Ngowi) was a teacher and still is (probably the longest serving teacher now). However, right now I am working in Dar es Salaam as a Tutorial Assistant at University College of Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS) but I often go to Arusha School at least twice a year.


Fredrick Salukele
Extract ID: 4835

See also

    * Sydney Waller

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Linda Costa
Page Number: 2004 03 14
Extract Date: 1920's
researching Sydney Waller

I am researching an early White Hunter in Kenya - his name was Sydney Waller and he was hunting in the late 1920's.

I can find no mention of him in this book, could you direct me to the author please?

Many thanks, Linda Costa

Like you, I have a copy of the book, but no special contact with the Brian Herne.

I suggest you start by contacting the publishers of the book.

Sorry that I cannot be of more help.

David, sorry I troubled you, I was not really quite sure who I was sending the message to! I don't have a copy of the book, I found it by surfing the net. Don't suppose you could check the index for me? Just to see if there is any mention of A Sydney Waller, who was hunting around 1928 in Kenya. He lived in Nairobi.

Linda - no problem. Presume you are in Australia?

Three mentions, p132, 167n, 175 +n

P132 Waller ("a first class pioneer hunter") was back up to Alan Black, who was selected by Finch-Hatton to look after the Duke of Gloucester on a Royal Safari in 1928.

P167 describes the creation of EAPHA (East African Professional Hunter's Association) at a meeting in the Norfolk Hotel on April 12 1934. Footnote lists those present, including Waller.

P175 Describes a company called Safariland, which arose from the ashes of its predecessor Newland and Tarlton, which had been dissolved in 1919. Waller is amongst those "inherited" by Safariland.

Footnote lists hunters employed between 1921 and 1938, including Waller.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you want to scan in fuller extracts.

Dear David, thank you very much indeed for the information you provided. Yes, I live in Australia, but only for the last two years. We used to live in Zimbabwe. I breed Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and have been quite involved with the breed for many years now. We brought some of our dogs with us when we came here.

I am writing a book on some of the early breeders and owners of Ridgebacks. The first Ridgebacks to go to Kenya were a pack of six who went to Waller - he bought them from Bulawayo breeders in the then Southern Rhodesia. I suspect they would have faded into obscurity, except for the fact that one of his English clients, Mrs Edmond Foljambe, bought two from him and sent them to England - the first to go there. She showed them at Cruft's dog show, and bred them for a number of years. Her nephew has been most helpful in supplying me with information about the dogs.

I hadn't been able to find any other information about Waller - I do know he went to UK, as there is a letter in the Club files from his wife, written from England, mentioning that she wants to start a Club for Ridgebacks.

I was surfing the net seeing if I could track him down, just to see if he did really exist! With your help, this is now established. Thank you very much for your assistance, I will include the notes in my profile on Waller, but I dont need anything further - but it was very kind of you to offer to do that.

Do you live in Africa?

With very kind regards,

Linda Costa
Extract ID: 4855

See also

    * 'Ben' Benbow
    * Momella Lodge
    * Bert von Mutius

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Christa Von Mutius
Page Number: 2004 03 14
Ben Benbow

having looked at your web site I am very keen to trace Ben Benbow or any one who might know his where-abouts.

My name is Christa von Mutius sister of Bertie of Momella Lodge and I'm interested to contact friends from life in Tanzania.

Many thanks for your help

Extract ID: 4853

See also

    * A.C. Hollis

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Marie-anna Pate
Page Number: 2004 03 17
Researching Sir Claude Hollis

My name is Marie-Anna Pate. I recently visited your website searching for books written by my Great Grandfather...Sir Claude Hollis....you have one of his books listed 'The Maasi: Their language and folklore". It was published by Clarendon Press oxford and is listed in the anthropology section. If you could please tell me where I could purchase this book, I would be very greatful


Mrs Marie-anna Pate

Coincidently, last week I found a copy of "Masai, Myths, Tales and Riddles", also by your Great Grandfather. I bought it in the Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford, England.

"This Dover edition, first published in 2003, is a new selection from The Masai: Their Language and Folklore, published by Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, London, in 1905. We have left out the Masai-language samples, have Americanized the English, have slightly reworked two of the proverbs to make them understandable, and have translated into English one passage the author wrote in Latin."

You don't say which country you are from, but you can find this book on the publishers web site


And Amazon UK currently have 5 in stock (at half the price I paid!)


As for the original title, have you tried ABE Books?


A search finds two copies (both in the UK) but very expensive (just under $400)

Take care to get the title right, especially the spelling of Masai.

Ie The Masai, Their Language and Folklore

I can't find any reference to the 1960 edition by the Negro University Press, although it's the Amazon UK database


Here they give an ISBN for the title, (0836988108 ) and a Google search on this leads to Bookfinders


But again, a listing but no copies currently for sale

Extract ID: 4868

See also

    * Margarethe Trappe
    * Rolf Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: A M Hausheer-Hiltpold
Page Number: 2004 03 23
Extract Date: 2004 03 23
Rolf von Trappe

I am looking for the address/e-mail of Rolf von Trappe's sons as I have an important message for them regarding their father.

Thanks for your enquiry.

I'm sorry, but I have no further information to help you contact the sons of Rolf von Trappe.

Extract ID: 4823

See also

    * Gabriel Songa

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Becky Heslin
Page Number: 2004 04 01
Extract Date: 1992
Researching Gabriel Songa

Hunters' fire signals Hadzabe doom

Bwire, Nyamanoko

2003 March 29

Publisher: Arusha Times

Edition: 263

I was wondering if Gabriel Songa is an old friend of mine who was a student in Boulder Colorado at the Economics Institute in 1991, and who went to Mississippi State University in Agribusiness in 1992. My name is Becky Heslin. From Colorado USA

Dear Becky

Personally I have no idea if the Gabriel Songa, DC Mbulu, was a student in Colorado.

However, when I look at http://www.agecon.msstate.edu/Agribusiness/alumni.php

I see a mention of "Gabriel Songa, August 1992, Department of Food Industries, Congo"

I guess if he came from the Congo, it is unlikely that he moved to Mbulu - but it's possible. I going to Tanzania at the end of May, so I shall try to remember to ask and see if anyone knows Mzee Songa.

Were you an Alumni of the same year - I could only see a Becky Knight?

No I am not an alumnus. I was a personal friend of a Gabriel Songa and another man from the Congo named Gregoire Bamvi. I helped them learn to converse in English. They also helped me with my French. It is possible that neither man returned to the Congo for political and personal reasons. I have been trying to look up either one through internet searches. I have not seen them for over ten years. I was thinking by now maybe I could find either one of them. Thanks David for your help. Becky W.
Extract ID: 4842

See also

    * Dr. Bernard Grzimek
    * Serengeti Shall not die

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Ed Carter
Page Number: 2004 04 06
film print of Serengeti Shall not Die

I am the Documentary Curator of the Motion Picture Academy, and am looking

for a film print of Serengeti Shall not die. Any ideas where I might locate


Thanks very much,

Ed Carter

I had a similar enquiry last year from someone looking for an English Language video of the film (he had found it in German).

At the time my best suggestion was to contact Dr. Markus Borner,, who lives out in the Serengeti and represents the Frankfurt Zoological Society. I can't find a specific email address for him, but you could try the enquiry form on the Serengeti web site

and there's an address at the end of this page

More recently I saw mention of a German project to shoot a film about Grzmick. Some details here

Maybe there are some contacts there that could help you more.

Have you tried contacting any of the people involved in the IMAX Serengeti Film. Some of their researchers must have looked at the Grzmick film (I hope).

Another suggestion is to contact the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol - it's full of knowledgeable people.

NHU, BBC Whiteladies Road Bristol BS8 2LR

+44 117 973 2211 Switch board

And a final suggestion is to contact http://www.wildlife-film.com/

They do a monthly newsletter which often has appeals from people looking for specific current or historical footage.

Hope this is of some help.

Let me know if you do track down a print.

Extract ID: 4863

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15
Extract Date: 1960 -1966
Richard Dawtrey - Arusha School 1960 -1966 ish

Have found the site on Arusha school

Found a name I know would like to contact Sarah Holland

Can my address be forward to her ?

I'm sending Sarah a bcc of this email, and will leave it to her to contact you.

Thanks for mail about Sarah, she has been in contact, which is great

I should give you some things I remember about school. 1960 -1966 ish

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.

There are things I remember about school like having to clean shoes on the grass in the quad at weekends.

The big picture in the dining room and that food, I seem to remember dark brown minced beef on toast or was the Mbeya School where I also went.

I read something about tunnels in the river bank which we used to do as well it must have been a trend at school.

Remember making dams in the river as well.

I'm not sure but a coulpe of some of us making a big hole outside the bathroom window on the playing field side

to find spent bullets and cases, goodness knows where thay came from, I still have them somewhere.

The bell made from a railway track, the giant tortoise, which I believe is still alive.

Avocado pears that were eaten to keep the strengh up due to the poor food.

I seem to remember doing nativity plays on the cricket field or was that some other school in africa?

I used to come up from Tanga later in my school life and and asian chap used to come to Moshi to collect

us in a tatty old Ford van which used to backfire all the time.

Climbing up Meru and trips into local game parks

Well happy days but I'm not sure I felt that at the time

Richard Dawtrey

South House Arusha School
Extract ID: 4832

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Richard Dawtry
    * Najib Kahn
    * Mbeya School
    * Louisa Sossi

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2004 04 15a
Extract Date: 1960's
The bus left the road

Myself and my brother Philip lived in Mbeya in the 60's and travelled up to school in an old EA bus which took

three days. There were about 6 of us including Louisa Sossi and her brother, Najib Kahn and others I can't

recall just now. On one trip the bus left the road and rolled over and a photo has been attached, I'm the one

leading the group ot the back of the bus.
Extract ID: 4834

See also

    * Maureen Claridge

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Maureen Claridge
Page Number: 2004 04 16
Extract Date: 1940's
My folks were in Tanganyika

Please talk to me. My folks were in Tanganyika from the early 1940's. My Mum kept a diary from 1945 - and tonight on the Intenet I I see my sister's name (Iringa magazine) and the name of a lady (my Mum knew in 1945) - Lady Lead - 17 years later she is one of the main "manne" in Iringa School.

Please respond. My Mum died on 26th March 2004 (84 years), and as we all know - WHY DID WE NOT ASK QUESTIONS?
Extract ID: 4865

See also

    * Jim Aitkenhead
    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Jim Aitkenhead
Page Number: 2004 04 16
Jim Aitkenhead - Arusha School

I am a former pupil of Arusha School. This email is to enquire whether or not you are still updating your Arusha School Alumni.

I discovered your web site just the other day and would be keen to contribute if you are still maintaining this site. I am in the photograph posted in your site, though I cannot be certain exactly where I am in the picture but a little research will be required as we have the same photo in our archives.

Thanks for your email. Yes I am still maintaining the site, although sometimes it's an uphill struggle finding the time to do it. My database is off-line, and it takes a fair while to upload complete revisions to the site. I plan one day to convert it to an on-line database where new entries will appear straight away.

However, I hope to do an update at the beginning of May, so do please send any information, memories and photos that you may have (plus the dates of when you were at Arusha School) and I can then include them.

Extract ID: 4833

See also

    * Wakamba

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Zuzett Daly
Page Number: 2004 04 17
Extract Date: 17 April 2004
About the wakamba

Hello I would like to know what does the word Wakamba means,where can I find some pictures about it or any thing that you can tell me about the Wakamba peoples.I hope you can help me with this.Thank you!!

Thanks for your email and your question. Unfortunately I'm not going to be much help.

The Wakamba are a tribe from Kenya - just outside the scope of my website which focuses on Northern Tanzania.

However, a search on Google finds this article which will give you a little more information:

If you search for Wakamaba and Kenya, or Wakamba and Tanzania, you will eliminated a lot of the unhelpful links.

Thank you so much for your help,I'm really happy that finally I find some information.I also visit your site and I think is great,congratulation!! I would like to apologize about my English I know is not so good I'm just learning.Thanks once more

Zuzett Daly
Extract ID: 4822

See also

    * Laetoli

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Gábor Paál
Page Number: 2004 04 21
Laetoli footprints

I would like ask for permission to use the Laetoli-Footprints-Picture for a web documentary on the evolution of the human body. The documentary will be published on the websites of the SWR, which is the Public Broadcast for South West Germany. Copyright acknowledgements are given.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Gábor Paál

SWR Baden-Baden

I presume you mean this picture: http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00128.html#03283

In which case the copyright is not mine - in fact you will see from the link that I have copied the image (without permission, but with attribution) from Johanson, Donald C and Edey, Maitland A. Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind 1981

Follow the link above the image, and you will see the full details of the source.

If you go to the publisher you may be able to get a better quality image than the low res scan which I have included.

But feel free to use the scanned image from my site, but obviously respect the original source.

If it's a different image you have found, use a similar method to find the source - I've never managed to get to Laetoli, so don't have any of my own images of the footprints.

Extract ID: 4857

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Allen Moore
    * Euclid Moore
    * Chris Stott

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Allen Moore
Page Number: 2004 04 27
Extract Date: 1974-1979
Allen Moore - Arusha School - 1974-1979

Dear David,

Thanks for such a wonderful website. I have, during periods of my life, experienced great home sickness for Arusha (now being one of those times). I was only there from sometime around 1974 to 1979 (I would have been age 3-8) and I have lived a number of places since then. But I guess in my heart I consider Arusha home. We lived in a big two story colonial house across the street from the Gymkata club on Churchhill Road. Visiting is not an option for me right now so I turn to the internet to fill the homesickness looking for pictures and information about "home". I have spent quite a bit of time reading through the information you have compiled. It has helped me to remember things long forgotten about my childhood. And I have learned a great deal about a town of which I was woefully ignorant when I lived there.

I attended Arusha school while in Arusha. I can't say that I remember much of it (the tortise is about all really). I can't even remember any of the folks I attended school with or my teachers. But I have a sense of fondness when I think of it so it must have been a good experience for me. I actually have more distinct memories of the nursery school I went to (On Churchhill Road I believe) than I do of Arusha school.

My parents have a large collection of photographs from the area. My brother and I are planning on scanning them and creating a digital library for posterity. When we get it done I will see if I have any particularly interesting ones that might be of value to your collection.

Allen Moore

Plano TX, USA

Thanks for your kind comments about the web site. It's good to seeing it being appreciated by a growing number of people that have associations with Arusha, and especially the school.

I just wish I had more time to spend on it, and keep it up to date. In due course I hope to learn how to update it in real time, instead of having to regenerate it, and upload the complete web site. And then there are still lots more photos I'd like to add. And maybe set up a bulletin board so you can post comments on-line.

If you do manage to scan in any photos, do please remember the web site. I'm sure there will be many who will be interested in sharing them with you.

I would like to volunteer my services to help you with the web site. I have a great deal of experience with web technology and would like to be able to contribute to your project. Even if it is simply helping to determine what technologies would be best to accomplish what you want. Like you, I have a full time job and a family to take care of but I can certianly find some time to help. Please let me know if there is something I can do.

Thanks for your great offer.

At the moment I use an Access Database, and over the years I've developed Vbasic code to generate all the HTML pages from the Database.

The host I use doesn't support windows/Access, and anyway I'm not sure that Access is the best solution for an on-line database. I've recently upgraded to a hosting package which supports MySQL.

So, my intention is to migrate to a MySQL database, and write PHP code to generate the pages dynamically.

For a bulletin board, I would use a public domain PHP solution. I've seen many I don't like, but haven't yet researched an optimal solution. Ideas here would be welcome.

I have a reasonable understanding of web technologies - nearly all self taught, but done so with a background of over 30 years in the IT business. I'm currently supporting about 24 web sites which I have developed for clients and friends. My clients are nearly all African Safari operators, or Lodges, and the reason for choosing this niche market was to give me the opportunity to go and visit - some 14 trips to Africa in the last 4 years. If only I could resist taking on new work, then I'd find more time for the nTZ project!

I've started learning PHP in the last few months, and am getting ready to tackle MySQL - I have a client who asking me to convert a small Access database, so it will be good preparation for the big one.

If you have time, any comments you have on the layout of the web site, and the ease of use would be very welcome. Even if I can't easily change now, I can bear it in mind for the dynamic project.

Otherwise, I think the best contribution will be content. Do get scanning those photos!!

By the way, did you find my map of Arusha which I think I drew when I was about 10 years old. Churchhill Road clearly marked, and the Gymkhana Club And maybe your house, although I don't think the buildings represent actual plots. We drove round that loop some 10 years ago, and last year I walked across the playing field (shown in green and labeled 1 on my map). It seemed much smaller than my memories of it as a kid.


I had fun last year visiting the International School in Arusha, and talking to a class of 10 year olds who were doing a "Map Project", and showing them this map and a set of photos taken some 50 years ago. They had no concept of what 50 years meant, but were fascinated by the old photos.

Thanks again for your offer

PS looking at the dates you were in Arusha (1974-79) leads me to ask if your parents were involved at all in the Church (Christ Church). There was a new priest there in 1978 (Chris Stott) who, of all the co-incidences in the world, is now the priest in our local village church in England. Perhaps they would remember him. My parents went back to Arusha in 1978 also, and that's why a few of the photos are from that time.

I agree that you don't want to try and use Access for your backend. Access is notorious unstable in multi-user environments and it is much slower than MySQL. MySQL and PHP would have been my first choice as well. I have a website that I built for my brother that I have been thinking about converting to Data-driven for some time (www.eucledmoore.com ). I intend to use MySQL and PHP for that.

I will look around for some PHP bullentin board. If you can tell me which ones you DON'T like, or what things you don't like about them then I can direct my evaluation a little better.

I will think about the layout. Actually, I it seems pretty good the way it is. But if I have any thoughts I will let you know.

Yes, I did find your map. What a great treasure to have kept all these years! In fact, I was looking for a map of Arusha some months back on the web and that is what led me to your site to begin with.:)

We did not attend Christ Church when in Arusha. My parents were actually working with the Baptist mission teaching at the seminary just north of Arusha. In an unusal turn of events though my wife and I started attending 'Christ Church', Bangkok a few years ago when we were living in Thailand. I was confirmed there and when we returned to the U.S. in 2001 we started attending 'Christ Church' Plano, which is a conservative Episcopal church (I feel I must qualify that with all that is going on in the Episcopal church these days). So I have every intention of visiting 'Christ Church' Arusha when next I have the chance to return there even though I understand now it is primarily a Swahili speaking fellowship.

I know that my father, Eucled Moore, was invited to preach at Christ Church, Arusha on occasion so it is very probably that he knew and was acquainted with Chris Stott (any relation to John Stott?).


Extract ID: 4713

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Deborah Ann Wallace
    * Richard Wallace

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Debbie Thiart
Page Number: 2004 05 02
Extract Date: 1969-1973
Deborah Ann Wallace - Arusha School 1969-1973

I am an old Arusha School student

I was at Arusha school from 1969 till1973. My parents farmed at west kilimanjaro. My mothers family was the Ulyate family, who all went to Arusha School as well. I was Deborah Ann Wallace, my brother was also there at school, he was Richard Wallace. I will at some stage try and give more information, I still have all my old school magazines the photos etc

If anyone from my years still has contact, please contact me.

Debbie Thiart
Extract ID: 4861

See also

    * Seif Soud
    * Zanzibar

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03a
Extract Date: 2004 05 03
This is my art work

Dear Sir/Madam

Im an artist from Zanzibar,actualy I saw your site,very intrest for me.my name is Seif SOUD

I think this is very special and I plan to foward this just to see my art work and get some idea for another addition about zanzibarian art work.

your sicerely

Seif Soud
Extract ID: 4837

See also

    * Seif Soud

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03b
This is my art work

Extract ID: 4838

See also

    * Seif Soud

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03c
This is my art work

Extract ID: 4839

See also

    * Seif Soud

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Seif Soud
Page Number: 2004 05 03d
This is my art work

Extract ID: 4840

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * John Bovenisor
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Bryn Jones
    * Karsten Lund
    * Deryck Matthews

nTZ Feedback, 2004
Extract Author: Deryck Matthews
Page Number: 2004 05 13
Extract Date: 1963
Deryck Matthews Arusha School 1963

The Arusha School Alumni website I have just stumbled across, has jerked back some wonderful memories. I was headboy in 1963 and Mr Hampshire was headmaster and Mr "BL" Jones was my tutor. Although some details have faded over the years some names and faces are still with me. In particular Karsten Lund and John Bovenisor whose families kindly took me in during the half-term breaks, as my family lived in Tabora, a dusty two day trek by train and bus.

And in that photo, back row top left, is myself and my younger brother Chris !!!!!
Previous Feedback / 2005 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:31

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Emil Karafiat
    * Kisimiri

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Emil Karafiat
Page Number: 2005 01
Extract Date: 1959
Dieter Czurn's Info on the Trappes and Emil Karafiat

Dear whoever!!!

I have just found some info on the Trappes / Czurns / and Emil Karafiat / and the Arusha School Alumni of up to 1958. Is there anything on the alumni of 1959ff?

I am Emil Karafiat and would like to get in touch with former pupils of Arusha School as well as with the Czurns. Unfortunately, there is no link on that particular website. Incidentally, I have founded an NGO based in Switzerland, which helps build schools in Northern Tanzania. So far we have built a primary School, a water pipeline of 1.6 km to the school and are currently completing a secondary school in the area. A high school will follow. Our project is currently financed by donors in Switzerland and, we hope, will also be joined by other countries in Europe and the US.

With best wishes Emil Karafiat

Thanks for the email. By bcc I am copying Dieter Czurn, so perhaps he will get in touch with you.

So far I have made it a policy not to put email addresses on the web site, not so much to preserve privacy, but more to avoid providing address for spammers.

I think that all the Arusha School Alumni from the 1958-9 time who have been in touch with me are included on the web site.

If you have time it would be interesting to hear more about the school(s) you are involved with, and from the past any more you can add for the web site about your time at the school.

Thank you so much for enabling Dieter Czurn and myself to get in touch. You are doing a wonderful job. I am most impressed with your website ntz. I shall supply you with information on my work in due course. You might throw a quick glance at our website www.Kisimiri.ch. We have a German and an English version. You may publicize the link if you think it is suitable. Unfortunately, I must admit, it could do with an update. Cheers Emil
Extract ID: 4971

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Rodney Holland
    * Kongwa School
    * Oldeani School

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Rodney Holland
Page Number: 2005 01 06
Extract Date: 1952-1955
Rodney Holland - Arusha School - 1952-1955

Hi there. I have just spent sometime browsing through the Arusha School site and found a lot of interesting information and it has brought back a lot of memories of the time I was at Arusha between 1952 and 1955.

Prior to Arusha I had been to Lushoto School and after Arusha I went to Kongwa .

I remember being sent to Oldeani during my first year as Arusha was full. I was not too happy about that.I was very fortunate in having the chance to climb Mt. Meru twice and I still have vivid memories of those experiences.We lived in Tanga where my father was employed by TANESCO.

I intend to visit Arusha and Tanga this year (2005) and would like some advice on how to get to Tanga my plan is to try to hire a vehicle with a reliable driver in Arusha to take us to Tanga for a couple of days and then return to Arusha would you or anyone else know if this would be be possible if so any contacts in Arusha .I have not been back to Tanga since 1961 .

It's a great site thankyou for it .



Thanks for your email, and kind comments about the site.

We must have overlapped at Arusha school - I was there from 1953-57.

Looking at the school magazine from Feb 56, I see that you were one of the Chorus of Soldiers in the performance of the Charcoal Burner's Son on 1st April 1955!

And you may have seen your name on the board - still hanging in the school


I've recently been given a copy of a history of Arusha School, written in 1974. I should have full extracts from it available in a few days - or whenever I can find the time to do an update of the site. Meanwhile you can access a full pdf version here

http://www.ntz.info/docs/history_of_arusha_school.pdf (360KB)

You will find in it mention of the ill fated attempt to run a branch of the school at Oldeani. (p33)

"An interesting slant on the personality of Hamshere and the difficulties of adequately providing for the growing enrolments comes from the opening of a branch school 100 miles away at Oldeani in 1950. A teacher, Ryan, and his wife offered to run it because they found the prospect of having responsibility and being 100 miles remote from supervision attractive. When the Ryans were due to go on leave in 1952, a new master, Edmonson, and his wife arrived to relieve them. However Ryan considered them unsuitable to take over the "personal empire" he had built up, so he refused to hand over, locked the buildings and left for Arusha. Hamshere was not able to resolve the crisis: the Ryans went on leave, the Edmonsons resigned, and the branch school never reopened."

Now, Tanga.

I spent a few weeks there in 1957 waiting for the boat to take us home to England, and, like you, have not been back since. If you are inclined to beaches, consider a few days down the coast at Pangani. I know the people who run http://www.emayanilodge.com/ . Depending on hotels in Tanga, it may be worth basing yourself here, and taking a day trip to Tanga. Are you interested in WWI, and the battle of Tanga etc. If so, it would be worth trying to find a guide who knows a bit about it and can help you find things. I'd need to ask about to track one down.

There is certainly one Tanzanian guide/driver based in Moshi, with car, who I can totally recommend - but I need to find his contact details. So let me know when are you planning to visit, and what else you have planned for Arusha or beyond. Ie do you just need a driver for a Tanga extension, or for a longer safari? Depending on the answers, I can then put you in touch with some people.

Note that I'm not a travel agent! Apart from looking after ntz.info, I maintain several websites for African Safari companies, many in Tanzania, and use that as an excuse to visit whenever possible.

Thankyou for your quick reply to my email.I remember being in the choir at school and enjoying it infact at one time I had dreams of grandeur of being a pop star but never made it.

Now our proposed visit to Tanzania there will be 4 of us going and we are proposing to go in August at this stage we havent made a definite plan as we are gathering info.However a proposal is that we would need a vehicle and driver to take us from Arusha to Tanga which I assume would take a day then we would stay in either Tanga or Pangani for 5 days then return to Arusha.We would like to have the vehicle and driver available for this period of 7 days but it would depend on costs.Your idea of visiting Pangani sounds good.After the first week we are considering visiting the game reserves around Arusha.Sorry I cant be more detailed at this stage but I really need to find out if the above is practical and within our budget. Looking forward to hearing from and thanks for your help.
Extract ID: 4977

See also

    * Ossie Barratt
    * Kenyon Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Margaret Thompson
Page Number: 2005 01 10
Ray R. Ulyate

I think I read somewhere in the notes on Ray R. Ulyate, my Grandfather, that the Name of Kenyon was not known. This was the Name of my Uncle "Ken" who had a farm on the slope of Kilimanjaro, just West of Sanya Juu. Ken had been one of Ray's right hand men on his safaris, but after the war went farming. He bred Frisian cattle.

Most interested in this site as I was looking for information for my own purposes

Margaret Thompson

Eldest daughter of Thora Barratt (nee Ulyate)

and Oswald H. Barratt.
Extract ID: 4978

See also

    * Federick Allen

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Simon Hales
Page Number: 2005 01 28
Extract Date: 1948
Seeking information about Allen family

I was wondering if any family members you quote, remember any Allen's who bought a farm in Tanganyika during the late 1948 onwards.

I realise that Tanganyika is a very large area, but its an enquirey in the off chance someone remembers their name.

There was Frederick Allen, his wife Gladys Allen and sons Tony and Maurice as well as her dtr Gladys as well.

Any info would be great but I realise the chances are slim.

I am trying to compile a family tree.

Many thanks

Simon Hales


I don't think I can add any more information to that which is already on the web site, so I'll add your email to the feedback section, and see if anyone responds.
Extract ID: 4973

See also

    * Nigel Borrissow
    * Russell Bowker-Douglas
    * Russ Bowker-Douglass
    * Kongwa School
    * Manyara Hotel
    * Tanganyika Tours and Safaris Company
    * Peter Taverner
    * Peggy Tisdall
    * Denton Webster

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Russ Bowker-Douglass
Page Number: 2005 01 28
Extract Date: 1949-1954
Russ Bowker-Douglass - Arusha School 1949-54

Great news being told of your web site. I was at Arusha school from 1949-1954 when I was enrolled at Kongwa until I left school in 1957.

My father, Russell Bowker-Douglass started Tanganyika Tours & Safaris from Arusha and went on to build and own Lake Manyara Hotel until he was nationalized like every one else by the Nyerere government.

I went on to be involved in aviation until I retired at the end of 1999 when I was a "Jumbo" captain and instructor pilot for a major airline and 25,000hrs flying experience!

As you can see from my address, I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Its where the expression, "Godzone" came into being!! I have the good fortune to be surrounded by not only ex-Arusha School but ex-Kongwa-ites too. To name but a few, Peter Taverner, Denton Webster and Nigel Borrissow.

Numerous ex-Kenyans live near me too, Thadie and Lavinia(nee Allan) Ryan, Dave Power, Peggy Tisdall, John & Robin Channer and Dennis & Anne Bower to name but few. The local Ex Kenya Regiments meetings from this area often fronts up over 100 at curry do's.

I would like you to publish what you can of this letter in the hope I may get in touch with friends from long ago.

Best regards, Rusty

Russ Bowker-Douglass

Great to hear from you. I'll put your email on the web site and we'll see who pops up to get in touch.

Do please write with more memories (and maybe you can dig out some pictures), they are always welcome for the web site.

Did you see the "history of Arusha School"
Extract ID: 4974

See also

    * Michael McPhillips

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Michael Mcphillips
Page Number: 2005 02 03
Extract Date: 1963
We used to live in Arusha

I am travelling to Arusha in April, and was thrilled to see the photograph you guys. I was very friendly with the Trappe (In particular Rolf ) from Soni and Ratcliffe. In Fact we shared a room in Lower sixth in Ratcliffe.

I would love to make contact with either Richard or Rolf especially if they are in Arusha.

I remember Rolf talking about a water pistol that he was given by John Wayne and something about John Wayne shooting an elephant when making Hatari Do you know anything about these events.

I think Richard might have had a few scenes in Sammy Going South is this correct?

We used to live in Arusha and moved to Tanga @ 1963

a great site

Michael McPhillips

Thanks for your email. I'm going to copy it to Dieter because I think he may have email addresses for the Trappes.

I'll also put your email on the website, and maybe that will cause more memories to be invoked.
Extract ID: 4981

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Colleen Hoffman
    * Kirsty Jani
    * Kirit Patel
    * Danuta Sheliga

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Kirti Jani
Page Number: 2005 02 04
Extract Date: 1966 - 1970
Kirti Jani - Arusha School 1966 - 1970

To whom it may concern,

Please help me find Richard and Peter Hatter from Arusha School during the years 1966-1970 if you have any means of accessing their addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail.

I was reading Richard's letter and acknowledge his memories which are similar to mine from about the same years in school. I left Arusha school in December of 1970. If I remember right, I was at Arusha from either 1966 or 1967.

My name is Kirti Jani and was at Arusha during the Jones/Nettlebeck era. I remember quite a few things at the school that I was a participant of. I was in Horseback Riding School,Swimming Classes with ALL THE PLATES COLLECTED FROM THE UNDERWATER SWIM TEST, Soccer, Field Hockey, Rugby, High Jump, Long Jump, Dorm Leader, one of the THREE KINGS IN THE NATIVITY PLAY, The Principal's Best of Three spanks in his office ( I REMEMBER I HAD MASTERED THE SPANKING AND WAS ALWAYS READY TO BE RE-DISCIPLINED), The rider of the football field tortoise, to mention a few of the things I cherrished.

Some of the students I remember are:

Danuta Sheliga, Colleen Hoffman, Ian and Alan Alister (I think the spelling might be incorrect) from Van Couver, Canada; Said Ali, Mohammed Ali, I think it was Ian Fernandes, Lorenzo Trevizani from Italy; Possibly Kirit Patel. I don't recall Richard Hatter, but he may recall me since he was a horseback rider and knew Danuta, the girl with the braces on her teeth.

The Teachers I remember are Mr. Stones for sure, but I forgot the Riding school teacher.

Sorry I can't remember all the folks at Arusha Primary School, but every little bit helps.

My younger brother Bharat Jani was also attending Arusha if anybody can remember him.

Anyway, I am now in USA and am hopeful and thankful to this wonderful highway to bringing back the past and am excited to hear from those who remember me or re-collect the times during the years 1966-1970.

Love Always! Kirti
Extract ID: 4983

See also

    * Sarah Burnett
    * Nick Cashin
    * Michael McPhillips

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Michael McPhillips
Page Number: 2005 02 04
to Sarah Burnett

I am Michael McPhillips and have come across your message

Nine Kids . My Father was the Resident Magistrate and my mother a doctor. Both parents are deceased as are two of my sisters

Declan (Brother) was in Arusha school. Nick and Bizzy Cashin were our neighbours and lived overlooking the rugby field.

We (my family) are heading to Arusha in April.

I remember the grocer and how we were able to put our sweets on the account,!!

I've blind copied this to Sarah, and perhaps she will be in touch with you for a few more reminiscences.

Do consider sending an email after you visit in April, I'm sure there will be many interested in any account you have of the changes you observe.

I may also be in Arusha in April - maybe we'll bump into each other somewhere.
Extract ID: 4985

See also

    * Jayne Ferrier
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Jayne Ferrier
Page Number: 2005 02 06
Extract Date: 7-8-1950
names of ships

My polish family were in ifunda Tengeru, they left there 7-8-1950 from dar es salaam to sail to the uk, no.t281,

is there a list of ships that left at that time, or any information on the names of people that were in the camps.



I'm sorry, but I have no immediate information which might help you.

I'll put your email on the web site, and maybe there will be a response from someone who can help.

Maybe the researchers behind the General Langfitt story http://www.immi.gov.au/research/publications/langfitt/

May be able to help, but I have no more idea about how to contact them

Good luck in your enquiries, and if you find any information which may be of interest to other, please do pass it on for publication on the web site.
Extract ID: 4984

See also

    * Alkarim Abdulla
    * Arusha School Alumni

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Alkarim Abdulla
Page Number: 2005 02 13
Extract Date: 1973-75
Alkarim Abdulla -Arusha School 1973-75

former student Alkarim abdulla

living in toronto

was there from 73- 75
Extract ID: 4986

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Gertrude Goode
    * Alan McFarland

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Alan McFarland
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1935 - 1943
Alan McFarland - Arusha School 1935 - 43

I went to Arusha from 1935 to 1943. Mrs Goode was the Matron and I remember her very well. I was only 5 years old. I can still taste the tablespoon of liquid quinine received from her every night - and feel the red hairbrush that delivered some well deserved whacks! We loved her dearly.

I have a few photographs of pupils from that era. I would like to see the photographs that Helen Goode has of her maternal grandmother.

Alan McFarland.
Extract ID: 4987

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Kongwa School
    * Molomo
    * Momella Lodge
    * Sanya Juu
    * Ulyate
    * Bert von Mutius
    * Christa von Mutius

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Christa von Mutius
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 1950's
Christa von Mutius - Arusha School - 1950's

Sanya Juu

My mother and step-father (Bill and Nana Seitz) farmed not far from the Ulyate family and my two brothers (Bertie von Mutius and Barry von Mutius - both now deceased) and I went to school at Kongwa (I think) with some of them. Certainly I was friendly with Valerie Ulyate.

Our farm was called Molomo. Before his death Bertie ran a safari business from Momella, a beautiful lodge not far from Usa River and with wonderful views of both Meru and Kilimanjaro. I also attended Arusha school and knew the New Arusha Hotel very well.

Great to read about those wonderful places! What a privilege it was to have grown up there!

Christa Bond (nee von Mutius)
Extract ID: 4988

See also

    * Aidan Hartley

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Christa Bond (nee von Mutius)
Page Number: 2005 02 14
Extract Date: 2005 02 14
best book

The best book I've read for a long time about E. Africa is The Zanzibar Chest by Aidan Hartley.

christa bond

Thanks for this. I've skimmed through the book at a friends house, and have been meaning to buy it, but haven't added it "unseen" to the book list because I wasn't sure how much it came with the remit of Northern Tanzania.

I'll take another look.
Extract ID: 4989

external link

See also

    * Rolf Ackermann
    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Rolf Ackermann
Page Number: 2005 02 19
Extract Date: Feb 2005
Die weiße Jägerin

Thanks for your perfect Website which gave me a lot of good information about Tanzania. May I put your and your readers attention on the book


by Rolf Ackermann

Droemer-Knaur Verlag (Germany)

ISBN 3-426-19681-6

(see www.Droemer-Knaur.de)

Published in Febr. 2005

It's the biographical Story of the legendary German Huntress Margarete Trappe, who came to Eastafrica in 1907 and built up the later well known Momella Lodge (Mount Meru), which became famous with the movie "Hatari" with John Wayne and Hardy Krüger. This book covers the history of East Africa with a lot of information about "Mama " Jeyo" Trappe", about Zanzibar and the german Colony Deutsch-Ostafrika.

Rolf Ackermann

from www.Droemer-Knaur.de (follow the link)

Die weiße Jägerin

Als die Briefe ihres Bruders aus Afrika eintreffen, beginnt die junge Margarete davon zu träumen, ebenfalls dorthin zu gehen. 1907 bricht sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Ulrich nach Deutsch-Ostafrika auf. Am Fuße des Kilimandscharo weiß sie sofort: Hier ist ihre Heimat.Margarete und Ulrich bauen eine Farm auf, die zu einem Paradies für sie und ihre Kinder wird. Doch im Gegensatz zu Margarete kann ihr Mann Afrika nur wenig abgewinnen. Verständnislos bleibt er zurück, wenn sie wochenlang durch die Savanne und den Busch reitet, auf der Jagd nach Löwen und Elefanten. Margarete gewinnt schnell das Vertrauen der schwarzen Einheimischen, die die weiße Jägerin unendlich bewundern. Je mehr sich das Ehepaar voneinander entfremdet, desto stärker wird Margaretes Liebe zu Anthimos, der ihre Leidenschaft für Afrika teilt. Beim Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs will er mit ihr Afrika verlassen. Doch Margaretes Herz hängt an diesem Land und an ihrer Farm ...
Extract ID: 4990

See also

    * Kidugala
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Diane Winkler
Page Number: 2005 02 23
Extract Date: 1940's
Researching Kidugala

I am researching for a book I plan to write about those Polish nationals who were deported by Stalin in 1939 and after a long odyssey finally shipped to East Africa and lived in the fugitive camp of Kidugala in Tanzania. I myself stayed in Kidugala from 1972 to 1974 as a child and saw the Polish graves on the cemetery. I am very interested in first hand reports and above all any pictures. I am aware of the existence of The General Longfitt Story and have read it. It would be wonderful if I could get into contact with the authors. So far I haven't been lucky with this.

Can you help?

I am a historian but also personally involved and very, very keen to write about these people.

Not sure how to help really. I presume that you followed the links on the General Langfitt back to the Australian Immigration web site. Have you tried emailing any contact names there for more information.

Look carefully at the various links on the Tengeru page, and some may take you to other sites with more information on the various Polish camps in Africa.

I guess you are interested in Kidugala because you stayed there - in much the same way as I remember visiting Tengeru as a child, although totally unaware of its background. However the Polish story seems a lot more complex than just these individual camps.

If I come across anything else I'll let you know. I'll include your email on the website, and that might invoke some memories, and do please let me know if you come across anything related to Tengeru etc.
Extract ID: 5041

See also

    * Patrick Hemingway
    * Emil Karafiat

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Emil Karafiat (junior)
Page Number: 2005 02 23
Extract Date: 1950's
Researching Emile Karafiat

I was most excited to come across this website for one particular reason. My father, Emile Karafiat, was a Swiss Professional Hunter in Tanzania in the 1950s and early 60s. He died in 1964 at the age of 51. I was only 12 years old at the time. Meanwhile I have tried to find out as much as I possibly can about my dad.

In his little Safari Report booklet, in which he listed all his safaris, I came across a little handwritten entry, about 1961, with the name Pat Hemingway. Of course I am most curious to know whether Pat might remember my father in any way. My father was already very ill at the time.

Could you possibly pass this message on to Pat, requesting him to provide me with a feedback, or could you supply me with his address so that I might contact him? My sole motive is to try and fit together the pieces of a puzzle that might enable me to learn more about my father.

Many thanks in advance for your help. Emil Karafiat (junior)

I don't have any direct knowledge of Pat Hemingway, but I'll put your email on the web site, and maybe someone will come forward.
Extract ID: 5042

See also

    * Michael McPhillips

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: JnMcphl
Page Number: 2005 02 28
Searching Jeremy Wright

Declan McPhillips is my dad and wants to know about Jeremy Wright. Declan is michaels younger brother
Extract ID: 4993

external link

See also

    * Sir Charles Ross

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Jeff Ross
Page Number: 2005 03 05
Extract Date: 2005 03 05
Sir Charles Ross is not an Englishman

I am writing to let you know that Sir Charles Ross is not an Englishman as stated on this page of your site (http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00536.html#03811). He is Scottish and a descendant of the Scottish Ross line and the Rosses of Balnagown. Please correct the information on your site. If you would like more information about him, please see this link [click on 'link' in margin] or do a Google search for Sir Charles Ross Balnagowan.

Thank you,

Keeping you in touch with your Clan,

Jeff Ross,

Extract ID: 4992

See also

    * KNCU
    * N Pandya

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Nachi Pandya
Page Number: 2005 03 29
Searching Mr N Pandya

I write to inquire if KNCU ( Mr Kimaro or any one left at the KNCU) have any memorabilia on my father whose name was Mr N Pandya and to his friends he was known as Mzee Pandya.

I would like to have some contact with these esteemed members who could say some word re Dad
Extract ID: 5037

See also

    * Bob Foster
    * Sydney Waller

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Tom Lawrence
Page Number: 2005 04 03
Extract Date: 1940's
Feedback on Sydney Waller

Not too sure how one can give information back on queries raised by Linda Costa

My father was a professional hunter in his latter years, but knew Sydney Waller well in Voi (Kenya) when he was one of the early Game Wardens in Tsavo National Park. At that time Sydney was living out his last years as an old man. He was nicknamed "The Ground Hornbill" as he would walk along in a similar pose, muttering under his breath, which sounded remarkably like the birds when they wander through the bush calling to each other. He was also part of those who used to frequent the Voi Hotel as their local watering hole. He died in the early 1950s (I have the exact date at home) from malaria. As far as I know he was bachelor by then.

Bob Foster, another famous hunter was also in the area at the time, and between them they would take Sydney's annual elephant licence and shoot the elephant for him. He would the supervise the extraction of the tusks which would in turn be sold and keep Sydney in money for the next year or so.

Can give you more information about him but more from a hunting perspective, although as far as I can remember, I know nothing about him being linked with Rhodesian Ridgebacks, but would assume he would have used them for.

Hope this is of some help, and please let me know if you want more info.
Extract ID: 5040

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mrs Fischer
    * Torsten Möller
    * Peter Woodrow

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Peter Woodrow
Page Number: 2005 04 03
Extract Date: 1952-4
Peter Woodrow - Arusha School 1952-4

Just discovered this site by chance!

I was at Arusha 1952-4 after a spell at the Junior European School in Burton St, Dar. We arrived in Dar late 1949/ early 1950 from Nigeria and Cameroon and my father was Director of the PWD until early 1963.

My most recent visit to the school, and to the fascinating son of Mrs Fischer, David Read was in 2002 . As others have recorded, both the old " Conquered Meru" boards and the long suffering tortoise are still there, as is that large picture of the Rift Valley mountains which presided over the smell of boiled vegetables and old soup in the dining hall.

The piano, around such unlikely songs as " A north country maid" from northern England were dinned ( the right word I think) into the young East Africans, also survives ,but is mechanically imperfect/wrecked. The school could do with the attention of a band of painters and carpenters to restore it to its former state, but the inmates , in their bottle green kit, look much as we did.

Memories of the place, the " safaris" to and from it, ( remember one of the Stewart girls falling out of the train and being lost for a day or two circa 1957?) and the teachers are still very vivid, as is the love of that de Beer lady, (matron in the Junior Block) for wielding the the taki. The staff were certainly mixed,- some very kind, and others, well, less so. Mrs Fischer had, beneath that very dominant exterior, a heart of gold.

Interesting to see Torsten Mollers contribution, - I knew his sister Nina and brother Mike well and we just happened to meet getting off a plane in Copenhagen around 1982.

An idea might be to compile a chronological list of alumni from all the correspendents memories with their dates and last known sightings so that we could try to track down a few more of them?
Extract ID: 5039

See also

    * 'Ben' Benbow
    * (Major) John Jolly
    * Nick Jolly
    * Lake Rukwa
    * Col. Middleton
    * Sao Hill School
    * Tanganyika Roadways
    * Bert Western

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Nick Jolly
Page Number: 2005 04 04
Extract Date: 1947-1951
Sao Hill School

Very Interested to find your site whilst trying to locate information on the School I attended in the Southern Highlands near Iringa from 1947-1951. My father (Major) John Jolly had left the army after the war and obtained a job with the Government sponsored Ground nut scheme. We were first based at Mohambiqua (? Spelling) then Chunya , Arusha (living in the Arusha Hotel which was run by the Benbow family who later moved to run a Hotel on Zanzibar and finally in Tanga. When the ground nuts failed to grow quite as was expected of them, my father ,an engineer transferred to a new haulage company called Tanganyika Roadways.

I have many happy memories of this period of my life (jiggers and all!) and particularly remember, whilst living in the old goldmining town of Chunya ,going to a crocodile farm run by a Frenchman on Lake Rukwa which is mentioned on your site. In the dry season the tributaries dried up leaving pools in which the crocs. Gathered. These were located by Africans in dugouts using spears with string and cork float attached. When a croc came near to the bank a group of extremely brave Africans (as I saw it aged 8) entered the water and, having located the blunt end of the creature (the tail) under water dragged it out by its tail and dispatched it with shortened pickaxes. As I remember this gruesome carnage was accompanied by much singing and merriment. The banks were littered with crocodile skeletons picked clean by the ever present vultures.

I have always felt that I was incredibly fortunate to live as a child in Africa and would welcome any advice on locating information/contact with others who attended Sao Hill School

You mention your father joined Tanganyika Roadways. Do you have any more information about the company. There is a road in Arusha called Col. Middleton road, and someone suggested that he was associated with/in charge of a company called something like Tanganyika Roadways - set up to provide transport to farmers to get their crops to the railways for export etc.

I'm off to Tanzania at the weekend - I'll try to do a site update before I go, but if not it will be the end of the month before I can do it.

From memory my school was called the Southern Highlands School, Sao Hill near Iringa. The headmaster was Geoffrey Holland and Deputy was Lycett who had played cricket pre war for England. I recall with some pride that my record was seven beatings in one term.

My father worked with a Bert Western though I will check his address book to be sure. From my memory he was the senior but whether he was the MD or owner I am not sure. When my father died in 1990 I found Bert's telephone number and rang him, he was living I believe in Surrey but doubtful he will still be alive, but I believe he had children.

Tanganyika Roadways, with vehicles painted deep blue with yellow lettering ranged from Matadors with circular gun apperture in the cab roof to the mighty Diamond Tee Clippers that had been used to carry Tanks. All were ex-WD and were brought in from landing craft near Lindi beach for the Ground Nut Scheme.

When that folded Tanganyika Roadways bought the plant to set up business. My father was in charge of the jungle clearing plant and had hair raising tales of what went on. Health and Safety was in it's infancy.

Have a good trip, I am envious. I joined the Merchant Navy to try to get back! I still remember the aromas when, in the rainy season (it rained at night in my memory!) I woke up with the hot sun beginning to dry the vegetation.
Extract ID: 5038

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Charles Didham
    * John Goodman
    * Sanya Juu
    * Bill Seitz
    * Nana Seitz

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Page Number: 2005 05 08
Charles Didham. Arusha School 1958-1960

My parents Major Richard and Lallie Didham had a farm in Sanya Juu from 1951 until 1961. We were neighbors to Bill and Nana Seitz, The Barratts and The Goodmans, I remember the children well. We used to get together on special occasions like birthdays and have huge parties. One time at our house a match found its way into the box of fireworks, what followed was like W.W. 3 for about thirty seconds!

I also went to Arusha School from 1958 until 1960. Interestingly enough I went back there in January this year to show my wife and children where I was raised. It was a very nostalgic trip. I met David Read for lunch one day and we reminisced about the old days but also were enthusiastic about the future. I would like to reestablish contact with anyone who in interested.

Charles Didham
Extract ID: 5455

See also

    * Greg Dogan
    * Richard Hatter
    * Kirsty Jani
    * Dipak Patel

nTZ Feedback, 2005
Extract Author: Richard Hatter
Page Number: 2005 07 25

Been 2 years since I checked out the website.

Interesting to see 2 new names I recall well KIRTI Jani I recall very well, and I want to contact him please.

Secondly Dipak Patel.

I also came across an Old Arushan Greg Dogan who was there a few years after I had left but amazingly we work for the same company...and met up in Dalian China recently and discovered we both went to Arusha.

Please CAN YOU PASS MY DETAILS ON TO Kirti and Dipak and the attached recent picture.

PS I have loads of movie film of the school nativity play, with BL Jones the tortoise etc.My dad took it on an old cine-camera and I have managed to save it and put it on VCD
Extract ID: 5434

Previous Feedback / 2006 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:28

      For 2006, I'm sorry I'm way behind in putting your feedback on to the website. Rather than work through the backlog, with a risk of never catching up, I'm trying to keep up to date in 2007.

See also

    * C.C Monckton & Co.
    * H.W. Sear

nTZ Feedback, 2006
Extract Author: Roderick MacInnes
Page Number: 2006 03 05

For some unknown reason or another today, I just decided to enter my grandfather's name into Google search, and low and behold I found an entry in your system under the heading C.C. Monckton & Co. for H.W. Sear Ltd.

My grandfather was H.W. Sear, Henry William Sear. I believe that he died about 1936 in England, having left his farm at Lumuru (excuse me if the spelling is incorrect) just prior to that as he was suffering from a form of cancer. I know that he had 6 children, and that his wife (Constance Mary) left Africa when he passed away. I believe that one of his sons (Paul, Henry, or Oliver) may have stayed on to look after his business after he passed away. My mother was born just outside Nairobi in 1923, and told me a number of stories about her father including that he imported John Deere tractors into Kenya. I'm also aware that he was an avid pilot and flew a Gypsy Moth into and around that area. I in fact have the clock from his last plane.

But unfortunately I know little else.

Do you, by any stroke of luck, have any other information or photographs of anything connected to him that you would be able to forward to me.

Please can you help, or point me in the direction of someone who might be able to.

Yours faithfully

Roderick MacInnes


Glad to have been able to provide a tiny bit of the puzzle of your grandfather's life.

The entry you found was a copy of an advert in a little booklet published in 1929 to promote Arusha town. Advert obviously by a firm called CC Monckton who were agents for HW Sear.

Unfortunately I think that will be all I know. My focus is mainly on Northern Tanzania, and I don't have many books relating to Kenya. I've just looked in a 1927 East African Handbook, but can't see any adverts or other information about HW Sear. You would need to find people who specialise more in Kenyan history.

For example there is:

Europeans in British Administered East Africa, A provisional List 1889 - 1903

Stephen J North

ISBN 0 9524754 2 1

First ed 1995

Second ed (with illustrations) 2000

pub privately (I think) by

Stephen J North

22 Belmont


OX12 9AS

Good luck in your search

Extract ID: 5125

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mark Morgan
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback, 2006
Page Number: 2006 07 30
Extract Date: 1956-57
Gaynor Watkins, Arusha School, 1956-57

Not sure if this is the right email address but will give it a try. I went to Arusha School from 1956 - 57 and am about go back to Arusha for the first in nearly 50 years in four weeks time I saw one of the emails was from Mark Morgan who I knew well. Any chance of exchanging email addresses. My name then was Gaynor Watkins

Many thanks

Gaynor (Watkins) Hicks


I'm copying Mark with this email, and hope you can then make contact.

Enjoy your trip - you will find big changes in Arusha, but suprisingly most of the layout and the main buildings around the clock tower remain the same (except for the New Arusha Hotel which has been rebuilt). There's been a lot of clean-up also over the last few years, but the population has grown enormously, and behind the main roads there are extensive shanty towns. School is still there, with about 1200 pupils in buildings which housed 300 50 years ago. I heard recently that some of the eucalytus trees had fallen on the headmaster's house. Not sure if the school will be open in August/September. And of course the tortoise is still there.

We must have overlapped - I was there 1953 - April 1957.

Will be interested in any feedback after your visit.

Thanks so much for getting back to me David. Our paths must have crossed!

My brother Keith Watkins was 4 years older than me so was there longer. I was only 5 and think was only there 18 months before we left Arusha to go and live in Fiji. We used to live at Olmitonyi - my father was with the forestry department and buil a school out there 50 years ago It was a long way out of town and we lived across the road from a masai village.

I am going back to there to help be part of a team of volunteers with Rotary who are going to help with the building some more classrooms for St Judes School - a school built for children from extremely poor backgrounds. Expect it will be quite emotional. I started looking at the website so I could pych myself up to see the changes. I was born in Arusha Hospital in 1952 so hope there is something l left of that.

I remember the tortoise and have photos of it somewhere - amazing it is still there! I will be in Arusha for 4 weeks so hopefully the school will still be there.

I was in Mark Morgan's brother class - Brian - My parents were good friends of theirs and we did catch up when we were in England about 35 years ago - the last time I say Mark. I say his mother and father on another visit 20 years ago. My father is still alive and still keeps in contact with some of the people he knew there.

Great website. Will be great if I hear from Mark as it sounds he went there last September so will maybe will be able to give me some more info.

Will take photos and let you know how I go.
Extract ID: 5157

Previous Feedback / 2007 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:26

See also

    * Brian Duncan

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Hazel Redgrave
Extract Date: 08-Oct-2007
Lake Victoria Hotel (photograph with family)

Yes, that is the old Lake Victoria Hotel at Entebbe. If you enter that title in Google Images, you'll see an almost identical hotel frontage, albeit modernised.

Kind regards, Hazel.
Extract ID: 5484

See also

    * Momella
    * Margarethe Trappe
    * Gerd von Lettow-Vorbeck

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Verena Hinsch
Page Number: 2007 01 18
Extract Date: 30 Jan 2007
movie about the life of Margarete Trappe and Momella

With great interest we read some of the comments with regard to Momella Farm.

On the 30th of January 2007 a movie about the life of Margarete Trappe and Momella will be shown on the German TV Channel (ZDF) all over the world and we are very excited about it.

The book: 'Am Fusse des Meru' was mentioned in one of your comments - it was written by Gerd von Lettow Vorbeck!

We are also glad to read that business around Momella, esp with the two owners of the farm (one from Namibia!) is going well. We were born in Namibia and our heart and soul are part of the wonderful African continent.

Verena and Manfred Hinsch

I wish I could see the film, and even more, I wish I knew German so as to be able to follow it, and many other works about Margaret Trappe and others in Tanzania.

I presume that it is Marlies and Jörg that you refer to, as the two owners of the farm because I see from http://www.hatarilodge.com/ueber_uns_und_kontakt.php that Marlies is from Namibia.

I know that they have been involved in the making of the film, so if you are not in touch with them, I'm sure they would welcome contact.

thanks for the mail. I've been in contact with Jörg and Marlies and am very happy that they had some involvement in the movie. Africa is a great place ... if ever you are able to visit, go see Namibia too - one of the greatest.

Regards, Verena
Extract ID: 5187

See also

    * Arusha: New Arusha Hotel
    * Tony O'Brian
    * Nicky Renouf

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Nicky Renouf
Page Number: 2007 01 19
Extract Date: 1970
Executive assistant manager at The New Arusha

I was executive assistant manager at The New Arusha , for about 10 months in 1970.

I worked for African Tours and Hotels, and spent the time there as there were problems (aren't there always) with my Kenya Work Permit.

I was only 20/21 and fresh out of hotel college. The previous young expats had decided to leave (due to the hard conditions imposed on us) and disappeared overnight, their tickets being paid for by some guests.

The Hotel was being run in a largly despotic manner, by Tony O'Brian, known to all as Mkaki due to the highly starched safari gear he used to wear. He had the most sophisticated spy network , and knew exactly what we had been up to , almost before we did it!

He was an ex hunter, and well I remember shooting with him at West Kilimanjaro,Tony sitting on a shooting stick , quaffing from his hip flask at the same time as effortessly shooting large numbers of sand grouse.

We worked extremely hard, often from 7 am till 2 the next morning, and that included his hard working wife who was I believe called Phil.

There are any number of stories about my time there, when parts of the old building were still in use, greeting the King of Denmark, the tanzanite smuglers shooting at each other as they went round the roundabout.

Lots of stories, but not a place I recall as being the happiest posting of my career.

Nicky Renouf
Extract ID: 5185

external link

See also

    * Margarethe Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Lorraine Chittock
Page Number: 2007 02 02
Extract Date: 2000
I met a hunter

I was wondering if you might be able to help.

I met a hunter just outside Arusha/Mt. Meru's National Park back in 2000. (I lived in Kenya for five years.) He told me a Baroness was buried there and the man who killed Mt. Meru's last elephant. I came across some gravestones the same day.

Is any of this related to the Von Trappe family? I've looked on the internet and can't find a thing. If you don't know, do you know anyone who would? I'm a writer and it's a tidbit of information I'd like to put in my next book. Any leads appreciated!

I'm sure the "Baroness" would be Margarete Trappe (no von I think). This extract says "Popular belief holds that when Mrs von Trapp, the Austrian owner of Momella farm West Meru, died after having lived there for many years, a herd of elephants of which she was very fond trumpeted mournfully outside her house." http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00625.html#id04394

So it wouldn't have been her who shot the last Elephant! In fact I'm not sure that anyone did in that I saw elephants up near Mt Meru's crater rim in 1994, and I'm pretty sure they are still around.

Best contact to find out more would be Marlies and Jorge who own the Hatari Lodge just inside the Park. Http://www.hatarilodge.com/ueber_uns_und_kontakt.php

They have far more knowledge about the history of the area and of Margarete Trappe - in fact they have been involved in the making of a film about her which has recently shown on German television.

Also up on the mountain near the fig tree arch there is the remains of an old hunting lodge. I'm desparately trying to remember the name of the man who owned it. I think it was someone called Nagel - but I'll need to search my notes to confirm. Maybe he hunted elephant until it seemed there were none left.

Try to find Momella: an African Game Paradise, by von Rogister. That will tell you more about Margarete Trappe. (abebooks.com has a few copies).

Please let me know if you find out more.

No, I guess she wouldn't have been the one to shoot the last elephant, would she???!!!! Yes, I saw that extract on your site, it reminded me of the last scene in Out of Africa with the two lions cavorting near Dennis Finch Hattons resting place. Perhaps all for drama, but all good stuff!

Thank you for the lead for Marlies and Jorge, I'll contact them now.

You have a wonderful site, a really dedication of time and love. all my best to you, Lorraine
Extract ID: 5186

See also

    * Mark Morgan
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Mark Morgan
Page Number: 2007 02 05
Extract Date: 2004
Arusha Visit

Hi I have just read the Arusha School information again and it was really great reading.

I have emailed you before, about my time at Arusha, my farther was one of the teachers. My wife and I passed through Arusha in 2004 and where able to visit the school, and indead our old home. The school has really changed but it is 50 years since we lived there.

I noticed from the web that a very great friend Gaynor Watkins was trying to contact me please give her my email address, as it is a long time since we have met and our familys where realy good friends, It was with the Watkins that I stayed while my mother was in the hospital in Arusha having my brother. We were able to have a quick tour of Arusha and glad to see that the Hospital was still there!.
Extract ID: 5170

See also

    * Maps

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Stewart Galloway
Page Number: 2007 02 06
Extract Date: 6 Feb 2007
Listing the maps

Listing the Maps is tantalizing. How can I download an electronic copy? I am trying to follow the travels of my daughter while she is in Tanzania and Kenya.

Thanks very much. Stew

Ngorongoro: Tourist Map & Guide - Main Side 1999. Enlargement of Northern TZ 1994.

Find the page with the map you want.

E.g. http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00489.html

Left click on the map itself, and a larger map opens in the window.


Right mouse click on that, and (depending on which browser you are using) select "save image as", and you can save it to your PC. Use back button to return to listings.

This technique applies to all pictures on any website.

Thanks very much for the quick reply. I've done the saveas. However, the map text is unreadable.

Any other options?

Thanks. Stew

Well, they're not really meant to be readable, more to illustrate what exists. If I provided a higher resolution version I think I'd been infringing copyright etc etc.

Short of buying printed Maps, have you tried Google Earth?

Look for the overlay from http://www.tracks4africa.com/t4a_google.asp

Thanks so much. I guess I could crack open the wallet and buy a map but I thought there must be some free resources out there if I just dug a little. I'm trying to follow my daughter's semester abroad in Kenya and Tanzania. Thanks again! Stew
Extract ID: 5184

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Alan Holton
    * Jane Holton

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jane Amanda Holton (now Cawson)
Page Number: 2007 02 10
Extract Date: 1957-63
Jane Amanda Holton (now Cawson) Arusha School 1957-1963

What fun I have had this morning reading through your wonderful site! So many names I remember and so many memories.

I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me and to share my experiences. I have a few photos and put the one of the whole school one at some stage a few years ago!

My father was Alan Holton and he was a tea planter Ngambo Tea Estates near Amami.

I went to Arusha School from 1957 to 1963 (I think!)I have been in touch with Sarah Holland since and Paul Carlin, but I have been trying to get in rouch with Rosemary Goodman - the family had a coffee estate on the slopes of Kili - was it Sana Juu?

I have quite a few photos of her. I am at present trying to write about my life - because my children keep asking me about it! If anyone else has any photos I would love to swap! I am going back to Arusha and should be there round about the 2nd April 2007 and hope to get back to see the school. I hear that the tortoise is still going!

Thanks for bring back so many memories, sad and happy ones!


yes, just found the photo sent some time ago. I am on the far right of the photo - bottom row!! not sure what the date was - any ideas? Jane
Extract ID: 5183

See also

    * Jill Appleby
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Amekas Spaghetti Factory
    * Stelio Stylianou

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jill Appleby
Page Number: 2007 02 11
Extract Date: 1952-56
Jill Appleby: Arusha School 1952-56

I have just discovered your site - it is great to read up on so much.

I was at Arusha from 52-56 and was so disappointed when parents moved me to a UK convent at 11 although I finally managed to get to Iringa (St Michael's & St George's).

Memories are limited although I remember Mrs Hampshere teaching me to plait hair in the Brownies, the visit by Princess Margaret and how the tiny (even then) princess walked the whole of the length of the hall to the stage, then later going with the whole school to the parade somewhere in Arusha to see her again.

Also remember receiving the tackie, of course the tortoise, climbing the trees and many days spent in the san with tonsillitus.

Happy days! I remember going around a spagetti factory with a friend whose dad owned it. Not sure now of the name, but would love to make contact.

We revisited Arusha (2004) and stayed at the modernised New Arusha, visited the school (and saw the tortoise), met the Head and a few children. Hope to go back again sometime. Also went to the Anglican church on the Sunday, remember the times we walked there in crocodile fashion?

I have a load of lovely photos of the school, but am not sure if you have a website I could put them on. Would also love to see some of the others that folks have.

All the best Petra (was known as Jill Appleby in those days - Dad was in PWD)


We must have overlapped, in that I was at Arusha school from 1953-57.

I was a day boy, and so never did the crocodile to the church. But no need because my father was the rector, and so I like next door to the church. But I did hold open the hall door to let the Princess in!!

The spagetti factory must have been Amekas Macaroni Industry, owned by Mr. Stylianou (see http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00681.html). There appears to have been a Stelio Stylianou in the Kindergarten in 1956 (he won an art prize).

I want to update the web site to make it easier to add photos, meanwhile the best way is to ask you to send them to me. I'd add them as an album in your name, with cross links to wherever is appropriate, depending on how much you tell me about each photo.

Thanks for the recollections

Extract ID: 5177

See also

    * Kidugala

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Samuel Fute
Page Number: 2007 02 11
Extract Date: 2007
from Kidugala

Nice and very useful information site.

I am Samuel, a Tanzanian, from Kidugala by origin.

I am very much fond of exploring and reading about Polish life before and while at Kidugala.

I would like to be in touch with Diane Winkler who wanted to write a book about it. May you help me to have her contacts so that I give my support on the information she migh need.

Good time friends,
Extract ID: 5182

See also

    * Jill Appleby
    * Arusha: Christ Church

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jill Appleby
Page Number: 2007 02 16
Extract Date: 2006
photo of the Cathedral

Thanks for getting back to me - I guess we must have met at Arusha sometime. Which house were you in? I was North House, also the motto in my day was 'Manner Maketh Man' and remember seeing it in the dining room for the older kids.

I am attaching a photo of the Cathedral (as it is now) where we used to go. I'll send some more sometime.

Take care

Petra McMahon ( was Jill Appleby)
Extract ID: 5176

See also

    * Mark Morgan
    * Olmotonyi
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Gaynor Watkins
Page Number: 2007 02 16a
Extract Date: 2007

I had heaps of pictures but unfortunately on my way back to Australia we stopped off in Mauritius and all my laptop, camera and video camera were stolen and I lost all my pictures. Was pretty heart broken.

I managed to find my old house up at Olmotonyi - will attach a photo of that as a friend of mine came with me that day and took a couple of pictures. I will send one to Mark as he and his family used to visit us every Sunday. Was wonderful to be back and I hope to return again. The Forestry school which my father started is now well established - he is now 83 but after my reports of the school he wants to go and see for himself so I said I would go to..

As it had been about 45 years since I had last visited Arusha I only recognised a few things - of course the clock, the school and little bits of the town.

Had a wonderful 5 days on safari too. I was able to do quite a bit of work over there and trained 90 people in suicide intervention - they were so grateful as suicide is such a taboo topic and most of the focus is on HIV and poverty. Some of the people I trained have now translated what I gave them into swahili and are going into the villages and schools - if i can get some funding would love to go back and follow it all up too.
Extract ID: 5171

See also

    * Olmotonyi
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Gaynor Watkins
Page Number: 2007 02 16b
Extract Date: 2007

The first three photos of are of our house - used to be surrounded with a beautiful english garden but now there were quite a few goats around.

The house although it looked shabby was still in pretty good shape with lots of the original things there such as the water heater at the back of the house with two drums on top - you can see it in the second picture = we used to have to light a fire under the water and the water would go into the bath.
Extract ID: 5172

See also

    * Olmotonyi
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Gaynor Watkins
Page Number: 2007 02 16c
Extract Date: 2007

The first three photos of are of our house - used to be surrounded with a beautiful english garden but now there were quite a few goats around.

The house although it looked shabby was still in pretty good shape with lots of the original things there such as the water heater at the back of the house with two drums on top - you can see it in the second picture = we used to have to light a fire under the water and the water would go into the bath.
Extract ID: 5173

See also

    * Olmotonyi
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Gaynor Watkins
Page Number: 2007 02 16d
Extract Date: 2007

The first three photos of are of our house - used to be surrounded with a beautiful english garden but now there were quite a few goats around.

The house although it looked shabby was still in pretty good shape with lots of the original things there such as the water heater at the back of the house with two drums on top - you can see it in the second picture = we used to have to light a fire under the water and the water would go into the bath.
Extract ID: 5174

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Gaynor Watkins

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Gaynor Watkins
Page Number: 2007 02 16e
Extract Date: 2007
Watkins Hall

The fourth picture is of the school building my father built - used to called Watkins Hall.
Extract ID: 5175

See also

    * Margaret Barratt

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Margaret Thompson
Page Number: 2007 02 18
Margaret Thompson nee Barratt Oldest of Thora's Children

I was interested to read Marjories recollections, I haven't been able to access this site for some time due to isp probs'

[more on the Ulyate family feedback pages]
Extract ID: 5179

See also

    * Jane Holton

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jane Holton (now Cawson)
Page Number: 2007 02 27
Extract Date: 1958
Jane at Ngambo

I have been back in UK for the past 10 days, so only just got round to scanning in the photos I have of Arusha and some of my friends, Marjory and Rosy Goodman and a few others, but I can't remember their names.

Please feel free to do what you want with the photos - it would be nice to get in touch with Marjory and Rosy again is possible.
Extract ID: 5228

See also

    * Majorie Borissow
    * Rosy Goodman

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jane Holton (now Cawson)
Page Number: 2007 02 27
Extract Date: 1959
Marjory and Rosy Goodman Arusha School Pepper Trees

Extract ID: 5229

See also

    * Majorie Borissow
    * Rosy Goodman
    * Jane Holton

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jane Holton (now Cawson)
Page Number: 2007 02 27
Extract Date: 1959-60
Arusha School Playing fields Rosey Goodman and Marjory

Extract ID: 5230

See also

    * David Holton
    * Jane Holton

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jane Holton (now Cawson)
Page Number: 2007 02 27
Extract Date: 1960
David and Jane Holton

Extract ID: 5231

See also

    * Rosy Goodman
    * Jane Holton

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jane Holton (now Cawson)
Page Number: 2007 02 27
Extract Date: 1960
Jane Holton and Rosy Goodman

Extract ID: 5232

See also

    * Solveg Espegren
    * Jane Holton

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jane Holton (now Cawson)
Page Number: 2007 02 27
Extract Date: 1960-61
a friend called Solveg - left side from Arusha school

Extract ID: 5233

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Antonia Hamshere
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Lise Larsen

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Lise Larsen
Page Number: 2007 03 01
Extract Date: 1956
Lise Larsen - Arusha School- 1948 - 1956

My sisters and I (Ane, Lise and Inge) Larsen were all born in Arusha and all went to school at the Arusha School under the headmastership of Cyril Hamshere.

One of my best friends was Antonia Hamshere now a doctor in S.Africa and I got to know the family fairly well.

Cyril was actually born,in what was then Bristish Guiana, and not in East Africa as I read on this site. He was a wonderful headmaster for us kids with paper chases, 'rambling' climbing Mt Meru, trips to Ngorongoro and so forth. No doubt he ran a tight ship but I don't think any of us suffered through that. I have always thought his teaching of local history was marvellous. At the Kenya High we were only fed European History. Very few of us there had ever been to Europe !!

Just to let you know that I have very fond memories of my days at Arusha School, though those that remember the 'seven crossings' in the advocado trees would agree that 'Work Place Health and Safety' would no doubt be horrified !!

Thanks for the feedback. Can you confirm the dates when you were at Arusha School?

I know it must include 1956 because I see from the School Magazine of Feb 1956 that you were 12 then and you won:

A Standard Form (SF) II Prize (I received a SF IV prize at the same time)

A Music Prize (with Caroline Pearson)

Plus the Anne Revington Cup and the Selian Cup.

Can you remember these, and what the Cups were for?

You were also in the Chorus of Soldiers in a production of "The Charcoal Burner's Son"

And you wrote a piece about the School House Swimming Sports, and the Netball Team.

There's also a piece by Tonia Hamshere about the Sports Day, in fact an Inter Schools Sports day, in which you broke the high jump record (4ft 3 3/4 inches).

Hi David, I certainly can't remember much of all that !! But you inspired me to look for a Magazine and there was V0l 1 N0. 1 1955.

I did leave in '56 and as far as I can remember started in '48 or '49, the kindergarten was in the main building as the Junior section was not built. I recollect making massive "pompoms" in those early days.

What those Cups were for I've no idea - I was the sporty type not much for the study stuff so must be for sport or something.

I have Tonia's email address and her sister Diana lives in South Ascot. Cyril was very good to me in that he got me my first job after high school as assistant matron at Arusha and then some teaching * yr olds before I went teacher training in England.

He wasn't over impressed with my first English posting to a secondary modern school in Walsall so suggested I applied for a P.E. position at St Mary's Convent in South Ascot where he had been giving some talks etc. I spent 4 very happy years there before moving to Australia.

I have a spare copy of the 1955 magazine if you would like it I can mail it to you. The prizes we apparently got !! What were they for ??

Thanks for your reply have a happy summer.

Cheers Lise
Extract ID: 5227

See also

    * Gray Leakey
    * Mau Mau

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Cynthia O'Keeffe
Page Number: 2007 03 04
Mau-Mau uprising

Just found the ntz info pages after doing some research about Africa, especially early 1900's. -- Great website!

One detail I note with interest; much about the Mau-Mau uprising has been 'glossed over' in the press...and if I check Google to try and locate any reference to the deaths of Grey Leakey and his wife, well, it's almost impossible. I am glad you have some facts here, as those years and the news in Africa at the time are particularly unknown to Americans today. I haven't been to Africa yet, but one never knows! Thank you for bringing so much of the history to life. I have been slowly working through the biographies of many europeans who moved to Kenya around 1900. So it's like reading about 'old friends' when I come across the names over and over again.

Your cross referencing is very well done, and leads me to more reading, and research. What an amazing time that must have been.


Cynthia O'Keeffe,RN

Thanks for the feedback. I try to keep the focus on Northern Tanzania, so don't cover much from Kenya or the Mau Mau.

Whether I have the "facts" of course is open to discussion. I try to keep my extracts accurate to their sources, but there's already a bias in what I choose to copy. And who knows how accurate the original sources are. For example in the quote from Brian Herne (which I think is the one you found) http://www.ntz.info/gen/b00623.html#id03840 there's an error about Capucine. Let's hope that the rest of what is says is right.

I have a newspaper from when we lived in Arusha, Tanzania in the 1950's and it records the concern which arose when it was reported that some Mau Mau fighters had crossed the border.

There are a few recent books about the Mau Mau and the colonial era which have caused a bit of a stir recently here in the UK. I'm sure you've already read the wikipedia article on the Mau Mau http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau_Mau , and seen the comments on Caroline Elkins http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Elkins and her book. There's also a link to the Times review of two of the recent books: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article408636.ece

For your Kenyan research you might want to contact Peter Ayre http://www.abebooks.com/home/TREMLETT/ who, as well as selling East African books, is also keeping a database of people who used to live in Kenya.
Extract ID: 5226

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Arusha: Amekas Spaghetti Factory
    * Stelio Stylianou

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Stelio Stylianou
Page Number: 2007 03 18
Extract Date: 1955-1961
Stelio Stylianou - Arusha School 1955-1961

I've just discovered this site. And it's a delight. I was at Arusha School from 1955 to 1961 before going on to St Michaels and St Georges in Iringa. And - as Petra mentioned in one of the messages posted some time ago - my father owned Amekas Spaghetti factory.

I've been living in London for the past 25 years and have been back to Arusha twice since being here; the last time for my 50th birthday in 2000. It's extraordinary how -despite the town growing so massively - the landmarks I knew have changed so little.
Extract ID: 5332

See also

    * Mewa Singh Mangat
    * Ngare-Nairobi
    * Ol Molog
    * Sanya Juu
    * Robin Ulyate
    * Michael Wood

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Gurrjeet Mangat
Page Number: 2007 03 20
Extract Date: 1960's
The bus company

hi, I came across your correspondence regarding the ulyates on the net and it brought back fond memories of my times in Sanya Juu/Moshi/Arusha, well basically East Africa.

My father apperantely used to run the bus co. from Moshi to Olmolog via Sanya Juu and Ngare Nairobi (his name was Mewa Singh Mangat but was widely known as MANGATY) and was well acquainted with all the farmers of the area right up to Loitokitok on the Kenya border.

I still remember as a child we were fans of Robin Ulayte and Dr.Micheal Woods (the flying doctor) who used to partake in the E.A. Safari Rally and we used to go and watch them at Dutch Corner.

I was wondering out of curiosity of your correspondence with the Ulaytes if you would know if any of the Ulyates or Dr.Wood are still farming in Sanya Juu.

The focal point of the farmers life was the Farm and Duka post office run by an Englishman called Mr.Brown at Ngare Nairobi and we had a contract to deliver and collect mail for the Browns.

P.S I hope I sincereley havent inconvininced yourself by getting in touch with yourself.

Thanking you and regards.

gs Mangat.
Extract ID: 5333

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Pietro Fardella
    * Derek Middleton

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Pietro Fardella
Page Number: 2007 03 21
Extract Date: 1957-1959
Pietro Fardella - Arusha School, 1957 -1959

My name is Pietro Fardella an I was at Arusha School from 1957 1959 before going to Italy. I lived East Africa (Moshi Kahe) from 1949 until 1959. Currently I live in Roma.

My teacher was Mrs Day. I keep in contact with Doctor Sannasardo working in Arusha and with other two alumni: Franco Ferrarri and Derek Middelton (now in U.K.) I also remember Peter French ad Inge Larson
Extract ID: 5334

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Shaun Conner
    * Rosy Goodman
    * Richard Hatter
    * Sanya Juu
    * Elizabeth Ulyate
    * Malham Ulyate
    * Valerie Ulyate
    * Waru Waru Farm

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Elizabeth Van Staden (Ulyate) Lolly
Page Number: 2007 03 22
Extract Date: 1963-1968
Elizabeth Van Staden (Ulyate) Lolly - Arusha School 1963-1968

I would like to be named as another Ulyate who attended Arusha School 1963 - 1968. It was great finding more details of my family especially photos of my grandparents.

The last I heard, Rosemary Goodman (now Peacock) was living in Zimbabwe but with recent problems I don't know if they stayed but I'm sure my sister Valerie Wallace would know.

And, for Shaun Conner:

I see you lived on Waru Waru ... my family lived there till they moved to other parts of the world.

My father Malham Ulyate moved to Sanya Juu .the farm was called Sikarari. I also attend Arusha School '63 - '68. Richard Hatter was my 'first' boyfriend , can still remember sitting up in the big avo tree over looking the sports field. Mr Rushbrooke was headmaster the year I left. I cannot remember you but would love to hear from you.

April 24th

Hi David

Many thanks for replying to my email & apologise for not answering sooner but the last month has been very hectic for me.Thank you also for sending on the one to Shaun Conner who was in touch the very same day !! Should any other ex Arusha remember me you may pass on my email address.

It was a surprise to find the "Ulyate family " site & see pictures of my grandfather that I have never seen before. Will send you any update if I can but I might open a can of worms...so to speak. The movie "White Mischief" has nothing to compare with the Ulyates & maybe one day I'll write a book.

One interesting thing that does stand out is Princess Margarets visit to Arusha School...my sister Valerie (now Wallace) was presented with the Rusha Rusha shield by her Royal Highness.

Have enjoyed seeing what Arusha school looks like even in todays world , something to show my children.

Will keep in touch & once again many thanks for the website.

As a matter of interest I am known to all as Lolly.


Extract ID: 5335

See also

    * Shaun Conner

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Shaun Conner
Page Number: 2007 03 22

Thanks for forwarding on the email from Elizabeth. I have emailed her with some chit chat.

Don't remember her but then we were young, I was only 10 when I left! Anyway I keep my eye on your website from time to time.

My son was in Tanzania last year. He stayed at Marangu Hotel with Seamus and Jackie Brice Bennet who run the Hotel and he climbed Kili, well, almost to the top! He had a great Safari and then went to Kenya to stay with other friends of mine. He loved it!

I keep saying we must go back but never seem to find the time. We did go to zanzibar in 1997 which was fabulous. Anyway keep up the good work.
Extract ID: 5337

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Susan Wynn Jones

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Susan Bailey, nee Wynn Jones
Page Number: 2007 03 26
Extract Date: 1950
Susan Bailey, nee Wynn Jones - Arusha School, 1949-50

I was sent your e-mail address re life at Arusha School.

After 56 years my siblings and I went back to Tanzania,the first place to visit was the school. Our father - William Wynn Jones was the first Headmaster, we all lived upstairs,having been born at Arusha.

We were thrilled to see the school,meet staff,see the tortoise-all had a ride! And found many memories.Sad to see the avenue of trees gone,but the school is doing so well.

We travelled down memory lane to Moshi, Merangue, Dodoma and Mvumi were we went after Dad's time at Arusha School, so we were able to visit the districts, meeting people who remembered us. Our visit was like a homecoming,which we all enjoyed.

Having read David Reed's book, I realise why my name did not appear on the Mt.Meru board of 1950 - I reached the top. But not to the place where the book was to signed!!

Cheers-Susan Bailey,nee Wynn Jones.
Extract ID: 5355

See also

    * Goodall Bloom

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Adam Goodall Bloom
Page Number: 2007 03 26
Goodall Bloom

Hi , I am going to be starting to write up my grand fathers (Goodall Bloom) book and may need some help !


Extract ID: 5338

See also

    * Susan Wynn Jones
    * William Wynn-Jones

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Susan Bailey, nee Wynn Jones
Page Number: 2007 03 30
Extract Date: 1950
Email from Susan Bailey to Lise Larsen

Dear Lise,

I met Geoff Hoad at St Johns, Reid,A.C.T. I live in Canberra with my family. Geoff and I were talking about Tanzania and my trip in Oct.2006 and he gave me your name.

My siblings and I were born in Arusha, as our parents were missionaries with C.M.S. who were asked to build a school for the European children as they were called then. Dad was the first Headmaster in1931 - we lived upstairs for 10 years.

Our surame was Wynn Jones - Dad- William, and Mum - Ruth.

We then went to Mvumi mission station near Dodoma. After a years leave in Australia we moved to Dodoma. Dad was the Bishop then. He was consecrated in 1942.

In 1950 Dad had a car accident on his way to consecrate a church at Kongwa. This led to kidney problems,and sadly we lost our beloved Dad that May. At the end of 1950 we moved to Australia as Mum was born here, Dad was Welsh.

None of the family had been back until last year - 56 years it took for the sudden time to be right. We had a wonderful experience - full of joy and memories which can only be experienced as siblings. We met people who recalled Mum and Dad, saw our old homes - not quite as we had them, and felt so much at home. Tim,a brother could recall swahilli so much, he became the spokes person for us at some churches and places we went to.The people could recognise we had learnt the language well.

My brothers went to Duke of York - now Lenana School.and Prince of Wales - now Nairobi School. I was due to go to a Kenyan girls school in 1951, but we had left Africa by then.

I would love to know what your parents were in Africa for. Were they born there? We went past Oldeani, Moshi, Merangu - with memories of childhood.

Would like to hear from you sometime please,as there are a lot of Tanzanians around. We met a family we had not seen since 1945 up at Budrum-Qld.

Thank you for your email. I was about to write because Lise Larsen send me a copy of your email to her (sent 1 March?). I wanted to ask you permission to add this email to the web site

Good to hear from you.When were you at Arusha School?

It was interesting to go to board there in 1949-1950,after having lived there as a child upstairs. I feel so much a part of Arusha,and our trip there was special.

You may put my letter on the web. We tended to loose contact with people when we came to Australia,but have in the last few months come across families we knew on the mission field.
Extract ID: 5356

See also

    * Ifunda
    * Kidugala
    * Kondoa-Irangi
    * Morogoro
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Eugeniusz Rzewuski
Page Number: 2007 04 04
Extract Date: 2007

Just today I read some e-mail correspondance posted to http://www.ntz.info concerning the former camp of Polish WW2 refugees in Tengeru, Tanzania. Many people do discover this place and its symbolic history of being a safe haven for nearly 5 thousand Polish children and their elder relatives and caretakers evacuated by the Polish army from places of their deportation in Soviet Union. Some visitors are amazed that the Polish cemetery adjacent to the former refugee camp is so well maintained.

I am glad to inform that this place is under permanent care of the Polish Embassy in Dar es Salaam.

Sincerely yours

Eugeniusz Rzewuski,

University of Warsaw,

Department of African Languages and Cultures

former charge d' affaires a.i. of the Embassy (1995-99)

Many thanks for your feedback about Tengeru. It is one of the sections of the web site that causes a lot of interest, and there is a new generation of people trying to unearth the history of their parents, many of whom spent time at Tengeru.

Although I've been to Arusha many times, I've never managed to visit Tengeru. Thank you for your update about the cemetry.

I'm sure you are familiar with sites such as http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Kresy-Siberia/ - Someone refered this to me only a week ago as a place with lots of information about Tengeru, including photographs.

Jambo David (Daudi)

Thanks for your reply letter. I am glad that there is much interest about "Polish chapter" of the history of Tengeru. In fact this was one of many WW2 Polish camps camps located in East and Central Africa. I have visited and documented four other Polish cemeteries in Tanzania which which mark places where camps were located: Morogoro, Kidugala, Ifunda, Kondoa-Irangi. All are reasonably well mantained. Tengeru was the the biggest camp and remains the biggest cemetery.
Extract ID: 5354

See also

    * Susan Alyce Oyoo
    * Arusha School Alumni
    * N.Z. Dala
    * Ms Ngowi

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Susan Alyce Oyoo
Page Number: 2007 04 09
Extract Date: 1986-1991
Susan Alyce Oyoo: Arusha School 1986-1991

I was browsing through the net and thought I reach out and search for info on my former primary school. I am so amazed at how much lotso former pupils have managed to make contact, as most still visit,others plan to do so in the long run.

I was in Arusha school between 1986-1991, I so enjoyed my time there and infact miss the good old days very much. I now live in the United Kingdom, I last visited Tanzania in 2004 but was in Dar es Salaam.

I remember my best teacher (as we students used to rank), was Mr Sawaki, as well as he being my class teacher in my P7. I met Mr Dalal (tall) on my way to Dar, and was so surprised he still remembered me very well....Its also good to know a few people like Ms Ngowi are still there, unfortunatly sad some past away, bless them!

I have but all in vain, been trying to get in contact with one of my old school friends, Linda Maita. Does any one know where she is or how i could get in contact with her. I also would like to get in contact with Emili Mwenewanda, if any one can help, we got confirmed together at Christ Church, still have a foto of us together.

I would love to link up with most of the former people i was with especially during P6 and P7. i am shocked but amazed to hear the tortois's still there, alive and kicking. I mean, they were very old the time i was there!

I have taken an interest in this and will eventually get my self to reading and knowing alot more about tortois's as living creatures.

Everyone involved in making this site happen, Your doing a very great job and thanks to you all. Reading a few feed backs, i noticed a name thats so familair, Fiona Musana..Our families knew each other. i hope some day i will be able to meet all the people i intend to, through your help.

Keep up the good job and the good spirit going!

Many Thanks!
Extract ID: 5353

See also

    * Iain Douglas-Hamilton
    * Lake Manyara

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Yvonne Starks
Page Number: 2007 04 19
Extract Date: 2007
Among the Elephants

Just finished reading Among the Elephants. Because of the span of time and projections from 1975, curious about few outcomes:

Chapter 15: What has happened to the home ranges of the Manyara elephants. Did it tighten or loosen and what was the phase that occurred?

Chapter 17: What was finally decided about the correct management of elephants all over Africa, judged by each individual park's merits? Culling? Noninterference?

Postscript: Only 40% of ID-H's marked trees were still alive at writing. Predicted that by 1980 there would be none left. True? Story & comments?

Postscript: Overcrowding crisis at Manyara solved? Marang Forest as promised, happen? Conversion of corridor of farmland to wildlife conservation occur for larger elephant ranges?

Are there any photos of Iain, Oria, Mhoja from the 1960s and currently? Some in book dark and hard to see.

Site and links good, but a little difficult to navigate, at least for the questions/info I was searching for...

Thanks for your email and feedback with questions.

Unfortunately I'm not in any great position to answer. You'd need to talk directly to people working in the park, and to other scientist who might be currently studying the Manyara elephants. Results are probably in the scientific literature which I only have occasional access to, and don't really try to include research publications in the database unless they have some wider appeal.

I know that there's work going on to create a corridor between lake Manyara and the Tarangire National Park. In time gone by the elephants used to move freely between the Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara, but this corridor is effectively block by towns, villages and cultivation, but I suspect that a few elephants do make the journey.

I'll put your email on the web site, and maybe others will have some answers to your questions.

Btw, do let me know what sort of things you found difficult with the navigation. I'm always open to improvement. The overall design is nearly 8 years old, and I plan one day to move it to an online database, and will rethink the structure and navigation then.

Also, my initial focus was on indexing people and dates, and I haven't tried much to index e.g. animals. Hence, no specific index for elephant. However, the search option on the front page might help - it finds 243 pages which include the word elephant.
Extract ID: 5352

See also

    * Gerald & Arjan Chopra

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Jarat Chopra
Page Number: 2007 04 21
Arjan and Gerald Chopra

Brian Duncan states 'Gerald & Argent Chopra - Gerald was a doctor and his father Argent (English wife) was a lawyer - possibly of Italian or Belgian origin, and both very keen shooters. They both had respective practices in Mwanza.'

Actually it is ARJAN and GERALD Chopra. My father, Arjan, was a doctor and Gerald, his brother/my uncle, was a lawyer. Both of Indian origin. Their father was I.C. Chopra, a lawyer and founding partner/director/shareholder with J.T. Williamson of Williamson Diamonds.
Extract ID: 5351

See also

    * Dar Mutiny
    * John Lloyd

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Page Number: 2007 04 22
Extract Date: Feb 2007
The Dar Mutiny of 1964

May I commend my (with Christopher MacRae) new book The Dar Mutiny of 1964 Book Guild Publishing of Brighton Feb 2007. Foreword by Lord Carrington.

Article in Apr edition RUSI Journal 'A good read, and an excellent and detailed account ...'.

Globe and Laurel. 'I commend you ...'

Ben Mkapa, former President Tanzania. 'An extremely useful addition to the history of the period ... a very good account ...'

General Lord Guthrie. 'This is a valuable historical record ...'

Lord Luce, former Minister for Africa. 'A remarkable reconstruction ...'

Sir Jophn Coles, former Head of the Diplomatic Service.
Extract ID: 5349

See also

    * A.P.de K. Fourie
    * James Rayner

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: James C Rayner
Page Number: 2007 04 25
Extract Date: 1947 Aug
A. P. de K. Fourie

I was amazed to find reference to my father grand father on your web site - A. P. de K. Fourie.

I actual have a copy of his writings and have just finished reading it.
Extract ID: 5358

See also

    * Kirit Patel

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Kirit Patel
Page Number: 2007 04 25
Extract Date: 1974

it is always a pleasure to read the new articles that are posted for our school. I saw the pictures of the swimming pool and it brought tears to my eyes to see it in th state it is in , I can remember having a many weekday afternnoons and many a week ends n the pool , I can rember the grand swimming galas we had there. I was the swim team captian for south house in 1974, we won the gala in all the events.

I wonder if there is anything we can do as an alumni to put it back together I know there are a lot of us who still cherish the moments we spent in arusha and the school. Just a thought ,

I would also like to get in touch with the following friends of mine if they still remember me

alakrim abdullah canada


allen moore texas

and all the other s from my time if they see me please pass them muy email address.

keep up the good work
Extract ID: 5357

See also

    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Tricia Lane
    * Oldeani

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Tricia Barton (nee Lane)
Page Number: 2007 04 26
Extract Date: 1950-52
Tricia Lane Oldeani 1950-52

I have pictures of Oldeani and wondered how I can send them to you for your Arusha site.

I was at Oldeani from 1950 - 1952. I remember the tortoise at the school in Arusha, although I seem to remember that there were two of them.

I loved your site and seeing familiar names. Lovely memories.

Tricia Barton (nee Lane)
Extract ID: 5359

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Nandine Nagy
    * Alan Sykes
    * Diana Sykes
    * Wendy Sykes
    * Elizabeth Watts

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Wendy Sykes
Page Number: 2007 05 01
Extract Date: 1960's
Wendy and Diana Sykes - Arusha School, 1960's

We lived in Tanzania from the late 40s early fifties until 1964.

My father Alan Sykes was with the Agricultural Service stationed variously in Malya, Musoma, Mwanza, Bukoba, Moshi and Arusha.

Married to Barbara with five children all born in in Tanzania. My older sister Diana and I were borders at Arusha school for a period in the early 60s before becoming day girls when my parents moved to Arusha.

We lived in a large German built house behind the Boma. I was good friends with Elizabeth Watts whose parents Bunny and Reggie had a coffee farm out near Usa River.

They lived near the Von Nagys (sp) whose daughter Nandine was also a friend. Diana and I want to send stuff and ask questions. Is this the main route?
Extract ID: 5360

See also

    * Rosy Goodman
    * Elizabeth Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Louis van Rooyen
Page Number: 2007 05 03
Extract Date: 1960's
asking about Rosemary Goodman

Hi Lolly [Elizabeth Van Staden (Ulyate)]

Read your insert on David's site. You were asking about Rosemary Goodman?

She married an engineer from the UK, Derek Peacock, who was doing something in Moshi in the late sixties. From there I think they went straight to the then Rhodesia, where they still live, in Harare. My parents lived there until about six years ago and my mother still in contact with Rosie's mom, Peggy.

Will try and get her address and mail it to you.

Regards, Louis van Rooyen
Extract ID: 5370

See also

    * Pamela Chapman
    * Rosy Goodman
    * Elizabeth Ulyate
    * Louis van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Louis van Rooyen
Page Number: 2007 05 03
Extract Date: 13-May-2007
trip back to Tanzania

Hi Lolly, [Elizabeth Van Staden (Ulyate)]

My wife, Linda (nee Newby) and I are taking a trip back to Tanzania in December of 2007 and were browsing Arusha sites to jog our memories, when we found you on David's site!

I remember receiving a star on a Monday (or was it Fridays?) during assembly for 'saving' you from drowning - when you slipped out of your tube going down the slide in the swimming pool!!! Spoke to Bob and Phyllis briefly the other day - we are now living in SA after my parents emigrated to Rhodesia in '71.

Yes, Rosie and Tony are still in Harare, confirmed by Pamela and Gordon Chapman, who spent a week with us in November last year (now in UK)

Brother, Jan (aka: 'Boeta') and his wife Michelle and my mother will be joining us on our nostalgic tour, starting at Annabel (ex Fowler) in Tanga.

Take care

Extract ID: 5369

See also

    * Chris Thorne
    * Richard Thorne

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Chris Thorne
Page Number: 2007 05 04
Extract Date: 1938
Iringa 1938

I was born at IRINGA in 1938, were my father Richard Thorne was Commander of the POLICE. I am anxious to find photos of Iringa at, or around this time and I wondered if you at ntz could help, or tell me of another site that might be able or willing to do so.

Extract ID: 5361

See also

    * Ian Rodger
    * Rodger Yeager

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Ian Cruden Rodger
Page Number: 2007 05 05
Extract Date: 05-May-2007
Dr Yeager?

A very fine website, which has helped me with my collection of conflicts in the twentieth century, but my primary purpose is to ask Dr. Yeager whether his first name, Rodger, means he is related to an Ayrshire family and, if it is, he is willing to give mr his family background to see whether we are related.

Apologies if this is strictly not what your feedback is about!

Ian Rodger
Extract ID: 5365

See also

    * Paul Bolstad
    * Dieter Czum
    * Tom Linton
    * Lutheran Church

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Paul Bolstad
Page Number: 2007 05 08
Extract Date: 2007

My young brother, Dan, found your website somehow and sent me the link. I have found it fascinating.

My story is a bit different from most that I have seen so far:

My father was an American missionary, sent to restart a printing press for the mission in the aftermath of WWII.(1946). We lived at Vuga in the Usambara Mts. We lived in Tanganyika for two five year 'terms', leaving for the last time in 1957. My father had a heart condition that prevented him from returning to the work he loved and the people of the Usambaras.

I finished university in 1966 and returned that year as a Peace Corps Volunteer, serving in an agricultural project in Morogoro Region(Kilombero) for two years.

Later, I moved to Kenya, to the sugar producing areas around Lake Victoria for another year. After further education, I returned to TZ in 1974 with my wife, Shirley, to teach at a secondary school just outside Arusha, called Enaboishu. I was an employee(missionary) of the Lutheran Church of America, but serving under the authority of the ELCT(the local Lutheran Church).

We had two children born in Nairobi during that time. Our oldest was a student at Arusha School from 1979 to 1982, the year we returned to USA. We have not been back since. However, we are planning a return safari for this November, especially to visit the area where my parents served from 1946 to 1957, with my two daughters and my two sisters and a brother...all with their spouses. We will be a group of ten or more. It will be a 'trip of a lifetime'...

I have made the acquaintance of a Tom Linton, an artist who is a representative of Dieter Czurn's safari company. He was a student at Arusha School and later, at secondary school in Nairobi. His father built the pryretheum factory in Arusha. He will know many of the names in your website! I'll make sure he is aware of your website... perhaps he already knows about it.

I have extensive knowledge of the American missionary family from the Arusha area and can answer questions or put people in contact with old friends from that community. Our neightbor from Ilboru, Dave Simonson, still lives in Arusha although he is in declining health these days. Many of his family are in the safari business and are, in fact, arranging our safari.

I knew Deiter Czurn's father well; my father depended on him for repairs to vehicles used in the pubslishing house. I hope to meet up with him some day.

I didn't see your background and history anywhere on the website...perhaps I didn't look in the right place. During our 8.5 years in the Arusha area we met many of the old time 'wazungus', although many of them have passed on.

One, 'Edward, the Polish butcher' is still there and very much alive and operating his business out of his house. I am interested in the history of Polish refugees and will try to visit the cemetary at Tengeru.

I have a brother-in-law who is Jewish and he is interested in any Jewish immigration and history. I would welcome any information anyone out there would know, especially if there were any Jewish immigrants from Poland among those refugees!

I'm sorry this is so long, but I am one of those who has been bitten by the Africa bug, more specifically the Tanzania variety. In total I have lived 22.5 years of my life there(I still speak Swahili fluently) and find that it will always pull me back...

Cheers, Paul Bolstad
Extract ID: 5362

external link

See also

    * Tanzania: National Anthem

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: David Arundel
Page Number: 2007 05 09
Extract Date: 09-May-2007

just some feed back on Nkosi Sikelel'I Afrika is mainly true I have to mention that it's not the national anthem of Namibia, even though the song is the national anthem of many southern african states. The national anthem of Namibia is 'Namibia, Land of the Brave' and you can hear it on (see link) but be warned it's a real wankey anthem even by African standards.
Extract ID: 5367

See also

    * Custodian of Enemy Property
    * A.G. (DV) de Villiers
    * Cyril Redfearn

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: William de Villiers
Page Number: 2007 05 09
Extract Date: 09-May-2007
Researching the life and times of Cyril Redfearn

Lovely site! Well done indeed. My grandfather, A.G. de Villiers (known far and wide as DV), was an officer in the Tanganyika Territory Police and spent time in Northern Tanganyika.

Can you help me with some info.?

I am researching the life and times of Cyril Redfearn. He settled and commenced farming in Tanganyika Territory between c. 1922-24, being listed in the 1925 edition of the 'East African Red Book' as a planter at Moshi.

Thereafter he moved to 'Arusha' - probably Mbulu (he is listed as a resident of Arusha in the 1931 edition of the 'East African Red Book'.)

After War broke out he was appointed by the Custodian of Enemy Property, Tanganyika Territory, to manage the Oldeani Estates. (He was created an MBE in the New Year's Honours of 1945 for this work.)

After the war he continued farming for his own account at Mbulu, and was elected as a committee member of the Mbulu Farmers' Association in 1950 (see 'East Africa and Rhodesia' (24 August 1950), p. 1557.) At some stage thereafter (when?) he retired to live in Kenya - being listed in the Kenya Telephone Directory for July 1961 as a resident at Hema Estate in Kabete near Nairobi.

I don't know when he died.

Could you possibly help flesh out this story a little ?

Many thanks indeed

William de Villiers
Extract ID: 5366

See also

    * Arusha: Temi River
    * John Bovenisor
    * Mr Krokowski
    * Dr. John Linton
    * Tom Linton
    * Mr Miller
    * Pyrethrum
    * Dawn Watts

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Tom Linton
Page Number: 2007 05 09
Extract Date: 09-May-2007
Two tragic plane tales.

The other man standing over the rhino looks very much like like Mr. Krokowski (polish refugee from Nazi occupied Poland). He owned a jewelry store around the corner from the grocery store on the corner of the town square/roundabout. He had mines around the country, was chief of police, and a big game hunter for many years (trading in ivory), and was eventually killed in his small aircraft on the slopes of Monduli hills. He got into a slip stream and couldn't pull out. His son Joseph survived and lives in London. I was supposed to go up with them that day, but my mother had a call from Mrs. Watts (who lived out past Lake Duluti) asking if I would take out her daughter Dawn, horseriding. After a heated argument, my mother won out, and I had to ride the six miles out there to take Dawn riding!

The picture of the horse. That's the Miller home which was on Themi [Temi] road just before you enter Themi coffee estate, on the way to the Pyrethrum factory built by my father Dr. John Linton, who passed away last year. When my horse arrived on the train from Nairobi, he was boarded in the Miller's paddock for a while. Mr. Miller left the country during the nationalization period (of socialism) with his wealth, in stones, and was sadly killed when the small plane he was absconding in crashed.


Tom Linton

p.s I last heard Jonn Boveniser is 'Down Under' farming.

I've only just now glanced at your site, so I'll give it another persusal and let you know what else I find.
Extract ID: 5368

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Colonel Terence Conner
    * Shaun Conner
    * Lorna Fè McIntyre
    * Joe Newby
    * Linda van Rooyen
    * Louis van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback, 2007
Extract Author: Linda (Newby) van Rooyen
Page Number: 2007 05 13
Extract Date: 1965-69
Linda Newby, Arusha School, 1965-69

Hi Shaun [Conner],

Saw your link on David's site. Our times at Arusha School must have overlapped a little, although I regret I cannot recall you.

However, my father, Joe Newby farmed on the slopes of the Crater near Oldeani, and I think I recall your father ?? Known to us as Colonel Conner?

I was at Arusha School from 1965 to 1969 and was friendly with Fe McIntyre, Alta van Rooyen, Nicola Ghaui, and a whole lot of girls, wh
Previous Feedback / 2008 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:21

See also

    * Father Joseph Noppinger
    * Ferdinand Reder
    * Susan Wynn Jones

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Amy Savoury
Page Number: 2008 01 01
Extract Date: 1930's
My Family History in Tanganyika

I am trying to fill in gaps in my family history and wonder if Susan Wynn-Jones' parents and mine were contemporaries in the 1930's.

My grandfather, Ferdinand Reder, was a sisal plantation owner.

My father, Ferdinand William Reder, worked at Ford International in Dar-Es-Salaam for Abdullah Karimjee,

I believe. My parents lived in Tanga overlooking the bay and my grandparents lived in Moshi with another home in Soni, where I believe they are buried.

My aunt, Elizabeth Reder Stadler Forbes, had a small business in Nairobi, and had two daughters, Barbara and Mary-Lynne Stadler, who were educated in Europe. One of their very dear friends was Father Joseph Noppinger, who was from either the Holy Ghost Fathers or Maryknoll Fathers, and I believe established several schools in Tanganyika and/or Kenya.

I have hundreds of letters written by my family during this period and am just beginning to organize them for publishing but have many unanswered questions, such as what became of their homes and businesses.

If anyone recognizes these names I would love to hear from you.
Extract ID: 5556

See also

    * Egon Jux
    * Hardy Krüger
    * Jim Mallory
    * Momella Lodge

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Nurali
Page Number: 2008 01 07
Extract Date: 1970
about: Hardy Kruger, Jim Mallory, Egon Jux Momella Game Lodge

I was one of the contractors who built the Momella Lodge in the late 60's and early 70's. For old times sake, I would like to contact the above gentlemen. If possible, can you give me their email addresses?
Extract ID: 5553

See also

    * Rupee

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: William A Omondi
Page Number: 2008 01 28
Extract Date: 1900~
William Kiasa Rupee

I am a Kenyan citizen currently residing in Nairobi. I recently came a cross an Old man claiming to have taken part in the first world war and to prove it, he un-vailed some of the artifacts that he claim he was given.

One of the items was a round copper coin with one of its sides swollen have an inscription of what he refered to as William Kaisas Head with a bird on top of it. The other side was flat with the name William Kaisa inscription on the edges,& other German wording in the mild. When placed closely to the ear & Shaken, some form of heavy liquid can be hard moving & when you fold it into your palm, it sensationalizes your hand.

Word on the street has it that this item is a lot of money.

Question (1): Is it true?

Question (2): How much is it worth?

Question (3): If we were to exchange it for monetary gains, how & where would the transaction take place.

Also shown was a Knife & a Stove egg sharped with palm tree & two Lions on the sides.

Both items looked like they were made long time ago.
Extract ID: 5555

See also

    * Oldeani
    * Cecile & Julia Popp
    * William Wynn-Jones

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Hannah Stevenson
Page Number: 2008 01 28

I am hosting sisters Cecile & Julia Popp here in Tanzania in the first week of February, coming 'home' to retrace their routes. Their parents were German farmers in Babati & Arusha and the family was interned in Oldeani 'Concentration Camp' during the Second World War, before being deported to Zimbabwe. There are a number of sisters, some of whom were born on Lutheran Missions between 1930 - 1939.

I am looking for ANY information on Oldeani - the whereabouts of the camp, the set-up (at present, this is a somewhat controversial issue with some remembering it as merely a group of German-inhabited farms 'watched over' by the British, and others producing old letters sent from Oldeani to Germany in 1943 with a postal stamp saying 'Concentration Camp, Oldeani via Arusha'.), as another sister Leonie was born in 'the Bundie's guest hut'. We plan to drive out to present-day Oldeani and 'look around' so any more information would be highly appreciated!

The family also went to Arusha School when Wynn-Jones was the Headmaster. I am trying to prepare a collection book of memories for them, so if anyone remembers them specifically and would like to get in touch, PLEASE DO. I know they would be so delighted.

Thank you for this facinating website!
Extract ID: 5554

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Stuart Webb
Page Number: 2008 02 04
Extract Date: 1948-63
Stuart Webb - Arusha School - 1948 - 53

I was back in Arusha in January 2008 with my son, a botanist with Harvard University working in Borneo, and dropped in to see Arusha School. I was there from about 1948 to 1953 before heading off to Michaelhouse in Natal, SA. We were on a walking safari with Paul Oliver who recommended looking up your site when I returned to the UK.

We managed to get out to our old farm at Ol Molog, went through our old house and wandered about the farm which has changed little in the intervening years. We were kindly invited to dinner at Simba Estate by the current owner (Sjouke Bruinsma) of our farm and that of De Beer and spent a pleasant evening discussing times past. Little has changed in the farming world at Ol Molog since the days of my father (Cam Webb) - still talking about rainfall and bags per acre.

We left Tanganyika in 1960 to return to the UK. I went on to read Agricultural Economics at Cornell University, then obtained an MBA and ended up on Wall Street. Later, I returned to London, worked as a merchant banker before retiring to a farm in West Sussex.
Extract ID: 5557

See also

    * Colonel Terence Conner

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Nadia Akhtar
Page Number: 2008 02 04
Extract Date: 1950's?
Colonel T S Conner

Hello, I was just going through my grandfather's pictures and found a picture of Colonel Conner. I was just told by my father that Colonel Conner and my grandfather (Ali Akbar Raja) developed a good friendship, and my grandfather gave him a seeing-off party in Jhelum before his departure to South Africa.

They maintained contact even after Colonel Conner left and it was Colonel Conner who actually gave my grandfather the travel voucher with which he came to the United Kingdom. I was wondering if you would like a copy of the picture.
Extract ID: 5558

external link

See also

    * Rupee

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Khilen
Page Number: 2008 02 08
Extract Date: 02-Feb-2008
Ten rupee note from Zanzibar government

I went through Percy Siganporia's note on the ten Rupee note from GEA. I have one of these notes.
Extract ID: 5550

See also

    * Deborah Rubin

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Deborah Rubin
Page Number: 2008 02 11
Extract Date: 1986

You might be interested in my doctoral dissertation (anthropology) entitled 'People of Good Heart: Rural Response to Economic Crisis in Northeast Tanzania' Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University (1986). Although it is mostly about the 1980s, I have a chapter tracing some of the history of the sisal industry in Tanga Region.
Extract ID: 5565

See also

    * Sisal

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Deborah Rubin
Page Number: 2008 02 11
Extract Date: 1986
my doctoral dissertation

You might be interested in my doctoral dissertation (anthropology) entitled 'People of Good Heart: Rural Response to Economic Crisis in Northeast Tanzania' Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University (1986). Although it is mostly about the 1980s, I have a chapter tracing some of the history of the Sisal industry in Tanga Region.
Extract ID: 5548

external link

See also

    * Jan Ooms
    * Soni St Michael's School

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Jan Ooms
Page Number: 2008 02 14
St Michael's School at Soni

There are a few mentions of St Michael's School at Soni on nTZ. Would you please add the school websites onto yours in case any old boys want to make contact with long-lost rafriki?




I have added a link from my site to yours and I know many of the Soni "boys" visit your site since quite a few of them lived in the north and a few of them are mentioned.


Jan Ooms

Arusha, Mbulu, Dodoma, Tanga, Dar (1958 - 82)
Extract ID: 5566

See also

    * Dr Arshad Kamal Khan
    * Osale Otango
    * Tanganyika Police

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Dr. Arshad Kamal Khan
Page Number: 2008 02 17
Extract Date: 1950's
Tanganyika Police

I would like to contribute to your pages by providing some historical details about the Police in Tanganyika and also names of some members of the Police Force. These details will be in context to my fathers career as a Colonial Police Officer. I hope that some members would be interested to know about the famous Osale Otango in Tanga District.

Please do inform me whether this would be possible on your website.
Extract ID: 5567

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Drino and Winnie Baskira
    * Hester Ellen Rijkebusch
    * St Michael's and St George
    * Beert Wynbergen
    * Ineke Wynbergen
    * Lia Wynbergen

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Ineke Belfrage (Wynbergen)
Page Number: 2008 02 19
Extract Date: 1958
Arusha and Iringa schools

I went to Arusha school for only two terms in 1958, prior going to St Michael's and St Georges in Iringa (was at Iringa on the first day and last day - five years later).

Have been to a few Iringa reunions but have very vague memories of Arusha school.

What intrigued me was a Martin Davis mentioning Drino and Winnie Baskira whom my parents knew well and stayed with them whenever visiting me at Arusha.

My brother Beert Wynbergen and my sister Lia Wynbergen also went to Arusha in the 60's.(Beert revisited the school in the 90's and was amazed to see the tortoise was still there) I have enjoyed reading this website as there are many, many familiar names.

There is a daughter asking if anyone knew her mother Hester Rijkebusch. I do remember the name. I think they were part of the Kilombero Sugar Scheme and I remember a Rijkebusch at Iringa.
Extract ID: 5568

See also

    * Ol Molog
    * Campbell Webb
    * Joan Webb
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Joan Webb
Page Number: 2008 02 24
Extract Date: 1946 to 1959
Ol Molog

I recently was made aware of your ntz.info website. It has been wonderful to read about all our old friends --- my husband, Campbell, and I had a farm at Ol Molog from 1946 to 1959.

Our son, Stuart, went to Arusha school. He recently returned there with his son in January of this year, finding the school in good shape. He also was pleased to find our house on Ol Molog still in good condition.

I would be very pleased to share some of my memories, if you are interested.

(Haslemere, UK.)
Extract ID: 5569

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Giles Dingwall
    * Cyril Hamshere
    * Andy Hannah
    * Miss Jewell
    * Bryn Jones
    * Huw Jones
    * Birgit Lund
    * Lisette Moulinie
    * Lesley Teasdale
    * Katherine Tregarthen

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: S. Lisette Micek (Moulinie)
Page Number: 2008 02 24
Extract Date: 1957 - 61
Arusha School Alumnus (1957 - 61)

What a wonderful surprise reading all the memories of school life in Arusha...

The tortoise was my silent witness to all those anxious thoughts and fears of the tacky and the innocent errors in judgement mentioned by Andy Hannah.

I think of an Italian girl (possibly Andrea?) whose cries we heard as we cringed in our beds while she got the tacky for daring to use the toilet after 'lights out.' Where was the logic? So, we wet the bed and that was OK?

Even lovable Miss Jewell, gave the tacky to 3 girls who filled their skirts with the beautiful jacaranda blossoms and lay in wait behind a tree to surprise her with a tribute of showering petals. I missed the punishment only because I was late to the surprise event.

I was in love with Huw Jones ;) and would beg off those Sunday afternoon walks to play cricket with him...Would love to know how he is...His Father was so sweet. I was in Huw's class and I believe his Dad taught French and would ask me to pronounce the words for the class (we spoke French at home).

There was Margaret in the front of the class who had the most infectious giggle... Bryn Jones would say, 'Now, who's tickling Maggie...' leading to another 5 minutes of hysterical giggles.

Who was the strict head matron who always did those frightful tapestries....her houseboy was not to be trusted around little girls and on one errand to her flat I discovered the speed with which I could descend the stairs.

Who was the music teacher with the blue rinse and glass eye who taught knitting?

The beautiful pianist with the perfect french roll hairdo.

The kitchen lady...very stern, who picked up all the bread crusts from under the table one night and had them displayed to us by Mr. Hampshire. What a lecture that was.

I too remember the 3 elephants from the John Wayne film who were brought to the field. A few were chosen to ride then they turned on the sprinklers so that the elephants could play. We also stood along the side of the road to watch the filming in action.

Some names of students I remember: Huw Jones, Birgit Lund of Moshi where I too spent Half Term, Giles Dingwall, Lesley Truesdale and Katherine Tregarthen whose Mum was gorgeous and brought us lollies at the Sanitorium.

Love your website...a healing experience.
Extract ID: 5570

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Stuart Webb

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Page Number: 2008 02 24
Stuart Webb - Arusha School 1948 - 1953

Our son, Stuart, went to Arusha school. He recently returned there with his son in January of this year, finding the school in good shape. He also was pleased to find our house on Ol Molog still in good condition.
Extract ID: 5596

See also

    * Majorie Borissow
    * David Holmes
    * Jane Holton
    * Birgit Lund
    * Karsten Lund
    * Lisette Moulinie

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: S. Lisette Micek (Moulinie)
Page Number: 2008 02 27a
Extract Date: 1957 - 61
Arusha School feedback

I've spent hours discovering the various messages, photos.

I recognized and remembered Jane Holton from her photo, and Marjorie as well.

I remember the school photo, and the discipline it took to get us all to sit still and squeeze in! I am in the 2nd row, 5th from the right with short brown hair.

If Karsten Lund reads this, I would love to have his sister, Birgit's contact information.

Also David Holmes -- a family friend--who lost a shoe out of the train window on the trip to Arusha. I would get on, I believe in Morogwe at 10 pm and we'd arrive at 1 PM the next day. The highlight of the trip was anticipating the bathing villagers in the rivers along the way.

Someone mentioned an earthquake in 1963, after my time. There was another one in 1956 thru 59 because in the long dormitory, with the highly polished floor, when we awoke in the morning our beds had slid across the room and were quite out of order--slippers everywhere. We were fascinated.

I often think of the matron waking us up very early, carrying her little alcohol jar of thermometers as she walked from one bed to another popping in the thermometer, shaking it down, while her shoes squeaked on the polished floor. She always seemed to find one child with a fever.

There was an annual event, possibly sports day, when there was a parents race. One Mum was tall and ran really fast and always won the race.

And later: (4th March)

Lisette Moulinie is the way I was known at Arusha School.

I have gleaned some answers to my own questions from your website since I wrote...

Mrs White was the music teacher with the blue rinse hairdo.

I believe Leslie's surname was Teasdale and she came from Moshi.

I have actually connected with Birgit Lund this past week and look forward to continuing our relationship after 50 years!

I live in California, a long way from Arusha, and work as an Occupational Health Nurse in the semi-conductor industry. Thank you again for maintaining such a wonderful website.
Extract ID: 5572

See also

    * Tepilit ole Saitoti

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Nancy Joan Fletcher
Page Number: 2008 02 27b
Tepilit Ole Saitoti where is he now and what is he doing?

Did Tepilit ole Saitoti get elected in 2005. Is there any thing I can do here in the US that can support what he is doing for the Maasai. I had an encounter with the Maasai that changed my life for the better and would like to do what I can to repay the great benefits I gained.
Extract ID: 5571

See also

    * Mbeya School
    * Judith Ward

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Judith Andersson (nee Ward)
Page Number: 2008 02 28
Extract Date: 1954-1958
Mbeya School 1954-1958

Trying to connect with anyone who was at Mbeya during this period. Fond memories - unfortunately no pictures. Would like to construct a sketch (from memory) of the 'river garden'. We were a Barclays family living in Dar.
Extract ID: 5573

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Eunice Bilall
    * Ms Ngowi

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Eunice Bilall
Page Number: 2008 03 02
Extract Date: 1977-1983
Arusha school in 1977 to 1983

hi to anybody who was in Arusha school in 1977 to 1983.

my brothers and I were there around that time, and we have been tryn to trace old pals to no avail. So when I stumbled on this site ,u can not begin to imagine how exited I got,

was shocked to hear that miss Ngowi is still there all the best miss Ngowi keep it up. And the totoise how wonderfull is that.

I was a dormleader in fith dorm, mrs tito was our matron then. Pliz if anybody remembers me and my broters ie Eric and Robert Bilall get in touch pliz for old times sakes.

People like Ahsura alli christina abudlaziz, Ahadi Karume, Aska Karume, Aysha Karume, Rukia Baruti, Ronald Lwakatare and his brother, Asinati Andrew, haikaeli Andrew,

gosh the list goes on and on. we are ugandans,I live in the uk now but my brothers are in uganda and doing well.
Extract ID: 5575

See also

    * Clement Gillman

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Andrea Lewis
Page Number: 2008 03 02
Gillman's Point

I came across your page while researching my great grandfather. Clement Gillman. You may be interested in his biography; Gillman of Tanganyika. 1882-1946. The Life and Work of a Pioneer Geographer. By B.S.Hoyle.
Extract ID: 5574

external link

See also

    * Richard Dawtry

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Richard Dawtrey
Page Number: 2008 03 05
Travelling to school by bus - picture, and life in Tanganyika

A new book about me and my family's life in Mbeya can be found on the website; www.wildlifemurramandbush.com
Extract ID: 5594

See also

    * Arusha: Clock Tower
    * Arusha: St. Constantines
    * Galanos

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: George Kechris
Page Number: 2008 03 06
Galanos clock tower of Arusha

Yes , the clock tower was built by Galanos , a greek millioner who came in tanganyika at early years of the 20th century . He was from a mountainous greek village and came here as a poor young boy . He also built the Saint Constantine School for greek pupils . In this school found hospitality hundreds of greek children in the 50s and 60s , between them and I.

SOURCE: Book 'greek of diaspora - tanganyika ' of Tsontos ,a Cypriot author resident of Tanganyika - published in 1953.
Extract ID: 5597

See also

    * Barbara Matuchniak
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Barbara Epler Matuchniak
Page Number: 2008 03 07
Extract Date: 1942-1948

I am working on the book about Tengeru where I spent 6 years since Novemver 1942 to October 1948.

I have lived in archives, both Polish an British in London for the past several years, and have considerable amount of documentary knowledge. Unfortunatelly some of the information that appears on internet lacks authenticity and even misinforms.

I am greatly interested in any photographs as they speak volumes, more than words.

Thereforo any photos will be greatly aqppreciated. I am so pleased that there are people, here that seek to know the truth and not just tell tales.
Extract ID: 5598

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Eric Bilal
    * Kisamba Tambwe

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Eric Bilal (nickname ) Bilauli
Page Number: 2008 03 13
Extract Date: 1976 - 1982
Eric Bilal (nickname ) Bilauli - Arusha School 1976 - 1982

Hi to all Allumni of Arusha School ,

I was there between 1976 to 1982 .I came from Uganda tho every one thought we were Tanzanians ,( such was the unity in diversity st the school),My sister was Eunice Bilal and my brother was Robert Bilal .

I had lots of close friends and it's a pity I cant trace them .If the following are still up and kicking please Holla:

Mao and Juliet Luangisa ,

Kisamba and Hanifa Tambwe ,

Kubo Kalala and sisters,

Patricia Shango ,

Esther Amule ,

David Tembo,

Issa ,

Franco Shomari.

David , Flora and Lucy Moshi ,

Amani Mhlanga,

the Andrews,

Asinati and Haikaeli ,

Andrew Gumbo,

John Herriel,

Sunday Haule (used to be very quiete)

Flora Ngowi

the Lwakatares Ronald and George

gosh they are so many and I have fond memories of them . Where is Robert Ojok ?

I havent had the time to go back to Arusha but will do so soon.

Extract ID: 5599

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Michael Chessman
    * D.C. Nettelbeck

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Michael Chessman
Page Number: 2008 03 16
Extract Date: 1971-
Michael Chessman - Arusha School - early 197-'s

This school was formative for my schooling in the best sense of British idealism given the great staff there mainly from Australia - the very brilliant Mr. David Nettelbeck our Headmaster and others under his command. I was called Mohamed back then as an adoptee first name although it was indeed inappropriate as it turned out and had to be shrugged off entirely as I came to my senses altogether in this regard.

I now lead the Euro British Coalition, based in Canada that aims for a Euro entity to come into being under the Irish/Australians in fact on the Euro continent of course!

Later (18 April 2008):

I was there early seventies 1971- and in fact Nettlebeck had left at the end of my stay at the school, having been replaced by an indeginous personal from the army, a sergeant in fact. (as such Mr. Nettlebeck was no longer at the school by the mid seventies)

I was awarded the prize for Mathematics and for Drama elocution in addition by Mr. Nettlebeck personally. I was also top speller!

I was also dorm leader during my time there. I once fractured my leg in a soccer mishap and Mr. Nettlebck had to drive to the capital to obtain some plaster of paris for the local hospital to apply!

I have been in touch with David Nettlebeck, who made contacts recently
Extract ID: 5600

See also

    * Warna Hewitt
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Warna Hewitt
Page Number: 2008 03 20
Extract Date: 1957 -61
Warna Hewitt Mbeya School 1957 -61

I was at Mbeya School late 50's early 60's and remember Mr Morgan, Miss Thompson (who I met in Brazil)but very little else. Would love to hear from anybody who has been there recently as my son is going there in July and would love to tell him the address and how to get there. I was in Stanley house and remember the long dining tables, you could only have 20 people to your birthday party, and also remember the man with the drum who let us know when it was dinner time. As I lived in Moshi and also Lindi, I used to have to fly to school, but remember that we were the last to arrive and the last to leave.

Include_feedback: on

Date: 20-Mar-2008
Extract ID: 5601

See also

    * David Allen
    * Jack and Marjorie Allen
    * Richard Allen
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan
    * Sao Hill

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Richard Allen
Page Number: 2008 03 23
Extract Date: 1950-61
11 years of my life in Northern Tanganyika

Having been born in Arusha in 1950 and living the next 11 years of my life in Northern Tanganyika I find the personal memories of others in your website interesting and fascinating.

Many thanks for your hard efforts.

My 11 years were spent, along with my family, in the villages of Kondoa, Babati and finally Biharamulo, West Lake Province. My memory of years isn't too bright but we lived in each location for approximately 3 years before moving on to the next, except Kondoa where my Father John 'Jack' Allen spent 2 tours.

My early education, along with my brothers David Allen the elder and Robert Allen the younger, was undertaken in the HRH Aga Khan School, Babati, where my Mother Marjorie Allen was the teacher and co-founder of the school. Brother David started at Mbeya School at some stage during this tour in Babati.

On moving to Biharamulo in 1958/59 my younger brother and I were sent to Mbeya School and David started at St Michaels, Iringa. I have many happy, and some more painful, memories of Mbeya. The House (Wallington) Matron living in her flat at the end of the dormitory, The fear of the House Masters flexible black rubber 'tacky', Mr Morgan (I think) running the Cub Scout pack. Birthday teas, Saturday letter writing home followed by a visit to the Tuck shop and a film in the afternoon, Sundays visit to the River Garden, and many more.

On my Mothers death I found that she had kept a large number of those Saturday letters home and amongst them was a sketch of the River Gardens as drawn by a not so budding artist. This last may be of help to Judith Anderson

On a different tack, before his death, my Father wrote part of his life story. The story begins in Notttingham, UK, and goes on to his move to Tanganyika in 1928, at 13 years old, with his parents to an estate in Sao Hill. It tracks his life in the nTZ area during the 30s to joining and leaving the East African Army between the years 39 - 42. Unfortunately he didn't have time to continue the story further.

I have now copied this story to PC along with photos taken at the time and would be happy to pass on a copy to you if it interests you.

By way of interest, Sao Hill is named after the estate my Grandfather named and ran and subsequently where he built the Highlands Hotel in said place.

Again many thanks for your informative and entertaining website.
Extract ID: 5602

See also

    * Russell Bowker-Douglas
    * Mike Carroll
    * George Neary
    * Tanganyika Tours and Safaris Company

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Melinda Moore
Page Number: 2008 03 26
Searching George Neary or Mike Carroll

Your website is absolutely fascinating. You have done an incredible job with your research and the communication with individuals who were in the area in this time frame is absolutely fabulous. My most sincere kudus to you.

May I please ask,; have you come across any information on a man named Mike Carroll, who hunted with/for Tanganyika Tours and Safaris or a man named George Neary, who hunted with Tanganyika Tours and Safaris from Oct. 1957 to Jan. 1958. He later purchased Tanganyika Tours and Safaris from Russell Bowker-Douglass, during the time he was building the Maryana Hotel.

Any information about these individuals would be greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for the extraordinary job you have done with this web site.
Extract ID: 5603

See also

    * Otto Inhülsen
    * Adolph Siedentopf

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Dr. Dirk Englisch
Page Number: 2008 03 27
Adolph Siedentopf - Ngoro Ngoro

Dear East Africa enthusiast,

being at present posted in the German Embassy in Nairobi I happened to run across this interesting website about NTZ.

In a novel about a German officer taking part in the German-East Africa (GEA) campaign (Otto Inhülsen: Wir ritten für Deutsch-Ostafrika -We rode for German-East Africa - 1926) I found the person of Adolph Siedentopf thoroughly described and would like to share these information with the interested reader:

Inhülsen was on a raid to British East Africa, to confuse the British about the real low strength of the German troops in Northern GEA, which brought him from Arusha through the crater highlands almost south of Nairobi , passing what now is Norok province north of the Masai Mara Game Reserve):

> Adolph Siedentopf:

September 1915: 44 years old

Born in Hanover - Western Germany

Apprenticeship as a pharmacist.

Arrived in the middle/end of the 1880s in Dar es Salaam to work in the local German pharmacy.

Being adventurous travelled soon up country to nowadays Mwanza to trade with ivory and cattle. Begin of a close relationship with the Masai tribe whose language he learnt.

Since 1905 farmer in Ngoro-Ngoro ( received 6000 hectare of land by the German administration, although he claimed 24,000 ha, i.e. the whole crater area).

1 "young wife", no children so far (9/1915).

Later constant quarrel with the administration because of the meanwhile established Masai reservation in the area, not allowing settling and farming anymore.

Had 6 former ascaris from the Belgium Congo province as bodyguards and lived peacefully together with 20 Masai families, who had lost there livestock during the rinderpest (1915: 1000 cattle). Boor farmers helped him to build his farmhouse in "boorish style".

Interestingly Inhülsen mentions in his book that during his visit in 1915 Siedentopf´s brother lived in the crater, too. Inhülsen entered the crater from the South East side (possibly on the present SE descent). After 2-3 Km (!) at the Lemunge River the farmhouse was situated. I.e. not in the NE of the crater, where you can visit the remnants of a German farm today: is it possible that these are the ruins of his brother's farm? Are there still ruins in the SE area of the crater?

Inhülsen describes Mr. Siedentopf as a very impressive, tall, energetic and tough person, which nevertheless was very sympathetic and humorous. He entertained the visiting officers over hours with funny campfire stories - "Once you learnt to know him you would never forget him". Inhülsen met him again in Summer 1916 in the POW camp in Nairobi, where Siedentopf meanwhile had developed into the sports champion of the camp.

There the description ends.

Having emigrated into the US in post war Germany with already inflation in 1919 (having lost possible family property in Germany), famine, political turmoil, unemployment and economic depression - considering my family's history - appears plausible to me. This goes even more for somebody used to the free and different live in Eastern Africa...

Suicide in 1932 around 72 years old , if really committed, could than have been caused by chronic disease or the 2nd economical break down in Adolph Siedentopf´s live, during the great depression after the wall street crash in 1929.

If these additional information will help to bring more light in the life of Adolph Siedentopf, please let me / us know.
Extract ID: 5604

See also

    * Dar Mutiny

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Aziz Khan
Page Number: 2008 03 29
Extract Date: 1964
1964 Mutiny

I was a school kid in Tabora. An Arab origin man was shot dead and a few people were roughed up. My elder sister, the assistant head of the school, escorted a troop of kids (arab origin kids in the majority!)away from school, past armed mutinying soldiers looking for arab kids to rough-up, to the safety of our homes!
Extract ID: 5606

See also

    * Frank Notley

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Chris Browne
Page Number: 2008 03 31
Frank B. Notley

I am doing some research to find out as much as possible about my grandfather Frank B. Notley who settled in Oldeani and built a coffee farm.

I keep coming back to your web site that has snippets of information, and I am wondering whether you can point me in any number of directions that would help me learn more about his time there.

Things I have found include references to various papers on coffee leafminers, a mosquito that he found, his wife Violet's work on dried foods for solders.The latter my Mum says were frequently revolting!

Really appreciate the work you have put into the site and look forward to hearing from you.
Extract ID: 5607

See also

    * Arusha: Temi River
    * Bauer Mill
    * P. Gatter

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: P Gatter
Page Number: 2008 04 07
Channel of the flour mill that my great grandfather built

When in Arusha last week I was so lucky to find the channel of the flour mill that my great grandfather built along the Temi in 1911, see attached picture (that's me in the photo). It starts about 100 meters north of the railroad bridge and carries on up north for about 300 meters - It is fed by three spings surfacing next to the Temi.

The house is unfortunately gone. It was exactly at that spot where the railway is crossing the Temi now.
Extract ID: 5609

See also

    * Bauer Mill
    * P. Gatter

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: P. Gatter
Page Number: 2008 04 07a
Extract Date: 2008
Bridge and mill

Today the mill and house of the Bauer's have vanished. They had been built at the spot, where later the railroad bridge would pass the Temi. The canal has however survived, even part of the concrete lining in its lower part is still existent. It runs for about 300 meters on the eastern side of the Temi, and joins the Temi some 150 meters north of the railway bridge. Since the Temi has changed its course over the past decades, it has destroyed the lower part of the canal, but some of the concrete elements are still found and are today used as a favourite spot of locals washing their clothes in the river.
Extract ID: 5614

See also

    * Bauer Mill

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: P. Gatter
Page Number: 2008 04 07b
Extract Date: 2008
Concrete elements

Extract ID: 5615

See also

    * Victoria Brennan
    * Iringa
    * Itigi
    * Mbeya School
    * Bill Morgan

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Victoria Brennan
Page Number: 2008 04 14
Victoria Brennan (nee Butler) Mbeya school Jan 1961-July 1963

I started at Mbeya School Jan 1961, the headmaster was Mr Morgan. I was in Stanley House and remember being able to climb the Fir trees around the sports field, the swimming pool being built, picking up litter before the Saturday evening films, the drummer annoucing mealtimes, shoe cleaning on the grass in front of the dorms, and being taken to see the Walt Disney film Sleeping Beauty in Mbeya. The huge bonfires for Guy Fawkes across the stream, and the Kite making competition and the three horned chameleons. The awful TAB injections and the fancy dress party at the end of the year. Saturday evening Scottish dancing(being wisked through the Dashing white Sargeant with Mr Morgan) and the yearly House sing competition with it English Country songs.

The school closed down July 1963 and we were incorporated into Arusha School for the last term of the year.

I was born in Mahenge and we had to pick up the bus at the Mikumi stop. There were two bus loads of children from Dar and Morogoro and we overnighted at Iringa, girls in the White Horse Inn and boys in the Railway Hotel, this was reversed on the way out, Later when the numbers had dropped we all stayed at the railway hotel. One term the bridge on the Iringa road washed away, so we were bussed up to Itigi, overnight, to catch the train. My sister Judith joined me at the end of 1961 and was the smallest person at school and we were known as Big Butler and little Butler.

I am now fascinated by the curiously dated slang that we used and never came across at any of the other boarding schools I attended. Bosch for rubbish and the use of surnames only.

Thankyou for the interesting Website. I don't recognise any names but would love to hear from anyone who was at school with me.
Extract ID: 5625

See also

    * Eileen Rose Balson

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Sandra Finn
Page Number: 2008 04 15
Extract Date: 1950
Eileen Rose Balson

My name is Sandra Finn [nee Phryce-Jones] I was born in Kitale East Africa in 1949.

My father was Philipe Phryce-Jones who married Eileen Rose Balson I have been trying to find my mothers family for many years and was wondering if Eric was my mothers brother she also had another brother called David,

Unfortunately my mother died in 1950 in Nairobi,then my father took me to England,

He also has passed on that is why I am still trying to find out more myself regarding my mothers family .

I would be so happy to find out this side of my family and look forward to your reply.
Extract ID: 5624

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Nandine Nagy
    * Wendy Sykes

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Nandine Nagy
Page Number: 2008 04 17
Extract Date: 1961-1965
Nandine Nagy ~ Arusha School 1961-1965

I love your site.

I hope in a year or two when I retire to find more time to go through it. For me Arusha will always be my home town although I have not been there for many years.

My attention was caught by the contribution by Wendy Sykes, ID 2176. I am the Nandine (von) Nagy she refers to in one of her messages. I would very much like to contact Wendy again.

Is there a way you could put me in touch with her?

Many thanks for your website and efforts.

Nandine Nagy

(went to Arusha School 1961-1965)

Now living in Vienna, Austria.
Extract ID: 5626

See also

    * Ossie Barratt
    * Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Pat Brown
Page Number: 2008 04 21
Genealogy and ancestors of Oswald Horner Barratt

I came across your website while doing a Google search for information on Barrats and South Africa.

I was a third cousin of Thora Ulyate's (Robert Valentyne Ulyate married Julia Hephzibah Brown, my first cousin thrice removed) and I have been trying to find more information about Oswald.

The reason is two-fold. Firstly his ancestry is a bit of a mystery and I love solving mysteries. The second is that my wife is also a Barratt and I have been trying to determine if there is any relatuionship between the two families.

Her grandfather, William Stredder Barratt moved from the Transvaal to the Eastern Cape (Graaf Reinet) just before the Anglo Boer War and was a successful ostrich farmer until the crash in the feather market.

We have battled for years to piece together her family tree and I have managed to put together quite an extensive tree but I still have some loose ends to tie up. One of these is Oswald and the other is Albert Barratt who moved from the Ficksburg area of the Free State to the Eshowe area of Natal.

I would be grateful if you could help me expand my research or put me on to someone who can help.
Extract ID: 5629

See also

    * Arusha School
    * Ronald Lwakatare
    * Ms Ngowi

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Ronald Lwakatare
Page Number: 2008 04 24
Extract Date: 24-Apr-2008
Miss Ngowi is retiring

Miss Ngowi, currently the longest serving teacher, is retiring as a teacher this year 2008.

I recently (February 2008) visited the school and had talks with Ms. Ngowi, the Headmaster Mr. Kaniki and Music Teacher Mr. Liheta at different times.

We have in principle agreed to have a music show in Dar towards the end of this year in honour of Ms. Ngowi.

I think the success of the event will depend on willingness of fellow alumni to participate in the preparations.

We need to find a venue, accomodation for the students (most will be at their parents homes) etc. For those interested please let us be in touch. My mobile is 0754268568.

The school is currently undergoing major rehabilitation. I saw the kitchen, swimming pool, laundry place being rehabilitated. The bathrooms now have solar power heaters for hotwater. I am informed that rehabilitation is going on and will also cover the assembly hall etc.

If you get time while in Arusha try to pass by and see the school.
Extract ID: 5630

See also

    * Rosy Goodman
    * Birgit Lund
    * Lupembe
    * Mbeya School
    * Erika Roe
    * Peter and Eileen Roe
    * Sally Roe

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Sally Hughes-Ross (maiden name Roe)
Page Number: 2008 04 27
Extract Date: 1958
George Rushby's book

How absolutely amazing to stumble upon your web site and also discovering that my sister has added my parents names!

I typed in George Rushby's book 'The Hunter is death' because I borrowed it from my father many years ago and have now lost it in the many moves I have had.It was a rather cherished book because we lived in Georges old house in Lupembe. We moved there in 1958.

I went to Mbeya School for all of one term in 1958 and was desperatly unhappy. I wonder wether anyone remembers me wetting my knickers because the teacher wouldn't heed my desperatly extended arm, and then to add insult to injury she put my knickers out in the sun outside the classroom with name tape fully visible...tis the only time in my life I wished the ground would open up and swallow me !

Coming back to the book I would be most grateful if you could tell me where I might find another copy.

Also if you could put me in touch with Birgit Lund and Rosie Goodman (Peacock) I would be thrilled as I went to the convent in Nairobi with them.

A great website well done.
Extract ID: 5628

See also

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Marie
Page Number: 2008 04 27
We moved to Arusha I was about 6 years old

Very interesting to read you and your family.

have you recently visited Tanzania ohh you should go take your family a lot of change.

I and my family we onced lived in Morogoro that time my father was a Tax man as an income tax regional officer and we moved to Arusha I was about 6 years old.

After 22 years we asked my father to take us so that we could see our old house it was a very nice feeling ever we took picture with all the memories.

I am a Tanzania now based in UK
Extract ID: 5633

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Clary Palmer-Wilson
    * Donald Palmer-Wilson
    * Michael Palmer-Wilson
    * St Michael's and St George

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Michael W. Branham (Palmer-Wilson)
Page Number: 2008 04 28
Extract Date: 1950's
Clary and Donald Palmer-Wilson

I saw this fantastic website and all the communications between former schoolmates and families/friends looking for each other. I would like to get in touch with Robert Palmer-Wilson, one of my half-brothers. That way I can update him on some things. In case other friends are open to getting in touch, a little background on the Palmer-Wilson clan! I went to school in both Kongwa School and St. Michaels & St. Georges in Iringa.Would like very much to get in touch with old mates! I moved to Alaska in 1964 - worked in Africa part of each year since then.

For Robert Palmer-Wilson - last time I visited with you was in London about 1966. Our father, Clary Palmer-Wilson moved to the USA in 1985. He passed away living with me in 1996. Donald Palmer-Wilson, too moved to the USA and he passed away about 12 yrs. Ago. If you want to email me, we can be in touch again and I can fill you in on the rest of the clan. I am in London several times a year for Board meetings and in East Africa once or twice a year for activities - so we can meet easily.

Cheers! Mike
Extract ID: 5632

See also

    * Donald Palmer-Wilson

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Michael W. Branham (Palmer-Wilson)
Page Number: 2008 04 28
Donald Palmer-Wilson

Serena - my half brother Donald Palmer-Wilson passed away about 12 years ago, here in the USA. He and I never communicated much so I do not know where he was nor any other details. Sorry to bring you this news.

Take care.
Extract ID: 5631

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Nigel Birch
    * Nick Cashin
    * Michael McPhillips

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Nigel Birch
Page Number: 2008 05 03
Extract Date: 1963-1965
Nigel Birch ~ Arusha School 1963-1965

I attended Arusha school from about 1963-1965, boarding for the last 2 terms. My father was Dr Norman Birch, who worked in Arusha, then moved to Tanga and finally Dar es Salaam. My memories of Arusha school are distant - I was only 9 when I left. I remember the tortoise, snakes kept in a tank by the headmaster - Mr Jones.

I remember an earth tremor that frightened the life out of me. Also I had measles and ended up in the san and missed sports day.

The family friends we had were the McPhillips a large catholic famaily - Mrs McPhillips being a doctor and Mr McPhillips a magistrate. Also the Cashin's - Nick was a friend. Mr Cashin worked for Pubic Works - on roads I believe.

Good to see a website with memories from people of that time.
Extract ID: 5654

See also

    * Mrs. Margot Rydon
    * Ernst Udet

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Lars Urban
Page Number: 2008 05 07
Extract Date: 1924
Margot Rydon

I´m writing you on behalf of Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin/ Germany. In connection with the restoration of an aircraft of our collection it would be very important for me to get into contact with family members of Margot Rydon.

The aircraft was once owned by a famous pilot. His name was Ernst Udet. In 1924 he came into contact with Margot Rydon. By that time her name was von Einsiedel and it would be very helpful to know something more about her and her relation with Ernst Udet and maybe some documents or memories have survived which can help us with our restoration project.

I think that there is a possibility for that since Ernst Udet was for movie work in Tanzania from November 1930 to March 1931.

Yours sincerely

Lars Urban

Aeronautics Departement

Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin

Can anyone help?
Extract ID: 5655

See also

    * Ossie Barratt

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Greg Taylo
Page Number: 2008 05 13
For Pat Brown: Regarding Oswald Horner Barratt

I found your query regarding the lineage of Oswald Horner Barratt and William Stredder Barratt. I believe I have a link between the Stredders and Barratts:

A Frederic Reeves Barratt married an Elizabeth Stredder in London in 1845. They had at least eight children (Maryanne (1847), Alfred (1853), David (1855), Septimus (1857), Frederica (1859), Felicia (1861), Georgiana (1863), Harry (1869)).

Please contact me if it seems one of these might be your connection.


Extract ID: 5656

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * J. van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: John van Rooyen
Page Number: 2008 05 14
Extract Date: 1952-1956
John van Rooyen ~ Arusha School 1952 to 1956

Jambo to all rafikis of the van Rooyen family of Tanganyika Packers (Van and Anna)
Extract ID: 5657

See also

    * Arusha: New Arusha Hotel
    * Ronnie Hamilton
    * Mrs. Gladys Rydon

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: David Hamilton
Page Number: 2008 05 16
Extract Date: 1947-1950
Arusha 1947-1950

I was intrequed to read about Gladys Rydon as my late father, Ronnie Hamilton, was her business partner and managed Ol Kokola estate on the slopes of Mt Meru between 1947-1950, when he left to take up a job in the growing sisal industry further 'up the line'.

My mother, Olivia, can clearly remember staying at Gladys' lovely home on lake Diluti and told me that her son David was a very talented artist. David lived in separate house on the estate where he had his studio.

My Ma was also the receptionist at the 'New Arusha' for a short time and had the nickname 'The Honeypot' for reasons that have never been made clear to me!

Ronnie was an ex-army major (Kings 4th, Burma and India) and chose Tanganyika after he was sent to train KAR troops in jungle warfare. I think he thought he had died and gone straight to heaven! The farm was situated at 7,500ft and the only transport that could get up there was Dad's US Army Jeep and his horses!

I was born in the European hospital in Arusha in 1948 and we went on to live near Voi and later near Korogwe, when I went to school up at Lushoto.

Of course Arusha was not Arusha without it's share of scandal and Ma came to stay with the Swaffin's as she was running away from her first husband, Eric Hunt! I imagine she and Dad met at the New Arusha and the rest, as they say, was history!!!

I last visited Arusha in 2004 when I climbed Kilimanjaro. The place was very changed and had lost its charm, but I hope to go back again within 2 years.

Kind regards, David Hamilton
Extract ID: 5658

See also

    * Clary Palmer-Wilson

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Clare Danks
Page Number: 2008 05 17
Clary Palmer-Wilson

My father was a hunting partner of Clary's and lived in the area and hunted with him for 11 years. We have a lot of photos, old 8mm movies and info if you are interested. I was born there in 1956. Also interested in this topic. Now live in New Zealand.

Extract ID: 5705

See also

    * George & Joan Burnett

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Jo
Page Number: 2008 05 20
Extract Date: 2008
Apiece of pottery

I have bought a piece of pottery from a car boot and beneath it there is the name 'Joan Burnett' I 'Googled' the name and have found this site. If Joan Burnett was your art teacher would she have made some pottery at some time.

This is like a casserole dish and the lid has a chickens head and tail on the top of it.

It is most likely a different Joan Burnett altogether but I'll look forward to hearing from you to find out.

I bought this in Lincolnshire England.

Extract ID: 5717

See also

    * Kidugala

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Lorenzo Togni
Page Number: 2008 05 20
Kidugala Polish Refugee Camp

I am trying to trace Dian Winkler who is researching the Kidugala story. My father, Mr Antonio Togni, a settler in the area at the time built the Kidugala camp for the British authorities and was there when the refugees arrived. My mother, Mrs Grace Togni, together with Mr Nico Panyayatopoulos, settled the first refugees into the camp.

Please contact me. Prof. Lorenzo Togni, [details given]
Extract ID: 5718

See also

    * Arusha School

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Page Number: 2008 05 22
Extract Date: 1965
Arusha School Magazine

Hi David,

I have a copy of the 1965 Arusha School Magazine and several other things includeing the Sports Day programme of the same year. I will scan and email you what I have. I kept a scrap book so lots of info in it from my years in Tanzania.

Cheers, Shaun
Extract ID: 5719

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Pat Green
    * Bryn Jones
    * Lorna Fè McIntyre
    * Michael Rothbletz

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Logan Steiner ( aka Pat Green)
Page Number: 2008 05 22
Extract Date: 1967 to 1969

Logan Steiner ( aka Pat Green) Arusha School 1967-69

I was at Arusha school from about 1967-66 to 1969, and a few names I recognise, I think I remember Fe McIntyre and definately Danuta. I had a picture of Danuta holding a 'rounders' bat. I don't know if anyone remembers me. I was the one that fell down one Sunday, cut open my leg and they had to rush me to hospital and because of that, no one went for that 'Sunday' swim. It was all because I was racing to the dining room to get the cup of hot chocolate we always had on Sundays.

I had a best friend named Dorothy and Linda (can't remember last names). Dorothy always took me home at half-term to her farm. I think her cousin was Micheal Rothbletz (not sure of the spelling) that I had such a crush on. Linda was the one that alway stuck up for me when someone teased me about being a P.Green or a Green P!!! I'd love to chat with anyone about those days. I remember Mr. Jones, the Headmaster and his daughter Peta. I think all the other teachers, except the music teacher, I'd like to forget. They were very cruel to us kids.

Do you remember the 'Leek dish' we had and everyone hated it? We didn't eat it, so the next night we were served with no dinner! Jones wife was the cook. How many times were we locked in because we didn't shower quick enough? And those midnight feasts with a tin of Milo and saved sweets from the 'tuck cupboard'??
Extract ID: 5720

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Susan Barallon
    * Victoria Brennan
    * Mbeya School
    * Maria Sossi

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Susan Hautavoine (née Barallon )
Page Number: 2008 05 25
Extract Date: 1959 -1964
Susan Barallon - Mbeya and Arusha schools - 1959 -1964

I went to both these schools and would like to let Victoria Brenan know that I travelled on those buses that went from Dar via Morogoro and Mikumi to Mbeya. I got on at a place called Soga and later at Kidugallo before Morogoro

My elder brother and sister went to Kongwa and St Michaels and St george's in Iringa

Maria Sossi from Mbeya was my best friend and when that school closed we both went to Arusha

I now live in france and would love to hear from any one that either remembers me or would just like to get in touch.

Susan Barallon.
Extract ID: 5721

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Priya Behal
    * Zainab Khanbhai

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Zainab Khanbhai
Page Number: 2008 05 30
Extract Date: 1973 - 1983
Zainab Khanbhai - Arusha School - 1973 - 1983

connecting with fellow students from Arusha School btw 1973 - 1983

Greetings from Canada.

This is a wonderful site. It helped me read about my old classmates and my wonderful teacher, Mrs Ngowi, and all the other teachers who had taught us during that time. Good luck to Mrs Ngowi and I must say that she did give wonderful years to Arusha School and I very much remember her wonderful sense of humour. She instilled a lot of confidence in her students and took out the best making them believe in themselves. I miss her and all those wonderful times. That was the best times of our lives. I don't believe that era can ever come back.

I was sorry to hear that Mrs Musana has passed away, another wonderful, pleasant teacher who was always laughing. I tried to connect with her but couldn't succeed. Can anyone help me? I also noticed that Priya Behal has communicated with this site but no contact number or add. It would be great to connect again and rekindle all the memories again. Thank you and looking forward to your emails.
Extract ID: 5723

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Eric Bilal
    * Eunice Bilall
    * Kirit Patel
    * Al-Karim Walji

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Al-Karim Walji
Page Number: 2008 05 30
Extract Date: 1980 to 1983
Al-Karim Walji - Arusha School - 1980 to 1983

Hello to all Alumni of Arusha School

Hello Everyone,

First I have to thank David for dedicating his time in putting this website together. Thank-You!

My name is Al-Karim Walji (Alka) and I was at Arusha School from 1980 to 1983. Stumbling on this website brings back a lot of good memories. The old good days!

I made a lot of close friends but unfortunately have not kept in touch with most of them. It has been a very long time yet the memories are so clear that it seems just yesterday. It would be really nice to hear from fellow classmates. If you remember me please feel free to e-mail me [via ntz webmaster]

Below are some of the Teachers and classmates that come to mind. I am sure I can think of more. Please forgive me for the spelling errors.

Bachu Mcgee

Harvinder Bhogal

John Herriel

Omani Hunt (great artist)

Kamal (great artist too)

Simona Makwaiya

Eric Bilal

Eunice Bilal

Patricia Shango

Agatha Msetchu

Kalpna Patel & her brother

Sajeda Hassanali

Gurwinder Singh (Guru)

Salma Chagani


Jaswinder Singh

Rola Carnero

Sanjay & Ajay Brothers

Edwin Mpanyu

David Ezekeil (juju man)


Komal Mandalia

Mohamed Shoeb

Murtaza Hassanali

Naushad Nanabhai

Amani Namfua

Andrew Gumbo

Peter Redding



Rashida Patwa

Mohammed Jariwalla


Mr. Y. Dalal (son Mashud)

Mr. N.Dalal

Mrs. Ngowi

Mr. Shaibu

Mr. Kaale

Mrs. Walala

Mr. King

Mrs. Buckaldee

Mrs. Musana (May her soul rest in peace)

Wow! I am sure I am forgetting so many more names.

I currently leave in Vancouver, Canada. I am planning to visit Arusha next month.

Extract ID: 5722

external link

See also

    * John (Jack) Richard Allen
    * Richard Allen

nTZ Feedback, 2008
Extract Author: Richard Allen
Previous Feedback / 2009 Feedback
29 June, 2009, 11:18
See also

    * Kidugala

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Clara Mackow
Page Number: 2009 01 06
Extract Date: 16-Jan-2009
where is kidugala?

Hi my father is polish and born in Kidugala, im trying to get a new birth certificate but the need to know were Kidugala is in Tanzania, can you help.
Extract ID: 5937

See also

    * Peter Middleton
    * Dr. Sanasada

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Pietro Fardella
Page Number: 2009 01 18
Extract Date: 18-Jan-2009
Dr Sannasardo

I was a fiend of Dr Sannasardo and Peter Middleton. Doctor died ten years ago. Peter is living in U.K.
Extract ID: 5938

See also

    * Renato Bottani
    * Geita Mines
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Renato Bottani
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 1955 to 1962
Mbeya & Iringa Schools

Lived in Geita from 1955 to 1962, attended Mbeya in Wallington House, then Iringa St Michael's & St George's.in Hodgson House. Great memories, but unfortunately, time is clearing the mind although some key names, Lucie Grandcourt, Ana Klimaky, Caroline Daughtry...will never fade.

I remember the fantastic train and bus rides from Mwanza to Itigi and then through the bush to Mbeya. It would just be wonderful to make contact with someone again!
Extract ID: 5942

See also

    * Arusha: Little Theatre
    * Peter Badura-Skoda
    * John Cooke
    * Anton Nelson

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 1963
Peter Badura-Skoda

Dear David,

Something for ntz, a note on Peter Badura-Skoda whose name occurs in connection with a climbing trip my father, Anton Nelson, took with John Cooke in 1963, the item is found at the end of John Cooke's narrative on Kilimanjaro, with which the following could be linked:

Peter Badura-Skoda had a home in Arusha and a music store on the street running north from the clock tower.

His wife, Rosemary, was a pianist who often played for performances at the Little Theatre.

His brother, Paul Badura-Skoda, was the Czech concert pianist of international stature, who once visited Peter in the 50's and gave a full piano recital at the Little Theatre in Arusha.

At his music store, Peter sold LPs to my father, who had begun collecting the organ works of Bach on LP performed by Albert Schweitzer, whose work in Africa was a major influence on my father's decision to go to Africa.

Before leaving California, my father had a gramophone record player outfitted to run on a car battery. Our home at Makumira did not have electricity, but we could hear classical music every evening, while he charged the battery in the car every morning on the way to Arusha or wherever.

In this way Peter and my father enjoyed a close friendship.

Chris Nelson

I continue to enjoy my 24 photos on ntz.
Extract ID: 5940

See also

    * Beaumont

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: John B. Ellis
Page Number: 2009 01 20
Extract Date: 20-Jan-2009
The Beaumont's

I am trying to trace the Beaumont family which was certainly in East Africa at the time of your mentioned safari.

Do you have any information on them at all?

Anything you may have would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards

Extract ID: 5939

See also

    * Bogdan Rozwadowski
    * Stefan Rozwadowski

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: deborah cowan
Page Number: 2009 01 21
Extract Date: 21-Jan-2009
rozwadowski (east africa safari quiz book)


about 30 years ago I spent time in kenya and other parts of africa, and it was the apex of my life's experience. During that time, I met the Rozwadoski brothers, and I have always wondered what happened to them. I have no doubt they do not remember me, but if you happen to know how they are, I'd be very appreciative if you'd let me know. Thanks!

Also, I think your bibliography is a great idea
Extract ID: 5941

See also

    * Col Willie Collingwood

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: John Wells
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 1935 to 1962
Col Willie Collingwood

Willie Collingwood, my fathers cousin was a coffee farmer in Arusha from about 1935 to 1962. We have been going through some old letters and were wondering if you have any information about Willie and his farm.

I find the information of Arusha fasinating. As a family we were in Rhodesia but sadly left in the 60s and although have visited it is seeming to get worse and worse.

Sadly my father never got to see Willie Collingwood's farm due to illness in the early 60's and then Willie died in about 1962.


John Wells
Extract ID: 5946

See also

    * Phyllis Ulyate
    * Robin Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Sally Copp (nee Ulyate)
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 1980
Robin Ulyate

Robin Ulyate is my brother and Phyllis Gray is my sister.

Robin is now farming near Iringa after 30 years in Kenya. His wife Janet and son Otto are also there.

Michael Wood was Robin's navigator in rallies. Janet is his daughter. Mike Wood died many years ago.

There are no members of the family at West Kilimanjaro now.

Interestingly, my paternal grandmother Majorie Ann left Scotland in about1880 for Africa. I now live within 20 miles of her home. Moved here about 100 years later.

Phyllis Gray (nee Ulyate) has a dairy farm in Richmon natal.
Extract ID: 5943

See also

    * Hardy Krüger

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: GVBlack
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 22-Jan-2009
Hardy Kruger

Hardy Kruger is alive and lives in Palm Springs California
Extract ID: 5945

external link

See also

    * Bjørn-Erik Hanssen

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Bjørn-Erik Hanssen
Page Number: 2009 01 22
Extract Date: 22-Jan-2009
The Leopard Man

I just want to mention that my book 'The Leopard Man' now also is available in English.

It can be ordered from the link

all the best


PS If you can't understand how to order the book via the Norwegian link, write an e-mail to the publisher.
Extract ID: 5944

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * James Eva
    * Geita Mines
    * Rüdiger Vogs

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Rüdiger Vogs
Page Number: 2009 01 23
Extract Date: 1958 - 1963
Rüdiger Vogs ~ Arusha School ~ 1958 - 1963

I went to school in Arusha from 1958 - 1963, coming from Geita Gold Mine, near Mwanza.

Since my childhood I never was able to contact James Eva, who also was a school friend of mine later in Nairobi St Mary's school.Is there a chance that I might be able to receive his a address in Cornwall, through you.

I would be very great full for a feed back.

Many thanks indeed.

Best regards

Rüdiger Vogs
Extract ID: 5947

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Richard Hatter
    * Shirley Jackson
    * Bryn Jones
    * H Tofte

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Shirley Round (nee Jackson)
Page Number: 2009 01 24
Extract Date: 1966-68
Shirley Round (nee Jackson) ~ Arusha School ~ 1966-68

Firstly can I saw what a joy it has been this afternoon to come across this site and relive so many memories. I have to say that I even shed a tear when I found a picture taken recently of the good old tortoise from my old school. I never guessed he would still be with us after all these years.

I was a boarder at Arusha School and like some of the others I have fond memories although most of the things I remember are actually of the harsh treatment we got as kids e.g.: lining up on Saturday mornings for nail inspection and the inevitable spankings for bitten nails, spankings on wet bottoms in the showers with leather soled flip flops. Ouch.

Unlike some my memories of the food are not great, I have not been able to enjoy Shepherds Pie since then, I remember corn flakes and boilded eggs on Sunday instead of the usual weekday porridge but the eggs were often occupied.

Someone on your site mentioned the dinning room boys and I certainly remember Twiga. I don't remember any teachers other than Bryn Jones of course and Matron was Mrs Toft. I think the one that was keen on the slipper was Ms De Silva and I remember she disappeared rather suddenly causing lots of speculation and gossip between us girls. I also remember the swahili teacher who had the habit of picking you up off your feet by your ears if caught talking etc.

Moving on to friends from that time I remember the first boy I kissed was called Rodger but I don't know his second name. Like another correspondent my first boy friend was Richard Hatter and I think I still have a picture of us both together. My great friends at the time were Noreen Coot who came and stayed with me in Moshi during the holidays I seem to remember and also a girl called Catherine Fagan who was Australian for Adelaide. I also remember a girl called Sally, again I cant remember her surname but we were regularly punished together at mealtimes for spilling food.

I will have to get out my old autograph book and look up some more names.

Please pass on my email address, if anyone wants to get in touch that would be great.

I think I probably have some old photos and a bit of old cine film (now on video) so please get in touch if I can be of any assistane to you.
Extract ID: 5949

See also

    * Les Brownlow
    * Vera and Ronald Jackson
    * Moshi: Trade School
    * George Taylor

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Shirley Round (nee Jackson)
Page Number: 2009 01 24
Extract Date: 24-Jan-2009
Moshi Trade School

Whilst looking through your great site I came across a couple of references to Moshi Trade School. I lived on the school between 1961-68 and have many memories of families that lived around us, Sunday tea at Kibo, safari trips etc.

My mother and father (Vera and Ronald Jackson) moved to Tanganika, as it was then, in 1958 firstly to Efunda and then to Moshi Trade School. My father taught the local boys electrical engineering. Having served in E. Africa during the war he fell in love with the place and was keen to emigrate when the opportunity arose. We returned to UK in late 1968.

There are two entries on your site from people there at the same time, one an friend of the family Les Brownlow and another entry from George Taylor who I must know but cant remember. They do have similar memories to me about curry peas and the book shop. If they or anyone from Moshi would like to get in touch please pass on my email address it would be great to hear from them.

I am sure there will be photos etc if you are interested or in an other information I might be able to help with.

Thanks again Dave for a great site. Unfortunately although I have tried to get back and will one day, so far I have only got as to Mombasa and Tsvo on a couple of occassions. Keep up the good work.
Extract ID: 5950

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Tricia Lane
    * Oldeani

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: PaTricia Lane Barton
Page Number: 2009 01 25
Extract Date: 1950-52
Kongwa School

I see in your web site an entry from Marie-Louise Sandberg (Nillson). How can I contact her? Could you send her my email address and ask her to contct me.

I had told you earlier that I WENT TO Oldeani and didn't mention that I then went to Kongwa. I love to see what many Kongwaites are up to these days.
Extract ID: 5951

See also

    * Dr Arshad Kamal Khan
    * George Oliver
    * Tanganyika Police

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Andrew Olliver
Page Number: 2009 01 26
Extract Date: 26-Jan-2009
Tanganyika Police ~ Dr Arshad Kamal Khan

I am researching details of my Grandfather who decommisioned from the army after WW1 and served in the Met. Police before joining the police service of British Somaliland. He then ended up in the Tanganyika Police force ending his days in Lushoto in the early 1960.

His name was George Olliver. I would love to know if your father ever met him or has any records of his service as they would have been serving in Tanzania around the same time.
Extract ID: 5952

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Vula Holman
Page Number: 2009 01 30
Extract Date: 1957-1960
Mbeya School approx 1957-1960

Wish to contact anyone who knows 2 Greek sisters Rena and Clara Bekiaris (not sure of the spelling) Trence Clarkson Sakis Papakristos (again not sureof the spelling) they may have moved to Greece

I was born in Arusha in 1948 and lived in Lindi - my father Jack or John Nicholas Holman worked for the East African Railways and Harbours at the dockyard in Lindi

others I remember at Mbeya Rosemary and Peter Lay

moved to Hastings in Sussex just before independence

was in Wallington House -

I remember

- the River Gardens,

- teachers houses with peach trees and avocados and lemons which we used to eat

- the archway with the bougainvillea

- the tall night watch men especially when we had to go back to the dormitory after the pictures

-I was a brownie and a girl guide there as well my sister Jacqueline Holman later came to Mbeya School she was younger then me.

- The stage in the assembly hall with the underground tunnels, the fir trees and the huge spiders

- and an African village near us which was out of bounds

- maize fields

- African boys setting traps bamboo I think for beautiful humming birds

- I was very fond of art and there were two Swiss sisters that were very good at painting

- remember the dining room

- hot coco and bananas had to queue up for them and the African beating the drum for meals

- I now live in Australia with my husband Terence Austin who used to live in Kampala and Nairobi and went to the Duke of Yorks.
Extract ID: 5955

See also

    * Andrew Kennedy
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Andrew Kennedy (Drohomirecki)
Page Number: 2009 02 03
Extract Date: 1942 - 1948
Tengeru 1942 - 1948

Mother and I were in Tengeru Polish camp during that period.

I have a collection of photos of that period and location. If of interest please contact me
Extract ID: 5956

See also

    * Avril Saddler

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Andrew Alexander Saddler
Page Number: 2009 02 06
Extract Date: 06-Feb-2009

Hello Avril I have been looking at the Saddler website and ithink there may be a connection- my fathers dad is from the Saddler bakery in forfar, he is seventy years old and his name is Andrew Mitchell Saddler but he is known as Mitchell.

His brother is Sandy Saddler the famous golfer who still lives in Forfar and his son Michael still runs the bakery in the high street in Forfar. I live in Blantyre and my dad lives in Cambuslang. I phoned him tonight and he is going to check out your website. Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk further, bye for now Andy
Extract ID: 5957

See also

    * Bruno Domke
    * Garagarua
    * General van Deventer

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Hartmut SCHAALE
Page Number: 2009 02 08
Extract Date: 1905
Gararagua Estate

while browsing your homepage I found several comments on the Gararagua farm and the various families which lived there.

I'm the grandson of the German founder of the farm back in around 1905. His name was Bruno Domke and he went to then German East Africa in 1902 as a young accountant and animal hunter for the famous Hamburg zoo Hagenbeck. Around 1905 he founded the farm, married in 1907 and had 5 children, 3 of them were born on the farm - my mother was born on a mission station near Moshi in 1914.

During WW1 the (German) 8th mounted rifles were stationed there. After heavy fighting, the farm had to be abandoned in 1915 to South African units under Gen. Deventer. My grandfather was taken prisoner by the British in 1917 and spent 2 years in a prison camp in Egypt. His family was repatriated to Germany by 1919.

Thus far my 'connection' to Gararagua! I know that my grandfather had some contact with Mr Barrat back in the 1950ies. As I'm writing a biography on my grandparents - who later emigrated to Venezuela and finally died in Portugal - I'm most interested in establishing contact to people who know anything about Gararagua and the times after WW1.

Maybe you could assist me with 'unearthing' such people in order to fill in the historical 'gap' after 1915!

Please accept my best compliments.

Hartmut Schaale
Extract ID: 5959

external link

See also

    * Arusha: Schools
    * Momella
    * Tengeru

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Brad Warren
Page Number: 2009 02 08
Extract Date: 08-Feb-2009
Schools in the Arusha Region

Our foundation is supporting schools in the Arusha region including some at Momella (Leguruki) and Tengeru. We are interested to communicate with anyone who is working with schools in Northern Tanzania or who would like to join us in their development. Some of our work can be seen at our somewhat outdated site www.adoptaschool.info.


Brad Warren
Extract ID: 5958

See also

    * Kongwa School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Valerie Hext
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1954 - 1959
Marie Louise Silsing (Sandburg) Ex Kongwa School Pupil 1954 - 1959

Have just found a dear friend (Marie Louise Sandburg ) on your site trying to contact friends from this time.

Can you please pass my details on to her.

Thank you

ex pupils from Kongwa School
Extract ID: 5960

See also

    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Anne Collinson
Page Number: 2009 02 10
Extract Date: 1958-1961
Mbeya School 1958-1961

My brother (Michael) and I both went to this school. We lived in Urambo and had to travel two days by train to get there.

I believe I was in Burton House. I remember getting the 'tacky' many times. I took the Matrons dog down to the river gardens and was not allowed to go to supper for this transgression but my friends smuggled out some bread for me I clearly remember climbing the fir trees in the playing fields - we could climb to the top of some.

My mother (Margaret Collinson) was Matron for while but not for my House.

After this I went to Lushoto School and Michael went to Southern Highlands.

I also remember being in sickbay with the chickenpox - it seems it was a good place to be.

I have found an old photo which I believe it Mbeya School if anyone is interested.

Lots of fun to find this site. I now live in Canada.

Extract ID: 5961

See also

    * Tony Hyde
    * Elizabeth Ulyate

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Tony Hyde
Page Number: 2009 02 11
Extract Date: 11-Feb-2009
Malham, Hazel and Lolly Ulyate

Message for Lolly Ulyate.

Hi Lolly,

Back in the early 60's I remember you as a very little girl on your dads farm. I have pictures of you taken at that time and will dig them out of storage for you if you would like, they are pictures you will never have seen. They weren't developed until I returned to Aden. I stayed on your farm whilst on leave from the RAF in Aden. My short stay with you has left me with life long memories and endless stories of my time with your Mum and Dad.

I am not sure how many pictures I have but I should think that there a few if you would like copies and some of my memories of that time please drop me an email.

Tony Hyde
Extract ID: 5962

external link

See also

    * Rupee

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Joe Otuke
Page Number: 2009 02 13
Extract Date: 1900
Rupee ii

I can across the email below (see link) and I am very interested to know the answers.

Please help because right now I know somebody who has the coin written Dr. Kaiser Rupee ii of 1913 the rest being same as below described and the ironbox and wants to dispose it to Kaiser foundation in return for some millions of dollars as he is told. Can I get the true facts about it.

'I am a Kenyan citizen currently residing in Nairobi. I recently came a cross an Old man claiming to have taken part in the first world war and to prove it, he un-vailed some of the artifacts that he claim he was given.

One of the items was a round copper coin with one of its sides swollen have an inscription of what he refered to as William Kaisas Head with a bird on top of it. The other side was flat with the name William Kaisa inscription on the edges,& other German wording in the mild. When placed closely to the ear & Shaken, some form of heavy liquid can be hard moving & when you fold it into your palm, it sensationalizes your hand.

Word on the street has it that this item is a lot of money.

Question (1): Is it true?

Question (2): How much is it worth?

Question (3): If we were to exchange it for monetary gains, how & where would the transaction take place.

Also shown was a Knife & a Stove egg sharped with palm tree & two Lions on the sides.'
Extract ID: 5964

See also

    * Katherine Millet
    * waMeru People

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: J. Urio
Page Number: 2009 02 13
Extract Date: 13-Feb-2009
The Meru People

With reference to the 14th of June 2001 article on The Meru People by Katherine Millett and Thomson Safaris, Inc., especially the following statement:

... "Like the 'real' names of the Wameru, which are kept secret, the traditions of Meru culture may remain hidden from outsiders, beyond the reach of German and then English colonizers, beyond missionaries of the Evangelical Lutheran church, and beyond modern government administrators. The Wameru cheerfully welcome visitors to their homes, nevertheless, to appreciate their way of life and call them by their nicknames."

are the authors talking about the 'Meru People' of Tanzania or about the 'Meru People' of Kenya (I guess the latter but using the context of the former). While the naming of babies is as described in the article, there are no hidden and real names in the 'Meru People' of Tanzania (Varwa). Instead, they are always open and proud of their multiple names (each with its meaning in that society; even new comers to that society are assigned similar names). Also, there are no such names as 'Washuka' or 'Mukami' in that society.

Great website

Extract ID: 5965

See also

    * Stan Fourie
    * Robert Hannath

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Robert Hannath
Page Number: 2009 02 15
Extract Date: 15-Feb-2009
Stan Fourie

I have been looking to contact Stanley Fourie for years now. I have seen his contribution on your site and am desperate for a contact email for him.

I now live in Australia but went to school with him for many years and enjoyed playing cricket in the passage of his parents home way into the small hours of the night.

PLEASE PLEASE can you help me
Extract ID: 5966

See also

    * Ali Redha Nathani
    * Sukayna Nathani
    * Zanzibar

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Sukayna Nathani
Page Number: 2009 02 17
Extract Date: 1960's
Want to find out about my father

I have been trying to get to know about Zanzibar a lot these days, I do not know why.

Maybe because, I was born in Zanzibar, as per my documents, in 1953,but as per my parents, 1955;in the month of September.

It does not matter, the only thing is that, I remember slightly of Shaikh Khalifa dying and being buried, as well as Shaikh Abdulla, who did not reign for long; and then came Shaikh Jamshid or Sayyed Jamshid, as we called him , in 1963, I think. Since I open my eyes, my father, the late Ali Redha Nathani, was in Politics, he was in the group of ZNP. I do know that some time or the other, he was a MP; and we used to live in the same house as Shaikh Shamte, if I am not mistaken, was a Minister of something or the other.

After the Revolution, my father was thrown to Prison as a Political Prisoner and served four or five years of the intial ten years sentenced handed down to him; and then we moved to Dar, and after that to Dubai, where my father died shortly after moving to Dubai.

I have been searching the web and going crazy , there are many pictures,of and mentions of Shamte, Ali Mohsin and all others, but I do not see a single name of my father, he was an important person, we used to go to the Palace and I remember sitting down on Sayyid Jamshid's laps, his daughter and me were same or nearly same age and we used to play together, his wife, who was Maleka then, used to like my mother's food and she used to cook a lot and send them, so how come I do not see any pictures of him , can u pls. help me find them?


Extract ID: 5967

See also

    * Arusha: St. Constantines

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Lollo
Page Number: 2009 02 18
Extract Date: 1974-1983
St Constantines School Arusha 1974-1983

Hi My name is Lollo. I went to SCS btn 1974-1983...I remember thi big tree in the middle of the playfield and the beautiful swimming pool. I also remember miss crunck...whatever but I used to think she was scary. There was 1 dorm for girls the small girls slept downstairs and the big girls upstairs.. Wow what an experience. There were two boys dorm the small boys and big boys dorm and each building had classes downstairs... I wnet to class 1B that was miss Blandford...I miss those days it was fun..and ofcourse MR STRAVROPOULOS I will never forget him. Hahaha he used to say ' I repeat if anyone ..... I repeat....

WE had two streams the English Stream and the greek stream and we had four teams Olimpio(yellow), Sparta(Green), Delphi(Red) and Athens (blue)...
Extract ID: 5968

See also

    * Emil Karafiat
    * Eliefo A. Kilutha

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Eliefo A.Kilutha
Page Number: 2009 02 18
Extract Date: 2000
Look for the books

I'm Mr Eliefo A. Kilutha

I living in Karatu Arusha Tanzania now try to look for life I'm try to looking for the History of Kisimiri Village at the online but there is no, but on my search I got the one issue which is very tuf to me because I remember when I was standard one at Kisimiri Primary is the time when Mr Emil Karafiat reach there I want to say thank for Mr Karafiat for growth up our school and when I graduate standard seven 2000 I was real enjoy because I was in good condition there is good classroom at time when I was in standard seven.

Please if you contact with me Emil pass my great to him I wishing you all the best in your daily activities.


Extract ID: 5969

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Tracy Body-Carpenter
    * Naomi Miller
    * Emma Shitakha

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Emma Shitakha
Page Number: 2009 02 20
Extract Date: 1969 to 1971
Emma Shitakha ~ Arusha School ~ 1969 to 1971

I was in Arusha School from 1969 to 1971. Does anyone have any news about Tracy Body-Carpenter Naomi Miller, two good friends of mine.
Extract ID: 5970

See also

    * Kaidi Bowdon
    * Rashna Jiwany

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Rashna Hackett
Page Number: 2009 02 20
Extract Date: 1974-76
please please help!!

I am desperate to get in touch with my former pottery teacher who taught me how to do the American Hustle- her name Kaidi (Bowden) Jones

Kind regards

Extract ID: 5971

See also

    * Lorna Fè McIntyre
    * Elizabeth Ulyate
    * Linda van Rooyen
    * Louis van Rooyen

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Lolly Van Staden (Ulyate)
Page Number: 2009 02 21
Extract Date: 21-Feb-2009
Fè McIntyre

Have been catching up with familiar faces but would like to get in touch with Louis van Rooyen & or Linda Newby as I am trying also to find Alta van Rooyen ( have forgotten her married name).

Also , stand to correction, but very sure that Fe was actually Lorna Fè McIntrye.


Extract ID: 5972

external link

See also

    * Geita Mines
    * Rüdiger Vogs

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Melvyn Park
Page Number: 2009 02 25
Extract Date: 1956 to 1958
Geita Gold Mine

I Lived at Geita Gold Mine from about 1956 to 1958.

I have noticed some names on site that I knew when I lived in Geita, one being Rudiger Vogs. Seen here


Do you have a contact email address for Rudiger?


Extract ID: 5974

See also

    * Tepilit ole Saitoti

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: David Weaver
Page Number: 2009 02 28
Extract Date: 28-Feb-2009
Looking for someone from years back.

A long time ago, in NTZ, I met professor Tepilit ole Saitoti. I wonder if you might have information on his whereabouts, or email address.

Thank you,

David Weaver USA
Extract ID: 5975

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Fiona Musana
    * Anneth-Mwasi Tumbo

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Anneth-Mwasi Tumbo
Page Number: 2009 03 08
Extract Date: 1997-1999
Anneth-Mwasi Tumbo ~ Arusha school ~ 1997-1999

hello every one!

I fall in the youngest generation of Arusha school graduates than all that I have come across here....i still hold great love for the place...those were the best years of my life.

Am currently doing my bachelors degree in biomedical sciences at the univesity of Zambia-school of medicine, I will always give thanx to those teachers who laid a great foundation for me they are so many t mention...Mr Mamiro,Mr sawaki,Mr joseph,Mrs moshi,Mr Maganga,Mrs Bigambo,Mrs Ngowi,Mr.Kiduma,r chagula,

I must admit the Alumin thing...is a brilliant idea..how far have you guys gone on establishing it,please let me know

how I landed in this web site was on my quest to know whats happening to my lower primary school teachers Fiona am sad to learn about mama Musana's death(MHSRIP)...she taught me in my 2nd and 3rd grade at 'The Play group day care center back in the days before I shifted to Arusha School.' I would really want to know wots happening to the play group day care centre if yu have any info do stay blessed all of you!
Extract ID: 5977

See also

    * Kongwa School
    * Massowia Von Prince
    * Tom von Prince

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Glynn Ford
Page Number: 2009 03 08
Extract Date: 08-Mar-2009
Tom Von Prince

There is a message from Kilulu Von Prince, ref Page 2004 09 25 Extract ID 4869. Is it possible to either obtain her email address or get a message to her, it is in relation to a Massowia Von Prince who is also a descendant of Tom Von Prince, Massowia was a student at Kongwa School at the same time as I was.

Glynn Ford
Extract ID: 5978

See also

    * Eric Bilal

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Kisamba Tambwe
Page Number: 2009 03 11
Extract Date: 11-Mar-2009
I am alive an kickin'

Holla at me Eric once u get this, we got lots of catchin up to do

Extract ID: 5979

external link

See also

    * Silverdale Farm

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Sarah Hermitage
Page Number: 2009 03 15
Extract Date: 15-Mar-2009
Silverdale & Mbono Farms

Did your family by chance ever live on Silverdale Farm Moshi? There was a small piece of land on the farm which I think may have belonged to your family.

The link shows who I am.

Kind regards,

Extract ID: 5981

See also

    * Eric Balson

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Cathie Liebenberg
Page Number: 2009 03 17
Extract Date: 17-Mar-2009
Eric Balson

Eric and Viva are friends of my in Canada. I was in Canada and started a Rhodesian club and contacted Eric & Viva to join and we had many great braais. Eric showed me his museum that he had started up in his garage, which was about 10 years ago. What a wonderful man to sit and listen to and at the time he was busy with a coffee table book about Prince Bernard.
Extract ID: 5982

external link

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Chris Austin
    * Bryn Jones
    * H.A. Jones

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Chris Austin
Page Number: 2009 03 19
Extract Date: 1956 to 1958
Chris Austin ~ Arusha School ~ 1956 to 1958

I went to Arusha (North House) from 1956 to 1958 and after that I went to St Michaels and St Georges in Iringa (Junior then Oram Houses) for the full length of the school's existence (Jan 59 to Dec 63), just like Eric Six whom I remember well.

I loved Arusha and hated Iringa. Arusha let us run wild, ride horses and, despite all the reviews, gave me a good primary education.

The horse riding was spectacular. There were a number of horses, one was a palomino carthorse who was incredibly uncomfortable to trot, but when she got into a gallop was just too beautiful, silky smooth and so powerful. Another was an ex race horse who went like the wind but was a bit flighty. And so much raw wild African bush to go haring about in! Who knows what today's health-and-safety culture would have made of it, but we made fun.

Down by the river was the training ring, but more importantly were loads of exotic fruit trees that were so strange to this little English boy, such as guavas and custard apples. And, of course, the huge avocados up by the playing fields.

My goodness, is that tortoise STILL there? We used to make it move by rubbing the back of its shell, and it had a big shiny patch then, and I always expected that it would wear through.

I remember two things vividly. One was a very small boy who couldn't have been much more that six who was completely unable to speak English, having been raised by his ayah to speak Swahili. The other was standing near the covered pathway that runs from the main building to the new girls dormitory ('thank you', Google Earth), promising myself that I would never speak the filthy language that the other boys spoke. It didn't last long, and soon I was master of two versions of the English language, one for school and the other for home!

I don't recall getting the tackie, but I was no angel, so probably was on the receiving end several times. Perhaps it paled into insignificance compared to Iringa where six cuts with the cane was literally that, on a bare bottom!

Nobody has yet mentioned BL's daughter Lynn, who was the prettiest girl I had ever seen (aged 10 at the time). I remember one boy (name remembered well) punching her on the nose and making it bleed!

BL was a great guy. I guess he has probably passed on, because I remember him telling us in one RI lesson that his ambition was to live to see the 2000th anniversary of Jesus' birth. I hope he made it. Anyone remember the History teachers name (it might even have been HA)? Taught us all about East African history, and that has been far more useful than all that stuff about the Stuarts and the Tudors!

If anyone wants to contact me they can do it via the link ... alternatively, David Marsh has my permission to pass on my true email to anyone who requests it. It would be great to hear from anyone of the period.
Extract ID: 5983

See also

    * Jane Hardy
    * Mbeya School

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Jane Wilson (nee Hardy)
Page Number: 2009 03 20
Extract Date: 1950's
Mbeya school

I was on the internet and just about to close down when the idea occurred to me to check to see if there was anything on the internet about Mbeya School.. And I came across your site .

My name was Jane Hardy. I was at Mbeya School in the late 1950s. My father was in the special branch police during the last years of colonial rule. We lived in Mbeya and later in Dar es salaam . My childhood was so very different from that of almost anyone else that I know now, that I often feel slightly apart , especially when conversations turn to childhood. It is as though my childhhood didn't really happen. And Mbeya School is possibly the most unusuall school I attended.

I was in Wallington house, being one of the few day pupils, ( as we actually lived in Mbeya), I was slightly set apart there too, and most of my friends were other day girls. I remember so much about it, but having not talked about it with anyone for so long it is all unverified. My brother, chiristopher Hardy, was there too,but he was older than me and was sent back to bording school in england after a year or too.

I would be so glad to exchange memories with anyone else. Here are some of the things I remember.

*the way it could be extremely cold in the early mornings and then very hot by lunch time when we were lining up to go into the dining hall ( I don't know if that was what it was called)

* Having an object lesson about erosion from one of our teachers, who was showing us a water eroded bank in the school grounds.

* the beautiful mountain , (mbeya peak?), that overlooked the school and which gave the school its motto, ' I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills'.

* The buildings, corridors and classrooms .. Separate from the dormitory blocks to which we, even the day children, would be sent for a rest on beds after lunch.

* Inspections of nails by a matron.

* going into the dining hall at break where we were given bread and butter to eat, ( one slice each I think). I loved this and now wonder who baked it for us.

* outbreak of measles(?) and the children who had it being put into quarentine. Which seemed very mysterious to me.

* The playing fields and playing football, which I think was quite progressive for girls.

*little wooded areas around the school and playing fields in which we used to go and play.

Well I wont go on now as I don't know if anyone will actually read this, and it feels strange writing it down... as I write I am aware of the atmosphere engendered by attempting to recover memories of that time and place. My emotional response now is of a slight sense of lonliness and uncertainty about it... probably because I was a day pupil and so a little on the periphery of things. I do remember hearing about the dreadful bus journeys that so many of the bording pupils would make to get to mbeya... it used to make me fear a change of circumstance that might oblige me to become a boarder, but that never happened. I wonder about the psychological effects that separaton from home had on some of the children. I would so much like to talk to anyone some more about this improbable and beautiful time and place.

Jane wilson
Extract ID: 5985

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Philip Mlay

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Philip Mlay
Page Number: 2009 03 20
Extract Date: 1984-1990
Philip Mlay ~ Arusha school ~ 1984-1990

I just found the website from Google and I was one of Arusha school Students

its indeed a great pleasure to see how much Arusha school is still intouch from ages to present. I was there in 1984 to 1990. it was a great time to be there taken care by teachers like

Ms Kimati, Mr Kaale, Mrs Tesha, Mr Liyeta, Mr Dalal both Y and N Dalal, Mr King, Miss Webb, Mrs D'souzer, Sawaki and Mr Chagula. I also remember Mama Ngowi and his son Amani, Mama Walala, It was also nice to be West house lots of sports day almost every year.

I am presently in France Toulouse.
Extract ID: 5984

external link

See also

    * Arusha School Tortoise
    * Mark Evdemon

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Mark Evdemon
Page Number: 2009 03 21
Extract Date: 1949
Arusha School tortoise

Habari yako, I was surfing around and found your page and was 'thrilled' to see that our mascot tortoise is still at the school. I was also reading that your name is up on the Mt. Meru climb board. My name should be there also. I graduated in 1949 and then went to Prince of Wales, in Nairobi. I left East Africa in 1957 and came to the USA.

Link is to a brief story page I made.

Write me if you feel like it....Kwaheri for now, Mark.
Extract ID: 5988

See also

    * George Brzostoski
    * Jacaranda
    * Kongwa School
    * Momella
    * Margarethe Trappe
    * Rolf Trappe

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: George Brzostowski
Page Number: 2009 03 21
Extract Date: 1950's

I loved coming across this web site. My parents, Helena and Henry, were close to Mrs Margarete Trappe.

We shared a 3-room building on Momella with her son Rolf and daughter-in-law, Linka (who was also Polish and whose full name was 'Halina'). We were in the Southern end and they were in the Northern room.

We had a lounge room in the middle of the building, and I still remember the lion skin on the floor.

I remember also there was a vegetable garden on the floor of the valley to the South, and among that garden, there was a circular swimming pool.

My father share farmed on Momella before eventually going to head up a pasture research station in Kongwa. He had 2 tours of duty in Kongwa (the first with the OFC and the second with the TAC), with one tour of duty at Urambo, where he established for the OFC the 'Jacaranda Farm' station.

I went to Kongwa School from about 1952 to 1958 with one year in London.

Mrs Trappe's daughter, Ursula, and her husband Ulrich, lived in a a nearby building. It was on the South side of a road that ran East-West, and which was also the access road to Arusha. To the West of it there was what we called 'elephant rock'. This was from where each afternoon one could watch firstly shrieking and playful Colobus monkeys emerge from the forest on the other side of the valley which was on the south side of that road, followed by many elephants coming out to feast on the vegetation in the valley floor.

Mrs Trappe lived in a lovely stone building up on the hill, facing the East (and Kilimanjaro). Nearby there was a growth of pine trees, and the source of a stram of cool clean water. It was used to power a maize grinder and other machinery in the workshop building down the hill.

I have been trying to find any information about the actual location of the original farm, and any remaining buildings. I have some photos similar to the ones in the books 'Am Fuse des Meru', and in the English language, 'Momella'.

Being in Australia now, and getting on in years, I am limited to Google Earth, and the part which may be relevant is not shown in fine resolution compared to what one can see from where the Momella Wildlife Lodge is shown.

I would be grateful for any references that might be of help.

I would like to make contact with anyone who knew people in Kongwa, Momella, Arusha or Tengeru where I was born.


George Brzostowski SC

Canberra Australia
Extract ID: 5986

See also

    * Jeff Hollyer
    * Tinker Hollyer
    * David How-Brown
    * Alan McFarland
    * David Read

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Ian Hamilton
Page Number: 2009 03 24
Extract Date: 1937
Friends of Alan McFarland and David Read

Thank you for putting together such a good web site, worthy ones of East Africa are rare.

I would like to make contact with Alan McFarland, who in your extract ID:5422, says he knew my mother Tinker Holyer when they were at Arusha School.

Furthermore, David Read in extract ID: 4176 says Jeff Hollyer and David How-Brown were to remain friends for the rest of his life, Jeff Hollyer was my mothers eldest brother, he later became a cattle buyer. I am hoping that the gentlemen in question are still alive and willing to correspond.If for any reason they are unable to communicate, say, due to poor health, could you please inform them of the connection and pass on my regards.

I and some of my siblings were born in Kampala, Uganda, we made a memorable safari in 1957 to visit my uncle in Kisumu and then onwards to my grand parents in Morogoro followed by a spell in Dar-es-salaam before coming to the UK in 1958.
Extract ID: 5990

See also

    * Lake Manyara
    * Manyara National Park

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Anon
Page Number: 2009 03 25
Extract Date: 05-Mar-2009
Update about Manyara National Park

... I see some questions in your websites (from the readres) which I could give some updates, although I would not like my name to appear on the webpage (you can reach me via my email).

The Marang Forest and the 'farms' have recently been added to the area of the national park, good for the elephants migration. The corridor to Ngorongoro, Yaeda Chini up to Lake Eyasi is under regular surveillance, further mushrooming of permanent settlements is kept on check by joint efforts (TANAPA and Districts), but it is still not completely clear of human settlement. We are giving more attention to this problem and there may be improvements of the corridor with time.

I hope this information helps, and kindly let me know if there is anything else I can provide information about. ...

Good work!!
Extract ID: 5993

See also

    * Arusha School Alumni
    * Mary and Martin Davis
    * Marilyn Dingwall
    * Charlotte Hutchinson
    * Princess Margaret
    * Mary Sharp

nTZ Feedback, 2009
Extract Author: Mary Winter nee Sharp
Page Number: 2009 03 26
Extract Date: 1956-57
Mary Winter nee Sharp ~ Arusha School ~ 1956-57

Jambo Rafiki, Habari?

What a wonderful trip down memory lane I've had since discovering your website.

My sister Eugenia (Jeannie) Sharp and I attended Arusha School in 1956 and 1957.

We knew the Davis family well as my dad, William Robert Sharp, also worked at Karanga Prisons Moshi as a Prison Officer. We used to go round with Mary and Martin Davis a lot.

I remember Princess Margaret's visit. They built a wooden archway in the town of Arusha to welcome her. She came to the school in the evening of her visit wearing a lovely yellow evening dress.

I wonder where some of my friends from Arusha are now - Charlotte Hutchinson, Marilyn Dingwall to name but two.

It would be nice to hear from anyone who remembers me.

Extract ID: 5991