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Messages - Shaun Conner

Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Awards
13 October, 2010, 16:15
Not in my day at Arusha School, 1964-1966. I doubt there would be any interest nin the place at all or this site if there was that sort nof going on all the time. Punishment where its due is fine, cant recall it being otherwise.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Awards
07 October, 2010, 17:59
I have to say i have no recollection of Arusha School being anything like a POW camp nor do i remember me or anybody else having daily beatings! I can only assume you are either talking about another place altogether or its just gross exageration! As for sexual devients dishing out the beatings you will have to explain that one, sounds like you rather enjoyed it!
Tengeru / Re: John Minnery
25 May, 2010, 12:13
Hi John,

I have now had a chance to have a look at the papers for the sale of Ogaden Estate. The forwarding address given is C/o 49 Commercial Road, Barrhead, Glasgow, Scotland. I notice he asks for a number of things to be strored until he returns from the UK! I hope this helps you, good luck but please let me know if i can help further. I was told that Ogaden Estate was named after Minnery having served there in the army. The farm is about 6 miles outside Arusha on the Moshi road, i would not describe it as being on the slopes of Mount Meru as somebody else mentioned as a possibility.
Tengeru / Re: John Minnery
25 May, 2010, 09:39
Hi John,

I will have to get into my attic to find the papers i need to check out if i have an address for Minnery. I will do this later today.Meanwhile i see that you are trying to get hold of his Army records. I would have thought his full name and rough age would be all you need. They get a bit worried about releasing info incase the person is still alive but if its pretty obvious he is dead i think they will release the info for a small charge. I have done this before. Will get back to you as soon as i can about his UK address in 1967 etc etc. Cheers
Tengeru / Re: John Minnery
19 May, 2010, 10:47
Hi John, my late Uncle, Col Terence Conner purchased Ogaden Estate off Lt Col Minnery in 1967. I have all the sale particulars and also, i think, his forwarding address. He left a huge amount of information to help my Uncle take over the farm. I will look it up and get back to you. My Uncle sold Ogaden Estatein the early 1970's to a chap called Derek Evans who was supposed to pay him part in the UK and part in Tanzania. He did not honour the agreement so my Uncle took it back and then sold it again to somebody else. It has been owned for many years now by Edward Mtee who was the former Finance Minister of Tanzania who resigned in protest at some of the goings on i believe. I visited the place in 1988 with My Uncle as i remembered the farm very well. My late father worked there with my Uncle, put in their own electricity generators, rebuild the house, spent a fortune modernising the place. Anyway i will let yolu have any informastion i can find amongst the papers i have.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha school teachers
19 March, 2010, 10:27
I couldent stand the sweet potatoe either! It all came back to me as i read your comments. I think we used to have a sort of eggy bread thing too, never liked that much either! The funny thing is, no matter what we disliked about the place, when i was sent back to Prep School in the UK i hated it and soon realised it was a lot more fun at Arusha School than i had realised!
This forum / Re: Forum Rules
23 November, 2009, 15:30
He would have been Nigerian then!
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Awards
22 September, 2009, 17:45
I have got loads of those from the mid 60's not for distinguishing myself at anythng but for "trying hard at maths" or something like that! In fact i have quite a bit of memorabilia i must put on the site. I have a Sports day programme from 1965 and lots of pics of swimming races etc. Bet there are people on this site who are in the photos.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Matrons
23 July, 2009, 16:31
I remember movies on a Saturday night too. Infact i seem to recall there were a lot of Elvis films! We used to call girls Dames and when i came back to School in the UK ,i got a lot of stick for that. I too remember the afternoon nap but the only Matron i remember was Mrs Toft. I was in the Cubs, we used to fry a lot of sausages. Loved that beautiful swimming pool too. I also remember the tree falling down in a lightening strike i thought. I was pretty young, 7 when i went there and 10 when i left but i loved it, happy days! I hated my school in the UK when we came home!