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Messages - Maureen Bailey

Arusha School / Re: Old School Mates
10 November, 2009, 20:46
Minnery, van Rooyen, Berrington, de Haaff, Rothbletz, Jolly, Woodward, de Scossa, Bovenisor, Prinsloo, Aitkenhead, Joubert, Loubscher, Coulter, Hunwick, Hubbard, Tennent, etc - what news.  Does anyone have contact or remember the afore-mentioned.  I luckily have contact with Maureen de Haaff - she is a wealth of information - she still has so much contact with ex Tanganyikans and Kenyans.  Should be in her eighties now.  She also went to Arusha school, knew all the headmasters.
Arusha School / Re: elephants
10 November, 2009, 20:06
Yes, I remember the filming of Hatari.  I was a little girl at the time and walked over (not as blase as it sounds) to John Wayne and Hardy Kruger and got their autographs - still have them till this day.  My folks took a lot of cini film of the goings on.  My Dad, Mum, brother Desmond got to stroke the cheetah.  Me - nah - was too scared. 
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School Disasters
10 November, 2009, 19:53
I remember two earthquakes.  I can't actually say I remember the one as us Roman Catholics had gone to church up on the hill and when we got back we were told about the earthquake.  We hadn't felt a thing.  The other one about the blue gum trees - I remember very visibly.  I was still very young, maybe eight or nine.  Anna Danks was my dormitory prefect (head) and Christine Prinsloo was the dorm prefect in the next door dormitory.  During the night there was a lot of thunder and lightning and suddenly an almighty crash.  I remember saying to myself that I don't care if I die - the dormitory was just flooded with light for so long from the lightning and the thunder just continued.  Next morning we went out and saw that a blue gum tree had been hit by the lighting and fell right above Christine's bed - several feet away from my bed.  I also remember being told not to touch the fallen tree as it may give me an electric shock.  It is still so vivid after more than 40 years now.