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Messages - Irvin

Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School
26 August, 2011, 10:19
My God the German nurse! remember that! and the tin mugs of quinine to ward off malaria--Mr Buckley I'm positive we knwe each other..our parents did,I'm sure..The River gardens is that where we went every Sunday morning...the sun always seemed to be shining......Burton,yes it was green
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School 1951-54
04 July, 2011, 11:15
Hello Veronica!
Yes,Bagamoyo,such exotic names,I remember as a kid in Dar, guys on bikes with baskets selling fresh fish.So you left Dar in 1972...Wow...I went back for a year in 1966.....curries on a Sunday at the Gymkhana club----dancing at the Kilimanjaro hotel.Teachers at Mbeya,Miss Graycombe? Miss Commode(sounded like that!) Do you remember ritual of exchanging sweets on a certain day each week with a little friend of the opposite sex?----so quaint......
Take care   
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School 1951-54
06 May, 2011, 12:04
Morning Veronica
Do you remember the plethora of chameleons? actually featured on the school badge....don't think the girls would have paraded around  like the boys with a pet chameleon ....always one on my shoulder...Msasani,Wow! my two brothers and I used to walk around the market there,remember piles of little dry fish on sale....suppose  you remember the vast  empty white beach.....
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School 1951-54
25 April, 2011, 11:47
I rarely discuss school days because after Mbeya I ended up at the then Prince of Wales School in Nairobi,which I hated.I lived at 561 Oyster Bay.Remember the agonising goodbyes to Mum and Dad at the station when leaving and ofcourse the delirious excitement the days before travelling back.'Today's the brush,tomorrow's the comb,next day I go home' we chanted. Ya,the Sunday nights when old Wallington sat in his lounge sipping pink gins and reading us a story as we all sat around the floor.Got the cuts 4 times!
Also when you were given your allocation of sweets you went to your current,in my case girlfriend,and exchanged sweets!-Sundays all going to a river with a big tree where we all played blissfully in the sun 
And as for that horrible tomatoe ghoulash dessert-you're right disgusting! -likd the treacle tart thing 
So many other things,