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Messages - Richard Allen

That's a photo of my older brother and myself in Kondoa taken around June 1951.
Tanganyika / A Place you may find old friends.
24 October, 2011, 11:03
There is now a group called 'Tanzanian Friends Reunited' on Facebook. Many of the posts are from individuals who were children in the 1950/60s.
Another pair of Geita pool photos!

Two sides of the Allen family.
This is a photo taken at Geita swimming pool sometime during 1961 or 62. Is this your era? If so do you think you recognise anyone?
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya Memories 1959 - 1961
04 October, 2010, 17:27
Hi John

Not sure who you are trying to contact but I've had nothing through.
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School 1955-1959
16 February, 2010, 23:16
Hi Andy,
Though your name doesn't ring any bells after 50 years we must have been friends (or maybe rivals). I also dined on the Head's table, was in his Cub group and remember the A Frame and was in the rifle group.
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School 1955-1959
14 February, 2010, 22:37
Memories. What they do to you. In my last comment I said I couldn't remember the shooting range, however, in one of my letters home I clearly stated that we went down to the shooting range on Wednesday for target practice. Ho hum
Mbeya / Re: Photos of Mbeya School
14 February, 2010, 22:18
Thanks for posting the photos Mark. They brought back a bit of depth to what I remember of the place. If you have any more of the school buildings I'd love too see them.
Mbeya / Re: Photos of Mbeya School
14 February, 2010, 21:46
Hi Mark,
Are these photos from colour slides. I just feel that the flag photo looks to be the wrong way round. In my memory the archway should be down towards the dining hall. Your photo of the kids going to lunch shows the same arch and the tall fir tree.
Not a criticism but an observation.

Regards Richard
Get in touch / Mr G C Murdoch
22 December, 2009, 16:46
Through both nTZ and my flickr photo website a Nigel Roberts has contacted me requesting any information on a Mr G C Murdoch who was the District or Settlement Officer based in Babati in 1959/60. Nigel hitch hiked up from South Africa with friends to climb Kilimanjaro. Mr Murdoch was particularly kind and helpful to him. The text of Nigel's message follows. A few of the regulars to this site might enjoy reading Nigel's trek northwards from SA:-

I have read some of your contributions on nTZ, and have especially enjoyed your photos on Flickr. I hitch-hiked through Tanganyika in 1959-60, and the District Officer in Babati, Mr G. C. Murdoch, was especially kind to me (see down towards the bottom of the following page on my website for full details: http://www.nigel-roberts.info/kilimanjaro-1959.htm). Do you (or any other people you may be in touch with) know if Mr Murdoch is still alive and -- if so -- how I could contact him? Many thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give me. Nigel Roberts (Wellington, New Zealand).
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya Memories 1959 - 1961
29 October, 2009, 16:31
Hello Paul,

It wasn't until I was reading one of the letters I sent home from Mbeya that I realised that both you and I were invited, at different times, to stay with David Sargant (Segent?) and his parents. Do you happen to know where he lived? It would have been fairly close to Mbeya.

It is, more than, highly likely that you and I knew each other and played together!

Mbeya / School Reports & Letters Home
29 July, 2009, 16:56
My Mother or Grandmother kept my letters home and my school reports. Copies of which I have attached.
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya Memories 1959 - 1961
28 July, 2009, 23:14
Hi Mark
Richard was about the same age as me. I was born in 1950. I can remember being somewhat in awe and trepidation of your Dad when I was invited to one of Richard's birthday parties. If you or Richard have any photos of the old school I'd love to see them.

Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School 1955-1959
28 July, 2009, 23:02
More great memories Anne. My older brother, David, has read my memoires and is suprised at the level of detail we remember at such an early age. The shooting range must have had a short life since I don't recall it's existence and it would have acted like a magnet for me since my ambition at that time was to become a soldier. (5/6 years later that ambition was made into reality). I think the schools motto should have been 'Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child', but it was still a good  place to be.

As for Chuck's question about the tree 'Big Uggy', The name itself came from a comic book character at the time who I beleive was called 'Little Uggy'. This tree had the look of a Lebanese Cedar with at least two very large broad branches at the right height for 7 - 11 year old kids to climb onto. Looking from the direction of the Assembly Hall it was located in the left hand portion of the strip of trees that separated the two football/Hockey fields. A track (made by little feet) ran through the centre of the strip and up through the left hand woded area towards the main road.

My mother, Marjorie Allen, did not as far as I know keep a diary in the normal sense of the phrase. However, she wrote articles on subjects that she found interesting and important. One such article was written after the occasion of the Governor of Tanganyika's visit to Kondoa on the 23rd June 1950. There was no year added to the article however the only Friday 23rd June in the late 40s/early 50s fell in 1950.

Hopefully this will give some flavour of colonial life at the time.

I have copied her writings and sketches to PC and they can be found as an attachment to this post.