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Arusha School / Re: Standard 4 1972?
Last post by Emma Shitakha - 15 October, 2018, 21:21
I am third from the left, front row!
Arusha School / Re: Standard 4 1972?
Last post by Emma Shitakha - 15 October, 2018, 21:19
Other / Re: morogoro/ mzumbe
Last post by Simon Watson - 27 September, 2018, 14:32
Hi Graham,i have been off this site for a while, but have returned to it and have just seen your post.I don't remember any of you guys, but I lived in Tanga from 52 to 61 and then Dar from 61 to 65.I played Cricket in Morogoro for Tanga,Dar and for the Tanganyika Twigas so spent many days at a Hotel there.I also used to get the Coach at the end of term from Sao-Hill School going to Dar via Morogoro.I would then fly to Tanga.I guess you still live in UK now? I am based in Gibraltar and Spain. Best..Simon.
Other / Re: morogoro/ mzumbe
Last post by Simon Watson - 27 September, 2018, 14:21
Quote from: GRAHAM LESLIE on 27 February, 2018, 16:48
Is there anyone out there that remembers us from Mzumbe were we lived from 1955-1964 , my mother Beryl Leslie was head of Morogoro school and my father was head of the local Government school in Mzumbe, we lived in Giraffe house and i Graham Leslie went to Mbaya School, my sister Josephine Leslie schooled in Morogoro. My father Ronald Leslie sadly died suddenly in 1964 while we were in the uk, we never returned.
Arusha School / Re: Standard 4 1972?
Last post by Emma Shitakha - 21 September, 2018, 20:07
Hi Val, my name is Emma Shitakha, good photo!!  My sister is Maggie. We both live in the US - me in New York. Would love to hear from you. Best Emma
Other / morogoro/ mzumbe
Last post by GRAHAM LESLIE - 27 February, 2018, 16:48
Is there anyone out there that remembers us from Mzumbe were we lived from 1955-1964 , my mother Beryl Leslie was head of Morogoro school and my father was head of the local Government school in Mzumbe, we lived in Giraffe house and i Graham Leslie went to Mbaya School, my sister Josephine Leslie schooled in Morogoro. My father Ronald Leslie sadly died suddenly in 1964 while we were in the uk, we never returned.
Arusha School / School Photo - possibly 1959
Last post by PaulC - 15 January, 2018, 17:25
A photo which was sent to me by Jane Holton (Now Cawson) of the school in (I think) 1959 or 60ish.  She's sitting far right, but if I'm in there, I've no idea where.

Also of the tortoise in c. 1995, with my son (now in the Army and quite a bit bigger)
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya pictures from 1963 a...
Last post by dbking - 29 November, 2017, 20:27
Quote from: Hilly on 25 October, 2012, 16:21
Some more pictures. Mark Rowland and his little brother, and another, as well as my sister, in the pictures below.

Rob Hill (Hilly) Stanley 59-63

Thanks for posting the photos - brings back many memories. I (David Kingsriter) was there from late 1955 to mid 1959 and my sister Joan came about a year later. I cannot remember which house I was in, but do remember being in two different dorms. I don't remember any names, unfortunately (names have never been my strong point), but I do remember wrestling with a friend almost every evening AFTER bath time and before supper. The drumbeat for meals is forever burned into my memory - dabada dabada dabadatada, dabadatada dabadatada, dabadbadabadabadabadatada, dabada dabada dabadatada .... (sorry, I couldn't resist ...!
Mbeya / Re: Mbeya School
Last post by BrianTownson - 07 October, 2017, 17:41
Hello Val,
Just a quick note to see if you are still in touch on this Site. Very interested in your postings about Mbeya. I remember you well and you brother also. I am in regular contact with Alec Wight. I expect you may remember my brother Keith who is a couple of years younger than I. We did, as you say, used to get off the school bus with Brenda & Diane Watkins, amongst others, at Ifunda (between Iringa and Sao Hill). Others were the Irvines, Maclachlans, Jones, & Ephgraves. You were the star of not only the Nativity play but also a production called Pere Marlot I believe! Hope you get this and others get to read it.
Arusha School / Re: Arusha School
Last post by PaulC - 07 December, 2016, 16:40
Re: tunnels by the river; my family lived at Spring Vale, which was a short way up the river from the school (past the prison).  The soil on the riverbank was very sandy and friable, which made it very easy to dig tunnels, and also unfortunately very easy to collapse...  On one occasion my brother John and I dug one which was luckily near the surface; it collapsed and I had a scary minute getting out.  There were lots of cape gooseberry bushes around there (physalis) which made for a pleasant afternoon otherwise.
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