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Polish Refugees in Tengeru

Started by J.Fedec, 21 May, 2014, 10:28

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Hello nTZ community,

My name is Julia Fedec, a Registered Nurse from Ontario Canada. I am currently working in the city of Arusha in Northern Tanzania. I chose to come volunteer in Tanzania for many reasons, but most importantly to connect with a land that has much history with my family. My grandmother, Zofia Nowak was a Polish Refugee living in Tengeru (Daluti district) during WWII from 1942-1948. I have visited the Polish Refugee cemetary in the village of Tengeru but I am hoping to find some information or documentation on her existance here in Tanzania during that time. I was hoping to see if anyone would have any suggestions or recommendations on how I would be able to obtain further information on my grandmother's time here in Tanzania. She was 10 or 11 years old when living here. She is the daughter of Polish solider Josef Nowak and Maria Nowak from former Belarus. Her siblings included Richard and Barbara Nowak. She moved around from Uganda then to England, and finally settling in Nothern Ontario Canada.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly for reading my email.

Best regards,

Julia Fedec


Hi Julia. My name is also Julia. My sister Krystyna and her mother (not my mother, but we share a father) Jadwiga Stopnicka we think were at the Tengeru Camp from 1942. We don't have any other info. Did you find out anything?